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Martin‘s Huskies Active Carelia - Sleddog Kennel Owned by Irina & Martin Tolotto ;)

URGENTSirkka is looking for a home.Finnish text at the bottom. Please share. Thank you!Irina 044 3317827Sirkka, a lovely...


Sirkka is looking for a home.

Finnish text at the bottom.

Please share. Thank you!
Irina 044 3317827

Sirkka, a lovely 11-year-old Siberian husky mix, is the last who hasn’t found her forever home or Forster family.
I would love to keep her, but I can only keep two dogs in my rental apartment in Joensuu.

Despite living most of her life in a kennel, Sirkka is remarkably adaptable. She is used to living inside, is calm and quiet in the house, and can be left alone for short periods. Her adaptability, a testament to her resilience, will surely reassure potential adopters about her transition to a new home.

Sirkka yearns for a home where she can receive a lot of attention and spend quality time with her human. While she may be a bit shy with strangers, she is not aggressive. She simply needs time to warm up. A home with understanding and patience for a humble and sensitive dog like Sirkka is what she needs. With her own people, Sirkka is the most loving and happy creature. She has been very good with my now eight-year-old son, but I believe she would be happier in a family without smaller children. An adult or a couple living in the countryside in a house would be the perfect match for Sirkka.

Sirkka could be a better eater. Sometimes, she decides not to touch her food, which hasn’t affected her weight. She is just a picky eater. She is eating when needed.

Sirkka is challenging to handle with other dogs, especially females. It is not that she doesn’t like their company. But there are moments when she wants to be left alone. And if another dog comes her way at those moments, she starts a fight. Sirkka would prefer to be the only dog or have a friendly and calm male dog with enough space around. She has no experience with cats, and I recommend not introducing them to her.

Sirkka loves walks in the forest. A backyard would be beneficial for her, as she prefers to do her 'big business' in private. Imagine the joy of sharing outdoor activities with this lovely old lady.

I hope someone will fall in love with this lovely old lady. One will get a true friend for life from Sirkka.

Sirkka etsii kotia omistajan äkillisen menehtymisen vuoksi. Sirkka on ihana 11-vuotias siperianhusky-alaskanhusky-sekoitus, joka on asunut Lieksassa huskytarhalla noin 70 muun koiran kanssa. Suurin osa muista koirista on jo löytänyt uuden kodin tai on sijaiskodissa, Sirkka vielä etsii itselleen pysyvää loppuelämän kotia.

Ikäisekseen Sirkka on erittäin hyvässä kunnossa. Sirkka on viettänyt pääasiassa tarhakoiraelämää ja siitä huolimatta on erittäin mukautuvainen. Sirkka on tottunut olemaan myös sisätiloissa ja on siellä rauhallinen ja hiljainen. Sirkan voi jättää sisälle ainakin lyhyiksi hetkiksi myös itsekseen ja tottunee olemaan sisällä kokoaikaisestikin. Sirkan sopeutuvuus vakuuttanee potentiaaliset uudet omistajat.

Sirkan toiveena on löytää koti, jossa saa paljon huomioita ja aikaa oman ihmisen kanssa. Tuntemattomille ihmisille Sirkka on alkuun hieman ujo ja tarvitsee omaa aikaa tullaakseen tutuksi uusien ihmisten kanssa. Sirkka ei kuitenkaan ole ihmisiä kohtaan aggressiivinen -päinvastoin hyvin nöyrä ja mielistelevä. Uudessa kodissa tulisi olla ymmärrystä ja kärsivällisyyttä nöyrää ja herkkää koiraa kohtaan. Omien ihmisten kanssa Sirkka on mitä rakastavin, rakastettavin ja onnellisin koira. Sirkka on tullut hyvin toimeen kahdeksanvuotiaan poikani kanssa, m***a mieluiten Sirkka olisi onnellisimmillaan kodissa, jossa ei ole pieniä lapsia. Maaseudulla omakotitalossa asuva aikuinen tai pariskunta olisi täydellinen kumppani Sirkalle.

Syöntihommissa Sirkka ei ole aivan paras. Joskus Sirkka päättää olla syömättä tai piilottaa ruokansa, m***a Sirkan paino on silti pysynyt sopivana. Sirkka syö kun ruoka maittaa ja siltä tuntuu.

Muiden koirien -etenkin narttujen- kanssa Sirkka ei aina tule toimeen. Joskus Sirkka vain tahtoo omaa rauhaa ja jos toinen koira sattuu paikalle tällöin, saattaa tilanne eskaloitua kahakan puolelle. Sirkalle sopivinta olisi elellä ainoana koirana tai rauhallisen ja ystävällisen herrakoiran kaverina niin, että ympärillä on tarpeeksi tilaa. Sirkka ei ole tottunut kissoihin ja en suosittele kissakotia Sirkalle.

Sirkka tykkää lenkkeillä metsässä. Oma piha -mahdollisesti aidattu etenkin vilkkaammalla maaseudulla- olisi hyvä juttu, sillä Sirkka tykkää hoidella kakka-asiat ihan omassa rauhassa ilman katseita.

Toivottavasti joku rakastuu tähän ihanaan vanhaan rouvaan. Sirkasta saa loppuelämän todellisen sydänystävän.


UPDATE from our non-working dogs:
Some of our lovely dogs already found a new home. There are: Antti, DJ, Linux, Router, Ike, Piccolo, Update, Yellow, Karhu, Tshipo, Polaris

Let's hope the others find their forever homes soon.

BlazeMale 01.01.2014CastratedBlaze is such a beautiful, gentle dog. He doesn’t look for fights, even though he is always...


Blaze is such a beautiful, gentle dog. He doesn’t look for fights, even though he is always placed with the most noisy companies in the kennel. I wish I had his patient sometimes.
Blaze could be a great second dog for someone. But also taken alone, I am sure he is going to make someone very happy.

The moment has come, and Martin’s ashes will be brought tomorrow (about noon) to his favourite place, the Davoser Curve,...

The moment has come, and Martin’s ashes will be brought tomorrow (about noon) to his favourite place, the Davoser Curve, near his Paradise Kokkojärvi. Many of us cannot attend, but we could honour and pay tribute to Martin by lighting a candle as a reminder that his memory will live on. He is already missed by so many.

MoleMaleCastrated14.11.2016Mole has such a beautiful soul. He got a beautiful soft fur. And surely would be a great hous...


Mole has such a beautiful soul. He got a beautiful soft fur. And surely would be a great house dog. Who can resist such beautiful eyes? Even when they look at those pictures a little sad. He is very active and would love to have an active life.

Mole worked in Levi last season. And Martin was planning to let him run for at least another two years. But in June, he started limping on his back leg. We took him to the Vet, where an X-ray was made. (The Vet said this: Mole: the dog is limping front right leg. The mole was sedated, and the legs were x-rayed.
There are some changes in the right shoulder, but they are unclear—they might be inflammation or a tumour.) I started the antibiotic Dalacin (clindamycin) and the painkiller Previcox. The medication has helped, and he runs normally again. That is why I believe it isn’t a tumour. But I suggest not using him as a sled dog in the future.

AlaskaFemale29.06.2019Alaska is a beautiful big dog. She could have been a very good sleddog, but sadly, she never enjoy...


Alaska is a beautiful big dog. She could have been a very good sleddog, but sadly, she never enjoyed it. I believe she would pull for someone, just not in a big group, as we have done. She can be a little shy, and the tourist hassle was just not her thing.

She would be an excellent house dog. Very loyal and loving!!

She has Hypothyroidism. One tablet of Forthyron a day.

NetflixMale15.11.2017Netflix, another one of our dogs, didn't really enjoy his work in Levi. He much preferred to spend ...


Netflix, another one of our dogs, didn't really enjoy his work in Levi. He much preferred to spend his winters at Kokkoärvi. He is the best friend of Brexit. Whereby I can’t say if he likes her or puts up with her 😉

He loves to cuddle. And be with people. Children are no problem

SirkkaFemale01.10.2013Our little show puppy. Our little monster… when she was young, she wasn’t the easiest dog to handl...


Our little show puppy.
Our little monster… when she was young, she wasn’t the easiest dog to handle. She didn’t like other dogs, especially females. But now, with age, she is not getting that angry anymore and enjoys a free run with other dogs.

She is very good at convincing our handlers to take her into the house.

DexterMaleCastrated21.07.2014Dexter is a beautiful dog.. even a little piece of his ear is missing ;)He worked the first...


Dexter is a beautiful dog.. even a little piece of his ear is missing ;)
He worked the first few years even as a leader. But then he lost interest and stopped.
He loves a good cuddle and gets on well with other dogs.

He has never been sick. And also he is already 10, he doesn’t look his age.

Will post an actual picture as soon as I'm back at the farm.

MalekiMaleCastrated13.11.2015Everyone loves Maleki, our free-running dog. Although he is not the cleverest, fastest, or ...


Everyone loves Maleki, our free-running dog. Although he is not the cleverest, fastest, or most athletic dog in our yard, feeding time is his favourite. Sometimes, you can even find him under our wooden kennel, hoping some dogs will tip their food for him to catch.
He is surely an outdoor dog, but that doesn’t stop him from getting cuddles from everyone.

He has Hypothyroidism. Medication: Forthyron.
And his eyes need to be washed regularly.

BrexitFemale15.08.2017Brexit had a terrible accident when she was not even a year old. She tried to get through the fenc...


Brexit had a terrible accident when she was not even a year old. She tried to get through the fence and pulled her skin. Our handler at that time, Connor, sat with her for nearly a month on the sofa until her wound was healed. Sadly, she never worked after that.

She is a funny little athletic dog with a lot of attitude.

PeikkoMaleCastrated08.07.2021Peikko never wanted to work as a Safari-Husky. His favourite jobs were Garbage Collectors o...


Peikko never wanted to work as a Safari-Husky. His favourite jobs were Garbage Collectors or jail jobs.

He is climbing the fence (Jail), and there was a moment when we just gave up to put him back. Until we got our summer clients. And Peikko started to collect everything they were left lying around. Even Martin lost at least three pairs of Crocs that year. (Garbage Collector)

Peikko is an energetic boy. At first, he is a little shy, but it takes only a second, and then he hugs you gently with his front legs. At the right home, he will be the perfect dog. He would be ideal for a long walk, bike ride, or jog. He loves to run free. Children wouldn’t be a problem at all!

FOUND A NEW HOMEUpdateMaleCastrated21.07.2014Update, what a strange name for a dog. But if you know his story, you are n...



Update, what a strange name for a dog. But if you know his story, you are not surprised.
When he was born, he was the smallest of the litter. Soon, he became one of the biggest. During the time we tried to take pictures and wanted to post them, we always had to make a new Windows update. Now you might understand where the name comes from ;)

Update is a very happy fella. He worked very well at the beginning of his career, but then he didn’t see the fun in running around in circles anymore. He didn’t enjoy his work, which can happen to anyone. For his ten years, he has been in very good shape. He shows his happiness with complete bodywork—his bum never stands still—and his voice cords work well during excitement. I believe that for the right person, he would pull a kick sledge in no time.

I wish he finds a loving person who can give him a few more UPDATES

BaileysFemale26.09.2016Baileys is our most shy dog in the yard. She has been very reserved all her life. Even when she w...


Baileys is our most shy dog in the yard. She has been very reserved all her life. Even when she was only a few days old, she hid far away from all her other siblings. She grew up in Kittilä, our working kennel. With six siblings looking exactly like her (plus two black), she always found a way to hide without anyone noticing. Sadly, we never got over her fear.
She had a minor incident with another dog and lost part of her ear. During that time, a good friend took her into the house. She felt comfortable with other dogs and wanted to come close, but something stopped her from being completely trustworthy.
I would wish her to find a home where she can finally relax. Maybe someone who works from home. It would be best if there were no kids so she could find the peace she needs.
She always relied on her Kennel Friends but is very well retrievable.
She is one of a kind and could make the right person very happy!!

PlaceboMaleCastrated21.07.2014A very kind, loving big boy. Also, he worked for a few seasons. He never enjoyed his job f...


A very kind, loving big boy. Also, he worked for a few seasons. He never enjoyed his job for the full. Now, he is living as a free-running dog in our yard. He gets on with everyone and happily shares his home with other dogs. He is already a little slow in his back legs. Which means a big yard would already be fine with him. Otherwise, he has never been sick and is in good shape. Whereby he could use a shower before he can sleep on a sofa ;)


Martin has been the heart of our Husky Safari Business. He created our company from scratch. I remember days when we didn’t have food on the table or cooked rice for our dogs because we only had one bag of food left.
But actually, those were the happy times I liked to remember the most!!

I must inform you that our business will be liquidated with Martin, not with us anymore.

Thanks to Valu from Bearhill Husky, many of our working dogs still have a bright future. His support has been invaluable, and we are deeply grateful. I also want to express my personal thanks to Maria Juhala for taking another eight working dogs.

While we've made progress in finding homes for our non-working dogs, there are still 16 who are eagerly waiting for their forever homes. With your help, we hope to find these dogs loving families before we have to close the doors at Kokkojärvi.

I will introduce each dog in the coming days. If you feel a connection with any of them, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Martin (12.07.58 - 24.07.24), my love, partner, best friend, and, at times, greatest enemy, has departed from us without...

Martin (12.07.58 - 24.07.24), my love, partner, best friend, and, at times, greatest enemy, has departed from us without much warning, leaving a hole that can never be filled.

Words are not enough to describe his loss.

He was one of a kind.. and a little bit like Marmite. You liked him, or you didn’t.
But we mostly remember his charm, kindness, and stubbornness.

I am deeply grateful for the time I had with Martin and for the opportunity to raise his son, who carries his father's spirit within him.

Let’s keep Martin alive by telling his stories when the fish get bigger, and the trail gets harder every time the story gets told.

I miss you, Martin… and I know soooo many people as well.

Will add more pictures later..




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