Westar Travel

Westar Travel Travel like locals

🌌 加拿大黃刀鎮極光追獵4日遊 | 極地光影的浪漫之旅 🌌🏔 黃刀鎮介紹 🏔黃刀鎮位於加拿大西北地區,是全球最佳的極光觀測地之一。這裡擁有純淨的夜空和壯麗的自然景觀,吸引無數遊客前來追逐極光。黃刀鎮亦蘊含豐富的原住民文化,讓每一位旅客都能沉...

🌌 加拿大黃刀鎮極光追獵4日遊 | 極地光影的浪漫之旅 🌌

🏔 黃刀鎮介紹 🏔

✨ 行程安排 ✨






自由選擇參加自費活動,或探索黃刀鎮的特色景點。推薦美食包括 Gold Range 的酸辣湯與 Sushi Cafe 的蝦炒飯。晚上再次追獵極光,捕捉這最後一晚的夢幻景象。

第4天:黃刀鎮 - 原居地

✨ 團號:AYN04

☎️電話: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
📧電郵 : [email protected]

#西星旅行 #加拿大旅遊 #黃刀鎮旅遊 #極光 #出遊 #旅行攻略
🌌 4-Day Northern Lights Adventure in Yellowknife, Canada | An Enchanting Arctic Experience 🌌

🏔 Welcome to Yellowknife
Located in the Northwest Territories, Yellowknife is one of the world's best spots to witness the Northern Lights. With its clear skies and stunning landscapes, it’s a paradise for nature lovers. Immerse yourself in the rich Indigenous culture and pristine environment.

✨ Trip Highlights ✨

Day 1: Arrival in Yellowknife, 24-hour airport pickup. Evening aurora viewing at a tipi camp with professional photography guidance.

Day 2: City tour and seasonal activities:
Fall: Canoe fishing on Great Slave Lake, Cameron Falls hike.
Winter: Snowmobiling, ice fishing with Indigenous guides, dog sledding.
Evening aurora hunting continues.

Day 3: Free time for more adventures or exploring local cuisine like Gold Range’s spicy soup or Sushi Cafe’s shrimp fried rice. Another night of aurora viewing.

Day 4: Departure after breakfast, closing the journey with unforgettable memories.

⭐Visit our website in our bio and enter the tour code for more details.

✨ Tour Code: AYN04
🌐 Our official website: https://www.westartravel.com/en/
☎️ Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 WhatsApp: (587) 889-8397
📧 Email: [email protected]

🌟 探索黃石國家公園的壯麗美景!🌟踏上世界首個國家公園——黃石國家公園的奇幻之旅,感受大自然的鬼斧神工與原始風光。在這裡,你將看到著名的老忠實噴泉,讚嘆於色彩斑斕的大稜鏡溫泉,並漫步於熱氣騰騰的泥漿池和蒸汽噴口之間。這片未經開發的荒野,等待...

🌟 探索黃石國家公園的壯麗美景!🌟


但黃石公園僅僅只是起點 — 我們的行程還包含更多剌激有趣的目的地,例如:

🌄 大峽谷與羚羊峽谷的探險之旅
🛶 布萊斯峽谷和包威爾湖的皮艇體驗
🏞️ 大提頓國家公園的巍峨山巒
🏛️ 鹽湖城與拉斯維加斯的城市探秘
🤠 傑克遜小鎮的西部牛仔風情


✨ 團號:YB8
☎️電話: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
📧電郵 : [email protected]

#西星旅行 #美國旅遊 #黃石公園 #拉斯維加斯 #鹽湖城 #洛杉磯 #大峽谷 #羚羊峽谷 #布萊斯峽谷 #大提頓國家公園 #旅行攻略
🌟 Discover the Beauty of Yellowstone and Beyond!🌟

Explore the world’s first national park, Yellowstone, where geothermal wonders and pristine nature await. Witness the iconic Old Faithful geyser, marvel at the vibrant Grand Prismatic Spring, and wander through an otherworldly landscape of bubbling mud pots and steam vents. Immerse yourself in this untouched wilderness and experience nature at its finest.

But Yellowstone is just the beginning - our itinerary offers even more incredible destinations, such as...

🌄 Grand Canyon & Antelope Canyon Adventures
🛶Bryce Canyon & Lake Powell Kayaking
🏞️Grand Teton’s Majestic Peaks
🏛️Salt Lake City & Las Vegas Exploration
🤠Jackson Hole’s Cowboy Charm

🌍Book Now and Experience the Best of the American West! ✨

⭐Visit our website and enter the tour code for more details.

✨ Tour Code: YB8
🌐 Our official website: https://www.westartravel.com/en/
☎️ Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 WhatsApp: (587) 889-8397
📧 Email: [email protected]



🌟 行程亮點:

🍂 亞加華大峽谷 (Agawa Canyon): 亞加華大峽谷是一個壯麗的旅遊目的地,位於安大略省北部。搭乘亞加華列車可以欣賞到沿途絢麗的景色,包括壯觀的瀑布、多彩的秋葉和山谷景觀。

🌊 蘇聖瑪麗 (Sault Ste. Marie): 蘇聖瑪麗是位於加拿大安大略省的一座城市,濱臨五大湖中的休倫湖。這裡是一個歷史悠久且風景優美的地方。遊客可以探索其獨特的文化、美食以及湖泊和自然風光。

⛏️ 蘇德伯里 (Sudbury): 蘇德伯里是安大略省北部的一座城市,以其豐富的礦藏而聞名,特別是鎳礦。這裡有許多博物館和景點,如大鎳幣和科學北部博物館,展示了該地區的採礦歷史和環境。

🌲 阿崗昆省立公園 (Algonquin Provincial Park): 阿崗昆省立公園是安大略省最大的自然公園之一,以其豐富的野生動植物、清澈的湖泊和壯麗的森林而聞名。遊客可以在這裡進行徒步旅行、露營、划船等各種戶外活動。

🌊 尼亞加拉瀑布 (Niagara Falls): 尼亞加拉瀑布是北美著名的瀑布,位於加拿大和美國邊界上的尼亞加拉河上。瀑布氣勢恢宏,遊客可以乘船近距離欣賞瀑布,體驗這一世界上最聞名的自然奇蹟之一。

📅 行程安排:

第1天: 抵達多倫多

第2天: 從多倫多前往蘇聖瑪麗,途經蘇德伯里,參觀大鎳幣、科學北部博物館,欣賞絢麗秋色。

第3天: 乘坐觀光火車抵達亞加華大峽谷,探索壯麗的景色、瀑布和秋色。返回蘇聖瑪麗過夜。

第4天: 從蘇德伯里前往阿崗昆省立公園,欣賞秋色,登多塞特觀景塔俯瞰美景🏔。

第5天: 探索尼亞加拉瀑布,登上斯凱隆塔,體驗尼亞加拉瀑布遊船,漫步克利夫頓山,參觀著名的冰酒廠,日間返回多倫多。

✨ 團號:AGC05

☎️電話: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
📧電郵 : [email protected]

#西星旅行 #加拿大旅遊 #加東旅遊 #出遊 #加拿大旅行 #多倫多 #多倫多旅行 #旅行攻略 #加拿大火車

🚂Follow us aboard the "Maple Leaf Train" , exploring the stunning destinations adorned with beautiful maple leaves and immersing yourself in the magnificent scenery of Agawa Canyon.

🌈Visit Algonquin Provincial Park , Sudbury , and Sault Ste. Marie , and climb to the top of the Dorset Scenic Tower . Don’t miss creating memories at Niagara Falls ! The trip includes airport transfers in Toronto, making your journey more convenient and comfortable . Whether it's your first trip or you're a returning customer, we have the perfect itinerary for you!

🌟 Highlights of the Trip:

🍂 Agawa Canyon: Agawa Canyon is a spectacular tourist destination located in Northern Ontario. Take the Agawa train to enjoy the stunning scenery along the way, including breathtaking waterfalls, vibrant autumn leaves, and valley views.

🌊 Sault Ste. Marie: Sault Ste. Marie is a city in Ontario, Canada, on the shores of Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes. It is a historic and scenic place where visitors can explore its unique culture, cuisine, and beautiful lakes and natural scenery.

⛏️ Sudbury: Sudbury is a city in Northern Ontario known for its rich mineral resources, especially nickel. It has many museums and attractions, such as the Big Nickel and Science North, showcasing the region's mining history and environment 🏛️.

🌲 Algonquin Provincial Park: Algonquin Provincial Park is one of Ontario's largest natural parks, known for its rich wildlife, clear lakes, and magnificent forests. Visitors can enjoy various outdoor activities here, such as hiking, camping, and boating.

🌊 Niagara Falls: Niagara Falls is a famous waterfall in North America, located on the Niagara River on the border between Canada and the United States. The waterfall is majestic, and visitors can take a boat ride to appreciate its grandeur up close , experiencing one of the world's most renowned natural wonders .

⭐Visit our website for more details and booking information.

✨ Tour Code: AGC05
🌐Our official website: https://www.westartravel.com/en/
☎️ Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 WhatsApp: (587) 889-8397
📧 Email: [email protected]




🚌 暢遊Jasper以南各個落基山景點
🧳 20人精品小團:小團體,更多個性化服務
🏔️ 住宿:入住冰川景觀酒店或木屋酒店

🧊 冰原體驗:
❄️ 冰原雪車:暢遊哥倫比亞冰原,感受冰原的壯麗
🚁 冰川直升機:俯瞰六大冰川,欣賞壯麗景色
🌉 天空步道:漫步在懸崖邊,體驗驚險與美景

🌳 國家公園:班夫國家公園、優鶴國家公園

🏞️ 湖泊:弓湖、佩圖湖、水鳥湖、露易絲湖、夢蓮湖、翡翠湖、朱砂湖、明尼萬卡湖、雙傑克湖

🌊 峽谷:米斯塔亞峽谷、大理石峽谷、琼斯頓峽谷

💦 瀑布:塔卡卡瀑布、弓河瀑布

🌌 更多天然美景:天然橋、驚喜角、魔鬼岩、硫磺山、螺旋隧道、莫蘭特彎道

🚐 豪華巴士和全程交通
🏨 標準間飯店住宿
👨‍💼 專業雙語(國語/英文)導覽服務
🎫 國家公園門票
🎟️ 行程中交通意外保險

📅 團號:CGV05
☎️電話: +1 (403)201-8525
📱 Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
📧電郵 : [email protected]

#西星 #西星旅行 #卡加利 #卡加利旅遊 #落基山 #班夫國家公園 #優鶴國家公園 #哥倫比亞冰原
Jasper National Park may be temporarily closed, but the Rocky Mountains are still brimming with stunning sights. This detailed map showcases most of the Rocky Mountain attractions, and our CGV05 itinerary covers many of them, providing you with the ultimate travel experience.

Additionally, the Columbia Icefield is about to reopen, allowing you to once again experience the charm of the Skywalk, Ice Explorer, and Glacier Helicopter Tours!

⭐ Itinerary Highlights:
🚌 Explore various Rocky Mountain attractions south of Jasper
🧳 20-person boutique group: Enjoy personalized service in a small group
🏔️ Accommodation: Stay in Glacier View Lodge / The Crossing Resort

🧊 Icefield Experiences:
❄️ Ice Explorer: Traverse the Columbia Icefield and marvel at its grandeur
🚁 Helicopter Tour: Soar above six major glaciers and take in the magnificent views
🌉 Skywalk: Walk along the cliff's edge and embrace the thrill and beauty

🌳 National Parks:
Banff National Park, Yoho National Park

🏞️ Lakes:
Bow Lake, Peyto Lake, Waterfowl Lake, Lake Louise, Moraine Lake, Emerald Lake, Redrock Lake, Minnowanka Lake, Two Jack Lake

🌊 Canyons:
Mistaya Canyon, Marble Canyon, Johnston Canyon

💦 Waterfalls:
Takkakaw Falls, Bow Falls

🌌 Natural Wonders:
Natural Bridge, Surprise Corner, Hoodoos, Sulphur Mountain, Spiral Tunnel, Morant’s Curve

💼 Package Includes:
🚐 Luxury bus and all transportation
🏨 Standard hotel accommodation
👨‍💼 Professional bilingual (Mandarin/English) guide services
🎫 National park entry fees
🎟️ Travel accident insurance during the tour

📅 Tour code: CGV05
🌐 Tour link: https://www.westartravel.com/en/productdetail/tour?productId=6589
☎️ Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 WhatsApp: (587) 889-8397
📧 Email: [email protected]

🧳規劃一趟完美的加拿大東部旅行,不知道該怎麼安排行程?別擔心,我們為你準備了一個超詳細的5-7天行程攻略,涵蓋了東部的精華景點,讓你的旅行既輕鬆又充實!✈️ 超值團價錢,星級團體驗, 探索加東4大名城:多倫多、渥太華、蒙特婁、魁北克城,還有...


✈️ 超值團價錢,星級團體驗, 探索加東4大名城:多倫多、渥太華、蒙特婁、魁北克城,還有尼加拉瀑布及千島湖等經典景點等你來發現!

🌟 行程亮點:
🏙️ 多倫多 – 加拿大的多元文化之都 多倫多作為加拿大最大的城市,是你探索東部的起點。你可以漫步於市中心,參觀標誌性的CN塔,從高空俯瞰整個城市,或前往多倫多大學感受濃厚的學術氛圍。隨後遊覽卡薩羅馬古城堡,精緻宏偉的城堡,獨特設計的後花園。

🌊 尼加拉瀑布 – 自然奇觀 從多倫多出發,前往世界聞名的尼加拉瀑布。你可以選擇搭乘遊船近距離感受瀑布的壯觀,或是在瀑布旁的步道上漫步。千萬不要錯過瀑布巨幕電影,了解瀑布前塵往事。隨後前往極受歡迎的直升機之旅,結合冒險和美景。

🏞️ 千島湖 – 島嶼間的美麗傳說 沿著聖勞倫斯河前行,來到美麗的千島湖。這裡有1800多個小島,每個島都有自己的故事。你可以搭乘遊船遊覽這些島嶼,享受湖光山色的美景,拍下最美的照片。

🏛️ 渥太華 – 加拿大的首都 抵達渥太華後,參觀雄偉的議會山,了解加拿大的歷史和政治。你還可以在裡多運河邊漫步,這條運河冬季是世界上最長的溜冰場。別忘了去參觀國家美術館,欣賞加拿大和國際的藝術珍品。

🎭 蒙特婁 – 法國文化的中心 蒙特婁以其獨特的法語文化和美食而聞名。你可以在舊港口區域漫步,感受法式風情,參觀聖約瑟夫大教堂和蒙特利爾塔。夜晚,在老蒙特利爾的街頭小酒館,享受法式大餐和美酒。

🏰 魁北克城 – 古老的歐洲風情 魁北克城是北美最古老的城市之一,充滿了歐洲風格。漫步在舊城區的石板街道,參觀著名的費爾蒙芳堤娜城堡酒店,體驗獨特的法式浪漫。傍晚,你可以在城堡酒店的露臺上俯瞰聖勞倫斯河,享受美妙的晚餐。


📅 團號:MTTF06、MTTF07、MTL05、MTL06

☎️電話: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
📧電郵 : [email protected]

#西星旅行 #加拿大旅遊 #加東 #旅行攻略 #多倫多 #尼加拉瀑布 #千島湖 #渥太華 #蒙特婁 #魁北克城
🧳Planning a perfect trip to Eastern Canada but not sure how to arrange your itinerary? Don't worry, we've prepared a super detailed 5-7 day travel guide for you, covering the essential attractions of the East, making your trip both relaxing and fulfilling!

✈️ Incredible group prices, star-rated experiences. Explore the four major cities of Eastern Canada: Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec City. Discover classic attractions like Niagara Falls and Thousand Islands!

🌟 Itinerary Highlights:

🧳Planning a perfect trip to Eastern Canada but not sure how to arrange your itinerary? Don't worry, we've prepared a super detailed 5-7 day travel guide for you, covering the essential attractions of the East, making your trip both relaxing and fulfilling!

✈️ Incredible group prices, star-rated experiences, explore the four major cities of Eastern Canada: Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, and discover classic attractions like Niagara Falls and Thousand Islands!

🌟 Highlights of the itinerary:
🏙️ Toronto – Canada's Multicultural Capital Start your exploration in Toronto, Canada's largest city. Visit the CN Tower, University of Toronto, and Casa Loma Castle with its unique garden.

🌊 Niagara Falls – A Natural Wonder From Toronto, head to Niagara Falls. Take a boat tour, walk beside the falls, watch an IMAX movie about its history, and try the popular helicopter tour.

🏞️ Thousand Islands – Beautiful Legends Among Islands Travel along the St. Lawrence River to the Thousand Islands. Explore over 1,800 islands on a boat tour and capture stunning photos.

🏛️ Ottawa – The Capital of Canada Visit Parliament Hill in Ottawa to learn about Canada's history and politics. Walk along the Rideau Canal and visit the National Gallery of Canada.

🎭 Montreal – The Heart of French Culture In Montreal, enjoy French culture and cuisine. Visit the Old Port area, St. Joseph's Oratory, and the Montreal Tower. Enjoy a French dinner in Old Montreal.

🏰 Quebec City – A Touch of Old Europe Quebec City offers European charm. Stroll through the old town, visit Fairmont Le Château Frontenac, and dine on the Château's terrace overlooking the St. Lawrence River.

No matter how many days you choose for your trip, we provide professional guides, comfortable transportation, and accommodation. Let's discover the beauty and charm of Eastern Canada together!

📅 Tour codes: MTTF06, MTTF07, MTL05, MTL06

For details and booking information, please visit our official website and enter the tour code in the search bar.

🌐 Official Website: https://www.westartravel.com/en/
☎️ Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 WhatsApp: (587) 889-8397
📧 Email: [email protected]

⭐從卡加利出發,開啟加拿大洛磯山脈的一日探險之旅🚐🚡 班夫纜車、班夫溫泉酒店與強斯頓峽谷 🚡乘坐班夫纜車欣賞硫磺山的壯麗景色,參觀標誌性的班夫溫泉酒店,並欣賞壯觀的強斯頓峽谷瀑布。📅 團號:BL01🏞️ 三湖探險:夢蓮湖、露易絲湖與翡翠湖 ...


🚡 班夫纜車、班夫溫泉酒店與強斯頓峽谷 🚡
📅 團號:BL01

🏞️ 三湖探險:夢蓮湖、露易絲湖與翡翠湖 🏞️
📅 團號:YH01

🦖 德蘭赫勒恐龍探索之旅 🦖
📅 團號:DRU01

🌄 沃特頓國家公園與威爾斯王子酒店 🌄
📅 團號:WAT01

⭐ 西星旅遊滿足您的需求 ⭐

☎️電話: +1 (403)201-8525
📱 Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
📧電郵 : [email protected]

#西星旅行 #一日遊 #加拿大洛磯山脈 #班夫纜車 #硫磺山 #班夫溫泉酒店 #強斯頓峽谷 #夢蓮湖 #露易絲湖 #翡翠湖 #優鶴國家公園 #德蘭赫勒 #馬蹄峽谷 #石林步道 #皇家泰勒爾博物館 #沃特頓國家公園 #威爾斯王子酒店 #遊湖
🚐 Explore the Canadian Rockies with Our Calgary Day Tours! 🚐

🚡 Banff Gondola, Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, and Johnston Canyon 🚡
Ride the Banff Gondola for breathtaking views in Sulphur Mountain, visit the iconic Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, and explore the stunning Johnston Canyon.
📅 Tour code: BL01

🏞️ Three Lakes Adventure: Moraine Lake, Lake Louise, and Emerald Lake 🏞️
Discover the beauty of Moraine Lake, Lake Louise, and Emerald Lake in Yoho National Park. Each lake offers unique, picturesque views and incredible photo opportunities.
📅 Tour code: YH01

🦖 Drumheller Dinosaur Discovery 🦖
Explore the natural beauty of Horseshoe Canyon and Hoodoos Trail before diving into the prehistoric world at the Royal Tyrrell Museum.
📅 Tour code: DRU01

🌄 Waterton National Park and Prince of Wales Hotel 🌄
Enjoy afternoon tea at the Prince of Wales Hotel and take a scenic boat tour on the lake at the US-Canada border in Waterton National Park.
📅 Tour code: WAT01

⭐ Discover More with Westar Travel ⭐
Whether you’re looking for a quick escape or a full-day adventure, our day tour packages from Calgary cater to every traveler's needs. Experience the beauty and wonder of the Rockies with our expertly curated tours.

Visit our website for more details and booking information.
🌐Our official website: https://www.westartravel.com/en/
☎️ Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 WhatsApp: (587) 889-8397
📧 Email: [email protected]

⭐踏上VIA國鐵,體驗在加拿大的首趟奇幻列車🚆 關於VIA國鐵: VIA Rail加拿大是國家級的客運鐵路服務,連接全國主要城市和風景名勝。搭乘VIA Rail列車,您將享有:🪑 寬敞舒適的座位: 擁有更多的腿部空間,放鬆旅程的每一刻。🍽️...


🚆 關於VIA國鐵: VIA Rail加拿大是國家級的客運鐵路服務,連接全國主要城市和風景名勝。搭乘VIA Rail列車,您將享有:
🪑 寬敞舒適的座位: 擁有更多的腿部空間,放鬆旅程的每一刻。

🍽️ 美食享受: 由廚師現場烹調的餐飲,展示加拿大特色美食和當地風味。

🌄 迷人美景: 造訪透明圓頂的觀景車廂,讓你360度欣賞沿途令人驚嘆的美景。

🚂 多樣座位選擇: 從經濟座到舒適包廂,滿足不同需求。

🛠️ 優質服務: 電源插座、行李托運等服務,確保每一段旅程的舒適與便利。

選購我們的VIA Rail套餐,享受無與倫比的景觀、舒適和服務。

🌟 為什麼選擇西星旅行?

🗺️ 全方位行程: 除了包含VIA Rail的火車體驗以外,你還能遊覽亞省各個頂級觀光景點,乘坐豪華巴士欣賞山峰、冰河及湖泊。
🚍 彈性路線: 提供卡加利至溫哥華及反向路線,滿足你不同需求。

🎫 一站式服務: 從訂票、入住飯店、行程、到帶領各個景點參觀都由我們一手包辦,讓您的旅程更加省心和愉快。

✨ 行程亮點:

🏞️ 班夫國家公園: 露易絲湖、夢蓮湖、瓊斯頓峽谷、硫磺山、觀光纜車、弓河瀑布

🧊 哥倫比亞冰原: 冰原探險車,冰河徒步

🌲 優鶴國家公園: 翡翠湖、天然橋

🌊 賈斯珀國家公園: 瑪琳湖、瑪琳峽谷、精靈島

加入我們,踏上一段難忘的旅程,穿越加拿大最壯麗的風景! 🚞

📅 團號:

☎️電話: +1 (403)201-8525
📱 Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
📧電郵 : [email protected]

#西星旅行 #加拿大 #落基山 #班夫 #賈斯柏 #優鶴國家公園 #哥倫比亞冰原


Embark on a VIA Rail journey and experience Canada's premier scenic train adventure! 🚂

🚆 About VIA Rail: VIA Rail Canada is a national passenger rail service connecting major cities and scenic spots across the country. When you travel with VIA Rail, you'll enjoy:

🪑 Spacious and Comfortable Seating: With more legroom to relax throughout your journey.

🍽️ Gourmet Dining: Meals prepared by onboard chefs, featuring Canadian specialties and local flavors.

🌄 Breathtaking Scenery: Visit the panoramic dome cars to enjoy 360-degree views of the stunning landscapes along the way.

🚂 Variety of Seating Options: From economy seats to luxurious cabins, meeting different needs.

🛠️ Top-Quality Service: Power outlets, luggage handling, and other amenities to ensure a comfortable and convenient journey.

Purchase our VIA Rail packages and enjoy unparalleled scenery, comfort, and service.

🌟 Why Choose Western Star Travel?

🗺️ Comprehensive Itineraries: In addition to the VIA Rail experience, explore Alberta's top tourist attractions by luxury coach, taking in mountains, glaciers, and lakes.

🚍 Flexible Routes: Offering routes from Calgary to Vancouver and vice versa, to meet your different needs.

🎫 One-Stop Service: From ticket booking, hotel stays, and itineraries to guided tours, we take care of everything, making your trip more enjoyable and worry-free.

✨ Itinerary Highlights:

🏞️ Banff National Park: Lake Louise, Moraine Lake, Johnston Canyon, Sulphur Mountain, Gondola, Bow Falls

🧊 Columbia Icefield: Ice Explorer, Glacier Walk

🌲 Yoho National Park: Emerald Lake, Natural Bridge

🌊 Jasper National Park: Maligne Lake, Maligne Canyon, Spirit Island

Join us on an unforgettable journey through Canada’s most magnificent landscapes! 🚞

📅 Tour Codes:
Vancouver to Calgary: RVY05, RVY06-22
Calgary to Vancouver: RV06A, RV05B-22

Visit our website for more details and booking information.
🌐Our official website: https://www.westartravel.com/en/
☎️ Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 WhatsApp: (587) 889-8397
📧 Email: [email protected]

⭐探索落基山的瑰麗風光- 5日深度遊✨行程亮點推薦:露易絲湖 🏞️:碧藍湖水與雪山倒影,美如畫卷,是班夫國家公園的代表景點之一夢蓮湖 🏔️:十峰環繞,水色迷人,被譽為世界上最美麗的湖泊之一哥倫比亞冰原 ❄️:踏上千年冰川,體驗冰原探險車,感...

⭐探索落基山的瑰麗風光- 5日深度遊


露易絲湖 🏞️:碧藍湖水與雪山倒影,美如畫卷,是班夫國家公園的代表景點之一

夢蓮湖 🏔️:十峰環繞,水色迷人,被譽為世界上最美麗的湖泊之一

哥倫比亞冰原 ❄️:踏上千年冰川,體驗冰原探險車,感受冰雪世界的純淨與壯麗

翡翠湖 ❇️:優鶴國家公園的瑰寶,湖水清澈見底,四周環繞著綠意盎然的山脈

硫磺山 🗻:搭乘班夫觀光纜車登上硫磺山,俯瞰整個班夫國家公園及周圍壯麗景色

瑪琳湖 🛶:冰川侵蝕形成的深邃峽谷,展現出壯麗的岩石景觀


第一天: 原居地 - 卡加利

第二天: 卡加利 - 班夫觀光纜車 - 弓河瀑布 - 費爾蒙班夫溫泉飯店 - 瓊斯頓峽谷 - 班夫

第三天: 班夫 - 弓湖 - 佩圖湖 - 哥倫比亞冰原 - 阿薩巴斯卡瀑布 - 賈斯珀

第四天: 賈斯珀國家公園 - 瑪琳湖 - 瑪琳峽谷 - 班夫

第五天: 班夫 - 露易絲湖 - 夢蓮湖 - 優鶴國家公園 - 翡翠湖 - 天然橋 - 班夫/卡加利


🚐 豪華巴士和全程交通
🏨 標準間飯店住宿
👨‍💼 專業雙語(國語/英文)導覽服務
🎫 國家公園門票
🎟️ 行程中交通意外保險

跟隨我們的5日深度遊,沉浸在落基山脈的自然美景中,每一刻都將成為難忘的回憶! 🌟

☎️電話: +1 (403)201-8525
📱 Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
📧電郵 : [email protected]

#西星 #西星旅行 #卡加利 #卡加利旅遊 #落基山 #班夫 #班夫纜車 #班夫國家公園 #優鶴國家公園 #哥倫比亞冰原 #賈斯珀 #免費接機


Explore the Majestic Beauty of the Rockies - 5-Day In-Depth Tour

✨ Highlights of the Tour:

Lake Louise 🏞️: Crystal clear blue waters reflecting snow-capped mountains, a signature attraction of Banff National Park.

Moraine Lake 🏔️: Surrounded by ten peaks, known for its stunning colors, and considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the world.

Columbia Icefield ❄️: Walk on ancient glaciers and experience the Ice Explorer, immersing yourself in the pure and majestic ice world.

Emerald Lake ❇️: A gem of Yoho National Park, with crystal clear waters surrounded by lush green mountains.

Sulphur Mountain 🗻: Take the Banff Gondola to the top of Sulphur Mountain and enjoy panoramic views of Banff National Park and its stunning surroundings.

Maligne Lake 🛶: Formed by glacial erosion, this deep canyon showcases magnificent rock formations.

📅 Itinerary:

Day 1: Departure from Home - Calgary

Day 2: Calgary - Banff Gondola - Bow Falls - Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel - Johnston Canyon - Banff

Day 3: Banff - Bow Lake - Peyto Lake - Columbia Icefield - Athabasca Falls - Jasper

Day 4: Jasper National Park - Maligne Lake - Maligne Canyon - Banff

Day 5: Banff - Lake Louise - Moraine Lake - Yoho National Park - Emerald Lake - Natural Bridge - Banff/Calgary

💼 Package Includes:

🚐 Luxury bus and all transportation
🏨 Standard hotel accommodation
👨‍💼 Professional bilingual (Mandarin/English) guide services
🎫 National park entry fees
🎟️ Travel accident insurance during the tour

Join our 5-day in-depth tour and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Rockies. Every moment will be a memorable experience! 🌟

🚩 Tour Code: CBIJY05
🔗 Related Tour Link: https://www.westartravel.com/en/productdetail/tour?productId=6
☎️ Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 WhatsApp: (587) 889-8397
📧 Email: [email protected]

⭐⭐限時優惠⭐⭐每位立減100元!! 更可用優惠價加購班夫纜車和冰原活動套餐🤩🌿4天/5天落基山脈深度遊🌿把握長週末細看景緻如畫的班夫國家公園🥰🧡4天落基山脈深度遊 - $49.99加訂冰原活動套餐🧡💥💥只限7月3日出發💥💥重點行程第1天 ...

⭐⭐限時優惠⭐⭐每位立減100元!! 更可用優惠價加購班夫纜車和冰原活動套餐🤩
🧡4天落基山脈深度遊 - $49.99加訂冰原活動套餐🧡
第1天 原居地 - 卡爾加利 (免費接機)
第2天 卡爾加利 - 弓湖 - 佩圖湖 - 哥倫比亞冰原 - 阿薩巴斯卡瀑布 - 賈斯珀
第3天 賈斯珀國家公園 - 瑪琳湖 - 瑪琳峽谷 - 班夫
第4天 班夫 - 露易絲湖 - 夢蓮湖 - 優鶴國家公園 - 翡翠湖 - 天然橋 - 班夫/卡爾加利


💚5天落基山脈深度遊 - $19.99加訂班夫纜車💚
第1天 原居地 - 卡爾加利 (免費接機)
第2天 卡爾加利 - 班夫觀光纜車 - 弓河瀑布 - 費爾蒙班夫溫泉酒店 - 瓊斯頓峽谷 - 班夫
第3天 班夫 - 弓湖 - 佩圖湖 - 哥倫比亞冰原 - 阿薩巴斯卡瀑布 - 賈斯珀
第4天 賈斯珀國家公園 - 瑪琳湖 - 瑪琳峽谷 - 班夫
第5天 班夫 - 露易絲湖 - 夢蓮湖 - 優鶴國家公園 - 翡翠湖 - 天然橋 - 班夫/卡爾加利



電話:+1 403-201-8525
電郵:[email protected]

#西星 #西星假期 #暑假 #班夫 #班夫纜車 #落基山 #露易絲湖 #夢蓮湖 #優鶴國家公園 #賈斯珀國家公園 #哥倫比亞冰原 #免費接機

⭐[溫哥華往返]斯波坎+黄石國家公園+埃倫斯堡+西雅圖 5日游⭐【🏠風情小鎮🏠】遊覽極具巴伐利亞傳統風情的德國村小鎮,自費品嘗德國名菜鹹豬肘,暢飲德式啤酒。【💛深度黃石💛】深度暢遊黃石國家公園,黃石上瀑布、藝術家點、調色板、老忠實泉、大棱鏡...

⭐[溫哥華往返]斯波坎+黄石國家公園+埃倫斯堡+西雅圖 5日游⭐

相關行程: https://www.westartravel.com/cn/tour?id=5960
電話:+1 403-201-8525
電郵:[email protected]
#西星 #西星假期 #黄石國家公園 #溫哥華 #溫哥華往返 #斯波坎 #西雅圖 #埃倫斯堡 #西雅圖奧特萊斯 #暑假

🌞暑假熱賣推介 🌞- 加拿大東北海洋三省6/7/9/10日深度遊🏝️💓只要在6月30日前下訂9日和10日的海洋三省團,即享92折優惠💓✨✨行程亮點✨✨千島湖、渥太華、弗雷瑞克登市、哈利法克斯市、佩姬灣、愛德華王子島、夏洛特鎮、磁力山、蒙克頓...

🌞暑假熱賣推介 🌞- 加拿大東北海洋三省6/7/9/10日深度遊🏝️
2. 芬迪灣好望角觀潮
3. 蒙克頓市磁力山
4. Anne of Green Gable 清秀佳人安妮故居
5. 全世界最長的聯邦大橋 (Confederation Bridge)
6. PEGGY’S COVE 佩姬灣燈塔公園


相關行程: https://shorturl.at/Ae6Oo
電話:+1 403-201-8525
電郵:[email protected]

#西星 #西星假期 #海洋三省 #加拿大 #加東 #千島湖 #渥太華 #蒙特利爾 #愛德華王子島 #暑期 #暑假優惠

🥰5月優惠第三波💓二人同行💓一人半價💓露易絲湖優鶴一日遊🎁 🎉🎉🥰 May Special Third Wave 💓 2 people join the tour, the 2nd person gets 50% off 💓 Lake Lo...

🥰5月優惠第三波💓二人同行💓一人半價💓露易絲湖優鶴一日遊🎁 🎉🎉
🥰 May Special Third Wave 💓 2 people join the tour, the 2nd person gets 50% off 💓 Lake Louise & Yoho Day Tour 🎁 🎉🎉
😀😎 2人參加, 人均團費只需加幣86🔥🔥
💓早上在卡爾加里或班夫出發,首站是班夫最著名的【露易絲湖】,以維多利亞山為背景,被譽為“落基山脈上的藍寶石” 。
☎️電話: +1 (403)201-8525
📱 Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
📧電郵 : [email protected]
🎊 Take advantage of our limited-time offer and join the incredible Rocky Mountains Yoho selected tour! 🎊
🏞️ Visit top attractions like Lake Louise and Emerald Lake and enjoy the best long weekend getaway! 🏞️
Sign up now for the May departure of the Lake Louise & Yoho Day Tour 🔥🔥
😀😎 With 2 people joining, the average cost per person is only CAD 86! 🔥🔥
✅ The tour price includes the 5% GST federal service tax and national park entry fees.
✨ Tour Overview ✨
💓 Depart from Calgary or Banff in the morning, with the first stop at the famous Lake Louise in Banff, known as the "Jewel of the Rockies," set against the backdrop of Mount Victoria.
💓 Next, visit Lake Minnewanka, the largest lake in Banff, and a filming location for "The Revenant."
💓 After lunch, head to Emerald Lake in Yoho National Park, where the lake's green color, caused by sunlight reflecting off rock flour at the bottom, creates a magical scene.
💓 Then, explore the hidden gem Natural Bridge, formed by the Kicking Horse River carving a natural arch in the rock, with a waterfall below.
💓 Finally, return to Banff or Calgary, concluding this unforgettable journey.
🔥 Act now and join this exceptional Rocky Mountains Yoho selected tour! 🔥
🚩 Tour Code: YH01
🔗 Tour Link: https://www.westartravel.com/en/productdetail/tour?productId=6085
☎️ Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
📱 Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
📧 Email: [email protected]
#西星 #西星之旅 #加拿大 #露易絲湖 #班夫 #優鶴

🌟🌟加東精選7天深度遊🌟🌟 - 保證入住一晚瀑布風景區酒店🤩 -更有機會參觀首都渥太華「 國會山莊」👀❗在這個7天之旅,從首都渥太華的國會山到魁北克城的古老街區,每一步都是一場新的驚喜。我們更加有獨家行程,入內參觀首都渥太華「 國會山莊」🤩...

🌟🌟加東精選7天深度遊🌟🌟 - 保證入住一晚瀑布風景區酒店🤩 -更有機會參觀首都渥太華「 國會山莊」👀❗
在這個7天之旅,從首都渥太華的國會山到魁北克城的古老街區,每一步都是一場新的驚喜。我們更加有獨家行程,入內參觀首都渥太華「 國會山莊」🤩,獨家安排入內參觀, 主要是參觀west block西翼大樓,是加拿大眾議院house of commons的辦公及辯論投票表決的場所(視乎政府安排許可)。約六月下旬至八月下旬,更可在國會山前觀看夏季特別節目– 最具傳統特色,卻又莊嚴肅穆的英式皇家衛兵換崗儀式🚶🚶 (因應天氣情況而定)。在英式皇家衛兵換崗儀式中見證歷史的傳承,感受當代與傳統的薪火相傳。而充足的時間安排,絕不讓您走馬看花,讓您盡情沉浸在每個城市的文化底蘊中。🥰✨
電話: +1 (403)201-8525
Whatsapp: (587) 889-8397
電郵 : [email protected]

🌟🌟Experience the best of Eastern Canada on a 7-day journey 🌟🌟that promises excitement at every turn. From the iconic Parliament Hill in the capital city of Ottawa to the charming streets of Quebec City, each stop on this tour will unveil new wonders.🤩🤩
Exclusive to our itinerary is a visit to the Parliament Hill, where you'll have the rare opportunity to explore the West Block, home to Canada's House of Commons👀❗. And if you're lucky to join us between late June and late August, witness the solemn yet spectacular Changing of the Guard ceremony🚶🚶, a tradition that embodies the rich heritage of the British monarchy.
But the adventure doesn't stop there. We'll take you to the breathtaking Sky Walk at Mont Tremblant🌿🌿, a unique eco-tourism attraction nestled in the heart of the Laurentian forest. Immerse yourself in nature as you traverse the elevated walkway and marvel at the surrounding beauty.💕🥰
And of course, no trip to Eastern Canada would be complete without a stay at a hotel with stunning views of the majestic Niagara Falls🌟🌟, where you can admire the cascading waters both day and night.💕
This is a journey that seamlessly blends history, culture, nature, and gastronomy, promising memories that will last a lifetime. Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary adventure?💥💥
🌿Tour Code: MTTF07🌿
For more information and bookings, visit: https://www.westartravel.com/en/productdetail/tour?productId=6787
Contact us:
Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
WhatsApp: (587) 889-8397
Email: [email protected]
#西星 #西星假期 #加東 #加拿大 #國會山莊 #翠湖山 #尼加拉瀑布

西星旅行:加拿大國際旅遊盛事RVC 2024指定地接合作夥伴Westar Travel: Designated domestic tour operator partner for Canada's International Travel...

西星旅行:加拿大國際旅遊盛事RVC 2024指定地接合作夥伴
Westar Travel: Designated domestic tour operator partner for Canada's International Travel Event, RVC 2024
Rendez-vous Canada(RVC)是加拿大的標誌性的國際旅遊盛事,由加拿大旅遊局與加拿大旅遊業協會(TIAC)共同舉辦,每年吸引了二千多名國際旅遊業領袖參與,是加拿大旅遊業與國際合作夥伴互相連接的平台。
這一年度盛事將於2024年5月14日於埃德蒙頓正式開展,西星旅行作為RVC 2024指定地接合作夥伴,率先於5月8日至5月13日舉行為期6天的「城市、山脈和人文之旅」。此次活動旨在聯繫國際旅遊買家與加拿大旅遊企業,讓業界人士體驗到艾伯塔省旅遊的精彩和多樣性。
西星旅行一直以來致力於為客戶提供優質的旅行體驗,本次 FAM Tour的成功舉辦更是對我們服務質量的肯定。此外,我們將在RVC上展示最新的旅遊產品和服務,並與其他業界領導者建立更緊密的聯繫。我們的目標是通過這次活動,為客戶提供更豐富、更精彩的旅行體驗。
西星旅行 Westar Travel
地址:BAY 6-3320 14AVE NE CALGARY AB T2A 6J4
電話:+1 (403)201-8525
郵箱:[email protected]
Rendez-vous Canada (RVC) is Canada's iconic international travel event, jointly organized by the Destination Canada and the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC). With over two thousand international travel industry leaders attending each year, it serves as a platform for connecting Canada's tourism industry with international partners.
This year's event is set to commence in Edmonton on May 14, 2024. As the designated domestic tour operator partner for RVC 2024, Westar Travel kicked off a six-day "Cities, Mountains, and People Tour" from May 8th to May 13th. The purpose of this activity is to connect international travel buyers with Canadian tourism businesses, allowing industry professionals to experience the excitement and diversity of travel in Alberta.
During the six-day familiarization tour, participants delved into the unique charm of Alberta, Canada. They visited the cities of Calgary and Edmonton, experiencing the vibrancy and diversity of these urban centers, and highly praised the local landmarks, culinary culture, and attractions. The journey also included indulging in exquisite cuisine at top Canadian restaurants, exploring world-famous Banff National Park, Lake Louise, and the Icefields Parkway, as well as gaining insights into the cultural history of Alberta's indigenous peoples. Participants lauded the rich content and meticulous arrangements of this journey, expressing a deeper understanding of travel in Canada.
Westar Travel has always been committed to providing customers with high-quality travel experiences. The successful organization of this FAM Tour further validates the quality of our services. Additionally, we will showcase the latest travel products and services at RVC and establish closer connections with other industry leaders. Our goal is to provide customers with even richer and more exciting travel experiences through this event.
Please continue to stay tuned for our updates and learn more about our participation and the latest developments at RVC. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact our customer service team. We are always here to support and assist you.
Thank you once again for your support and attention!
For more details, please contact:
Westar Travel
Address: BAY 6-3320 14AVE NE CALGARY AB T2A 6J4
Phone: +1 (403) 201-8525
Email: [email protected]


6-3320 14 Avenue NE
Calgary, AB

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm




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