Thought I'd drop a little video sampler from our Corsica bike trip this past September. This video plus a detailed day by day overview of the trip is captured in my "Corsica Island Cycling Adventure" article now live on the site. I'll drop the article link into comments.
Here's a taste...
We first cycled Corsica, a mountainous Mediterranean island part of France, in our 20s. On our honeymoon back then, we toured the entire perimeter on road bikes, with the conquering attitude of youth.
In September 2024, we returned to Corsica with technology on our side. This time we sported E-bikes, phone app route maps with GPS tracking, and booked accommodation that put the memories of pre-internet searching for a vacant B&B at days end, or a place to pitch a tent, firmly in the rear-view mirror.
While some of the route was common with our first trip, we also saw the island through a new lens. Our self-guided UTracks tour explored beyond just spectacular coastal roads and switch backs, as we had previously, to also experience interior mountain villages steeped in history, desert regions and wine and olive routes.
Three decades later, we found that age taught us to appreciate the island with a more curious, less conquering attitude. It presented a mirror to a mature relationship, one that understands the real gems worth exploring are often found within.
Link to the rest of the article in comments below.
#corsica #cycling #adventuretravel #utracks