How most mom’s feel when they try to squeeze in a workout… I right? 😂😂🤪🤪
Comin’ in Hot!!!.....hahah more like comin’ in as slow as I possibly can🤣 but hey...I still rode over it!!
“Bobsled” at Mt Fromme is an awesome run! Nothing technical or intense, just Fun and flowy! My kind of riding! 🤙🏻
Thanks @endlessbiking for the rental and @clanthier1 for always being supportive, patient and riding the same trail over and over again 😆
Fitness Friday! Upper & Core combo exercises!! Try 3 sets of 20, or 3 sets of 60sec intervals.
Fitness Friday!!! Plank Jack - Jumping Jack Combo.
This is a super fun cardio move that works your whole body! Try adding it to your workouts this weekend. OR! Next time you’re feeling sleepy at the office...bust out 10 of these bad boys! That’ll get the juices flowin’! But please... take off your heels and don’t rip your suit pants!! Haha 😉
Fitness Friday!! Another cool resistance band exercise- side steps! This move is more challenging than it looks! Great for working outer thighs & glutes & building endurance in the lower body. Start with 10-15 steps in each direction & build your way up! Also a Nice addition to circuit style workouts! Great piece of equipment to have at home or take on the road!
A beautiful way to start the morning! Whether you have 10mins, 20mins or 30mins, there is no better way to begin your day than some flowing stretches, gentle movement and meditation. This will Energize your body, fill your cells with oxygen, calm & centre your mind and expand your heart with gratitude. ✨💕🙌🏻 Have a glorious day everyone!
Ps- stay tuned for A new OUTDOOR class I’ll be running this summer! “Flow into Friday”- 6:00am -7:00am Fridays in Coal Harbour, Vancouver.
PSS- if you look closely that’s an eagle in the tree behind me! 🤩🦅
Fitness Friday! One of my favourite exercises is a Straddle Jump Burpee combo! It’s a full body movement and fantastic for working inner thighs, core and upper body! Not to mention it gets the ol’ heart tickin’. Try adding it between a strength training circuit for 1min duration or do a Tabata- 20sec on/10sec off x 8 rounds. 👊🏻
Fitness Friday!! Here’s one of my favourite exercises: side stepping plank with sandbag pull through!! Super challenging for your core, and great for upper body. 😁💪🏻
Tips: Try not to rotate the hips as you pull (anti- rotation), keep abs engaged & watch any sagging in the low back. Tucking your tail under slightly will help! Keep pressure through your arms and hands to keep upper body active & prevent collapsing through your shoulder blades. SMILE 😃 .