(Your Own Understanding Is Real) EZone (Energy Zone) by facilitating, teaching, coaching, mentoring our clients towards the achievement of their goals, dreams & passions. They utilize our services, natural products, collaborative entrepreneurial approach & a special process in the areas of Y.O.U.R. athletic experience, health & wellness, business and/or personal relationship possibilities. Servi
ces - Nikken Independent Collaborative Entrepreneur, Y.O.U.R. Possibilities Coaching, Ion Cleanse Technician, Energy Coach based on the Emotion Code
Processes - Body, Mind & Energy protocols for getting more of what a person wants & less of what they don't want, Stairway of Athletic Experience & Personal Health, Y.O.U.R. EZone Calculator
Products - Natural Energy Health Tools for quality of life, improved performance, shorten recovery & a Business Entrepreneurial lifestyle for time & money freedom