The Belief Connection

The Belief Connection Connecting you to beliefs to bring you happiness, health and success! Are you operating on faulty beliefs? What if…. Things that may or may not be true.

More than 90% of the population has never questioned the beliefs they hold – they just believe them to be true. Say something happens to you in childhood and you form a belief with the mind of that child. Then you direct the rest of your life based on that belief. Never realizing that it is creating havoc in your life today. A belief is only a thought that you have taken to a deeper level of mind.

Your reality is created by your beliefs
Some of your beliefs are not true
The life you are living can be different with a new set of beliefs
You are so much more than you believe yourself to be. Through a simple gentle process you can change

Hypnosis is a suggestive state of mind where suggestions go into the subconscious programming and create your life. You have experienced hypnosis watching TV, listening to music, driving, dancing, surfing the web, sitting in a class room, playing sports, reading a book. As a small child you were in a constant state of hypnosis. Until the age of six your brain waves were that of the hypnotic state. Whenever you experience strong emotion… love, anger, fear, grief, trauma... hypnotic suggestions can easily take hold in your mind. Beliefs can be formed from things that are said, things that happened, things that are seen while in that emotional state. My name is Alisa Gamblin and I would like to introduce you to The Belief Connection

I will guide you through a gentle process to find those beliefs that were formed as you were growing up that are not helping you create a life you love and replace them with new ones that will.

Here is something I wrote for my newsletter in June of 2010. It seems very relevant for today.Love is the Future of Crea...

Here is something I wrote for my newsletter in June of 2010. It seems very relevant for today.

Love is the Future of Creation

A new wave of energy is upon us. All that is related to old energy is asking to be released. As we move into the month of June the pace will quicken at which we can untie the past and step into the new.

We are rapidly moving from the intellectual way of relating to life into a heart based energy. Many of our beliefs, our ways of doing business, our ways of interacting - relating to others are changing.

This new energy demands we release all that keeps us separate, apart, different. It asks that we go deeper into our core and recognize the interconnection of all of life. It shows us on a daily basis that how life has been is not how it now is. If we chose to ride this wave of energy; letting go of our past, our hurts emotions, our beliefs about ourselves, about whom we are and what we are capable of, we can live in awe of the changes now taking place. We can open our hearts and feel emotion on levels not before possible.

If you are like me - emotions were an intellectual experience. My mind had to define each emotion and to justify its existence. Now I find my emotions are something I feel without rational input. I no longer need to understand and justify what I feel with my mind.

I just allow the experience of the emotion to a rise n my body. I do not attach myself to it through my thinking. My emotions now come and go as though clouds floating in the sky. Just as I once learned to do with my thoughts I just observe as they come and go.

As we go through these changes upon us it is very important to know you are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions, just let them come and let them go. The more we practice this the easier our life will be.

Another wonderful thing that is happening now is as we create a brand new relationship - or non-relationship with our emotions the more our hearts are opening. The wounds that had once closed them are now being removed. We are learning to love and accept ourselves and as we do this we love and accept everyone else. No longer does our mind need to separate us. We can all come together in the energy of the heart.

Take a moment - here and now - to close your eyes, bring your attention to your heart and focus on feeling LOVE. To start you may need to think of someone or something that you love. Allow yourself to FEEL LOVE. Use your imagination to expand this feeling - to surround you, to envelope you. With practice you will be able to FEEL LOVE just by choosing to. The more you practice LOVE the more you become LOVE.

And LOVE is the future of creation.

by Alisa


Thank you to .writer for the positive post and love. 💜


How are you balancing life?

In the symphony of life, you are the conductor, orchestrating the harmonious dance between your thoughts, emotions, and biology. Just as a single note can resonate through the entire composition, your conscious choices ripple through the fabric of your existence. The canvas of your reality is painted by the hues of your beliefs, and the masterpiece you create emerges from the strokes of intention. Remember, you are not a passive observer but an active co-creator, sculpting your destiny with the chisel of your mind. Embrace the power within you, for it is through this partnership of consciousness and biology that you awaken the extraordinary potential lying dormant within. Your journey is one of endless possibility, waiting to be embraced and explored.

A lion's tale, a tale of love and life. This is no regular message. The lion has expressed its gratitude for life in a way that helps us all get on board the...


If we could get your subconscious mind to agree with your conscious mind about being happy, that’s when your positive thoughts work.


Image credit unknown


Your future is bright! ☀️


The Full Strawberry Moon is coming on June 3, 2023! Experience a deep connection to nature and spirituality with the mystical Full Strawberry Moon.


What you tell yourself most frequently, you will believe.

What you truly believe, you will incorporate into every aspect of your life.

It doesn't matter if it is objectively true or not. What you continue to tell yourself, day after day, becomes true for you and has a profound effect on your life.

Great power lives in the fact that you can choose what to tell yourself, again and again, in the thousands of moments
that make up each day.

With focus and intention, you can upgrade your beliefs about yourself. You can upgrade your beliefs about what is possible for you.

And by so doing, you will in fact expand your access to the very best of your possibilities.

You'll go precisely as far as you believe you will go. So there's every reason to believe the very best.

For when you consistently believe something to be true in your life, you will indeed make it true.
~Ralph Marston~

Photo: Photo by Lexi Laine

Archaeology for the Woman's Soul

I hold regular drumming circles in Victoria ....if that is something you are interested in send me a Pm and I will send ...

I hold regular drumming circles in Victoria ....if that is something you are interested in send me a Pm and I will send you more information about them.

Sharing the LOVE all Month.....Offering a Valentines Special on all sessions.....Energy, Sound and Hypnotherapy... set u...

Sharing the LOVE all Month.....Offering a Valentines Special on all sessions.....Energy, Sound and Hypnotherapy... set up an appointment and receive 20% off. Send me Pm for more details. :)

I am feeling the strong call of my soul to revive my Hypnotherapy and Energy practice. Over the last few years I have do...

I am feeling the strong call of my soul to revive my Hypnotherapy and Energy practice. Over the last few years I have done less and less of it and focused more on sound healing. However the Universe and my soul seem to calling me back to it. So many people have reached out lately asking me if I am still doing it or if I might get back into it as they really could use some help.

I am answering that call.

As we move into 2023 and beyond we need all hands on deck. People will need the courage to answer the call of their soul, find their voice and fine tune their gifts. If you are one of these people who know you are here for a greater purpose, but you allow fear, the stories of the past or your emotions to control you and keep you from moving into your life's purpose or need an energy "tune up", I can help.

If you feel called then please reach out (send me a message on here) and we can discuss the details of the sessions and the price.

Hypnotherapy sessions can done in person or on Zoom. We can set up a consultation to see if we are a match first. Energy "tune ups" will be in person

Set up a session to begin your journey into your personal power. The world needs you!



If you ever felt called to be a healer, a teacher, a salve for the people, now is your time to come forward.

If you are a word weaver or a light worker or a lender of ears, now is your time to come forward.

If you have been hiding medicine in your pockets, behind your eyes, beneath your tongue, waiting for the "right" time to share it, now is your time to come forward.

If you have been waiting for approval, for validation, for vindication before sharing your most precious gifts, now is your time to come forward.

If you are waiting for the perfect time, the perfect mentor, the perfect plan, now your time to come forward.

If you can bring laughter, comfort and warmth to the most solemn spaces, now is your time to come forward.

If you have ever been called to use your life for something greater than yourself, now is your time to come forward.

Yes, you might be terrified.

Yes, you might be unpopular.

Yes, you might disrupt the social norm.

But the world needs you. NOW. Come forward. Imperfect. Broken. Uncertain. Raw. Willing. Open.

Lend your gifts to the greater good. Help make the world a better place so we might all be free.
~L'erin Alta~

Archaeology for the Woman's Soul

Photo: Art by Tatiana Kiselyova


Victoria, BC



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The Belief Connector

Are you operating on faulty beliefs? More than 90% of the population has never questioned the beliefs they hold – they just believe them to be true. Say something happens to you in childhood and you form a belief with the mind of that child. Then you direct the rest of your life based on that belief. Never realizing that it is creating havoc in your life today. A belief is only a thought that you have taken to a deeper level of mind. What if…. Your reality is created by your beliefs Some of your beliefs are not true The life you are living can be different with a new set of beliefs You are so much more than you believe yourself to be. Through a simple gentle process you can change Hypnosis is a suggestive state of mind where suggestions go into the subconscious programming and create your life. You have experienced hypnosis watching TV, listening to music, driving, dancing, surfing the web, sitting in a class room, playing sports, reading a book. As a small child you were in a constant state of hypnosis. Until the age of six your brain waves were that of the hypnotic state. Whenever you experience strong emotion… love, anger, fear, grief, trauma... hypnotic suggestions can easily take hold in your mind. Beliefs can be formed from things that are said, things that happened, things that are seen while in that emotional state. Things that may or may not be true. My name is Alisa Gamblin and I would like to introduce you to The Belief Connection I will guide you through a gentle process to find those beliefs that were formed as you were growing up that are not helping you create a life you love and replace them with new ones that will.

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