Ghost tours kick off officially in April! Be ready to get tickets!
Spooky Spring Spectres!!
I’m so excited to share with you these awesome evps caught last weekend at our very first investigation at La Maison Gabrielle Roy! Thanks to Mylene M for compiling these!!
Hotel Ft Garry, Room 202 Investigation Friday night! Haunted Winnipeg Tours. For tickets text Kristen at 204-898-4678. #hauntedwinnipeg #haunted #winnipegparanormalgroup #winnipegparanormal #hauntedmanitoba #winnipegghosthunt
Last minute investigation Friday night at the Firefighters Museum! Check out this haunted location along with paranormal investigators using table tipping, ghostbox sessions, spirit board and more! $35 per person.👻👻 #hauntedwinnipeg #winnipegparsnormalinvestigators #winnipegparanormal #winnipegparanormalgroup #hauntedmanitoba #manitobaparanormal #hauntedwinnipegtours
Investigate the haunted Firefighter Museum with us! #paranormal #paranormalinvestigators #spiritboardsessions #ghostboxsessions #tabletipping #ghosthunting #paranormalcollective #squarepegtours #winnipegparanormal #hauntedwinnipeg #hauntedwinnipegtours
Special Event! Join your host SquarePeg Tours and special guests Thunder Boyz Productions Inc. from Falkland, BC, Canada who specializes in filming "live-action" TV shows. True North Paranormal is one of many projects of Thunder Boyz Productions Inc.
July 13th, 7-10 pm
Lower Fort Garry
The Venue & Activities
Excellent old fort built in the early 1800s, this place has been used as a fur trading post, car club, penitentiary and asylum and now as a tour destination. A great variety of spirits have contacted us over the years at this location so join us to see who will make an "appearance" this time! Tools used are: pendulums, K2 meters, dowsing rods, table tipping and a spirit board.
To get you in the mood, here is a video clip from the last ghost hunt we did at Lower Fort Garry. Finally edited and ready for you....