In case you somehow missed it last week, Alberta took another giant step backward away from using science, respect or ethics in wildlife management with the Alberta Trappers Association and the Alberta Professional Outfitters Society announcement of a province-wide wolf killing 'contest'. It started October 1st and is intended 100% to encourage the killing of as many wolves as possible this winter. Every single wolf pelt submitted gets $250, while the 'best' one wins $5K. It's every bit as perverse as you can imagine and once again shows just how little respect these associations have for our big predators that are such a key to our province's biodiversity. Why are they doing it? So they can kill more moose, elk and deer. It's as simple as that. Is it misguided? F*** yes, there's not a scientific paper on the planet that backs up this assertion that random killing of wolves will increase predator populations.
Does this p**s you off as much as it p**ses me off? Then please consider helping us out so we can fight this. Here's our press release: https://www.exposedwildlifeconservancy.org/news/tip-press-release-2024 and to be honest, the best way you can help is by donating $250 per wolf to help us SAVE wolves, not kill them: https://www.exposedwildlifeconservancy.org/donate (and for the few haters out there, I will once again mention that I don't make a cent from Exposed Wildlife Conservancy).
Thanks everyone, please help us get the word out.
- John