☕️ Here’s the happy small business owner going out to play because they’ve submitted all their financial information to the accountant for tax time!
Thanks Holly’s @hollysneighbourhoodcafe for being the perfect playtime outing!
Also, here’s the small business owner going home to answer 17 questions for the accountant! 😂
Remember to treat yourself during the silliness of year end and tax time. While you’re at it, treat your accountant too 💕
What’s your biggest small business hurdle at this time of year?
Sculpture: Sharl Smith @_sundropsstudio
#smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #womanownedbusiness #womanowned #taxtime #winterwalks #espresso #strollwalkingtours #womenledbusiness
From a few small lunch counters to now being the largest year-round indoor/outdoor farmers’ market in Canada! Did you know this is how the St. Jacobs Farmers' Market got it's start? Join us every Thursday from now until April on our St. Jacobs Market Food Tour to learn more markest history & taste some delicious treats! Book 👉🏻 https://tinyurl.com/y2x4fde4
Our St. Jacobs Farmers' Market Food Tour is back! On this tour, we pay a visit to some of our favourite Mennonite vendors at the St. Jacobs Farmers' Market. Which one would you be most excited to visit?Tours happen every Thursday morning at 9:30, November-April. To book: https://strollwalkingtours.com/st-jacobs-market-food-tour/
Our first St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market Food Tour of the season will be on Thursday, November 14. Book now via the link in our bio!
#stjacobs #stjacobsmarket #stjacobsfarmersmarket #farmersmarket #market #strollwalkingtours #mennonite #food #foodie #kwawesome #kitchener #kw #waterloo #waterlooregion
We’ve all seen this iconic Downtown Kitchener building, but did you know what it was originally used for? The Lang Tanning Company had a very sophisticated business beginning in the mid-late 1800s, which we tend to think of as having been small and quite local. By the early 1900s, Berlin, Ontario had dozens of large scale manufacturing companies employing hundreds of people each. Lang Tannery had over 600 employees!
The majority of the old brick and beam factories were located along King Street and Wilmot Street (now Victoria Street). Many of them have been turned into offices for the tech sector, including Google.
#kitchener #kwawesome #kwtech #kitchenertech #waterloo #waterlooregion #strollwalkingtours