En el último descenso del cañón Medio Puente, día de prácticas del Curso Avanzado de Canyoning.
El próximo curso de Canyoning Técnico (nivel 1) es 16 y 17 de octubre.
Namu Wilderness
#OutdoorAdventures #Kabata #KabataExpeditions #JungleCanyons #canyoning #canyoneering #training #rappel #waterfalls #CostaRica #NAMUWilderness #curso #CanyoningTecnico #CanyoningAvanzado
Desde la cima del Nevado Ishinca en Parque Nacional Huascarán en Perú, a 5550 metros, con Edwin Rimac, que pasé diciéndole Edgar todo el viaje, (que mal 🤣).
Ya estamos preparando el programa de las expediciones para el próximo año, a ver quienes quieren ir a hacer esta y otras cumbres más, además de viajes con trekking!
Ya pronto estaré publicando los detalles, para que estén pendientes…
Kabata Expeditions
Kabata® @Kabata.co
Outdoor Adventures Costa Rica
#KabataExpeditions #Kabata #OutdoorAdventures #Expeditions #Peru #Outdoor #Adventures #mountaineering #alpineclimbing #alpinism #alpinismo
#montañismo #adventuretravel #travel #explore #Huaraz
Guided rappel built by our Advanced Canyoning course students. This type of rappel is used to avoid a problematic spot.
Rappel guiado armado por nuestros estudiantes del Curso de Canyoning Avanzado.
#Kabata #KabataExpeditions #OutdoorAdventures #JungleCanyons #canyoning #canyoningtraining #advancedcanyoning #canyoneering #CostaRica #puravida #costaricacool
Costa Rica awaits you!! Don’t cancel, postpone...
Costa Rica awaits you!! Don’t cancel, postpone...
#dontcancelpostpone #travelwithfriends #CostaRica #OutdoorAdventures #Kabata #KabataExpeditions #supportcostarica
Video en 360 grados del amanecer desde el Cerro Chirripó
📸 Roberto Muñoz
#OutdoorAdventures #Kabata #KabataExpeditions #Chirripo #CostaRica
This cabin in the mountains of the Cordillera de Talamanca was our destination for the first day. We had the place just for our group, since this trekking is limited to just on group at a time.
Photo by @modiot ::
#gettoKnowtheOutdoors #OutdoorAdventures #adventure #expeditions #trekking #multisport #AdventureTravel #AdventureTrips #travel #CostaRica #nature #explore #outdoors #gocamp #getoutside #mountains #mountainlife #adventurelife #explorers #gowild #explorenature #outdoorslife #justGoOutside #travelpic #trailenvy #cabininthemountains #cabin
Video en la Cima del Cerro Chirripó - 3820 metros, un poco de llovizna y ventoso
En la Cumbre del Cerro Uran, despejado pero un poco ventoso... este es un lugar complicado para estar, ya que la cima está compuesta por cientos de piedras sobrepuestas, con grandes espacios entre cada una, por lo qué hay que tener cuidado
La llegada al Cerro Chirripó... llegando por la parte de atrás después de hacer cumbre en el Cerro Urán... un poquito nublado nada más...
Majestic lush waterfalls are a nice destination for a day hike in the tropical dry forest. If you want to include something like this in your next Adventure Trip with @outdoorcr just let us know, and we will design the perfect vacation for you.
Video by @modiot
#gettoKnowtheOutdoors #KabataExpeditions #OutdoorAdventures #adventure #expeditions #trekking #multisport #AdventureTravel #AdventureTrips #travel #CostaRica #explore #outdoors #getoutside #adventurelife #explorers #gowild #explorenature #outdoorslife #justGoOutside #trailenvy #travelvideo #waterfall #jungle #slowmotion
With my daughter Jimena kayaking in Golfo Dulce, a really peaceful place with amazing views. If anyone wants a tour like this, just let me know...
Video by @modiot
#gettoKnowtheOutdoors #KabataExpeditions #OutdoorAdventures #adventure #expeditions #trekking #multisport #AdventureTravel #AdventureTrips #travel #CostaRica #explore #outdoors #getoutside #adventurelife #explorers #happy #gowild #explorenature #outdoorslife #justGoOutside #travelpic #travelPhotography #kayaking #oceankayak
To keep everything green in paradise, we have a lot of rain, specially this time of the year. The good thing is that we been having perfect weather during the paddle time. Just relax and enjoy the rain, as we are doing right now with a cup of Costarrican quality coffee.
Photo by @modiot
#gettoKnowtheOutdoors #KabataExpeditions #OutdoorAdventures #adventure #expeditions #trekking #multisport #AdventureTravel #AdventureTrips #travel #CostaRica #explore #outdoors #getoutside #adventurelife #explorers #happy #gowild #explorenature #outdoorslife #justGoOutside #travelpic #travelPhotography #kayaking #oceankayak #raintime #jungle