Abdul you need to go to the police as soon as possible. The bikers know what you and Charles have been doing and one of the young men happened to be son of a high ranking Angel. They are first go get the guys at the house, release the guys and then skin the others alive. They know your name is Abdul Aden and that you live in the middle low housing complex in Apt 715. They know about the black mail, the r**e of children, the deaths and and the suicides. They know that you have been torturing and manipulated these men suffering and telling them you will show their families the videos and tell them everything you forced these poor addicts to then overdose or made them do even more Terrible things. You and the doctor and Innis the doctors friend have been doing this for years and killing our community by creating more addict. You even forced it on me when I was at my lowest. The three of you forced all of the week confused people who were suffering from loneliness depression mental health issues or too poor to eat or have a place to sleep and turned them into addicts by first giving them G and when they were unconscious inject them with m**h. Sometimes you would just con them into it when they were weak. Then you and Charles would turn them into your slaves doing your games to make them steel, hurt others, blackmail, rob and even murder, you did this to children and if anyone died got rid of the bodies. The three of you are the lowest disgusting S**t on the planet. I tried to help you and you and the doctor were just manipulating me so I confined to be near the drug and s*x.. You did not expect the shaman in Peru to save my life and remove your poison and it shocked You and the doctor I was alive and healthy. Then just as you tried to start to manipulate I had meningitis and you and the doctor with Innnis could not get access while in St Mikes but we’re happy I was heavily medicated with Hydromorph and as soon as I was out of the hospital had me switch to t as the only way to get off the hydromorph and be able to move all of my things and get back to work. Then your cruel manipulation of moving day did not show and left helpless trying to do if myself. But you had both expected Randal another one of your victims to come rescue. So as I was able to try and get away from it pieces of the puzzle started to go together and then realized the cancer in our community and not only spreading but forcing it on people by going them out and injecting them directly then you manipulated others into helping try to destroy my reputation business my life. At the same time I am trying to save you and get you to CAMH. The doctor and you and the assistant are evil creatures that will now pay for it because I figured it out going to the bikers you have been blaming them for the deaths suicides and murder.The police , the gay community, the drug dealer and addicts will all know why there lives have been ruined. Just because you some how have taken over my phone computer and internet with some app does not mean I can not have a plan. Once I realized what was happening I intentionally took controk and cut back on my use and it became clear what was happening. So Abdul and Charles Purdy who has a house full of tapes used in black mail extortion murder r**e robbery Enjoy my Facebook. Charles lives at 135
Bleeker Street Buzz 16
Toronto Canada Your Truly you pieces of animal. You better hope the cops get their first., I am now up and on my way to see them and tell the world what you are doing. Bill Bat Boy says f**k you and burn in hell
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On Oct 23, 2017, at 4:40 PM, Abdul Aden wrote:
Please call Charles' no. - 416-324-9848. I am at his place, having som**hing to eat. Also, buzzer . is 16 (but may not work).
On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 11:23 AM, Abdul Aden wrote:
I'm here. I am fine thanks
On Oct 23, 2017 9:46 AM, "Bill Batboy" wrote:
Answer your door
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