Visa and Travel opportunities.

Visa and Travel opportunities. Get a visa, 100% guarantee!!


Someone said "the reason why Africa is poor is because we pray in English and French so the Angels are instead sending our blessings to England and France" 🥴

GETTING A RESIDENCE PERMIT.     Nowadays, the world is a global village and travelling is now more common than ever.  Pe...


Nowadays, the world is a global village and travelling is now more common than ever. People need to be physically present in different parts of the world for various reasons hence, travelling is the only way to make that happen.

However, potential migrants who intend to make their destination a home or a place of residence for a long time,.....this message is for you....


A visa, which is a document issued by the consular services of a country permitting a foreign individual to enter it's borders has been categorized .

Certain visas have been categorized. Some visas can only allow you to stay for the period of time stipulated on the visa with no possibility of extension. A tourist visa is a good example of this. If you intend to prolong or make your stay permanent, avoid the tourist visa.


Though, I will like to add that these may sound easy to accomplish, but believe me, it isn't.

It is complicated, time consuming and requires lots of money and patience.


BEFORE YOU TRAVEL ABROAD.As optimistic as you may be about traveling abroad for work or studies, always keep in mind tha...


As optimistic as you may be about traveling abroad for work or studies, always keep in mind that not all that glitters is gold.

Most people equate infrastructural development ( which is quite advanced in most of Asia, Europe and America) to a buoyant economy.

Unfortunately, this is not usually the case, do not be misled by the beautiful infrastructure of a country and assume that it is forcefully a good destination for travel.

Many people have fallen into this mistake and have become liabilities and burdens to their families instead of becoming pillars and assets to their families as they would have wished.

This is because on arrival in a seemingly advanced country with good infrastructure, jobs were scarce and even if they managed to find one, the salary was just miserable leaving them with no choice but rely on their families back home for support and survival.

Our advice is, research on the availability of jobs and salary range of your desired travel destination if you are traveling for work.

Research on the quality of education and power of their academic degrees if you are traveling for educational purposes etc.


Google the country, join forums and try to those with travel experience.



NB:.This post has been prompted by the sad situation many Africans in a certain Asian Country are finding themselves in because they were misled by dubious travel agents with an instable appetite for fast cash.



AVANT VOTRE VOYAGE À L'ÉTRANGER. Aussi optimiste que vous puissiez être à l'idée de voyager à l'étranger pour le travail ou les études, gardez toujours à l'esprit que tout ce qui brille n'est pas or. La plupart des gens assimilent le développement des infrastructures (qui est assez avancé dans la plupart des pays d'Asie, d'Europe et d'Amérique) à une économie dynamique. Malheureusement, ce n'est généralement pas le cas, ne vous laissez pas tromper par la belle infrastructure d'un pays et supposez qu'il s'agit forcément d'une bonne destination pour voyager. Beaucoup de gens sont tombés dans cette erreur et sont devenus des passifs et des fardeaux pour leurs familles au lieu de devenir des piliers et des atouts pour leurs familles comme ils l'auraient souhaité. En effet, à leur arrivée dans un pays apparemment avancé doté de bonnes infrastructures, les emplois étaient rares et même s'ils parvenaient à en trouver un, le salaire était tout simplement misérable, ne leur laissant d'autre choix que de compter sur leurs familles restées au pays pour le soutien et la survie. Notre conseil est de rechercher la disponibilité des emplois et l'échelle salariale de votre destination de voyage souhaitée si vous voyagez pour le travail. Recherche sur la qualité de l'éducation et la puissance de leurs diplômes universitaires si vous voyagez à des fins éducatives, etc. COMMENT EFFECTUER UNE RECHERCHE ? Recherchez le pays sur Google, rejoignez les forums et essayez de parler à ceux qui ont l'expérience du voyage. RESTE BÉNI. RESTEZ AIGUS. NB : .Cette publication a été motivée par la triste situation dans laquelle se trouvent de nombreux Africains dans un certain pays asiatique parce qu'ils ont été induits en erreur par des agents de voyages douteux avec un appétit instable pour de l'argent rapide. RESTEZ À L'ÉCOUTE.

Clandestine Travel and the Illegal Crossing of International Borders .   An interesting phenomenon in the sphere of trav...

Clandestine Travel and the Illegal Crossing of International Borders .

An interesting phenomenon in the sphere of traveling seems to be slowly but steadily gaining grounds.
The heavy financial requirements and paperwork needed in order to apply for a visa, (with a very high possibility of being refused by the embassy) is pushing many desperate migrants to opt for the "hard way, the only way".
As incredible as this may sound, people have successfully migrated from Africa to Europe, from South America to North America, simply packing up their stuff and trekking to their desired destination without any legal approval from the competent authorities.
Though 6 out of every 10 illegal migrant usually lose their lives in very gruesome ways during these foolhardy migration attempts, the success stories of the few lucky ones who make it continues to inspire many others to make the same attempt and the death toll from this stupidity continues to rise.
What is waiting for you at the other side after a successful illegal trip across deserts, oceans and forests where you have to brave harsh weather, deadly diseases etc .?
Stay tuned to this page if you want to know more.

NB: Before you make the illegal road trip to Europe or America, read all subsequent articles on this page and then decide.


Voyage clandestin et franchissement illégal des frontières internationales .
Un phénomène intéressant dans le domaine du voyage semble gagner lentement mais sûrement du terrain.
Les lourdes exigences financières et les formalités administratives nécessaires pour demander un visa (avec une très forte possibilité d'être refusé par l'ambassade) poussent de nombreux migrants désespérés à opter pour la "voie difficile, la seule".

Aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître, les gens ont réussi à migrer d'Afrique vers l'Europe, d'Amérique du Sud vers l'Amérique du Nord, etc. Bien que 6 migrants illégaux sur 10 perdent généralement la vie de manière très horrible au cours de ces tentatives de migration téméraires, les réussites des quelques chanceux qui réussissent continuent d'inspirer beaucoup d'autres à faire la même tentative et le nombre de morts de cette stupidité continue de monter.
Qu'est-ce qui vous attend de l'autre côté après un voyage illégal réussi à travers les déserts, les océans et les forêts où vous devez braver les intempéries, les maladies mortelles, etc.? Restez à l'écoute de cette page si vous voulez en savoir plus.

NB : Avant de faire le road trip illégal en Europe ou en Amérique, lisez tous les articles suivants sur cette page, puis décidez.

Before You Travel Abroad.(Research)The desire to travel to another country or continent for diverse reasons remains an a...

Before You Travel Abroad.(Research)

The desire to travel to another country or continent for diverse reasons remains an absolute necessity but the process to travel across international borders remains complicated for reasons that are quite justifiable and understandable.

Nation states have put in place very rigorous systems to determine who merits a visa and the opportunity to get into their territory.

However, the degree of seriousness applied on a visa applicant differs depending on his/her Nationality.

Some countries even permit visa free travel for a limited or unlimited period of time for citizens of certain countries while a valid travel document is strictly required for others.

Unknown to many, most countries wether poor or rich have visa free access to countries within or outside their continents.

Therefore, if you are considering traveling abroad for tourism, studies or work, do well to research for visa free destinations for your passport.

You may be surprised at what you will find.

Yes! Your dream destination or a place that fits your criteria for travel may just be visa free and you will be spared the stress and hassle that usually comes with compiling documents to apply for a visa!

This is the first step, before I travel abroad, RESEARCH!

French Version.

Avant de voyager à l'étranger. (Recherche)

Le désir de voyager dans un autre pays ou continent pour diverses raisons reste une nécessité absolue, mais le processus pour traverser les frontières internationales reste compliqué pour des raisons tout à fait justifiables et compréhensibles.

Les États ont mis en place des systèmes très rigoureux pour déterminer qui mérite un visa et la possibilité d'entrer sur leur territoire. Cependant, le degré de gravité appliqué à un demandeur de visa diffère en fonction de sa nationalité.

Certains pays autorisent même les voyages sans visa pour une période limitée ou illimitée pour les citoyens de certains pays, tandis qu'un document de voyage valide est strictement requis pour d'autres.

Inconnu pour beaucoup, la plupart des pays pauvres ou riches ont un accès sans visa aux pays à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur de leur continent.

Par conséquent, si vous envisagez de voyager à l'étranger pour le tourisme, les études ou le travail, faites bien de rechercher des destinations sans visa pour votre passeport. Vous serez peut-être surpris de ce que vous trouverez.

Oui! Votre destination de rêve ou un lieu qui correspond à vos critères de voyage peut simplement être sans visa et vous serez épargné du stress et des tracas qui accompagnent généralement la compilation de documents pour demander un visa! C'est la première étape, avant de voyager à l'étranger, RECHERCHE!

If you are a talented soccer player with aspirations to go pro or international. Leave a message on this page and we wil...

If you are a talented soccer player with aspirations to go pro or international. Leave a message on this page and we will get back to you with details.

Traveling abroad for long stays has a very complex impact on our emotions.The first emotion is excitement as you look fo...

Traveling abroad for long stays has a very complex impact on our emotions.

The first emotion is excitement as you look forward to travelling and discovering a new environment, people and several other things.

For first time travellers and even some experienced travellers, the second emotional huddle is nervousness. You are scared of making a mistake or missing your flight etc.

Next, Relief after arriving your destination safely.

Then, the worst sets in..... Homesickness...... sometimes, it may get so bad that you may start regretting why you ever travelled😁.

Whatever the case, stay strong... homesickness doesn't need a cure. It goes away on it's own with time.

Stay tuned.

Amazing Visa and travel opportunities with 100% guarantee incoming only on this page🙏🏿.

My Clandestine journey to Europe Episode 5The journey continued with the normal formation.All bags containing feeding it...

My Clandestine journey to Europe Episode 5

The journey continued with the normal formation.

All bags containing feeding items like cups,spoons and food items which was mostly garri, bread, biscuits, powdered milk and powdered tea were packed first, then the girls on top of the bags and the guys at the edges with their legs around the wooden sticks except this time, the sticks where fixed by us so we had to fix it as solid as we could so as not to fall off due to the high speed at which we were being transported or we will have ourselves to blame.

We drove for a full day in the desert and were only oportuned to eat or drink water whenever the Hilux sunk in sand or when the road tracks were no longer visible.

When we got to hill, the driver will reduce the air in the tires so as to enable the car climb the desert sand and when the road track became visible again, the driver pumps more air inside the four tires and then we continued.

each hilux was carring 22 to 25 people, seating so tight and close to each other for so many hours that we could no longer feel our legs or even turn to change our uncomfortable positions.

Ironically, whenever the hilux stops, we all became friends and when it starts driving again,the dragging for space so as not to fall off while the hilux drives crazily continues.

The further we got, the harder the journey became.

The sun got hotter and we all got scared and started crying after seeing graveyards in different places in the desert.

We were also drinking and wasting our water thinking we were close to sahba, but we never new the worst was to be continued

Stay tuned.

Amazing Visa and travel opportunities with 100% guarantee incoming only on this PAGE 🙏🏿

Travellers from tropical Africa heading to Europe or Asia during this period should remember to buy Vaseline and enough ...

Travellers from tropical Africa heading to Europe or Asia during this period should remember to buy Vaseline and enough warm clothing.

It is snowing right now in most of Europe and Asia and temperature is unbelievably cold so do yourself a favor.


Warm clothings are cheaper in Africa because their value is not well known there since that part of the world is almost always warm. Buy some sweaters, jackets and above all Vaseline before moving.

Stay Tuned.

Amazing Visa and travel opportunities with 100% guarantee incoming only on this PAGE 🙏🏿.

Foreign EmbassiesIn our quest to satisfy our potential clients in their demand for visas,we want to precise here that so...

Foreign Embassies

In our quest to satisfy our potential clients in their demand for visas,we want to precise here that some embassies will require the physical presence of the applicant while some embassies will permit our agents to apply on behalf of the client.

That said, we want to also inform our potential clients that the embassy of of their desired destination may not be available in their home countries, and they may have to travel to a neighbouring country to apply and subsequently collect their visa in case the embassy does not permit an application through one of our agents.

For example, a Cameroonian who intends to travel to Denmark will have to go all the way to Benin Republic, Togo or Nigeria for the visa because a Danish Embassy is not available in Cameroon.

In that case, this is what the potential client should keep in mind while going to apply for a Visa in a neighbouring Country.

1) All supporting documents for the visa must be LEGALISED at the Ministry of External Relations in their home countries before they are taken to the neighbouring country for deposit at the embassy.

Failure to do that, the embassy may not accept the documents for lack of credibility.

2) After legalising the documents at the Ministry of External Relations, if the clients Country has an embassy in the neighbouring country where the client is going to apply for the visa, it is advisable for the documents to be taken to their embassy for stamping and approval.

Some embassies are not satisfied when a document is stamped only by the External Relations as it is well known to them that local stamps can be faked.

Also, the stamp from the embassy adds more authenticity and gives more credibility to the documents which inevitably boosts the chances of the visa getting approved quickly.

Stay tuned for more information.

Amazing Visa and travel opportunities with 100% guarantee incoming ONLY ON THIS PAGE 🙏🏿.

Traveling abroad has become complex nowadays and sometimes, getting a visa to your desired destination requires some sem...

Traveling abroad has become complex nowadays and sometimes, getting a visa to your desired destination requires some semantics.

What do I mean by this?

An African based in a Schengen state is more likely to get a US Visa than an African based in Africa.

This is so because due to the poor economic situation in most African Nations, the embassies of developed Countries usually interpret the motives of the potential African traveller as an attempt to travel for greener pastures which may be sometimes true and sometimes not true.

An African from Burundi for example demanding a visa to travel to the US for tourism may have his application rejected as the embassy officials may doubt that the aim of travel is actually tourism and may hold the believe that the traveller may not return after the tourist visa expires.

From experience, if you have been repeatedly refused a visa to a certain destination from your home country, try moving to a country that is more advanced than your home country and with easier imigration policies and try and to make another attempt from there.

9 times out of 10, it works.

Stay tuned.

Amazing Visa and travel opportunities with 100% guarantee incoming only on this page 🙏🏿.

Traveling from one country to another requires permission i.e, the host Country you are traveling needs to give you perm...

Traveling from one country to another requires permission i.e, the host Country you are traveling needs to give you permission to enter it's borders for whatever reason.

The host country reserves the right to approve or reject your demand to enter their borders at their full discretion.

This permission is given in the form of a VISA.

Due to diplomatic relations between Countries, citizens of certain Countries are privileged to travel to other countries VISA FREE.

The Visa Free option is usually unknown to many, reason why it is important to do some researching before embarking on your trip. You may be delighted at what you will discover.

Unknown to many, some economically advanced Countries have given Visa Free opportunities to citizens of third world Countries for example SINGAPORE is Visa Free to many third world Countries.

Do research, be informed, traveling abroad is for smart and proactive people.

Stay tuned. Amazing Visa and travel opportunities with 100% guarantee incoming only on this page 🙏🏿.

My Clandestine journey to Europe.Episode 4After an hour's drive, we arrived at the main city of agadez and were dropped ...

My Clandestine journey to Europe.
Episode 4

After an hour's drive, we arrived at the main city of agadez and were dropped off in a house built with clay and sand and also fenced with it.

On entering the compound, we met another set of new people from other african counties.

The unbelievably hot sun in Agadez did not distract some girls who were also on the journey from doing their.. "business", meanwhile my throat was already sore because of the hot and salty water that we were drinking.

The day before our next journey, which happened to be a sunday, we were asked to buy all that we needed. We bought blankets, socks, caps, eyeglasses, hand gloves, 25 litter gallons and another 5 litres of water.

I gave the last 2k i had on me to my friend and he completed it and we bought all that we needed.

A lesson I learnt here was that staying in a place where you dont know any body, you have to be friends with everybody.

On monday evening at 9 pm, 3 hilux vehicles came and and all our luggage was loaded in the back.

After the bags, the girls where made to sit on top of the luggages and we the guys sat at the edges of the hilux with our legs rapped around a stick so we can hold on to it and not fall off.

The jouney to Sabah city in libya then began. The hilux drove crazily fast and we at the back held tightly to the stick so as not to fall off. This rough journey continued till the around 10 pm the next day. Throughout the trip, the hilux driver had stopped only once for just 5 minutes so we could all drink some water.

We later spent that night sleeping on the desert sand and very early the next morning, the drive continued.

In the evening after driving all day, the hilux stopped and we spent the night again in the desert and in the morning, three new hilux vehicles came and picked us up while the other vehicles that brought us to this point drove be continued.

Stay Tuned. Amazing Visa and Travel opportunities with 100% guarantee incoming.

My clandestine journey to Europe...Epis 3An hour later, the car dropped us in a city called Zinden in Niger where a smal...

My clandestine journey to Europe...
Epis 3

An hour later, the car dropped us in a city called Zinden in Niger where a small bus carrying another set of travellers was waiting for us.
We entered the small bus and were packed inside like sardines.
Minutes later, the bus dropped us and we mounted on bikes ridden by some Niger guys.The bikes carried 3 persons each and drove as fast as they could in order to avoid getting caught by the police.
The bikes dropped us at a small village hut built with clay at 5 am in the morning and we rested there for some hours.
Before carrying us, the bikers had insisted that we leave our bags and they will bring it for us later.
With this method, they took time to steal the best goodies we had brought for the journey for themselves.
At 9 am, a bus came, picked us up and drove us to Agadez, another city in Niger. Out of fright and curiousity, i asked my friend how all the pick ups and drop offs were possible and he told me that he had already paid 150k to a "connection man" for our transportation.
The drive to Agadez was long and dry and the sun was hot! The air that came into the car was so hot that i started regretting why I accepted to take this journey.
At1 pm the vehicle stopped at a fenced house in a little village and as soon as we drove in, the gate was closed. We were all terrified!
In the house, we were made to sit on the floor while our drivers left.
An hour later, a man came with a list and started calling names.
My friend and I were called and taken out side amongst others while those whose names weren't called stayed inside because their money was not enough to continue the journey.
Those of us whose names were called were later picked up in a red bus at 8 pm in the evening for a slow drive to another building where we were to rest before continuing to the main city of Agadez. This time, the driver drove with his headlights off to avoid being sported by the be Con't

Know When to Travel and Safe More Money.Traveling is always an expensive venture and in order to save money during your ...

Know When to Travel and Safe More Money.

Traveling is always an expensive venture and in order to save money during your trip, it is important to know the peak travel seasons and off peak seasons of your intended destination.

Like most leisure-travel destinations, Europe has peak travel seasons—when airfares are at their highest—and off-peak ones, when it’s possible to find better deals on airfare.

The summer season, which runs from late May or early June through the end of August, is when many families are available to travel. As a result, it's the most expensive time to visit Europe.

On the other hand, the late fall and winter months—from mid to late October through mid/late March—are often the cheapest time to fly. Cold weather, of course, is one of the major reasons for this.

Know when to travel, safe money and stay tuned.

Amazing Visa and travel opportunities with 100% guarantee incoming only on this page 🙏🏿.

With no other means to contact the guy who duped me, i was confused. My house rent was due and the land i rented to pick...

With no other means to contact the guy who duped me, i was confused. My house rent was due and the land i rented to pick and buy scraps of iron was about to expire too.
It was a very difficult time for me.

3 days later, an old friend paid me a visit and in my misery, i decided to tell him everything that had happened to me and my business.

He replied that he couldn't help me, but presented me an opportunity to travel to Europe with him through clandestine means.I didn't think twice about his offer and imidiately said yes he could count me in.

A week later, my friend informed me that we shall be leaving in a day's time so I hastily picked up a few clothes which i would take with me for the journey. The following morning, we headed to the bus park and boarded a bus going to the north of Nigeria. It was a really long drive and we arrived our destination at night. The bus dropped us and we had to look for another car that was going to take us across the border into Niger.

At 1h:00 am, we met other clandestine travellers like us who were waiting for a car to get them across so we joined them and after a few minutes of waiting, a bus showed up and we entered.

The bus stopped after a brief drive and the driver told us to come down which we did. We had no idea what was going on or who was directing all the drivers. What we knew was that we were going to libya.

Standing on the side of the road where the bus dropped us off, a car came and picked us up and it's driver instructed us not to talk when we got to the border.

After another long drive, we got to a military checkpoint. Three soldiers came up to the car and started inspecting inside using a flash light and our presence in the car was noted.
Negotiations between our driver and the soldiers ensued in the fulani language and ended with the driver asking us to contribute money which he gave to the soldiers. We were then allowed to drive across the border.....

to be continued.

Visa and Travel opportunities®Visa and Travel opportunities.

My Regretfull Journey To Europe ( How It All Started ).Just like every other 21 year old boy thinking the grass is green...

My Regretfull Journey To Europe ( How It All Started ).

Just like every other 21 year old boy thinking the grass is greener on the other side, well it wasn't really how i thought it would be.

This is a true story......

Episode 1

Hello, my name is jerry, and my story is not very different from that of many others who come from poor backgrounds, except i was lucky enough to have attended school to a certain level, before dropping out due to financial difficulties.

With no money to further my education, i tried my best to stay away from trouble and to do that, i started learning handwork as a mechanic
and graduated after three years but i had trouble starting my own garage, because i had no money.

In my pursuit of another alternative,i started picking scraps of iron and selling them in order to raise the money to buy the things i needed to start my own garage.

After six months, I had earned some money. All was moving smoothly till i met a guy, who told me he has a very big client who wanted to sell him a large amount of iron and metal scraps for a cheap price but he didn't have money to pay for it and he needed me to loan him some money and in return, he will refund me my money with interest after buying and subsequently reselling the iron and metal scraps.

I was convinced, and i gave him the sum of 25k. He returned 6 hours later, and started crying, saying that some guys had seized all what he had bought and were demanding he pay them 15k before he could leave with it.

Since my money was at stake, I gave him the 15k which was the last money i had hoping he will reclaim his stuff, sell them and repay me my money with interest as agreed... i didnt know that i was being scammed by this guy.

Several hours after he left, i did not hear from him so i decided to call his phone and alas! his phone was not reachable.

to be continued.....

Stay tuned and don't fall a victim to clandestine travel.

Wait for Amazing Visa and Travel opportunities with 100% Guarantee only on this page 🙏🏿.

The dangers of clandestine travel are very real.After our last publication on the dangers of trying to reach Europe or A...

The dangers of clandestine travel are very real.
After our last publication on the dangers of trying to reach Europe or America using clandestine means, a follower has reached out to us with his story and personal experience when he used this dangerous means of travel.

We will be sharing his story here so that other followers can learn from his experience and avoid the perilous venture of clandestine travel.

If you must leave your country for any reason, stay glued to this page and choose your opportunities as they come.

Stay tuned.

Amazing Visa and Travel opportunities with 100% guarantee incoming, only on this page🙏🏿.

Clandestine Migration.These days, it is becoming a fairly common trend for citizens of less developed countries to try a...

Clandestine Migration.

These days, it is becoming a fairly common trend for citizens of less developed countries to try and illegally cross the borders and gain access to the more developed countries of Europe, America, etc.

Unfortunately, many who engage in this venture end up dead, sold as slaves, become wanderers in a foreign land or are unceremoniously sent back to their home countries.

While a few clandestine immigrants succeed to enter and are doing well in their host countries, this means of migration must however be strongly discouraged because of the risks involved.

More so, the possibility of obtaining residence papers(which are crucial documents to have if you must live comfortably abroad) in a country as an illegal immigrant is quite stressful because the authorities are unsure of the true identity of the applicant since most people who indulge in this criminal means of travel, usually do so without a passport or other identification documents.

Besides, it may take from several months to several years for the process to be completed and the applicant is obliged to stay in a detention facility throughout the application process. If the response to the residence application from the authorities is negative, the applicant is kicked out of the country and is likely to face criminal charges from the immigration services in his home country on his arrival.

It is also common for illegal immigrants to go missing during their travails, ... sometimes they are arrested and locked up in foreign jails without being properly identified due their lack of identity cards and as such, they just drop off the map and are never heard from again.


Well, what we have to say is this,...

Travel if you must, but do so in legality. Fortunately, we are here to make the process smooth and stress free for you with 100% guarantee of success.

Amazing Visa and Travel opportunities with 100% guarantee incoming. ONLY ON THIS PAGE 🙏🏿.

Hello people.On this page, we will be regularly updating you guys with credible opportunities to travel out of your coun...

Hello people.

On this page, we will be regularly updating you guys with credible opportunities to travel out of your country and head to the destination of your choice.

Some of the travel opportunities will be easy and stress free with limited documentation required and some, you have to go to an embassy for interview before you can be issued the visa.

In such a situation, we can process your documents properly but at the end, your interview with the embassy officials will ultimately determine the outcome of your visa application, that is why we are here to share some tips with you on how to put up a good performance while taking your visa interview.

Top Mistakes to Avoid During a Visa Interview


When you appoint the visa interview, the embassy or consulate will tell you the exact date and time of it. The embassy may generate a bad opinion of you an incorrect and neglectful candidate, because of the tardiness on your appointment.
Instead, try to arrive at the embassy or consulate where your interview will take place, at least a few minutes earlier. This will help you calm yourself down and relax when giving your answers to the interview questions.

2)Inappropriate Answers.

Another element, that provokes visa officials to not take your application seriously, is not being properly prepared for the interview. They can tell your level of preparedness from how appropriate and to the point your answers are.

It is also important that when a visa officer asks you a question, do not take too much of time in giving the answer, otherwise this can be perceived as a lack of truthfulness.

3)Skipping Questions or False Answers.

Whenever you apply for a visa, the interview is simply a way for the diplomatic office to meet with you and understand more in depth if the information provided in the visa application form is correctly and frankly offered. Trying to avoid answering questions of the visa official, does not protect you at all, let us say if the question is sensitive to you. Also, giving fake information does not give you any good result, as the diplomatic office will reconfirm all the information you provide during the interview and in the application form.

Instead of avoiding or falsifying the answer, you must be open and direct with the visa official whatever the question is.

4)Inappropriate Appearance.

What else might penalize your visa application is the way you appear during your interview, including your outfit, shoes, makeup, temperament, body posture, even the amount of perfume you wear. Remember that the first impression is everything and, usually, you cannot get the second chance to leave the first impression, so give it the needed importance instead of trying to improve it another time.

It is considered an unwanted element of your interview if you dress carelessly or informally, with unrefined and showy clothes, accessories or tie. Showing you have a sense of consideration for the event of the interview by wearing proper formal clothes and shoes with minimal accessories is the way to go. Also, minimal makeup and slight perfume smell are also supporting elements in leaving a good impression of a serious visa candidate.

I) Another important component of the visa interview is the body posture and mimics you make during the question-answers session. A face that expresses fear and uncertainty, as well as a body that is not sitting properly, might lead visa officials to consider you a worthless and dishonest candidate. If you lean back you might be considered arrogant, leaning forward – aggressive, if too laid-back you will be perceived as a lazy individual, while armed-crossed tells you are trying to resist and defend yourself from the questions.

In its place, try holding a neutral body position by sitting tall and keeping your arms open to show you are open and ready for a fair interview.

5) Avoiding the eye contact with the embassy official during the interview also does not help at all. This is also one of the things that make you an inappropriate candidate to be given a visa, as it is usually perceived as a lack of seriousness.

Instead, keep the normal eye contact when listening questions or giving answers, by avoiding odd and consistent eyeing.

6)Incomplete Supporting Documentation.

As aforesaid, the reason the diplomatic office invites you for a visa interview is because it needs to prove you have offered frank and correct information on your visa application.

Appearing in the interview half or inappropriately equipped with the needed documentation to support the accuracy of the information provided in the visa application form, will absolutely decrease your chances to get a Schengen Visa. Such behavior, might demonstrate your insignificance given towards the given visa requirements.

Instead, make sure to consider early enough all the visa requirements. Find out early enough which are the documents that the diplomatic office recognizes as a prove your education, your marital status, your booked accommodation, flying ticket reservation, language skills and more. Prepare these documents in one place (folder) at least a day earlier the interview and make sure to go through the checklist of requirements, to make sure you haven’t forgotten any of the documents.

Take the folder with you with documents well-organized, together with needed copies. Let the visa official understand that you know well visa requirements and that you are familiar with all documents within the folder, by offering documents in order, quickly as he/she requires. Getting lost in the folder by NOT knowing what are the documents in it, will make the worst of impression.

6)Unnecessary Information.

If you have been asked a question, make sure to understand it well. Exaggerated answers and not required explanations are not supposed to be given in visa interview. The visa official is not interested in losing a day hearing everything about you – unneeded and irrelevant information. The official only wants to get specific and clear information that they directly ask you.

Avoid losing a sense of your talk, by trying to impress the visa official with too much of the talk. In its place, keep your answer short, simple and assessable, by holding the regular flow of the interview. Remember that the interview should be natural and with no need for imposing moments.


What destroys your answers during the interview, is appearing there full of nervousness. Even though your visa application and supporting documents as well as your physical appearance are as they should, a bad energy, nervousness, over-confidence might be destroyers of your interview.

Speaking too much of your successes, shaky noise, pointing yourself or the official with a finger, unstable eye contact and other negative gesticulations because of the anxiety you experience in the interview can cause for the official to end it fast.

To avoid such an uninvited situation, we suggest you relax and calm your nerves early enough before the interview. Try to not overstate the interview concern, instead, consider it an approachable meeting.

8)Disagreeing With The Visa Official.

Arguing with the visa official during the interview session is another reason why the visa interview might go wrong. Increased tone of voice, bad approach towards the visa official only shows you are a destructive individual that does not have respect for the authority that representative of the diplomatic office enjoys.

In its place, in case you have any objection about what the official dialogues, use a very sophisticated language and a calm tone of voice when clarifying the exploratory issue.

It was a long read but we hope you have learned a thing a two from this.


Amazing Visa and Travel opportunities incoming, Only on this PAGE 🙏🏿.

Merry Christmas.




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