Larisa’s specializes in helping the people she supports to re-discover a connection to themselves. Compassionately helping fellow humans to accept what they have experienced, heal and live the life they were born to live. Larisa understands the intense struggle that comes with daily living today. She understands the experience of trauma through a vareity of lenses; academic, ancedotal, personal. N
avigating social media, politics, difficult relationships, intense work loads, financial stress, COVID 19, discrimination, addiction, anxiety, trauma, fear…the list of turbulence seems never ending. Larisa realizes that the path through traumatic experiences lies within the body. Many people living in our society often forgot the simplicity of returning to our bodies due to the noise that comes from our societal stress. Using the perspective that the body holds the answer, creates an invitation to a person’s body that provides a simple path to healing. Nature, somatic practices and counselling woven together support the people Larisa serves to re-discover an often familiar connection to themselves.