Register with selecting jobseeker as your role on the registration page. Complete your personal profile: We encourage you to complete personal profile before you create resume, as information from your personal profile will be automatically loaded into info page of your resume. Create your resume: Resume builder has following tabs
Personal Info: Information on this page is extremely i
mportant, as some of this information is visible to employers searching for job seekers. This tab has your contact information, which employers need to contact you when they find a matching job. Add Education: On this tab add your education in descending order of time i-e starting from the most recent. You can add as many education records as many you have earned in your education history. In additional info section of your education, add the most important courses like courses taken in Mathematics and Sciences as most employers look for particular courses you have passed. In case of University degree, you can add major or the area of your specialization. Add Experience: On this tab add your work experience in descending order of the time i-e starting from the most recent. On this tab you can add as many records of your work experience as many you have worked. In details section of your work experience give details of your job responsibilities at each job. Language Tab: Please provide your language information on this tab. You can add as many languages as many you records of language as many languages you have learned to speak, write or speak. Licenses and Certificates: Most of the jobs in Canada require license from regulating body to work on the job. For example, teachers require permit from Provincial Teachers Certification Division to teach in any school in the province. On this tab you can add such licenses and certificates that can be added to your resume. Create Cover Letter:
on this tab, you can create up to 5 cover letters which may be used to apply for job through our job portal. Manage Skills:
This is the most important part of your e-portfolio where you can add multiple NOC (National Occupation Code) in which you are searching for the job. Information provided by you regarding NOCs of your liking is used to make connection with various jobs posted on the website. Based on the multiple NOCs provided by you employers can find your resume and contact you with a job offer. You can find NOC by job title and NOC ID by using the wizard. In case you are unable to find your NOC, please give us a call or send an email, we will contact you with your NOC ID. Keep your Document Online:
On this page, you can upload documents, which may be requested by employers to verify your credentials. We recommend you keep a scanned copy of transcripts, degrees, certificated, licenses, cover letter, resume and most importantly a valid copy of Criminal Record Check. You can add up 12 documents each with maximum of 4 megabytes in size. We will never share this information with any employer unless you choose to share with employer of your choice. View Jobs:
On this page, you can see relevant jobs based on your preferences in manage skills section. This page also displays your most recent searches on the main page. Apply for Jobs online and send resume to employers:
Against every job posted on our website, press Apply Now button at end of the page. This action attaches your active resume, cover letter with option of selecting your online documents to be sent with your job application. Applying for job has never been so easier than just with one click of a button. Track Your Job Applications:
Our advice to you is that you follow up on every job you have applied for, this application will track status of your application as you are short listed for the interview. Keep track of your job applications in one place and see in real time what is happening with your job applications.