Perfectly camouflaged blessings.
Today, Rangers from the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve were patrolling on Camino Trail. A crazy troop of monkeys caught their attention. After observing, they discovered what the commotion was all about. There was a wild cat with her baby climbing a tree to sleep.
This cute baby Margay and her mom spent the day on this tree sleeping.
We contacted our guides, and off we went into the forest.
It is late, and we are sleepy. We will leave you with one of the many films from this stunning adventure. Good night.
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As long as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.
Anne Frank
Uncover the magic of the MONTEVERDE Cloud Forest and the mysteries of the RAINFOREST.
Join our PRIVATE green season deal.
We offer transportation, a wildlife expert, binoculars, lodging, breakfast and entrance fees.
Experience the AUTHENTIC Costa Rican cuisine, culture, and enjoy its wildlife.
Airport pick up available.
Visit the Monteverde Cloud Forest, The Tortuguero Rainforest, and the Arenal Volcano National Park.
Send your private message to join this short-term offer.
This film is about one of those fantastic moments in the cloud forest. A beautiful Black and White Owl is sleeping, stretching, and watching a three-year-old girl who decided to pick two rocks and make sounds.
Watching this owl is a rare occurrence. The owl's reaction to the girl's innocent activity was perfect timing.
Thank you, little Brooke.
What a blessed experience.
Mealtime can be at any moment in the wild.
Let us share a delicious moment with you.
A White-Throated Capuchin Monkey was filmed by one of our Nature Guides. The cute little creature was eating wild passion fruits.
Monteverde Mountain Chalet & Gardens, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
To book a Monteverde Wildlife Experience Rica, please call or text WhatsApp (506) 8739 4345 (no voice mail)
Or chat here with us.
Today, Dulce Wilson guided a terrific family from London. They started at the Monteverde Hummingbird Gallery. They wanted to avoid the crowds after the tour. The smallest birds on the planet kept them busy for a marvelous time. Then, five minutes after they entered the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve, the Ornate Hawk-Eagle flew low and close. After seeing countless tiny birds, that Eagle looked HUGE.
White Throated Capuchin Monkeys were making a mess on one side of the trail. On the other side, Azure-hooded Jays yelled because the Eagle landed there. What a WILD moment.
Every Monteverde Wildlife Experience is unique. Marvin, Rossy, and Dulce worked at the MCFBP today. They love their job, so it did not feel like working.
Enjoy a few minutes of today's wildlife experience.
To book a Monteverde Wildlife Experience Rica, please call or text WhatsApp (506) 8739 4345 (no voice mail)
Or chat here with us.
When dreams come true.
Monteverde Wildlife Experiences is a team of local wildlife experts.
We are passionate about nature and love sharing as much as possible with nature lovers.
We have no control over nature, but we will search high and low to provide a memorable experience in the cloud forest.
Book your Monteverde Wildlife Experience now.
Chat with one of our experts to plan your next Monteverde Adventure.
To book a Monteverde Wildlife Experience Rica, please call or text WhatsApp (506) 8739 4345 (no voice mail)
Or chat here with us.
Quetzales!!! Quetzals!!!
They are such pretty birds.
Another small piece of a Monteverde Wildlife Experience.
BTW, there is a large Crested Guan eating avocados with the quetzals.
To book a Monteverde Wildlife Experience Rica, please call or text WhatsApp (506) 8739 4345 (no voice mail)
Or chat here with us.
Beautiful moments sharing wildlife with visitors.
Here is a tiny part of Sam & Kiera's adventure.
To book a Monteverde Wildlife Experience Rica, please call or text WhatsApp (506) 8739 4345 (no voice mail)
Or chat here with us.
One minute of blessings in the cloud forest.
We met a wonderful family from Hungary.
Part 1 and good night nature lovers.
To book a Monteverde Wildlife Experience Rica, please call or text WhatsApp (506) 8739 4345 (no voice mail)
Or chat here with us.
Today, one of our Wildlife Experts had a tour at the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve.
It was a fantastic morning with sun and clouds. These are a few short videos of the adventure. Enjoy this virtual four-minute walk in the cloud forest.
Sarah and her family came from the UK to visit our cloud forest.
Our experience was wet but unique. Here we share less than 5 minutes of that Monteverde Adventure.
This is Part I of a Sunday adventure.
One of our Nature Guides and a beautiful family went to Curi Cancha Reserve on a cloudy day.
Later they went to see Tumba, the two-toed Sloth, and her new baby TAmber Burbank.
To be continued
A short virtual walk before saying good night.
Are you ready?
One of our Nature Guides had a different Bird-watching adventure this last Friday.
A bird-watcher friend has been longing to visit Monteverde. Yesterday was her birthday. The challenge was to create a virtual bird-watching experience for the birthday girl in a few hours.
Our Nature Guide carried a camera and filmed all the birds spotted. The search started at the Monteverde Friends School, where the guide had to coach the volleyball team. Then the bus to the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Preserve had to be taken at 3:00 pm. That was the last bus up to the MCFBP. The last bus down was at 4:00 pm. The park closes at 4:00 pm.
The third and last place to film birds before sunset was around the neighborhood. The sudden rain concluded the search, but it was late in the day, and that was a blessing.
Enjoy this crazy search for some of Monteverde's iconic birds.
And our team of Nature Guides wishes you all a Happy Bird-day.
One of our Nature Guides created this short video.
There are no words to describe what a blessing it is to live in Monteverde. We love the cloud forest.
Have a wonderful week.
There is no way a person can be in Monteverde and not do some bird-watching. Wildlife is all over the place, and if you can't see it, you will hear it.
Today, a young friend and one of our nature guides, walked the dogs. They did not see anything new to them. However, check what they found on this video.
Enjoy and have a pleasant night.
We divided the videos of one tour into four parts. We did not film everything, but we found a lot.
It was a blessed day in the cloud forest.
Enjoy part THREE of Allison's day.
Many visitors want to see toucans. These are common birds when you live here. We never know what we will find.
Every day has its blessings.
Have a great week.
Sloth Hunting!
Most visitors want to see sloths. In the Monteverde area, we only have Two-toed Sloths. These guys are active at night.
Sometimes people request a sloth. We make no promises.
Nevertheless, we will do our best to find as many creatures as possible.
This is a wish that came true. Thank God for that.