Eastern Townships Tours Special Event!!! Saturday, July 6th, 2024!!!
Abenaki First Nation of Odanak
If you’ve ever wanted to learn about or deepen your knowledge of this area’s Indigenous roots, this is the perfect way to experience and discover the history and traditions of these “People of the dawn”. This full day group tour includes:
-Transportation to and from Odanak
-Tour Guide for the day
-Entrance to the Abenaki Museum (Musée des Abenakis)
-Necklace-Making Activity (Bring home a beautiful souvenir)
-Guided visit of Odanak
-Sample of Traditional Abenaki Food
And more…
Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to experience one of our beautiful First Nations areas in an educational, fun, and interactive way.
When: Saturday, July 6, 2024.
Departure: Knowlton (With possible pickup stops along the way)
Cost: $165txs incl/person (Includes all activities listed above and more…)
Transportation space is limited!!! Message (Messenger), Email ([email protected]), or call/text 450-204-0203 (Patricia St-Onge) now to inquire and reserve your spot!!!