المنظمة العربية الأوروبية للبيئة، جنيف - سويسرا Euro-Arab Environment

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  • المنظمة العربية الأوروبية للبيئة، جنيف - سويسرا Euro-Arab Environment

المنظمة العربية الأوروبية للبيئة، جنيف - سويسرا  Euro-Arab Environment Euro-Arab Environment Organization is a nongovernmental, international, independent and nonprofit environmental organization. b. c. d. e.

المنظمة منظمة دولية بيئية غير حكومية ، وكيان عالمي مستقل لا ربحي ولا تتبع أي اتجاه سياسي أو ديني ، تعمل على تشجيع قيام التعاون والشراكات وتبادل الخبرات بين شعوب الوطن العربي والأوروبي لرعاية البيئة على نحو يتيح من تحسين نوعية حياتها دون الإضرار بنوعية حياة الأجيال المقبلة.

تتمثل رسالة المنظمة في المساعدة في توفير الدعم المادي للمشاريع والبرامج التي تساهم في الحد من التلوث من قبل الصنادي

ق المانحة الدولية وغيرها وتقديم المشورة للجهات الحكومية وغير الحكومية في مختلف الأمور البيئية. The Euro-Arab Environment Organization is a nongovernmental organization that has been established in December 2007 by a team of scholars and environment specialists in the Arab and European countries for the purpose of fostering the relations and building communication bridges between the Europeans and the Arabs. This aims at supporting the exchange and reciprocity of advanced sciences and technologies as well as protecting the environment. Moreover, the Euro-Arab Environment Organization provides environmental consultancy to the Arab and European countries, and helps provide financial support to the environmental projects from the international donation funds, in addition to reciprocating the experiences and cooperation between the Arab and the European sides in different environmental and technological issues which contribute to mitigating pollution, developing the environment related systems and technologies, improving the international environmental quality between both sides. Moreover, the Organization strives to launch initiatives related to environment and alternative energies as well as honoring international figures that support environmental work. Organization's activities and objectives:
The Euro-Arab Environment Organization carries out various activities throughout permanent cooperation with Arab, European and other entities concerned with environment by virtue of encouraging cooperation, partnerships and exchange of experiences among the individuals and peoples of Arab and European countries to protect the environment in such a manner that helps improve the quality of their life without damaging the life of the generations to come. Moreover, the Organization has prepared several plans and strategies to mitigate pollution and enhance the level of environmental awareness in governmental and nongovernmental institutions and bodies in Arab and European countries. Chief among the Organization's objectives are the following:

1. Reciprocating experiences and cooperation between Arab, European and other countries on the governmental and nongovernmental levels in various environmental issues which help mitigate pollution throughout partnership between both sides in the detection, evaluation and early warning system in the field of environment.
2. Providing consultation, studies, technologies, journals and scientific books in different branches of environment to governmental and nongovernmental bodies on the Arab and European levels, as well as to other countries, in addition to benefiting from international experiences to improve the environmental quality in such countries.
3. Assisting countries, organizations as well as governmental and nongovernmental bodies in providing financial support to environmental projects and programs from international funds and other resources.
4. Carrying out a major role in supporting investments and projects in the field of environment, alternative energies and green buildings; together with encouraging businessmen from the Arab, the European and other sides to invest in this field.
5. Activating and encouraging environmental tourism in the Arab, the European and other regions throughout disseminating and enhancing the culture of environmental tourism among the different classes of society.
6. Holding exhibitions, conferences, forums, workshops, seminars and training courses pertinent to environmental sustainable development, as well as activating the environmental economy in collaboration with Arab and European chambers of commerce as well as with governmental authorities and bodies, universities, research centers and other entities.
7. Strengthening work and bolstering ties and cooperation among different international governmental and nongovernmental environmental institutions by virtue of treaties, agreements and memorandums of understanding in such a manner that benefits the objectives of EAEO and develops the international environmental level.
8. Granting medals and badges of honor to presidents and public figures on the Arab and the European levels, as well as to other international figures supporting environmental work, in addition to launching international environmental awards. Organization's Achievements:
Within a short period since its inauguration, the Organization could inaugurate several regional representation offices for itself in the Arab and European countries, and has also managed to accomplish a lot of achievements, works, initiatives and agreements; chief among which is the following:

1- Signing various agreements and memorandums of understanding with certain governmental and nongovernmental entities in Arab and European countries, in addition to international organizations concerned with the environment.
2- Contributing to the development and qualification of professional cadres working in the field of environment protection in different governmental and nongovernmental sectors in Arab and European countries with the assistance of international experts and qualification centers affiliated to the Organization.
3- Organizing the Euro-Arab Environment Conference for four successive times, and the fifth session is being organized in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in collaboration with the concerned bodies in the Public Authority of Meteorology and Environment Protection. This conference is held once every two years in a different capital.
4- Arranging the regular annual summer assembly of those concerned with environment and alternative energy technologies in Rostock University in Germany.
5- Preparing several specialized workshops and symposiums in environmental fields.
6- Arranging the Euro-Arab International Exhibition for environmental projects and technologies.
7- Environmental and human initiatives which serve the environment and the society. In this area, the Organization has launched the following initiatives in collaboration with several regional, Arab and European organizations:
a. The Euro-Arab Initiative for Environmental Awareness. The Euro-Arab Partnership for Climate Change. The Human Environmental Initiative for digging one thousand well for Darfur in Sudan. Establishing the Gulf Society for Green buildings. The Orient Occident Dialogue for alternative energy projects which is held annually in the British capital.

8- Honoring the Arab and European figures who play roles in enhancing the environmental rules throughout giving the medal and award of the Euro-Arab Environment Organization to the figures supporting the environmental work.
9- Preparing a book that comprises the best Arab and European figures that are considered pioneers in environmental fields and alternative energy so that such figures can be easily found and benefit can be made from their contributions in the related projects and studies.
10- Establishing various branches of the Organization in Arab and Environmental countries.
11- Concluding various cooperation agreements and memorandums of understanding with governmental and nongovernmental Arab and European universities and research centers.
12- Providing environmental consultancy and technical support to Arab and European countries, as well as working on providing financial support to environmental projects and programs from the international donation funds.
13- Organizing various training programs in Arab and European countries in environmental fields, green buildings, alternative energies and other fields. Such training programs have been of great benefit to those working in governmental and nongovernmental entities.

النسخة الخامسة من المؤتمر الدولي حول تغير المناخ  تحت شعار: "إزالة الكربون كحلول مناخية من أجل بيئة مستدامة" (CI2C-2024)...

النسخة الخامسة من المؤتمر الدولي حول تغير المناخ تحت شعار: "إزالة الكربون كحلول مناخية من أجل بيئة مستدامة" (CI2C-2024)، من 31 أكتوبر إلى 02 نونبر 2024، الصويرة، المملكة المغربية.

تحت الرعاية الشرفية للسيد أندريه أزولاي، مستشار صاحب الجلالة الملك محمد السادس، نصره الله وأيده، ينظم المركز الدولي للأبحاث وتقوية القدرات (CI2RC)، التابع للمدرسة العليا للتكنولوجيا بالصويرة (ESTE)، وجامعة القاضي عياض بمراكش (UCAM)، والمؤسسة الألمانية فريديرش ناومان للحرية (FFN)، وENERGIES 2050، المؤتمر الدولي الخامس حول تغير المناخ تحت شعار: "إزالة الكربون كحلول مناخية من أجل بيئة مستدامة"، (CI2C-2024)، وذلك من 31 أكتوبر إلى 02 نونبر 2024 بمدينة الصويرة، موكادور، المملكة المغربية.
ويهدف المؤتمر الدولي حول تغير المناخ (CI2C-2024)، إلى حشد مجموعة واسعة من المشاركين: صناع القرار السياسي والمنظمات الدولية والباحثون والمؤسسات الأكاديمية وطلاب سلك الدكتوراه المتخصصون والجهات الفاعلة في القطاع الخاص وممثلو المجتمع المدني، لمناقشة محاور متعددة ومتنوعة تقارب إزالة الكربون كحلول مناخية من أجل بيئة مستدامة. وخلال هذا المؤتمر سيتدارس الخبراء الوطنيون والدوليون أحدث الاكتشافات وآخر الأبحاث العلمية حول إزالة الكربون في أفق تحقيق التنمية المستدامة وضمان الانتقال العادل لكافة المجتمعات.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن المؤتمر الدولي سيتضمن خمسة محاور رئيسية:

المحور الأول: *تغير المناخ: البيانات والحلول والحكامة والاستثمار*

▪ البيانات والنماذج وسيناريو التطور
▪ الألعاب والمخاطر والتأثيرات ونقاط الضعف
▪ الخسارة والضرر
▪ ديناميات التكيف والامتصاص
▪ نماذج التطوير
▪ النهج الجنساني
▪ الاقتصاد الدائري وفرص الاستثمار
▪ التمويل والتكيف مع المناخ
▪ الحكامة والاستثمار
▪ الشراكة والتعاون

المحور الثاني : تحديات إزالة الكربون القطاعية

▪ الصناعة
▪ الماء
▪ الزراعة المستدامة
▪ الغابات
▪ الصحة العامة
▪ الطاقة والتحول الرقمي
▪ النقل والتنقل
▪ التخطيط الإقليمي والمباني
▪ النفايات الصلبة والسائلة
▪ ريادة الأعمال

المحور الثالث: الابتكارات التكنولوجية لإزالة الكربون

▪ التكنولوجيا الصديقة للبيئة
▪ الطاقة المتجددة
▪ تقنيات احتجاز الكربون وتخزينه
▪ كفاءة الطاقة
▪ التنقل والنقل
▪ البنايات
▪ الذكاء الاصطناعي

المحور الرابع: استراتيجيات وسياسات إزالة الكربون

▪ السياسات العامة لتحول الطاقة
▪ النماذج الاقتصادية للتنمية المستدامة
▪ القوانين والتشريعات البيئية
▪ شراكات متعددة الجهات الفاعلة والتعاون الدولي
▪ مرونة الأقاليم في مواجهة تغير المناخ:
▪ التكيف مع المناخ وإدارة المخاطر
▪ البنية التحتية مرنة ومستدامة
▪ الحلول القائمة على الطبيعة للمرونة
▪ حلول مبتكرة: الذكاء الاصطناعي، أخبار التكنولوجيا؛
▪ إدارة الموارد وأهداف التنمية المستدامة
▪ الإبداع والابتكار والتقاليد المحلية والمرونة البيئية

المحور الخامس: حالات عملية ومشاريع مبتكرة

▪ دراسات حالة للمناطق التي نفذت بنجاح مشاريع إزالة الكربون
▪ المشاريع الرائدة والمبادرات المجتمعية
▪ المقاربات الجماعية والتشاركية: أمثلة وتجارب وشهادات

مواعيد جد مهمة:

▪ آخر موعد لإرسال السيرة الذاتية: 8 سبتمبر 2024

▪ تاريخ إبلاغ آراء اللجنة العلمية للمؤلفين: 18 سبتمبر 2024

▪ جهة الاتصال: [email protected]

▪ الموقع الالكتروني الرسمي للمؤتمر: CI2RC: http://ci2rc.org

▪ رابط التسجيل: https://forms.gle/RoMJKmi78bLmCxQL6

Let's all be successful and optimistic people 😄

Let's all be successful and optimistic people 😄

لقاء  مع سعادة امين عام المنظمة العربية الاوروبية للبيئة الدكتور طارق بن عيد العبيد .... يتحدث عن مشاريع المنظمة في جمهو...

لقاء مع سعادة امين عام المنظمة العربية الاوروبية للبيئة الدكتور طارق بن عيد العبيد .... يتحدث عن مشاريع المنظمة في جمهورية مصر العربية


تلفزيون،الكويت،جائزة المنظمة العربية الاوروبية للبيئة لسمو أمير البلاد 30-11-2014


To world leaders
We are able to protect our planet

For air quality and the challenge of greenhouse gas emissions and oxides oldest peoples of the world discovering alternative energy to operate without any fuel

The discovery of a new source of energy to solve the energy, water and environment problems and offers solutions to the problem of climate change and the challenge of carbon emissions into the atmosphere


1- Discovery of a new source of magnetic energy that replaces oil.

2- Invention of a boiler that heats water and hot air .

3- The invention of electro steam reactor to generate electricity and desalination of sea water.

4- Invention for generating electricity from steam alternative to exploit thermal energy
the Earth.

5- The invention of the steam injection oil wells to extract the (heavy oil) from the soles of the oil wells.

All these inventions powered magnetic detected without the use of any fuel

Gentlemen leaders and peoples of the world.

At a time when the world is trying to find new sources of alternative energy. It seeks to expand the exploitation of solar energy, wind energy, water, despite the high cost, and the inability to exploit some of the lack of resources in many countries of the world.

And at a time when global demand for petroleum products is increasing for the usage of fuel, despite the negative repercussions on the problem of climate change and global warming and the challenges of carbon emissions into the atmosphere, which is now threatening our planet .

Jordan announced the discovery of a new source of magnetic energy that is cheap, safe , sustainable and environmentally friendly replace oil exploited in a number of heavy and
light industries, in agriculture, tourism, power generation and desalination of drinking water without the use of any fuel .

Safety of discovery and invention of the boiler that heats water and air has been confirmed you have registered Directorate of intellectual property protection number 24/2014 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Jordan under the name:

Boiler for heating hot water and hot air
Powered magnetic energy without the use of any fuel

I've Prototype making an experimental model. Were run efficiently were release the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Environment of Jordan, and chairman with members of the Parliamentary Assembly's Energy Jordanian House of Representatives inspect the discovery on the ground and is working on the boiler without any fuel, and stressed the importance of the success of discovery and an official books were released .

After the success of the discover of magnetic energy, a safe, sustainable and environment-friendly as any alternative source shot, worked to get the basic elements that depend on them most of the projects in the light and heavy industries, tourism and agriculture, without the use of fuel you design the invention:

Electro steam reactor
For electricity generation and water desalination
Powered magnetic without the use of any oil derivatives

I've successfully making Prototype pilot was run successfully and got steam generation, both super heated steam, in which the non-existent water ratio ( to generate electricity ). And saturated steam that contains a percentage of sea water
( desalination )

In my success running boiler for heating and electro reactor steam got the important elements that underlie most of the projects in the heavy and light, agriculture, tourism and in what quantities and temperatures of any of the projects industries, namely:

1 -1- The heat.
2- Super heated steam, in which the non-existent water ratio (to generate electricity).
3 - Saturated steam that contains a percentage of sea water (desalination) .
4 - Hot water to be exploited in the heating projects and other projects
5 - Hot air to be exploited in the heating and drying projects with industry and other

These elements from cheap source of sustainable and environment-friendly our ability to control and in the quantities we need in any of small and mega-projects, and the world will go back (to the era of steam), in which the world has witnessed the evolution of massive projects in the industry, and agriculture, and tourism and others. to get to a world without carbon dioxide threats .

The control of my ability to get the heat or air and water hot, and steam both super heated steam, in which the non-existent water ratio ( to generate electricity ), and saturated steam that contains a percentage of sea water ( desalination ) , encouraged me to do the work of two important inventions:

( 1 )
Generate electricity from steam system
Alternative to exploit the thermal energy the Earth

Countries and helps people not to rely on thermal energy of earth (geothermal) to provide steam for power plants at a cheap price, to reduce the value of the cost of fuel consumed for the production of electricity and reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere , and low prices do not exceed 10% of the operating cost of other conventional energies.
( 2 )
Injection of oil wells
with steam or hot water or heat system

To inject oil wells at water v***r (at a constant rate) over 24 hours, Or inject at heat or hot water. By magnetic energy without using any fuel, to extract heavy oil, a high viscosity of the ground, and increase production efficiency of oil wells, and facilitate rushes to the surface to extract greater quantities of crude oil, with the possibility of recycling water in the wells to make steam from the water by inside earth.

The extraction of heavy oil by steam and magnetic energy without using any fuel, is the first of its kind in the world, which is cheap and safe, sustainable and environment-friendly energy, give us a steam roasted (super heated steam) and freeing it from the case of water saturation, it's different way from the method used now, where boil water by liquid gas to get steam, which is the way you need to pay billions of dollars in liquid gas price .

The important side for magnetic energy, its contribution to the world's efforts to save the earth. the problem of climate change, life-threatening on the surface of the earth it will protect life components (water - air - soil) because the magnetic energy of the energies that are not issued any emissions into the atmosphere, and will also work to promote sustainable development plans, and protect the environment and sustainable improvement in air quality, more importantly, the magnetic energy projects that will be built. Will bring the world to the era of steam. Which has seen a revolution in the industry, tourism, agriculture and transport. but the use of magnetic energy , Instead of coal, which was used in that time.

Gentlemen leaders and peoples of the world.,

Magnetic energy will be used for the first time in the world on a large scale, many small and medium industries include, and in the giant industries, and in the generation of electricity, and desalination of sea water, and in the extraction of heavy oil, and other projects that can not be achieved by other alternative energies, these projects require a large effort and the provision of technical possibilities the application of these energy projects on the ground, is our motivation to search for a strategic partner, let's put our hand in his hand, to achieve our common interests, to provide global solutions to the problems of energy, and water and environment and climate.

It's a huge achievement to promote the diversity of alternative energies in the world, we hope to achieve together, and we will give quick solutions to the challenges of energy, and raise the efficiency of renewable energies and increase its share in the global energy mix in an effective manner.

We know the interests of countries in the world to own renewable energy eco-friendly, and know how to protect our planet from the risks of climate change, and know how to challenge the carbon to the atmosphere emissions, and how to provide sustainable solutions to the problem of global warming and climate change, and are aware of the danger facing the peoples of the earth and future generations, and we are working in earnest to get to the world free of carbon to ensure generations carbon-free future threats

For this art to discover new alternative energy source of magnetic energy replace oil, the world will return to the era of steam in which the world is witnessing significant economic and social revolution, but by using magnetic energy instead of coal, which was used at that time .

In conclusion, he confirmed that the leaders of the world's undiscovered magnetic energy is one of the most important alternative energies that will contribute to solving the problems of global warming and climate change, and will raise renewable energy mix in 2025 to more than 50% of the total of the world needs.

Down to such a state that face together the challenge of carbon to the atmosphere emissions, improve air quality and save the lives of every living organism lives on the surface of our planet and its sustainability, we must look forward to the role of civil society and strengthen the role of the individual and support projects, away from the political platforms that have not offered few solutions unsustainable .

Together and with your support we will give to the world sustainable solutions to meet the challenges of energy, and sustainable solutions to the problem of climate change and the challenge of carbon emissions to the atmosphere, and rid the air of harmful emissions and protect the environment, and restore the balance between human needs a provided by human nature .

We are ready to cooperate and start working hard on the ground to protect our planet and future generations, the magnetic energy projects operating without any fuel, but not cause any emission to the atmosphere.

Best Regards
Fayez Aboud Damra
President of the Jordanian Association of Inventors
[email protected]
[email protected]
Amman - jordan


As a Fundraising Coordinator, this person will be responsible for the following in close collaboration with the Kuwait Water Association (KWA): Be re


صرح الدكتور محمد بن إبراهيم التويجري، الأمين العام المساعد لمجلس وزراء البيئة العرب: إن المجلس سيناقش خلال انعقاده بالقاهرة


التقت قيادات المنظمة العربية الأوروبية للبيئة برجل الأعمال أحمد أبوهشيمة رئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة حديد المصريين لتسليمه درع المنظمة تقديراً لدوره فى تعظيم دور البيئة داخل مصانع مجموعة حديد المصريين.


سعادة الامين العام يكرم اعضاء المنظمة على هامش المؤتمر البيئي المراة والطفل والبيئة


صورة مع سعادة الامين العام


بمشاركة وحضور المنظمة العربية الأوروبية للبيئة، تنطلق اليوم السبت (14 نوفمبر)، بمقر الأمانة العامة لجامعة الدول العربية بالعاصمة المصرية القاهرة، أعمال الدورة (17) للجنة المشتركة للبيئة والتنمية في الوطن العربي، وكذلك الدورة ( 27 ) لمجلس الوزراء العرب المسئولين عن شئون البيئة يوم الخميس الموافق 19…


قرر المجلس التنفيذي للمنظمة العربية الأوروبية للبيئة على مستوى الخبراء منح سمو الأمير الشيخ صباح الأحمد


القاهرة – كونا: أكد سفيرنا لدى مصر سالم الزمانان في القاهرة أمس حرص دولة الكويت بقيادة سمو امير البلاد الشيخ صباح الاحمد الجابر الصباح على تقديم الدعم الإنساني والخيري في مختلف انحاء العالم ومساعدة كل محتاج.~جاء ذلك في تصريح ادلى السفير الزمانان ل (


تستضيف جدة اليوم الاجتماع الدوري للمنظمة العربية الأوروبية للبيئة، الذي يستعرض فيه المجتمعون أهم المقترحات والمشاريع...


تبنى أعضاء المنظمة العربية الأوروبية للبيئة في ختام اجتماعهم الدوري بجدة أخيرا إطلاق مشروع جائزة الأمير محمد بن نايف للأمن البيئي وجائزة القيادات النس...


السفير نيوز كلف الرئيس الفرنسي 'فرانسوا هولاند' الجمعية العالمية لوزراء البيئة السابق، بإعداد تقرير مفصل حول البيئة، بالإضافة إلى تقديم مجموعة من الأفكار والمقترحات في ذات السياق، وذلك لضمها للإعلان



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