I believe that dream work with my Angel's is one of my most treasured tools!! Have you invited your Angel's to visit you in your dreams??
Did you know that Angel often talk to you and work with you in your dreams? I’m not talking about astral traveling, I’ll cover that in another post. Some of the most common blocks we encounter when offered Angelic guidance is that we overthink the messages, our minds are too busy/stressed to hear them or we just simply didn’t realize the Angels were trying to get through to us. Because the Angels know us, and let’s be honest, are also very smart - they often wait until our minds are in a more tranquil and therefore more receptive state to communicate with us. Believe it or not, you don’t need to always be conscious of what the Angels are trying to get through to you. Sometimes they do ‘behind the scenes’ work with your higher self and initiate processes of healing while you’re not in a state to resist. You can always trust that if the Angels want you to consciously know something, whether they talk you asleep or awake, you’ll eventually know it. So my request for you today is that you ask your angels to lovingly and gently help you to begin any necessary processes of transformation and enlightenment while you sleep. This way you can handle your day to day necessities without worrying that you aren’t doing enough to progress on your spiritual path.
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