Cristina Siegert Cerezo

Cristina Siegert Cerezo “To travel is to live” - Hans Christian Andersen.

  .travel with ・・・🇨🇷COSTA RICA🇨🇷 Este fue nuestro segundo hogar durante nuestros días en Costa Rica. ¡LAS vistas de este...

.travel with
Este fue nuestro segundo hogar durante nuestros días en Costa Rica. ¡LAS vistas de este lugar! En lo alto de la ladera de una montaña, con una vista de 180° del valle, ORIGINS LODGE]]] ofrece un escape exclusivo a un mundo moldeado por la naturaleza y domesticado por el lujo. Una oportunidad incomparable para relajarse y disfrutar dentro del entorno natural de la selva tropical.
Esta foi a nossa segunda casa durante os nossos dias na Costa Rica. A vista deste lugar! Empoleirado no alto de uma montanha, com uma vista de 180° do vale abaixo, ORIGINS LODGE]]] oferece uma fuga exclusiva para um mundo moldado pela natureza e domado pelo luxo. Uma oportunidade incomparável para relaxar e desfrutar do ambiente natural da selva tropical.


Go little rockstars.🥺by.sheree shares this amazing moment in Australia's Heron Island where turtle hatchlings make their way home to the sea. Most turtle species live from 10 to 80 years, but sea turtles and large land tortoises can live much older and

   with ・・・Con su belleza natural y rica en cultura, Panamá 🇵🇦 es un destino tiene mucho por descubrir. Y a partir de 20...

Con su belleza natural y rica en cultura, Panamá 🇵🇦 es un destino tiene mucho por descubrir. Y a partir de 2023, Fuerte Amador y Colón serán sus nuevos puertos base para las exóticas y cautivadoras costas del sur del Caribe a bordo del Rhapsody of the Seas, con salidas selectas desde Cartagena, Colombia.

Tus pasajeros podrán explorar las gemas de la región, como la animada ciudad costera de Cartagena, Colombia, además de viajes inolvidables desde el Atlántico hasta el Pacífico a través del icónico Canal de Panamá en cruceros selectos. No importa a dónde deseen ir, tus pasajeros descubrirán y explorarán los fascinantes paisajes de Panamá, Colombia y el Caribe del Sur. Próximamente podrás reservar las nuevas aventuras desde Panamá. ⚓


   with ・・・     ragazzi, è la più grande delle isole del Golfo di Napoli, e, al contrario di Capri, è un'isola di origin...


ragazzi, è la più grande delle isole del Golfo di Napoli, e, al contrario di Capri, è un'isola di origine vulcanica. Molto nota per i suoi centri termali, tanto da essere soprannominata "L'isola della salute" o "dell'eterna giovinezza". Già i Romani consocevano le doti dell'acqua curativa di Cava scura e non disdegnavano i corroboranti "bagni di sudore" sull'isola.

La leggenda narra che questi luoghi fossero stati creati dal gigante Tifeo, imprigionato da Giove sotto il monte Epomèo: contorcendosi per cercare di liberarsi avrebbe dato vita ai luoghi così contorti, mentre le sue lacrime avrebbero generato un territorio così ricco d'acqua. Non a caso i suoi terreni sono molto fertili e l'agricoltura è fiorente.

Ma dal '900 la principale fonte di sussistenza dell'isola è il turismo legato ai centri termali, conosciuti fin dall'antichità e particolarmente indicate per la cura di patologie respiratorie, muscolari e delle ossa. I bacini termali arrivano fino a cento!

Ischia, the island of regeneration, of energies, of beauty and history. This casket of delights however has been looted, desecrated and subject to innumerable abuses over the years. This history of misuse continues into the present, as the lure of the quick buck continues to play its role in illegal building projects, damaging the land and the environment.

resource by which the Island has recovered its economy and found its zenith as a centre of well being for countless visitors.
It is the largest of the three islands off the coast of Naples,  (Procida, Capri and Ischia), and more than holds its own in this trinity of beauty rising from the azure waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea. This haven seems a million miles away from the haranguing, energy charged streets of Naples, (in reality only a short ferry journey away) and holds pleasures for the most intrepid or timid of travellers.

📸 fabianoesposit0 .myjourney .di



   with ・・・  de bellezas... 😍 “El Dorado”, nuestro primer  , llegando a Colombia desde Seattle el 3 de diciembre de 1976...

de bellezas... 😍 “El Dorado”, nuestro primer , llegando a Colombia desde Seattle el 3 de diciembre de 1976. ✈️

   with ・・・📍     ragazzi, la Sardegna in   è una delle mete che chiunque dovrebbe avere in testa.L’isola è stupenda a pr...


ragazzi, la Sardegna in è una delle mete che chiunque dovrebbe avere in testa.

L’isola è stupenda a priori, ma avere la possibilità di girarla e scoprirla in inverno permette di assaporarne la bellezza con calma, senza il turismo di massa tipico dell’estate, senza i suoi prezzi folli e con un clima ancora bello ma non più caldo e afoso come in estate.
E poi fino a metà novembre si può anche fare ancora il bagno in cornici magiche e deserte: vi immaginate un bagno nel mare stupendo di Villasimius, Chia, Stintino o sulla costa di Baunei e senza persone intorno? Un sogno!

Sardinia in winter is one of the destinations that anyone should have in mind.

The island is very very wonderful, but having the opportunity to turn it around and discover it in winter allows you to enjoy its beauty calmly, without the mass tourism typical of summer, without its crazy prices and with a still beautiful climate but no longer warmer and sultry as in summer.

1. 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪 👩🏻‍🦳] Is Arutas
2. Spiaggia delle Vacche
3. Porto Flavia Masua
4. 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪 👩🏻‍🦳] Is Arutas
5. Cala Mariolu
6. Spiaggia di Tuerredda
7. Spiaggi di Cala Sinzias
8. Capitana
9. Tavolara
10. Cala Goloritze

  IfoulkiWorld] with ・・・Hallstatt, Austria🇦🇹 Choose your favorite picture of Hallstatt: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 ?📷       .fot...

IfoulkiWorld] with
Hallstatt, Austria🇦🇹

Choose your favorite picture of Hallstatt: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 ?

📷 .fotografie

Follow us IfoulkiWorld].

   with ・・・Friendly and calm, often approaching strangers to be loved, even if you are not a cat lover, after visiting T...

Friendly and calm, often approaching strangers to be loved, even if you are not a cat lover, after visiting Turkey and seeing all those beauties sitting outside on the streets, they will steal your heart. Look at this beauty posing at the amazing Cappadocia landscapes.

  .desert.antarctica with ・・・This year, utilising Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), White Desert will be assisting with t...

.desert.antarctica with
This year, utilising Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), White Desert will be assisting with the transport of German scientists, delivering them to Neumayer Station III, located not far from the penguin colony.

The curious Emperor penguins pictured here were found investigating our Basler BT67 parked nearby - possibly wondering if they could finally take to the skies...

   with ・・・You'll get to admire these colors of   in a spot between Barranquilla and Cartagena. A sea that's worth the v...

You'll get to admire these colors of in a spot between Barranquilla and Cartagena. A sea that's worth the visit and definitely more than one pic. Do you know it already?


Esta mezcla de colores se da en un lugar de entre Barranquilla y Cartagena. Un mar que merece una visita y más de una fotografía. ¿Ya lo conoces?

   with ・・・Some friendly locals in our newest destination. Have you worked out where we're sailing yet? It’s your last c...

Some friendly locals in our newest destination. Have you worked out where we're sailing yet?

It’s your last chance to enter our competition to win a trip of a lifetime for you and a guest! The winner will be announced during the first week of November.

Tell us your answer via our bio link.


Watch our A380 get a special makeover as it puts on our new livery, inviting everyone to be part of the magic at the world’s greatest show.



Solos tu y yo!

Solos tu y yo!

Momentos inolvidables es todo lo que necesitas!

Momentos inolvidables es todo lo que necesitas!

  .destinations with ・・・📍Aguas Turquesas de Millpu , Ayacucho 🤗Photo by

.destinations with
📍Aguas Turquesas de Millpu , Ayacucho 🤗
Photo by

   with ・・・=====================================🌍 , Servia =====================================P H O T O S  B Y =======...

🌍 , Servia
🏆🎉 C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S 🎉🏆
D A T E 15/12/2020
C H O S E N B Y .1
🔵 Member of




Spend a week cycling Costa Brava, Spain! A Girona bike tour takes you to our favorite parts of Catalonia, riding to seafood feasts along the wild coast.

  .travel with ・・・¿Y ahora dónde vas a querer despertar?Despierta en Palomino, destino emergente del Caribe colombiano 🌴...

.travel with
¿Y ahora dónde vas a querer despertar?

Despierta en Palomino, destino emergente del Caribe colombiano 🌴

Disfruta sus playas, río y atardeceres. Date el gusto de acostarte en una hamaca y observar el mar, sentarte a ver el atardecer o caminar en la playa 💆

Puedes llegar por Riohacha o por Santa Marta, Palomino está a menos de 2 horas por carretera desde cualquiera de las dos capitales ✈️

  .travel with ・・・¿Y ahora dónde vas a querer despertar?Nuquí, el Pacífico chocoano, es un territorio cultural y biodive...

.travel with
¿Y ahora dónde vas a querer despertar?

Nuquí, el Pacífico chocoano, es un territorio cultural y biodiverso que tiene planes para todos los gustos y presupuestos.

Kilómetros de playas y selvas para explorar, gastronomía exquisita, aguas termales y la inmensidad del Pacífico con sus atardeceres que enamoran.

Vuela desde Medellín o Quibdó y descubre la belleza de este tesoro natural y cultural de Colombia.

   with ・・・The perfect spot for a sunset drink 🍷�📸 Reservations 📩

The perfect spot for a sunset drink 🍷�
Reservations 📩 [email protected]

   with ・・・Vista aquí Toé, nuestra Cabaña Máster. Sus tres niveles, su jardín interno, un deck enorme al bosque y los va...

Vista aquí Toé, nuestra Cabaña Máster. Sus tres niveles, su jardín interno, un deck enorme al bosque y los varios detalles labrados a mano por el artista Diego Samper hacen de este espacio un nido mágico para recibir en total confort el abrazo de la selva.
Seen here is Toé, our Master Cabin. Its three levels, its internal garden, a huge deck overlooking the forest and the various details carved by hand by the artist Diego Samper make this space a magical nest to receive in total comfort the embrace of the jungle.

   with ・・・   with ・・・Dos Hoteles increíbles esperan por ti 😎. Un plan único en compañía de quien más quieres!✨Disf...

Dos Hoteles increíbles esperan por ti 😎. Un plan único en compañía de quien más quieres!

✨Disfruta de una experiencia de lujo por 4 noches/ 5 días en el mejor Hotel en Cartagena & en Las Islas, Barú

Mayor información :
📩[email protected] 📞 +57 5 664 6053 📲+57 300 462 3529


Hoy desde ANATO exaltamos la importancia de la labor diaria del Agente de Viajes, un realizador de sueños dispuesto a resolver todas las inquietudes de cada viajero.
👉🏼¿Cuál es tu razón para decir con orgullo, ? 👈🏼

   with ・・・


   with ・・・Presents⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🔆Moment Of The Day🔆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🏆 Congratulations for this amazing photo :  👀Chosen by...

🔆Moment Of The Day🔆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
🏆 Congratulations for this amazing photo :

👀Chosen by: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
✔Visit his/her beautiful gallery✔⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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   with ・・・Have you ever seen a cruise ship from a plane? 🛳 ✈️ ➖📷:                                                      ...

Have you ever seen a cruise ship from a plane? 🛳 ✈️




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