Jazzy's River House - Dominical, Costa Rica

Jazzy's River House - Dominical, Costa Rica Vacation Rentals located on the water in the center of Dominical, Costa Rica; a charming surfing vil

Directions: http://bit.ly/Jazzys-dominical-hotel

Vacation Rental Rates
High Season rental: $75/nite 1-2 people
Low Season rental: $60/nite 1-2 people

For details visit our website: http://jazzysriverhouse.com/dominical-costa-rica-hotel-rental-rates/

FourSquares: http://4sq.com/1yARyvt

Google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Jazzysriverhousedominicalcostarica/posts


~Steve Fergus…NEWS TO USE: (from the public meeting in Uvita/May 6, 2024) Camilo Flores is a federal environmental prosecutor responsible for ordering investigations of environmental crimes. His contact information is: [email protected]. His office phone number is: 2785-2645. Anyone can notify him and his office of obvious or even suspected criminal activity or corruption at any level of government or private activity. Anonymous reports are accepted if there is concern for personal safety which with big developers is a very real threat. Location and description of the suspected/alleged crime are the most important items to report. Camilo will order the appropriate agency to investigate.
Coastal ridge development and illegal shacks being built along the Uvita River were discussed. Camilo noted that permits are often issued without a proper site visit and environmental protection standards are often violated and go undetected without oversight from concerned and observant locals. Filing complaints is strongly encouraged if wrongdoing is observed or suspected. This includes reporting of suspicion of corruption of any government agency…Camilo is well connected with the agency responsible for investigating government corruption and will get the information provided to the right people.
The Municipality controls construction within its boundaries and forming small community groups was suggested to meet with and communicate with relative agencies.
The Uvita community expressed serious concern about the illegal shacks being built along the river citing contamination, crime and drugs as important issues to be dealt with.
One obvious result of yesterday’s meeting was the need to be active in protecting the environment. Camilo confirmed the current federal administration is pro-development. This makes protecting the environment more of a challenge but also more of a necessity. Combining forces is effective so forming pro-environment groups and sharing information is a vital step toward achieving environmental justice and maintaining what we value.
While not a topic of discussion yesterday I will add that WATER is the top issue with respect to development worldwide and especially here in the Southern Zone. Our water is limited and appears to be diminishing as local sources are on a drying cycle. WATER should be a primary tool for us to use in controlling development.
I’d also like to promote the taking of pictures and writing articles and flooding newspapers, magazines, digital media, etc… with thoughts, concerns and information…knowledge is power and we must spread the word far and wide to succeed.

~Steve Fergus…NOTICIAS DE USO: (de la reunión pública en Uvita/6 de mayo de 2024) Camilo Flores es fiscal ambiental federal responsable de ordenar investigaciones de delitos ambientales. Su información de contacto es: [email protected]. El teléfono de su oficina es: 2785-2645. Cualquiera puede notificarle a él y a su oficina sobre actividades criminales o corrupción obvias o incluso sospechadas en cualquier nivel de gobierno o actividad privada. Se aceptan informes anónimos si existe preocupación por la seguridad personal, lo que en el caso de los grandes desarrolladores es una amenaza muy real. La ubicación y la descripción del presunto delito son los elementos más importantes que se deben denunciar. Camilo ordenará a la agencia correspondiente que investigue.
Se discutió el desarrollo de las crestas costeras y la construcción de chozas ilegales a lo largo del río Uvita. Camilo señaló que los permisos a menudo se otorgan sin una visita adecuada al sitio y que las normas de protección ambiental a menudo se violan y pasan desapercibidas sin la supervisión de los lugareños preocupados y observadores. Se recomienda encarecidamente presentar quejas si se observa o se sospecha una irregularidad. Esto incluye denunciar sospechas de corrupción en cualquier agencia gubernamental... Camilo está bien conectado con la agencia responsable de investigar la corrupción gubernamental y proporcionará la información a las personas adecuadas.
El Municipio controla la construcción dentro de sus límites y se sugirió formar pequeños grupos comunitarios para reunirse y comunicarse con las agencias correspondientes.
La comunidad de Uvita expresó seria preocupación por las chozas ilegales que se están construyendo a lo largo del río, citando la contaminación, el crimen y las dr**as como temas importantes que deben abordarse.
Un resultado obvio de la reunión de ayer fue la necesidad de actuar activamente en la protección del medio ambiente. Camilo confirmó que la actual administración federal es prodesarrollo. Esto hace que proteger el medio ambiente sea más un desafío pero también una necesidad. Combinar fuerzas es eficaz, por lo que formar grupos a favor del medio ambiente y compartir información es un paso vital para lograr la justicia ambiental y mantener lo que valoramos.
Aunque ayer no fue un tema de discusión, agregaré que el AGUA es el tema principal con respecto al desarrollo en todo el mundo y especialmente aquí en la Zona Sur. Nuestra agua es limitada y parece estar disminuyendo a medida que las fuentes locales están en un ciclo de secado. El AGUA debería ser una herramienta primordial que podamos utilizar para controlar el desarrollo.
También me gustaría promover la toma de fotografías y la redacción de artículos e inundar periódicos, revistas, medios digitales, etc… con pensamientos, inquietudes e información… el conocimiento es poder y debemos difundirlo por todas partes para tener éxito.


~Steve Fergus... al 'Proyecto Dominical': 85 acres de propiedad de primera playa tropical... la gallina de los huevos de oro se ofrece al matadero. Llénalo de gente, coches, piscinas, casas y aparcamientos, ¿y qué te queda? El ganso se ha ido. Tienes un enclave privado de gente rica y famosa que también tiene casas en Malibú, Long Island y Lahaina que ahora ya no viven en un paraíso pastoral sino que viven en otra subdivisión... como todas las demás subdivisiones. Atrás quedó la vibra de la “naturaleza”... la naturaleza fue arrasada con topadoras... caminos, casas, cercas, portones, farolas... pavimentar el paraíso no es progreso... ambiental, social y personalmente es lo que es: la destrucción del paraíso. Del mundo natural. Eliminar la biodiversidad y reemplazarla con una vida lujosa para que una minoría selecta se siente y disfrute de la puesta de sol desde su balcón a expensas de lo que pensaban que venían a buscar. Los nuevos residentes no sólo pierden la espléndida belleza del paisaje natural que destruyeron... todos en todas partes salen perdiendo. Los árboles, los pastos, los pájaros, la apariencia y la sensación de la naturaleza desaparecieron para que todos los vean y experimenten.
Sorprendentemente, se está ignorando una advertencia flagrante. Una parte de este sitio frente a la playa está en ruinas porque fue construido con sobornos. Hal Wright abandonó el país para evitar la orden judicial que le habían emitido y muchos inversores perdieron los calcetines y el medio ambiente ha sufrido enormemente... este Proyecto Dominical está condenado desde el principio y nunca verá la luz del día. Hay demasiados lugareños conscientes del medio ambiente y apasionadamente activos que son expertos en proteger nuestro rico pero frágil medio ambiente. En lugar de matar a la gallina de los huevos de oro, haga lo que ha hecho nuestro vecino del norte... Steve Stroud compró 1000 acres llamados Hacienda Barú para proteger y preservar... no es un laberinto de caminos, mansiones y comunidades cerradas, es una selva tropical prístina llena de naturaleza en su forma más diversa. Su pequeña infraestructura permite visitas controladas al público en general dejando el paisaje intacto. Inversores como Steve Stroud son lo que se necesita en áreas críticas como las zonas costeras y las riberas de los ríos... inversores dispuestos y capaces de encontrar formas de proteger la tierra y no violarla.


~Steve Fergus…to the ‘Dominical Project’: 85 acres of prime tropical beachfront property…the goose that lays the golden eggs is offered up for slaughter. Cram it full of people and cars and swimming pools and houses and parking lots and what do you have left? The goose is gone. You have a private enclave of rich and famous people who also have houses in Malibu and Long Island and Lahaina who are now no longer living in a pastoral wonderland but are living in another subdivision…like all the other subdivisions. Gone is the ‘nature’ vibe…nature was bulldozed flat…roads, houses, fences, gates, streetlights…paving paradise is not progress…environmentally, socially, personally it is what it is: the destruction of paradise. Of the natural world. Eliminating biodiversity and replacing it with luxurious living for an elite few to sit and enjoy the sunset from their balcony at the expense of what they thought they came here for. Not only do the new residents lose out on the splendid beauty of the natural landscape they destroyed…everyone everywhere loses out. The trees, the grasses, the birds, the wilderness look and feel are gone for all to see and experience.
Astonishingly a glaring warning is being ignored. A part of this beachfront site lies in ruins because it was built with bribes. Hal Wright left the country to avoid the warrant he had been issued and many investors lost their socks and the environment has suffered immeasurably…this Dominical Project is doomed from the beginning and will never see daylight. There are too many environmentally conscious and passionately active locals that are experts at protecting our rich but fragile environment. Instead of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs do as our neighbor to the north has done…Steve Stroud purchased 1000 acres called Hacienda Baru to protect and preserve…it’s not a maze of roads and mansions and gated communities it is pristine rainforest filled with nature at its most diverse. Its small infrastructure footprint allows controlled visitation to the general public while leaving the landscape intact. Investors like Steve Stroud are what is needed in critical areas such as coastal zones and river banks…investors willing and able to find ways to protect the land not r**e it.


Let your soul and spirit fly 🦅


Welcome to paradise


Dominicalito is about a mile from Dominical. It is indeed a beautiful beach and an amazing walk.



Money...Fame & P***y Galore
These are the things the Trump Towers are for
A once handsome face
According to some
Has gone frightfully sour
Almost by the hour
And the hole he is digging drops down night and day
Beware he says if you get in my way
I must drain this swamp
And get rid of this mud
Even if it means the spilling of blood
And what never was smart is now dumber than dumb
And where once was abundance there is barely a crumb
And while he and his followers are sinking fast
The water is rising
How long can he last?


'A Chorus Line' echo's 'There's no business like show business' all the way down the line. And there isn't and we all know it. When I was a kid the most well known and liked people were singers. Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra held center stage and were joined by Bob Hope who not only sang and danced but made us laugh. Then along came 'The King'. During his time who didn't know who Elvis was? He did have to make room for the Beatles though who were “more popular than Jesus” for awhile and then came maybe the best known and most loved human ever: Bob Marley. We love our singers. I suspect it goes back to the cave days. And nights. The cast of this award winning musical are teenagers who live a long way from Broadway. They live a long way from a theatre. Do they know how lucky they are? I happen to know they do. Even if I didn't know them personally it shows in their work. The energy and dedication I saw on that stage today radiated gratitude for the opportunity to be on that stage. With an overflowing audience of ardent fans. Broadway? Uvita? A cheering audience is a cheering audience. What performer doesn't end a performance without a bow and a heartfelt thank you to a loving crowd. Hats off to another grand production from Jungle Arts & Dance and Pied Piper Productions. A stunning performance by any standards. Congratulations and thanks to the 'Shining Sixteen' you were terrific! And congratulations and very special thanks to Kelly, Sharon and all the team members who made this happen. All-Stars, every one of you.


All piano students have good news: The Costa Rica Piano Festival has already opened its registration period for its 6th edition, which will take place from July 8th to 13th, 2019, at the facilities of the National University. The registration period expires on May 19th, 2019, and is open to pianists...


To paraphrase Pogo: “We have met the enemy and the enemy is us.
We are continually fighting each other because we are afraid of each other. This is why we separate each other with borders. With walls. We are afraid of anyone who doesn't look like us, doesn't think like us or speak like us or live like us. Two natural fears: falling and loud noises. Walking over a hill in east Africa to find a pride of lions waiting for you on the other side...with cubs...with a deafening threatening African lion roar you may experience a moment of fear. One way or another it won't last long. Sitting in the oval office in full control of the worlds largest and by far the most powerful military force ever known and being afraid of a few thousand unarmed bedraggled refugees fleeing the death and destruction of their homeland caused in large part by the oval office and now peacefully seeking refuge in the country that has destroyed theirs?
When they meet your border they are met with a fully armed resistance, their children are ripped from their arms and put in cages and they are turned away. This isn't inhospitable, this is inhumane. This is an unspeakable crime against humanity. Inexcusable, intolerable, unacceptable. You ordered thousands of regular army troops to illegally report for active duty on homeland soil to defend the southern border which would have been the perfect solution if the plan was to officially welcome the asylum seekers, make them comfortable, provide them with food and shelter, protect them from infiltrators and treat them as neighbors in need with loving care and attention. Once again the oval office has sinned against humanity. Recently it seems that's about all the oval office has done.


Congratulations T. Rump! You have managed to transport us back to the Upper Cretaceous Period!
Back to the days of T. Rex! Tyrannosaurus Rex, the name meaning 'Tyrant Lizard' (from the Gr). It was one of the largest and possibly the fiercest carnivore to ever walk the earth. It's massive head gave it the most powerful bite force of any terrestrial. It was the last known member of the tyrannosaurids. Until you came along. ~Dr. Shark

I have always been considered brilliant and now it is commonly thought I invented the word. Actually the word was invented for me. Not for Einstein because all he did was fiddle around with some arithmetic. Hi**er was close to brilliant but he fell apart toward the end there. If it weren't for me Yogi Berra might be called brilliant but I simply tower above even Yogi although he and I have been best friends all our lives. I taught him how to catch and he never forgot it. I taught Mickey Mantle to hit and he never forgot. He personally autographed every home run ball he ever hit and gave them all to me. I think I have some of them stored away in Trump Tower for safe keeping, he may not be around forever. Old Mick, he and I have been best friends all our lives. He thinks I'm the greatest not only because I taught him to hit but mostly because he knows that I taught Muhammad Ali how to box even though Ali called himself the greatest. So if I taught the greatest then that makes me the greatest. ~T Rump


These inlanders had been attracted to the sea and they made the most of it. Bob had a fishing boat and
when we weren't catching yellowtail off Coronado with the wind and spray in our hair we were
comfortably camped around a fire pit roasting marshmallows waiting for our lines to sing from the
shallow haunts of Mission Bay. My favorites were the lobster nights out on the cliffs in La Jolla, Bird Rock and Pt. Loma. I was leashed by rope, belt loops to belt loops, to one of the adults at all times and it was absurdly exciting, the waves exploding, the spray flying, the nets hauled up with a handful of
prehistoric lobster thrashing and maybe a shiny barracuda or two or a slimy moray eel, all these needle
sharp teeth snapping and powerful bodies flopping and Stephanie's yelling 'poke their eyes out! Poke
their eyes out!' and we couldn't seem to get enough of the marine life, the thrill and wonder of it all.
And the barbecues. And the clambakes and the taco nights (once out of my high chair I was served a
shot glass of beer with Mexican food) and all the cooks had their favorites. Jones was overtly
reverential in his love of roast beef. His hand went to his heart whenever the words were spoken and
I'm told I joined him in his ritual early on. We'd do it today if we met up on the street. My dad's niche
was Mexican. He made the meanest enchiladas imaginable and tamales that made your knees weak.
Gwen was the baker, known far and wide for her kuchen especially. My mom was the gravy lady,
queen of the savory sauces. Mildred crafted exquisite, unusual desserts, I remember those the best,
and she made full-meal, hearty soups. Bob was our fish guy all the way around.
Once a year our quaint little backstreet residence court gained Park Avenue status when the North Park
Toyland Parade made it's final grand turn onto our street. Less than half a block off University Avenue
we had the full, glorious, slow turn in full view and every relative and friend we had would pack a
lunch and come for a visit. Some sat on the roof with pillows and bottles of beer. Arizona St. had it's
moment of glory. Then it went back to sleep for the rest of the year. Once a week meanwhile, I made
the trip with my dad to 'Shorty's' the neighborhood barber shop around the corner on University. Just
past the market 'shorty's' place had a revolving red and white barber pole cylinder on the outside and inside
it was a maze of mirrors. As you sat in your chair you were transported by strategically placed mirrors.
In front, behind, all around. No matter where you looked you could always see further, look deeper.
An M.C. Escher light show that I looked forward to like the triple chocolate ice cream bars they had
next door. Wrapped in a silver and bright yellow shiny cover they were dark chocolate ice cream with
a gooey chocolate fudge center and a nutty cracklin' thick hard dark chocolate coating that didn't melt easy. Almost too good. But they were 12 cents. Four cents more than a fudgesicle. Shorty was my dad's barber not mine. Shorty's
partner Harry gave me my butch every week which I hated but so what? I get an ice cream bar as payback. Harry was tall and bald with a
bristly yellow mustache that looked just like his shaving brush. My dad loved to complain about his
haircuts from Shorty especially how it irked him that he never got the top short enough which always
prompted someone to remind him that Shorty couldn't reach the top which always got a laugh. The far
south end of Arizona St. was a frequent destination on neighborhood walks where I learned to skip
rocks across the fly casting pond surface and hope for a glimpse of coyotes. We saw them regularly if
we stayed till dusk. The Morley Field Rangers my dad called them.
The York's were the first to leave. They bought an elegant older home out on the Kensington Rim
overlooking Mission valley. Hart drive, north of Adams, was an understated subtly glamorous parade
of prewar homes on generous lots with mature trees and landscaping and an air of quiet snobbery. That
didn't bother me, I loved spending time there. Steph and I would ride bikes around the neighborhood then retire to the back patio for marathon coloring book sessions.
I was in awe of her ability to outline each figure so precisely then never go outside the lines when coloring in the field.
It was in the York's new living room (the 'formal' living room near the front of the house) one
night that I learned my dad was a poet. Mildred let us in through the front door and took our coats
and led us through the vestibule into the 'formal' living room where Bob was seated in his 'easy' chair listening to the new radio on the table beside him. My mom said something about not wanting to interrupt anything which my dad followed with something like: 'we didn't come over here to listen to your goddamn bebop Bob' which broke the ice, everyone laughed and relaxed and the dad's started joking and the mom's headed for the kitchen so Steph and I had the run of the house and yard and neighborhood.


Bahia Ballena


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