Peregrinus Expeditions

Peregrinus Expeditions Peregrinus Expeditions is a tour operator l that showcases the beauty of nature

Peregrinus Expeditions is a tour operator that showcases the beauty of birds, frogs, and nature in general in Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador. When you choose to travel with Peregrinus Expeditions you will not only enjoy nature, you will support it. This is because Peregrinus Expeditions participates in small community projects such as reforestation and education. Getting involved with these projec

ts and/or getting organic products as coffee with Peregrinus Expeditions will make an important impact in the local economy and environmental awareness.

Today we're dressed in Red and Black, inspired by this beautiful Crimson-collared Tanager. It's amazing how it complemen...

Today we're dressed in Red and Black, inspired by this beautiful Crimson-collared Tanager. It's amazing how it complements the evergreen forest and these vibrant colors.


Some of the Birds we found on the Southern Costa Rica Trip!.

Some of the Birds we found on the Southern Costa Rica Trip!.

Last weekend we visited Reserva El Copal, where we enjoyed this  Speckled tanager in its natural habitat. We got this sh...

Last weekend we visited Reserva El Copal, where we enjoyed this Speckled tanager in its natural habitat. We got this shoot from their amazing balcony and the tanager was eating one of the good fruiting trees, a Melastomatacea.

Just Beautiful Naturw Colo

He is Cris, our founder and main guide. His smile says it all; he loves sharing his knowledge. In the case of the Finca ...

He is Cris, our founder and main guide. His smile says it all; he loves sharing his knowledge. In the case of the Finca Madrina tour, he shares his passion for coffee – from cultivation, picking, roasting, to drinking. With every step, he gracefully unveils the rich tapestry of his personal history and cherished traditions. This makes the experience not just informative, but a true celebration of the art and love that goes into every day on a farm.

🎄𝑯𝙖𝒑𝙥𝒚 𝑯𝙤𝒍𝙞𝒅𝙖𝒚𝙨🎄On behalf of the Peregrinus Expeditions family, we want to wish you a joyful Christmas spent with your l...

🎄𝑯𝙖𝒑𝙥𝒚 𝑯𝙤𝒍𝙞𝒅𝙖𝒚𝙨🎄
On behalf of the Peregrinus Expeditions family, we want to wish you a joyful Christmas spent with your loved ones. We express gratitude to all those who have honored us with their presence over the years and for the opportunity to showcase the natural wonders of our wonderful country. The coming year will bring new opportunities for us to share and continue exploring together, discovering territories filled with unforgettable experiences. Merry Christmas!

Last week  We have the Oportunity to photograph this beautiful Cape-may Warbler in Costa Rica  in the Highlands of Saveg...

Last week We have the Oportunity to photograph this beautiful Cape-may Warbler in Costa Rica in the Highlands of Savegre, not always we have the opportunity to see this specie with this plumage in migration, also is uncommon.

Some of the birds seen in our last birding Tour in Costa Rica during rainy season.Thanks to the local projects around th...

Some of the birds seen in our last birding Tour in Costa Rica during rainy season.
Thanks to the local projects around the country, without their effort and passion for the wildlife and corservation our tour won't be the same.

This week we enjoy the migration that little by little start increasing the numbers of species disperse in different par...

This week we enjoy the migration that little by little start increasing the numbers of species disperse in different parts of the country. We start seen migrants from North America early in August, new reports, in this month we visit the water treatment lagoon of a pig farm in the central valley not the best place for breath while you are birding but unique oppportunity for some migrants for pipers and shore birds and other that stop in CR for rest eat and continue it's journey.
Wilson's Phalarope, Pectoral Sandpiper, Bank Swallow, Bairds Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Alder/willow Flycatcher

! Explore Costa Rica's Iconic Bird Watching Spots!🐦 Join our small group on this special 11-night, 12-day itinerary desi...

! Explore Costa Rica's Iconic Bird Watching Spots!🐦 Join our small group on this special 11-night, 12-day itinerary designed for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers.👌 Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience the beauty of Costa Rica's birdlife. Contact us for more information and secure your spot during this fantastic season to visit Costa Rica."
[email protected].

This week's journey took us to the Reserva Pacuare, where we had the incredible opportunity to explore its natural beaut...

This week's journey took us to the Reserva Pacuare, where we had the incredible opportunity to explore its natural beauty. Our primary objective was to encounter the stunning Heron, known for its captivating plumage. Having spotted a few of these exquisite birds back in June, it's an honor to now witness them in their new habitat. The Reserva Pacuare stands as one of the rare locations in Central and South America where you can observe the nesting grounds of the Agami Heron. As the next season approaches, consider joining us to experience and capture the magnificence of this natural wonder through your photographs.

If you wonder how is birding after   migrants birds are back to North America! here we share some of the birds in our lo...

If you wonder how is birding after migrants birds are back to North America! here we share some of the birds in our local tours this Weekend! Capture in two our different ecosystems, where is the chance to see endemic and colorful birds.
Ask for our our package and wonderful birding and nature tours.
Volcan Turrialba
Reserva el Copal

Pregunta por nuestros paquetes tenemos tours especiales naturaleza y aves.
+506 83027074
[email protected]

🇨🇷 El quinto día de nuestro viaje rn Ecuador comenzó con un recorrido de 40 minutos desde Saraguro hacia el cerro Acanam...

🇨🇷 El quinto día de nuestro viaje rn Ecuador comenzó con un recorrido de 40 minutos desde Saraguro hacia el cerro Acanama, donde encontramos bosque achaparrado y chusquea. Aca observamos Crescent-faced Antpitta, Ecuatorial Antpitta, Golden-Plumed parakeet, Ocellated tapaculo.

🇺🇸 The fifth day of our trip in Ecuador began with a 40-minute journey from Saraguro to the Acanama hill, where we found scrub forest and chusquea. Here we observe Crescent-faced Antpitta, Equatorial Antpitta, Golden-Plumed parakeet, Ocellated tapaculo.

🇨🇷La ruta de nuestro cuarto día en el Sur de Ecuador fue desde Saraguro al cerro Arcos, a casi 4000msnm nos encontramos ...

🇨🇷La ruta de nuestro cuarto día en el Sur de Ecuador fue desde Saraguro al cerro Arcos, a casi 4000msnm nos encontramos con un páramo con explotación agrícola y madera de árboles de pino. Ya en este lugar buscamos varios objetivos en especial el Blue-throated Hillstar, también logramos observar en el camino Short-eared Owl y Black-billed Shrike-tyrant. En la última parte del recorrido contamos con la colaboración de Bernandino, él nos llevó en su vehículo al hábitat del colibrí Hillstar, en este sitio también observamos Many-striped Canastero, Plumbeous Sierra-Finch, un Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant y antes de irnos al Paramo Pipit.

🇺🇸The route of our fourth day in the South of Ecuador was from Saraguro to Cerro Arcos, at almost 4000 masl we found a moor with agricultural exploitation and pine trees. Already in this place we look for several Targets, especially the Blue-throated Hillstar, we also managed to observe the Short-eared Owl and Black-billed Shrike-tyrant on the way. In the last part of the tour we had the collaboration of Bernandino, he took us in his vehicle to the habitat of the Hillstar hummingbird, in this site we also observed Many-striped Canastero, Plumbeous Sierra-Finch, a Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant and before go to the Pipit Paramo.

🇨🇷 En nuestro tercer día por las tierras de Ecuador, dejamos la ciudad de Cuenca para dirigirnos a Saraguro, durante el ...

🇨🇷 En nuestro tercer día por las tierras de Ecuador, dejamos la ciudad de Cuenca para dirigirnos a Saraguro, durante el camino se pueden observar los diferentes ecosistemas de los Andes como pastizales, bosques achaparrados. En el camino observamos Peruvian meadowlark, Crimson-mantled woodpecker, Shining Sunbeam, Viridian metaltail, Cinereous Conebill y el Yellow-breasted Brushfinch.
En el cerro Acanama encontramos al Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager, Masked flowerpiercer, Ecuatorial Antpitta (Rufous antpitta) y el Glowing puffleg. De regreso al hotel nos encontramos 3 Bearded Guan

🇺🇸 On our third day through the lands of Ecuador, we leave the city of Cuenca to go to Saraguro, along the way you can see the different ecosystems of the Andes such as grasslands, scrubby forests. Along the way we spot the Peruvian Lark, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Brilliant Sunbeam, Green Metaltail, Cinereous Cone-billed and Yellow-breasted Finch.
On Cerro Acanama we find the Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager, Masked flowerpiercer, Equatorial Antpitta (Rufous antpitta) and the Glowing puffleg. Back at the hotel we found 3 Bearded Guan

🇨🇷En nuestro segundo día por tierras ecuatorianas nos encontramos en la bella ciudad colonial de Cuenca, la tercera ciud...

En nuestro segundo día por tierras ecuatorianas nos encontramos en la bella ciudad colonial de Cuenca, la tercera ciudad mas grande de Ecuador. Estando en esta ciudad visitamos otros puntos del Parque Nacional Cajas.
En la zona de Llaviuco y en la laguna observamos Turquoise jay, Viridian Metaltail, Andean Duck, Andean Coot (Slate-colored Coot).
Durante el recorrido del sendero que rodea la laguna observamos el Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, también nos encontramos con Spectacled redstart, Russet-crowned Warbler, Black-crested Warbler, Pearled Treerunner, crowned Chat-Tyrant y Andean Guan.

On our second day through Ecuadorian lands we find ourselves in the beautiful colonial city of Cuenca, the third largest city in Ecuador. While in this city we visited other points of the Cajas National Park.
In the Llaviuco area and in the lagoon we observed Turquoise jay, Viridian Metaltail, Andean Duck, Andean Coot (Slate-colored Coot).
During the tour of the trail that surrounds the lagoon we observed the Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, we also found Spectacled redstart, Russet-crowned Warbler, Black-crested Warbler, Pearled Treerunner, crowned Chat-Tyrant, and Andean Guan.

🇨🇷Comienza nuestro recorrido saliendo del aeropuerto de Guayaquil hacia el pueblo de Corona de Oro (altura aproximada 15...

Comienza nuestro recorrido saliendo del aeropuerto de Guayaquil hacia el pueblo de Corona de Oro (altura aproximada 1500msnm), en donde nos tomamos un tiempo para buscar una de las especies más importantes de esta expedición el Oro Tapaculo o el Ecuadorian Tapaculo especie que se encuentra en peligro de extinción, luego seguimos nuestro camino para visitar la parte baja del Parque Nacional Cajas en donde nos encontramos con Giant conebill (Conirostrum binghami), se dejó observar mientras buscaba insectos en los arboles de este hermoso páramo del Ecuador.
Algunas de las aves que observamos durante este primer día fueron: Violet-tailed sylph (Aglaiocercus coelestis), Golden-headed quetzal (Pharomachrus auriceps), Strike-headed Antbird (Drymophila striaticeps), Flame-rumped Tanager (Ramphocelus flammigerus), Giant Conebill (Conirostrum binghami), Cinereous Conebill (Conirostrum cinereum), Spectacled Redstart (Myioborus melanocephalus), Andean Teal (Anas andium), Andean lapwing (Vanellus resplendens), Andean Gull (Chroicocephalus serranus) entre otras

Our tour begins leaving the Guayaquil airport towards the town of Corona de Oro (approximately 1500 meters above sea level), where we take some time to look for one of the most important species of this expedition, the Ecuadorian Tapaculo species found in endangered, then we continue on our way to visit the lower part of the Cajas National Park where we find Giant conebill (Conirostrum binghami), it was observed while looking for insects in the trees of this beautiful Ecuadorian páramo. Some of the birds we observed during this first day were: Violet-tailed Sylph (Aglaiocercus coelestis), Golden-headed Quetzal (Pharomachrus auriceps), Strike-headed Antbird (Drymophila striaticeps), Flame-rumped Tanager (Ramphocelus flammigerus), Giant Conebill (Conirostrum binghami), Cinereous Conebill (Conirostrum cinereum), Spectacled Redstart (Myioborus melanocephalus), Andean Teal (Anas andium), Andean lapwing (Vanellus resplendens), Andean Gull (Chroicocephalus serranus) among others.

Estamos en una aventura en Ecuador! We are having an adventure in Southern Ecuador!Cristhian Ureña Orlando Vargas 🇨🇷Ecua...

Estamos en una aventura en Ecuador!
We are having an adventure in Southern Ecuador!
Cristhian Ureña Orlando Vargas

Ecuador es uno de los países con mayor diversidad de aves en el mundo, cuenta con aproximadamente 1722 especies de aves. El 5 de abril iniciamos nuestro avistamiento de aves por diferentes sitios de este hermoso país, el cual tiene una duración de 12 días y recorreremos sitios como: Corona de Oro, Parque Nacional Cajas, el bosque natural Huashapamba, Cerro de Arcos en Saraguro, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, visitaremos las partes bajas de la Cordillera del Condor, la Reserva Maycu, entre otros sitios.
Durante estos días les estaremos compartiendo fotos e información de interés sobre las especies que vayamos encontrando.

Ecuador is one of the countries with the greatest diversity of birds in the world, it has approximately 1722 species of birds. On April 5 we begin our bird watching through different places in this beautiful country, which lasts 12 days and we will visit places such as: Corona de Oro, Cajas National Park, the Huashapamba natural forest, Cerro de Arcos in Saraguro, Parque Podocarpus National, we will visit the lower parts of the Cordillera del Condor, the Maycu Reserve, among other sites.
During these days we will be sharing photos and information of interest about the species that we find.

Trogons are colorful and fairly sedentary birds of the forest and forest edge.  Females have somewhat duller plumage tha...

Trogons are colorful and fairly sedentary birds of the forest and forest edge. Females have somewhat duller plumage than males, to distinguish between species of similar plumage, note the bill, eye, and eyering collar, as well as the underside pattern.
In Costa Rica we have nine magnificent species of this family, the Quetzal being the most outstanding of all, although species such as Baird's and Lattice-tailed Trogon are among the most sought after by bird watchers as well.
Los trogones son aves coloridas y bastante sedentarias del bosque y del borde del bosque. Las hembras tienen un plumaje algo más opaco que los machos, para distinguir entre especies de plumaje similar, tenga en cuenta el pico, el ojo y el collar del anillo ocular, así como el patrón inferior. En Costa Rica contamos con nueve magníficas especies de esta familia, siendo el Quetzal es más destacado de todos, aunque especies como Baird's y Lattice-tailed Trogon son también de los más buscados por los observadores de aves.

Motmot are medium-sized birds from dense jungles. They are found in the tropical zone of the American continent.These bi...

Motmot are medium-sized birds from dense jungles. They are found in the tropical zone of the American continent.
These birds have soft plumage and long tails, which move from side to side. In most species the central tail feathers (which are the longest) have a part of the shaft bare, so they resemble a racket.

Motmots feed on small prey such as insects, lizards, and also fruit; They live on the edges of humid and dry forests, semi-open areas and even in gardens.

In Costa Rica we have six species of motmots distributed throughout the country
Los momotos conocidos también como pájaros bobo, son pájaros de tamaño mediano de las selvas densas. Se encuentran en la zona tropical del continente americano.
Estas aves tienen el plumaje blando y la cola larga, que mueven de lado a lado. En la mayoría de especies las plumas centrales de la cola (que son las más largas) tienen una parte del astil desnudo, así que se parecen a una raqueta.

Los momotos se alimentan de presas pequeñas como insectos, lagartijas, y también de frutas; viven en los bordes de los bosques húmedos, secos, áreas semiabiertas y hasta en los jardines.

En Costa Rica contamos con seis especies de momotos distribuidos por todo el país


Night migration birds are especially characterized by the long journey they are capable of, these birds are considered as those that have the ability to make the longest journeys within the group of birds.

In the nocturnal migration of birds, unable to have points of reference on earth, due to the action of darkness, they use the position of the moon and the stars to locate themselves and find their way.

The advantages of birds that migrate at night is that they make longer journeys, which means that they maintain their activity throughout the night. To carry out these routes, they prefer to do them at night, since if they did it during the day they could run the risk of overheating due to the effect of the sun, it would also considerably increase the loss of water by evaporation and later they could dehydrate and die.

By traveling at night, these problems are avoided since the cooler air helps them maintain an optimal temperature, likewise, they leave at night because the danger of predation is much less. In addition, during the nights the winds are more constant and stable.

Tomorrow is the October Big Day, one of the most important days for bird watching, where birders from all over the world...

Tomorrow is the October Big Day, one of the most important days for bird watching, where birders from all over the world go bird watching in places of their choice.

Every bird counts in this great event, from the most abundant to the one that you have to walk for hours in the forest to find it.
Do not miss the opportunity to participate in this incredible event!
Mañana es el October Big Day, unos de los días más importantes para la observación de aves, donde pajareros de todo el mundo van a observar aves a lugares de su preferencia.

Cada ave cuenta en este gran evento, desde el más abundante hasta el que hay que caminar durante horas en el bosque para encontrarlo.
No pierdas la oportunidad de participar en este increíble evento!

The shorebirds are already here, which means we'll have to sharpen our eyes and get out our field guides to be able to i...

The shorebirds are already here, which means we'll have to sharpen our eyes and get out our field guides to be able to identify these very similar birds.
The Angostura Lake, located in Turrialba, has given us several incredible reports of shorebirds, many species of sandpiper such as Pectoral, Semipalmated and Western Sandpiper have been in the lake during these days, we have also had some excellent reports such as Short-billed Dowitcher, Baird's Sandpiper and a magnificent Upland Sandpiper. The lake has had very good activity for migrating shorebirds.
Let's be vigilant!
Los correlimos ya están aquí, eso significa que tendremos que agilizar nuestros ojos y sacar nuestras guías de campo para poder identificar estas aves tan parecidas entre sí.
El Lago Angostura, ubicado en Turrialba, nos ha dado varios increíbles reportes de aves playeras, muchas especies de correlimos como Pectoral, Semipalmated y Western Sandpiper han estado durante estos días en el lago, también hemos tenido algunos reportes excelentes como Short-billed Dowitcher, Baird's Sandpiper y un magnífico Upland Sandpiper. El lago ha tenido una actividad muy buena para la migración de aves playeras.

!Estemos atentos!


The migration season has begun, millions of birds from North America will visit us to spend the winter in the warm tropics of Costa Rica.
Shorebirds are one of the most striking species that this migration brings us, and just as this Spotted Sandpiper dances while looking for food in a river, we dance when we see a new, rare or unidentifiable bird haha.

So, get your binoculars and field guide ready to identify and enjoy the migration!
La temporada de migración ha empezado, millones de aves de Norteamérica nos visitaran para pasar el invierno en el cálido trópico de Costa Rica.
Los correlimos son de las especies más llamativas que nos trae esta migración, y así como este Spotted Sandpiper baila mientras busca alimento en un río, nosotros bailamos cuando vemos un ave nueva, rara o que no podemos identificar jaja.

Así que, preparen sus binoculares y guía de campo para identificar y disfrutar la migración!

A few days ago we went to the Curi-Cancha Reserve, located in Monteverde, in search of the enigmatic Oilbird, with the h...

A few days ago we went to the Curi-Cancha Reserve, located in Monteverde, in search of the enigmatic Oilbird, with the help of the local guide we began to walk the trails to reach the point where it had been observed while it was flying and feeding.
We arrived at the indicated point and we began to observe it flying over us, while it was feeding on the Ocotea monteverdensis, after several attempts to find it, we found it perched on a branch. We were able to watch him for quite a while as he ejected the seeds from the avocado he ate earlier.
Thanks to Pablo Campos who helped us observe this magnificent species, which is probably the best of the year for us.
Días atrás nos fuimos a las Reserva Curi-Cancha, ubicada en Monteverde, en búsqueda del enigmático Guacharo, con la ayuda del guía local empezamos a recorrer los senderos para llegar al punto donde se había estado observando mientras volaba y alimentaba.
Llegamos al punto indicado y empezamos a observarlo volar sobre nosotros, mientras se alimentaba del Ocotea monteverdensis, después de varios intentos para hallarlo, lo encontramos perchado sobre una rama. Pudimos observarlo por bastante rato mientras expulsaba las semillas del aguacate que comió anteriormente.
Gracias a Pablo Campos que nos ayudó a observar esta magnífica especie, que probablemente sea la mejor del año para nosotros.


A few days ago we found this juvenile Ochre-breasted Antpitta at the Tapantí National Park, just before the main entrance.
This elusive species that is always a challenge to get good views gave us a few moments to admire it while it was perched on an exposed branch, the juveniles of some bird species tend to be a little calmer than adult individuals, this allowed us to observe this great species for quite some time.
Hace unos días encontramos a este juvenil de Ochre-breasted Antpitta en el Parque Nacional Tapantí, justo antes de la entrada principal.
Esta esquiva especie que siempre es un reto poder obtener buenas vistas nos regaló unos momentos para poder admirarla mientras estaba perchada en una rama expuesta, los juveniles de algunas especies de aves tienden a ser un poco más tranquilos que los individuos adultos, esto nos permitió poder observar esta gran especie por bastante tiempo.

The Bat Falcon is a small and attractive raptor from tropical lands. Generally dark in appearance, with a contrasting wh...

The Bat Falcon is a small and attractive raptor from tropical lands. Generally dark in appearance, with a contrasting white throat.
In flight, it can be confused with the White-collared Swift. It hunts bats at dusk, but its main food is small birds caught on the wing.

Prefers forest edge, semi-open areas with tall trees, and buildings. A great place to observe this species is the bridge of the Cachí dam, located in the province of Cartago, where we can always find at least two individuals of this magnificent species.
El Halcón Murciélaguero es un rapaz pequeño y atractivo de tierras tropicales. En general de aspecto oscuro, con una garganta blanca contrastante.
En vuelo, puede confundirse con el Vencejo Collar Blanco. Caza murciélagos al anochecer, pero su principal alimento son aves pequeñas cazadas al vuelo.

Prefiere el borde del bosque, áreas semi-abiertas con arboles altos, y edificios. Un gran lugar para poder observar esta especie es el puente de la represa de Cachí, ubicado en la provincia de Cartago, donde siempre podemos encontrar al menos dos individuos de esta magnífica especie.


The Laughing Falcon is a spectacular and distinguished bird of prey that is usually seen perched on bare logs, from where it hunts snakes, one of its favorite prey.
Its call sounds like laughter in the distance, usually heard at dawn and dusk.

We were able to observe this individual very closely while it was quietly perched on an exposed branch at the edge of the road.
El guaco es un espectacular y distinguida ave rapaz que suele verse posado sobre trocos desnudos, desde donde caza serpientes, una de sus presas favoritas.
Su llamado parece una carcajada a lo lejos, usualmente escuchado en el amanecer y atardecer.

Este individuo lo pudimos observar muy cerca mientras estaba perchado tranquillamente en una rama expuesta a la orilla del camino.




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