We need to start looking at this.
Hooray!!! The WHO now recommends skin to skin after birth for all premature and low birth weight babies.
And let’s not leave out all the term babies too!!!
The Nurture Revolution has big implications in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or NICU. We have a big task to add nurture to the NICU and there is excellent research that shows it’s safe, healthier and possible.
Dr Nils Bergman has done important work to advocate for zero separation between parents and baby at birth and this includes the NICU. Babies in the NICU can safely be skin to skin at all times with their parents and with other caregivers.
When babies in the NICU are skin to skin all of their outcomes are better. Above all the sensory signals they receive from caregivers gives their brain safety signals. All of their physiological systems are better regulated including healthy sleep architecture that’s necessary for neurodevelopment, stress, breathing, heart beat, temperature regulation, feeding and weight gain.
When parents in the NICU hold their baby skin to skin their brain changes, their parenting is enhanced, their mental health benefits and their outcomes are better.
WE NEED HOSPITALS TO CHANGE TO ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN. Hopefully the new WHO recommendations will have an impact!
There are NICUs that help parents have zero separation from their babies and facilitate skin to skin. There are NICUs where parents have their own room to stay with their baby. Where there is medical attention for mothers / birthing parents who have postpartum health concerns. We need all NICUs to be this way.
A powerful way to create change is to demand nurture in the NICU from our healthcare systems. They already have the evidence and direction they need to make the changes.
Here is a free resource to nurture in the NICU! It applies to term babies too. If you’re pregnant or know a pregnant family please check it out and print it for the hospital.