Amazorinoquia Birding

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Amazorinoquia Birding Somos una empresa dedicada al aviturismo Turismo de Naturaleza educación y conservación ambiental,


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The scaled pigeon (Patagioenas speciosa)[ is a large New World tropical dove, is fairly common in semi-open forest. It b...

The scaled pigeon (Patagioenas speciosa)[ is a large New World tropical dove, is fairly common in semi-open forest. It builds a stick platform nest in a tree and lays two white eggs.

Its flight is high, fast and direct, with the regular beats and an occasional sharp flick of the wings which are characteristic of pigeons in general. It is usually very wary, since it is frequently hunted.


🌅Somos operadores de Turismo de Aventura y Naturaleza con un enfoque sostenible, le damos Un valor agregado a Los recursos Naturales escogimos el ecoturismo como una metodología eficiente para La conservación ambiental !!!! Somos amazorinoquia Birding Turismo Con-Ciencia a través de la ciencia Generamos Conciencia💚

I want to learn how to take photos on the go I have a Nikon P900. What tips do you give me to improve?Sp: Ardea cocoiThe...

I want to learn how to take photos on the go I have a Nikon P900. What tips do you give me to improve?
Sp: Ardea cocoi
The individual was approximately 30 meters away.

Among the most trafficked species of fauna are turtles, iguanas, babillas, canaries, parrots, macaws, spider monkeys, wh...

Among the most trafficked species of fauna are turtles, iguanas, babillas, canaries, parrots, macaws, spider monkeys, white-headed and white-faced marmoset monkeys, and of flora, palms and guaduas. That is why the Minambiente, aware that these practices put the balance of ecosystems at risk, calls on society in general, at this time, to say No! for the sale, transit and commercialization of the specimens that enrich Colombian biodiversity.

The law prohibits it

Law of Environmental Crimes, wildlife trafficking was enshrined in article 328A, which establishes: "Whoever traffics, acquires, exports or markets specimens, products or parts of fauna without permission from the competent authority or in breach of existing regulations aquatic, wild or exotic wild species, will incur in prison from 60 to 135 months, and a fine of 300 to 40,000 current legal monthly minimum wages.

Wild Experience!!!

Wild Experience!!!

Espanish name: Garza PatiamarillaEnglish name: Snowy EgretScientific name: Egretta thulaFamily: ArdeidaePHOTOGRAPH The s...

Espanish name: Garza Patiamarilla

English name: Snowy Egret

Scientific name: Egretta thula
Family: Ardeidae
The snowy egret (Egretta thula) is a small white heron. The genus name comes from the Provençal French for the little egret aigrette, a diminutive of aigron, «heron». The species name thula is the Araucano for the black-necked swan, applied to this species in error by Chilean naturalist Juan Ignacio Molina in 1782.

The snowy egret is the American counterpart to the very similar Old World little egret, which has become established in the Bahamas. At one time, the plumes of the snowy egret were in great demand as decorations for women’s hats. They were hunted for these plumes and this reduced the population of the species to dangerously low levels. Now protected in the United States by law, under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, this bird’s population has rebounded.
The birds eat fish, crustaceans, insects, small reptiles, snails, frogs, worms and crayfish. They stalk prey in shallow water, often running or shuffling their feet, flushing prey into view by swaying their heads, flicking their wings or vibrating their bills. They may also hover, or «dip-fish» by flying with their feet just above the water surface. Snowy egrets may also stand still and wait to ambush prey, or hunt for insects stirred up by domestic animals in open fields. They sometimes forage in mixed species groups.

Birdwatching in the Amazon and the Colombian Orinoquia
CONTACT US 3176989327
Bird tourism, Nature Tourism and Environmental Education.



Escogimos El Aviturismo Como brazo fuerte de una Economía Sostenible!!!!

Espanish name: Caracara moñudoEnglish name: Crested caracaraScientific name: Caracara plancusFamily: FalconidaePHOTOGRAP...

Espanish name: Caracara moñudo
English name: Crested caracara
Scientific name: Caracara plancus
Family: Falconidae


The northern caracara is a carnivorous scavenger that mainly feeds on carrion. The live prey they do catch is usually immobile, injured, incapacitated or young. Prey species can include small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, crabs, insects, their larvae, earthworms, shellfish and young birds. Bird species that are culled can range from large, colonial nesting birds such as storks and herons to small passerines. Reptiles taken often including snakes, lizards and small freshwater turtles. This species, along with other caracaras, is one of few raptors that hunts on foot, often turning over branches and cow dung to reach food. In addition to hunting its own food on the ground, the northern caracara will steal from other birds, including vultures, Buteos, pelicans, ibises and spoonbills. Because they stay low to the ground even when flying, they often beat Cathartes vultures to carrion and can aggressively displace single vultures of most species from small carcasses. They will occasionally follow trains or automobiles to fetch food that falls off.

Birdwatching in the Amazon and the Colombian Orinoquia
CONTACT US 3176989327
Bird tourism, Nature Tourism and Environmental Education.

Espanish name: Iguasa CaretaEnglish name:  White-faced Whistling-DuckScientific name: Dendrocygna viduataFamily: Anatida...

Espanish name: Iguasa Careta
English name: White-faced Whistling-Duck
Scientific name: Dendrocygna viduata
Family: Anatidae
Is a whistling duck that breeds in sub-Saharan Africa and much of South America.
This species is gregarious, and at favoured sites, the flocks of a thousand or more birds arriving at dawn are an impressive sight. As the name implies, these are noisy birds with a clear three-note whistling call.
Range and habitat It has a long grey bill, a long head, and longish legs. It has a black neck and head, and distinctive white face that gives them their name, though the amount of white color visible has regional variations among the species. For example, the white-faced whistling ducks with more black coloration are commonly found in western Africa where rainfall superceeds the dry season. The back and wings are dark brown to black, and the underparts are black with a fine white barring on the flanks. The neck is chestnut. Males and females have similar plumage. Juveniles are similar in color to adults, but have a much less contrasted head pattern.

The white-faced whistling duck has a peculiar disjunctive distribution, occurring in Africa and South America. It has been suggested that they may have been transported to new locations worldwide by humans. The habitat is still freshwater lakes or reservoirs, with plentiful vegetation, where this duck feeds on seeds and other plant food.

The white-faced whistling duck has escaped or been deliberately released in to Florida, USA, but there is no evidence that the population is breeding and may only pers.

Birdwatching in the Amazon and the Colombian Orinoquia
CONTACT US 3176989327
Bird tourism, Nature Tourism and Environmental Education.

Espanish name: Tucán SilbadorEnglish name: White-throated ToucanScientific name: Ramphastos tucanusFamily: RamphastidaeP...

Espanish name: Tucán Silbador
English name: White-throated Toucan
Scientific name: Ramphastos tucanus
Family: Ramphastidae
The white-throated toucan was formerly considered to be three separate species. The red-billed toucan and Cuvier’s toucan, which differ principally in the bill colour, interbreed freely wherever they meet and therefore now merit only subspecies status. Some authorities consider the Inca toucan to represent a stable hybrid population between the other two subspecies and do not recognize it as a separate subspecies.
It has black plumage with a white throat and breast bordered below with a narrow red line. The rump is bright yellow and the crissum (the area around the cloaca) is red. The bare skin around the eye is blue. The bill has a yellow tip, upper ridge and base of the upper mandible, and the base of the lower mandible is blue. The rest of the bill is mainly black in R. t. cuvieri and mainly reddish-brown in R. t. tucanus, with intergrades showing a mixed coloration. Males are larger and longer-billed than females, but otherwise the sexes are alike.

Juveniles are noticeably shorter-billed, more sooty-black, and have duller plumage.

Birdwatching in the Amazon and the Colombian Orinoquia
CONTACT US 3176989327
Bird tourism, Nature Tourism and Environmental Education.

During the Global Big Day we met this representative beauty of the Eastern Plains, scarlet ibis, we took the opportunity...

During the Global Big Day we met this representative beauty of the Eastern Plains, scarlet ibis, we took the opportunity to make a good photographic record Soon I will share the result !!!! GBD we provide 137 species of birds observed in the Department of Meta.


Purple Throated Euphonia San Jose del Guaviare Colombia / Euphonia chlorotica / Beraca Charco Indio / San Jose del Guaviare / Colombia / ©2021 Adam Rainoff / Beraca Charco Indio Amazorinoquia Birding Ecopradera tours Cotton Carrier Camera Systems THINK TANK PHOTO

Are you sure there is only one bird??? Look closely.

Are you sure there is only one bird??? Look closely.

PHOTOGRAPH (Momotus momota), also called common or crowned barranquero (in Colombia), is a species of coracin-like bird ...

(Momotus momota), also called common or crowned barranquero (in Colombia), is a species of coracin-like bird belonging to the Momotus genus of the Momotidae family. It is native to South America.
It is a large bird, measuring between 38 and 43 cm in length; it is recognized by its bulky head, with a light blue band that surrounds its black crown and turns purple on the nape; its bill is hideous and strong, slightly curved with the edges of the bill serrated; the tail is long, black below, with gradual rectrices, the central ones ending in the shape of a racket, which sometimes wags with a pendulum movement.

Birdwatching in the Amazon and the Colombian Orinoquia
CONTACT US 3176989327
Bird tourism, Nature Tourism and Environmental Education.

Espanish name: Tangará UrracaEnglish name: Magpie TanagerScientific name: Cissopis leverianusFamily: ThraupidaePHOTOGRAP...

Espanish name: Tangará Urraca
English name: Magpie Tanager
Scientific name: Cissopis leverianus
Family: Thraupidae
is a South American species of tanager. It is the only member of the monotypicgenus Cissopis. As suggested by its common name, this blue-black and white species is superficially reminiscent of a European magpie. With a total length of 25–30 cm (10–12 in), a large percentage of which is tail, it is the longest species of tanager. It weighs 69-76 g.

It is widespread in humid tropical and subtropical woodland, plantations, second growth, and parks in South America east of the Andes. It is absent from drier regions (e.g. the Caatinga) and most of north-eastern Brazil. In densely forested regions, it mainly occurs in relatively open sections (e.g. near major rivers). In such regions it is spreading with deforestation, which opens up the habitat. It is largely restricted to lowlands, but occurs up to an altitude of 2,000 m (6,600 ft) on the east Andean slopes. It is common throughout most of its range, but rarer in the Guianas.

Typically occurs in conspicuous, noisy pairs or groups of up to 10 individuals. Commonly takes part in mixed-species flocks. Often moves long tail up and down. Eats seed, fruits and insects. The cup-shaped nest is lined with grass, leaves or other plant materials and is located low in trees near the ground or in shrubs in dense vegetation. The 2 eggs are reddish-brown with brown spots. The incubation time is 12–13 days in captivity.

Birdwatching in the Amazon and the Colombian Orinoquia
CONTACT US 3176989327
Bird tourism, Nature Tourism and Environmental Education.

PHOTOGRAPH Location: Orito-PutumayoThe aptly named hairy saki in Colombia (Pithecia monachus). A new examination discove...

Location: Orito-Putumayo

The aptly named hairy saki in Colombia (Pithecia monachus). A new examination discovers five new species within this mysterious group of primates.

Although sakis are characterized by tufts of hair that resemble the worst of human toupees, these tree-dwelling acrobatic primates are indispensable for dispersing seeds across the vast Amazonian landscape, since their main food is Fruit. After long neglected by scientists and environmentalists, a massive research effort by one bold researcher has revealed the wide diversity of saki monkeys with the discovery of five new species.

Birdwatching in the Amazon and the Colombian Orinoquia
CONTACT US 3176989327
Bird tourism, Nature Tourism and Environmental Education.

Espanish name: Caracolero PiquiganchudoEnglish name: hook-billed kiteScientific nam: Chondrohierax uncinatusFamily: Acci...

Espanish name: Caracolero Piquiganchudo
English name: hook-billed kite
Scientific nam: Chondrohierax uncinatus
Family: Accipitridae
Is a bird of prey in the family Accipitridae, which also includes many other diurnal raptors such as kites, eagles, and harriers. It occurs in the Americas, including the Rio Grande Valley of Texas in the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and tropical South America.

It is a mid-sized, slender raptor with an invariably striped belly and banded tail but there is probably more individual variation in color and in size of bill than in any other species of diurnal raptor. Birds from beneath can look blackish or gray (especially males) and brown or brick-red (females) variously. This renders species identification at times extremely difficult. The downcurved hook at the tip of the beak is apparent on perched and low-flying birds. Weight can range from 215 to 397 g (7.6 to 14.0 oz) and length is 38–51 cm (15–20 in).

Tree snails are this raptor’s favorite prey but frogs, salamanders, small mammals and insects are also taken. When it finds a tree snail it holds it with its talon and uses its beak to pry open the shell. The nest is a flimsy platform of sticks is built by both sexes. The hook-billed kite lays two to three buff-white eggs marked with red-brown. Incubation is by both sexes. Semialtricial young stay in the nest 35–45 days and are fed by both sexes. This raptor is often considered sluggish and retiring, preferring to perch inside leafy canopy when not flying.

Birdwatching in the Amazon and the Colombian Orinoquia
CONTACT US 3176989327
Bird tourism, Nature Tourism and Environmental Education.

Espanish name: Tangará CejiopalinaEnglish name: Opal-crowned TanagerScientific name:Tangara callophrysFamily: Thraupidae...

Espanish name: Tangará Cejiopalina
English name: Opal-crowned Tanager
Scientific name:Tangara callophrys
Family: Thraupidae
Location: Orito-Putumayo

is a species of bird in the family Thraupidae, the tanagers. It is one of 49 species in the genus Tangara.
It is found in the eastern Andes drainages to the western Amazon Basin in southern Colombia, eastern Ecuador and Peru and a region of northwestern Bolivia; for Brazil in southwestern-western Amazonas state and Acre.

Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland found in one contiguous range centered on Amazonian eastern Peru-Ecuador, southeastern Colombia, and the very west of Amazonas state, Brazil; all of Acre state is included in the south with southern Peru, and a border region of extreme northwestern Bolivia.

A small disjunct population exists 100 km west in southern Colombia.
On this occasion we were able to observe this individual in Orito Putumayo at the CORUNTA ecotourism farm.

Birdwatching in the Amazon and the Colombian Orinoquia
CONTACT US 3176989327
Bird tourism, Nature Tourism and Environmental Education.






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