BIG GAP 100 Big Gap Centennial 2017 is 12 plus miles of wagon trekking and trail riding, old time demonstrations, cowboy poetry, supper, dance, beer gardens and more.

Big Gap is a celebration of days gone by. 100 years ago in the Neutral Hills in the big gap where First Nations would camp a stampede took place. Not just any stampede! Dignitaries from all over the province of Alberta descended upon what we know as Big Gap. The stampede ran for four years and peaked in 1919 with 15, 000 people in attendance. To commemorate this time in history, we are hosting a w

agon trek and trail ride through the scenic Neutral Hills. You will be riding a trail that offers majestic views of East Central Alberta not accessible on a daily basis to visitors. It is a unique and rare opportunity to showcase our history. A Big Gap Nugget information has been taken from The Big Gap Round - Up Historical Cairn and Commemorative Ceremony Program of June 15, 1974.


And we're off!! The Big Gap registration table is now open in the main area. Beat the morning rush and check in now. 😎

There is still time to register for the Wagon Trek and Trail Ride. Go to and it will take you to the r...

There is still time to register for the Wagon Trek and Trail Ride. Go to and it will take you to the registration page. We will be hosting a German Filmmaker on the trip. Christina Degen and crew will be filming the event for a documentary.
Don't forget about the contests that will be running: Best Period Costume and Best Homemade Jam. Prizes will be awarded. :)
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This year we have been promoting the ride as a fundraiser. By 'we' I mean East Central Housing Society aka ECHS. ECHS ha...

This year we have been promoting the ride as a fundraiser. By 'we' I mean East Central Housing Society aka ECHS.
ECHS has been working to raise money for over ten years to build a new Community and Seniors Centre as the old Seniors Recreation Centre was actually condemned. The plans were pared down from the original drawings, and this year we saw our dream become a reality.
Just wanted to let you know where the Big Gap 100 Wagon Trek & Trail Ride fundraising dollars go and to say THANK YOU for helping us. We truly appreciate every dollar that has been raised for this project.
Happy Trails!

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Ps. Don't forget to register by July 1st to be entered into the Early Bird draw.

This year we are hosting a 'Best Jam Competition' as part of our Western Heritage events at the Big Gap 100.  Prizes wil...

This year we are hosting a 'Best Jam Competition' as part of our Western Heritage events at the Big Gap 100. Prizes will be awarded. Doesn't the thought of homemade jam on fresh bread make your mouth water? YUM!!

Check out the details in the 2nd Annual Big Gap 100 poster.

Check out the details in the 2nd Annual Big Gap 100 poster.


We are excited to be planning the Big Gap 100 Wagon Trek and Trail Ride Fundraiser for SATURDAY, JULY 15,2017.

This year the entire event will take place at the Gooseberry Lake Rodeo Grounds. We have a great line up of Western Heritage events taking place in the afternoon, including the famous lip smacking Best Jam Contest.

The new marketing will be out soon with more details including registration. We are adding, for your convenience,
an e-transfer payment option along with Eventbrite, cheque or cash.

All proceeds from this fundraiser go to support the new Community and Seniors Recreation Centre in Consort.

Stay tuned!

Thank you Canadian Cowboy Country Magazine for the mention! We had so much fun organizing the ride that we are planning ...

Thank you Canadian Cowboy Country Magazine for the mention! We had so much fun organizing the ride that we are planning to do it again on July 8, 2017. It will feature the same great western hospitality that we displayed at the Centennial ride with a few changes. Thank you as well to Norbert Stoll for the photo and Josh Michaud for bringing his stage coach and crew of outriders. See y'all in July 2017!


Hey folks! Great news to share with you! The East Central Housing Society met this week and made the decision to proceed with a Big Gap 2017 Wagon Trek and Trail Ride. We were able to take away some really good insight from our event in July and look forward to providing another meaningful experience for you to enjoy.


Big Gap Centennial 2016 Wagon Trek and Trail Ride dvd's will be available soon. Thank you to everyone who pre-ordered! They will be mailed out when finished and there will be a few available at the Special Area's office in Consort. Contact Kelsey at Splitting Arrows Media if you would like have not ordered and would like to reserve yours. Thank you for your support!


Seeing all of the horses, wagons and riders at the Big Gap Cairn and Gooseberry Lake and Gooseberry Lake Rodeo Grounds last night was so exciting! Putting faces to the registered names made one realize that TODAY IS THE DAY!! Yahoo!!


More wagons have registered for the wagon trek. This means that there are seats available. This is your opportunity to experience history while making history. Phone 403-575-9533 to register.


We had another wagon register today with seats available for four passengers. If you want to go on this ride phone Wanda @ 403-575-9533. Join the other 150 plus people going on the ride! 😊


Get your hashtags ready! We are teaming up with the Canadian Badlands and will be hosting social media contest. More details later this week.


Did you want to take part in the wagon trek or trail ride, but missed the deadline? if you have your own wagon or horse we have a spot for you. If you are looking for a ride on a wagon there are a few spots available. Phone Wanda at 403-575-9533.


We have a few supper tickets still available.Available at the Special Area No. 4 office in Consort or you can phone Wanda @ 403-575-9533.


Big Gap 100 - All you need to know and more.


Thank you to SUBWAY Consort for their generous donation of the muffins for the continental breakfast.


We are very thankful to the Barry Bieleny family and Crossbar Ranch for donating towards the cost of the beef supper. If you would like to contribute to this fundraiser, we would be most appreciative. Please contact Charlotte Gilmer at 403-577-3785. Thank you!


Remember playing horseshoes as a kid? Maybe you have never stopped. There will be horseshoe games during the afternoon at the Big Gap 100 Celebration . No charge, this is another free event. Thanks to volunteers Grant and Reenie Robinson for organizing this portion of the day. If you would like to play, please let Grant or Reenie know at 403-853-4000. Thanks!


Registration deadline is SUNDAY, JUNE 19TH! Don't miss out. Get your registration in today.


NUGGET Perhaps the most famous of all the outlaw that performed at the Round- Up was the Grey Ghost. This snow-white gelding was owned by the Poynter Brother’s Ranch, and he would kick, bite, and strike at the sight of a saddle, and would become a groaning demon when raked by a rider’s spurs.
Although there were several bronc riders at the Round – Up’s that rode him to a standstill, most of the riders that tried it ended up biting the dust.
The Grey Ghost won such widespread fame at the Round –Up that he was taken to Calgary, and bucked at his best for several years at the Calgary Stampede. But it was old age that finally tamed him.


There is about a half mile of gravel on the ride. Trail riders should be able to ride in the ditch. The wagons may not be able to be in the ditch. Teamsters discretion as to whether shoes are needed or not.


NUGGET July 1 was Dominion Day for all of Canada, and what could be more fitting on this occasion than to dedicate the first day of the Round Up to the returned soldiers. So the first day was listed on the program as “Soldiers Day.”
This very day had been planned since the first Round – Up was held in 1916, and nothing had been spared to make it the greatest of all. Early in the forenoon the day before the show started, people began to make their appearance at the grounds. Many bringing with them their whole families, including pets, and in some instances the family milk cow and a few chickens.
Those coming from a long distance by team and wagon, came prepared to cap right on the grounds until everything was over, since many more came more than a hundred miles to see the show.
By 10 a.m. on the first of the 1919 Round –Up tents, covered wagons, and manner of make – shift camp shelters, lined the valley for over a mile. Show tents, sleeping tents, eating tents, tents for almost any purpose one could imagine, haphazardly dotting the entire valley. The only space that was left clear was the arena. In less than twenty four hours a canvas city had sprang up, and was inhabited by almost fifteen thousand people.
Everything was ready for the three day show. The holding corrals were full of wild steers, ferocious bulls, wild horses, would cows and calves, and wild wet cows that would be used for the “wild cow milking contest.” In a separate corral was a collection of hand-picked bucking outlaws that would test the nerve and skill of the best bronc riders. Bucking outlaws that had acquired famous and distinctive names, such as Grey Ghost, Steamboat, Calico, Blue Sky, Cyclone , Thunderbolt, and many other well remembered names that war still mentioned when old – timers get together and reminisce about the last round up.


Hi all! We will not be supplying horses for the trail ride, but we do have some seats available in some wagons. First registered, first seated. Please make note if you need a seat. Thanks!!


Throughout the winter of 1918 – 1919 the gallant, and victorious soldiers returned to their homes in the hills. Now that the boys were home again, plans got underway for the long awaited celebration. A meeting was called in early April to formulate big plans for a three day show. It was decided that there would be an admission charge of $1.00 for the three day show, children free. More names were added to the list of officers, and the new slate of officers were as follows: - Chairman, C.S. Inman; Secretary, Geo. D. Bryan; Treasury, Wess Caswell; Publicity Agent, Harry Laughy; Announcers, Joe Laughy and Fred Whitcomb; Chief White Elk was named Honorary Chairman. A general working committee, Ben Molohan, Rolf Krohn, Wm. Symes, and F. Cuthbert was also appointed.
With this list of able men directing the various events, July 1st in the year 1919, marked the beginning of the last Big Gap Ranchers Round – Up. A three day wildwest show that without question was the most famous of its kind ever to be staged in Western Canada.


NUGGET The 1917 Round – Up was very similar to the first one, and in spite of the fact it was hampered by a three day rain, it did come off in grand style.
About this time in history, temperance groups pressured the Alberta Government into declaring Alberta a dry Province. All the old barrooms closed their doors, and that old familiar cry, “belly up the bar boys, I’m buying for the house, “was heard no more. The only alcoholic beverage that could be legally sold, was a tasteless beer called “two percent.” The stuff was non - intoxicating, and tasted like stagnant slough water, if you really wanted to tie on a good jag, you could drink either one and get the same results, “sicker than a dog.”
Alberta’s new liquor laws opened the door for wholesale production of home distilled products referred to as, home brew, moonshine, h***h, rot gut, rat poison, and several other appealing, but less appropriate names. This stuff was distilled by individuals who had little, or no knowledge of what they were doing, and under revolting sanitary conditions.
One party gave a guided tour through his layout that was capable of turning out three or four gallons a day. The still was located in an excavation under a huge manure pile. The only entrance, was by way of a trap door in the bottom of a manger in a sod barn, and a narrow tunnel leading to the still room.
This man kept several barrels of mash, at various stages of fermentation buried deep in the manure pile, the rotting manure produced just the right temperature to insure perfect fermentation. There was no worry about a little manure spilling into the fermenting mash, it couldn’t possibly spoil the flavor, and anything would be an improvement.
Since the Round – Up provided a lucrative market for moonshiners’ poisonous whiskey, that tasted like a blend of carbolic acid and turpentine, and would kill you just as dead if you drank too much, it caused lots of headaches for the management during the 1918 and 1919 Round – Up’s, riding hard on the cowboys and actors keeping them sober. But with four more able men added to the Committee, the 1918 Round – Up ran smoothly, and without a hitch.
After all the exciting, humorous, and hair raising items on the program were over, dancing in the open – air pavilion continued until dawn.
And so ended the Ranchers Round – Up for 1918.
Those in attendance sure did like to have fun and they were not going to let a little thing like Prohibition get in the way. At the Big Gap 100 Celebration there may or may not be moonshine, but for sure there will be dancing.


Special Area No. 4


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