Let's make sourdough bread!!
Sourdough! Ok, let’s do this together! Apparently dry yeast is getting scarce (is no good for bread baking anyway), fresh yeast is tough to obtain (I’m out) which leaves us with sourdough (that’s the proper way anyway). Now, this is not going to happen over-night as you will have to get your levain (your starter, your mother, or whatever you want to call it) going first. Usually I would recommend a continuous feeding regiment of more then two month to establish flavour complexity, but in consideration of everyone’s situation let’s try to get enough leavening power established that we can try to have your first sourdough breads out off your oven in maybe a week or two! Please share this post with as many people as interested and I will try to provide daily updates to guide you through the process! If you are up to it, start mixing today 100g of white flour (I’m using Rogers Whistler) with 100 ml of water (if you can sneak in 10% rye flour - very high in natural wild yeast). Mix well together, cover it and leave it at room temperature over-night. We will get back to it tomorrow! Happy Baking - together we can do this Chef Marco | let me know who is doing it! Questions in this post please, update tomorrow!