Today, a client who fell and broke her hip had emergency surgery. Beverley, who is reponsible for our book and my web site contacted me as she is a friend of the lady who fell.
The woman lives in a rental unit at the bottom of Los Frailes in San Miguel. it is a somewhat isolated location. She laid there for a long time calling for help and finally a neighbor came and then an ambulance.
I write this to say, please, if you live on your own, and regardless of age, have an emergency plan. This could be posted near your entrance. Have on it your medications, emergency contact and the exact location of where you live including cross streets and house color. If you or someone on your behalf needs to call police or an ambulance they need this information and especially address. On some streets the same house number may repeat itself 2 or 3 or more times.
Keep in mind, private hospitals are not inexpensive and if you have no insurance, you need some financial resources available immediately. And, even with insurance, most want a large hold on your charge card and even payment until your insurance provider pays.
As a temporary or permanet resident you do have free government healthcare called INSABI in some states. Sinaloa is not one of them,And, while it may not be your first choice, many Hospital General which as government hospitals as they are called, have some very good doctors.
People all want some independence but at the same time and especially as you age, you need a backup plan. You need to have some way to pay including medications, doctors, transportation, possibly home help and physical therapy. And, you need friend/s or family members available on short notice.
I have seen on several occasions similar circumstances including broken bones, hip replacement, Alzheimer's, cancer, etc. Please, as much as possible, be prepared and especially, when you live alone.
Wishing everyone, good health.