SOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! The ABCs of Oysters documentary, will be airing soon, please see below for details 🙂 Video snip-it to follow.
ABCs of Oysters will start to air on Bell Fibe TV1 starting on March 13th. This is channel 1, on your tv channels - if you have Bell. And if you have Bell you can also access it on an app or your computer. After the March 13th air date, if you cannot view I can send you a video to watch.
EP 1 First Generation Oyster Farm MARCH 13 (Sober Island Oysters)
EP 2 Rebuilding Cape Bretons Oyster Industry MARCH 20
EP 3 Nova Scotia's Oldest Oyster Farm MARCH 27
EP4 Oysters as Nature Based Solutions APRIL 3
EP 5 Chef Brian Solomonian - The Annex APRIL 10
EP 6 - Experimental Oyster Farm APRIL 17
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