Hatha Yoga : renews, invigorates, and heals the body, while stretching and strengthening the muscles, joints, and spine and directing blood and oxygen to the internal organs and nervous system. AnusaraYoga : a powerful Hatha Yoga system based on universal principles of alignment. Anusara embodies an uplifting, non-dual philosophy that looks for the good in all people and all things. Consequently,
students of every level of ability and yoga experience are honored for their unique differences, limitations, and talents. Participants move through a series of flows, jumping from one posture to another in order to build strength, flexibility and stamina. It is not for beginners or anyone who has been taking a leisurely approach to fitness. Ashtanga Yoga Practice involves performing challenging sequence of poses with Ujjayi Breathing and vinyasas (a flow of postures). This Yoga Style uses a system based on six series of asanas of increasing difficulty. The Pilates Method:works with the heart and the deep postural muscles of the body, providing stability and support the spine. Focus on awareness of breathing, proper alignment, and intelligent movement. Pilates provides a total body workout, creates mental focus, and flexible, muscles strong. Tai Chi (Qigong), or the cultivation of our vital energy, is practiced with slow, graceful movements, focusing on posture, controlled breath and regulation of thoughts. Practitioners learn to direct their own energy, not only in the area of movement but throughout the body. The practice includes the 5 element qigong for health and self healing, dynamic meditation and visualization for relaxation and improving clarity, and martial qigong to increase energy levels. It may be practiced by anyone at any age and exercises may be adapted to the physical condition of the participants. Besides its many physical benefits, practicing qigong for just a short time, on a daily basis gives you the fortititude to concentrate on your goals and achieve them. It develops your intuition, reduces stress and promotes peace of mind.