Samj tour and travel

Samj tour and travel We are an agency of excellence in tourism, for your golden vacation and all your planning welcome

Make your dreams come true with Samj tour and travel, book now your unforgettable trip in the country of thousands hills...

Make your dreams come true with Samj tour and travel, book now your unforgettable trip in the country of thousands hills

This is Red rocks art gallery in kinigi,

A visit of the volcanic lava of the recent volcanic eruption of Nyiragongo Volcano in the northen part of Goma Town...  ...

A visit of the volcanic lava of the recent volcanic eruption of Nyiragongo Volcano in the northen part of Goma Town...

Together in a touristic trip in the Virunga National Park to see the low land gorillas. Do you know you can easily get i...

Together in a touristic trip in the Virunga National Park to see the low land gorillas.

Do you know you can easily get in touch with us for the preparation of your next touristic trip to the D.R.C 🇨🇩 and the countries of the region ?

We can't wait you welcome you guys and we shall arrange your best trip ever !

A city one must visit at least ONCE in a lifetime ! ❤ GOMA ❤, the beautiful city bordered by the marvelous and historica...

A city one must visit at least ONCE in a lifetime !

❤ GOMA ❤, the beautiful city bordered by the marvelous and historical Kivu Lake in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ! 🇨🇩

Enjoy your trip with us

Enjoy your trip with us

Nous sommes très fière de vous !

Nous sommes très fière de vous !

One of the best places to visit in a lifetime ! With the wondeful rare species of mountain gorillas in their natural env...

One of the best places to visit in a lifetime !

With the wondeful rare species of mountain gorillas in their natural environment from the Kahuzi-Biega National Park !

Congo na Motema !
In love with Congo 🇨🇩❤️🇨🇩

VisitCongo ❤️🇨🇩❤️

Samj tour and travel

Occasion à ne pas rater cette belle occasion, Cliquez sur le lien pour avoir tous les détails de la randonnée au cœur de...

Occasion à ne pas rater cette belle occasion,
Cliquez sur le lien pour avoir tous les détails de la randonnée au cœur de SAKE, à seulement 4$ 🙈🤔


Organise la randonnée scientifique et hyper touristique au coeur de sake, dans le territoire de MASISI, intitulé TREKKING
⏰ Date : # *Samedi le 23/07/2022*
⏰ *Heures : de 8:00 à 16:00 heure de
🗺️ Itinéraire:
- Goma
- 🏭 Sake
Au programme :

• Visite du grand marché de SAKE
• Visite de la culture de sake (population et leur mode de vie)
• Visite du grand pont et Rivière KIHIRA de SAKE
• trekking ( marche de 7km )
• Visite de la pisciculture et explications
• Visite de limite du lac Kivu à l'Ouest
• Visite des quelques chutes d'eau
• Visite des rivières à Sake

FRAIS D'ACCÈS : $4 ou 8,000fc par personne
Inclus :
- 🚕Transport
- 🗺️Accès à tous les sites à visiter
-Une bouteille d’eau

Exclu : la collation (nourriture), tout le monde doit amener sa collation, et pour celui qui voudra qu'on l'apporte la collation, il va devoir payer 3$🥪 de collation, c.-à-d. si tu paies 7$ t'as droit à une collation 🥪....

Réservez dès maintenant car les places seront limitées
🪀WhatsApp: +243858247091
☎️Appel et SMS :
+243 998 319 755
+243 974 774 565

Les prévoyants vont commencer à payer déjà car les places seront limitées,.....


Travel with samj tour and travel, Somewhere in Rwanda

Travel with samj tour and travel,
Somewhere in Rwanda


Book your tour and travel with Samj tour and travel
We are an excellent company in tourism
In Congo and all East Africa

From The Border to the top of the Nyiragongo Volcan, in the heart of the Virunga National Park

With Samj tour and travel
For your booking don't hesitate to contact us on :

Gmail : [email protected] or
[email protected]

WhatsApp : +243858247091
Facebook and Instagram : Samj tour and travel







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