CR Naturalist Experiences

CR Naturalist Experiences Off-the-beaten-path tours, focusing on natural history & discovering Costa Rica's natural wonders.

The kinkajou is a nocturnal mammal that looks like a cross between a cat and a monkey. However they are more closely rel...

The kinkajou is a nocturnal mammal that looks like a cross between a cat and a monkey. However they are more closely related to a raccoon. We see them frequently of the Rainforest After Dark Experience, although they usually don’t stay still long enough for a photo.

La martilla (kinkajoú) es un mamífero nocturno que parece un cruce de un gato y un mono, pero son más similares de los mapaches. Veamos con frecuencia durante el Rainforest After Dark Experience, aunque usualmente no están inmóviles por tiempo suficiente para sacar una foto.

Last night we saw a large Turnip-tailed Gecko on a ceiba tree. It was larger than my hand, but when I put my hand near i...

Last night we saw a large Turnip-tailed Gecko on a ceiba tree. It was larger than my hand, but when I put my hand near it so I could provide proportion, it ran away.

Anoche vimos un gran geco cola de nabo en una ceiba. Fue más grande de mi mano pero cuando la puse al lado del animal, se fue.

On a very active night walk last night, we saw 7 sloths, including mamas and babies of both the Three- and Two-toed spec...

On a very active night walk last night, we saw 7 sloths, including mamas and babies of both the Three- and Two-toed species. We also saw many kinkajous, peccaries, a Mouse Opossum, and a Jamaican Fruit Bat eating a fruit.

Anoche los animales en el recorrido nocturno estuvieron muy activos. Vimos 7 perezosos, incluyendo una mamá y un bebé de ambos especies de dos y tres dedos. También vimos muchas martillas (kinkajous), sainos, una zarigüeya ratón, y un murciélago frugívoro de Jamaica comiendo una fruta.

Article I wrote for The Tico Times about how the protests in Panama from last year suggest that a historically business-...

Article I wrote for The Tico Times about how the protests in Panama from last year suggest that a historically business-friendly country is ready to invest in sustainable industries, such as ecotourism.

As Panama rejects a mining project, the country explores pivoting its economy towards more sustainable industries like ecotourism with Costa Rica providing an exemplary model.

While leading a night tour last week, I saw a Neotropical Blunt-headed Tree snake, a species I had never seen before. A ...

While leading a night tour last week, I saw a Neotropical Blunt-headed Tree snake, a species I had never seen before. A couple nights later, one of my clients spotted another one. They feed on lizards, frogs, and other reptile eggs. With this long, skinny bodies and bulbous heads, with disproportionally large eyes, their appearance is almost cartoonish.

Durante un tour la semana pasada, vi por primera vez una serpiente llamada dormilona. Un par de días después, un cliente mío vio otra. Se alimentan de lagartijas, ranas, y huevos de otros reptiles. Con un cuerpo largo y delgado y una cabeza y ojos grandes y desproporcionados, parecen dibujos animados.

Look closely and you’ll see two well-camouflaged Rain Frogs mating (the male is significantly smaller than the female). ...

Look closely and you’ll see two well-camouflaged Rain Frogs mating (the male is significantly smaller than the female). When they lay eggs, unlike other frog species, the Rain Frog skips the tadpole phase and hatches as a fully-developed froglet.

The photo of the mating frogs was taken during a night tour I led last night at Hacienda Barú. The photo of the froglets is from the book “Nature of the Rainforest: Costa Rica and Beyond” by Adrian Forsyth.

Es difícil verlo con su camuflaje, pero en la foto hay dos ranas de lluvia apareándose (el macho es mucho más pequeño que la hembra). Cuando pone sus huevos, a diferencia de otras especias de ranas, la rana de lluvia se salta la etapa de renacuajo y nace como una ranita completa.

La foto de la apareamiento de las ranas fue sacado en un tour nocturno que dirijí anoche en Hacienda Barú. La foto de las ranitas es del libro “Nature of the Rainforest: Costa Rica and Beyond” de Adrian Forsyth.

Listening and watching Fuego erupt makes one realize the raw power of the earth. Escuchar y mirar las erupciones del Vol...

Listening and watching Fuego erupt makes one realize the raw power of the earth.

Escuchar y mirar las erupciones del Volcán Fuego se da cuenta de que el poder puro de la tierra.

Three Wood Rails sleeping on a palm frond. Many birds sleep on one foot because they reduce heat loss by keeping on leg ...

Three Wood Rails sleeping on a palm frond. Many birds sleep on one foot because they reduce heat loss by keeping on leg tucked close to them.

I didn’t feel sorry for waking these guys up because they have done the same to me on many a morning with their loud calls ;)

Tres chiricocas durmiendo en una palma sobre una pierna. Muchas aves duermen de esa manera porque puede reducir la pérdida del calor cuando la pata está cerca de su cuerpo.

No me sentí mal por despertarlas porque frecuentemente ellos me hacen lo mismo por las mañanas con sus canciones ;)

An article I wrote about sustainable vs unsustainable development in the Costa Ballena region of Costa Rica, appearing i...

An article I wrote about sustainable vs unsustainable development in the Costa Ballena region of Costa Rica, appearing in the November issue of Quepolandia.

Un artículo que escribí sobre la tema de desarrollo sostenible e insostenible en la zona Costa Ballena de Costa Rica. El artículo apareció en la edición de noviembre en Quepolandia.

Some photos from a night hike I led last week in Hacienda Barú. In the photos: Cat-eyed Snake, Purple-washed Eyed-metalm...

Some photos from a night hike I led last week in Hacienda Barú. In the photos: Cat-eyed Snake, Purple-washed Eyed-metalmark, Red-eyed Tree Frog, Jewel Scarab, Stick Insect, and a recent hatching of baby Spiders. We also saw some other animals that were not photographed, including a Tropical Screech Owl, Spectacled Caiman, Collard Peccaries, and a Three-toed Sloth.

Algunas fotos de un tour nocturno que realicé la semana pasada en Hacienda Barú. En los fotos: culebra ojo de gato, mariposa del género Mesosemia, escarabajo joya, insecto palo, y un montón de arañas que recién nacieron. También vimos otros animals que no están en las fotos, incluyendo una lechusita tropical, caimán de anteojos, sainos, y un perezoso de tres dedos.

Scorpion from a night tour I led this week.Un alacrán que vimos en mi tour nocturno esta semana

Scorpion from a night tour I led this week.

Un alacrán que vimos en mi tour nocturno esta semana

My recent article in the September/October issue of Quepolandia addresses the difficulty in distinguishing ethical wildl...

My recent article in the September/October issue of Quepolandia addresses the difficulty in distinguishing ethical wildlife tourism from places that exploit wild animals.

Mi artículo más recién en la edición de septiembre/octubre de Quepolandia. En eso, abordo el tema del turismo de vida silvestre y como en algunos lugares los animales se tratan éticamente y en otros los explotan.

This is the Granulated Poison Dart Frog, seen on one of my night tours. It is about the size of a fingernail and, contra...

This is the Granulated Poison Dart Frog, seen on one of my night tours. It is about the size of a fingernail and, contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t have enough toxins to kill a person. However, their bright colors communicate toxins to other animals to know not to mess with them.

Esta ranita, que vimos en un tour nocturno, se llama la rana granulada roja y verde. Es una rana dardo venenosa. Es del tamaño de una uña y no tiene toxinas suficientes para matar un humano. Sin embargo, sus colores brillantes comunican toxinas a otros animals y les hacen saber que no deber molestarla.

Led a night tour this weekend and saw this Glass Frog. These frogs are unique in several ways. Their eyes face forward, ...

Led a night tour this weekend and saw this Glass Frog. These frogs are unique in several ways. Their eyes face forward, as opposed to being on the sides of the head. The males stay with the eggs on the leaf to guard them from predators. Also, their skin is translucent so their organs are visible (as you can see from this photo).

Hice un tour nocturno este fin de semana y vimos una rana vidrio. Estas ranas son únicas en varias maneras. Sus ojos están ubicados en la parte delantera de la cabeza en vez de los lados. Los machos cuidan a los huevos en una hoja para protegerlos de predadores. Y su piel es transparente entonces sus órganos son visibles (como se puede ver en la foto).

Masked Tree Frog📷 .gnt

Masked Tree Frog

📷 .gnt

Saw this Boat-billed Heron on a night tour. Unlike other herons, with pointed beaks, theirs is wide, which allows it to ...

Saw this Boat-billed Heron on a night tour. Unlike other herons, with pointed beaks, theirs is wide, which allows it to scoop up fish to eat.

📷 .gnt

Ví un chocuaco en una tour nocturno. Es diferente de otras garzas porque su pico es ancho y se usa para sacar pez para comer.

Rio Celeste gets its name from the vibrant blue color that is the result of a natural chemical reaction from the converg...

Rio Celeste gets its name from the vibrant blue color that is the result of a natural chemical reaction from the convergent of two rivers. Here we are at the point where the two rivers join and you can see the origin of the “celeste” color.

Rio Celeste recibe su nombre del color que se forma a partir de una reacción química natural cuando dos rios se unen. Aquí está el punto donde se mezclan los ríos y se puede ver el inicio del color celeste.

This tiny frog is the size of a fingernail and goes by two names: some call it the Strawberry Poison Dart Frog and other...

This tiny frog is the size of a fingernail and goes by two names: some call it the Strawberry Poison Dart Frog and others call it the Blue Jeans Frog.

Esta ranita es el tamaño de una uña y tiene varios nombres como la rana flecha roja y azul.

In the last week got to see two iconic snakes of the neotropics. The first is the Fer-de-Lance, a highly venomous pit vi...

In the last week got to see two iconic snakes of the neotropics. The first is the Fer-de-Lance, a highly venomous pit viper. The second is the Boa Constrictor. Not venomous, but equally impressive.

La semana pasada vi dos serpientes famosas de los neotrópicos. La primera es el terciopelo, una víbora muy venenosa. La segunda es la boa constrictor (alias bécquer en Costa Rica). No es venenosa, pero impresionante igualmente.

This is an article I wrote for the August 2023 issue of Quepolandia, addressing the difficulty of teaching environmental...

This is an article I wrote for the August 2023 issue of Quepolandia, addressing the difficulty of teaching environmental awareness in the face of cultural beliefs and traditions that exploit wildlife.

Este es un artículo que escribí para la edición de Agosto 2023 de Quepolandia. El tema es la dificultad de enseñar a proteger el medio ambiente cuando existen creencias culturales y traducciones que explotan la vida silvestre.

Juvenile Spectacled OwlOropopo juvenil   world

Juvenile Spectacled Owl

Oropopo juvenil


Some photos from a recent night tour I led.- Red-eyed Tree Frog- Hourglass Tree Frog- Olive-snouted Tree Frog- Wandering...

Some photos from a recent night tour I led.
- Red-eyed Tree Frog
- Hourglass Tree Frog
- Olive-snouted Tree Frog
- Wandering Spider?
- Spider (Eriophora genus)
- Longhorn Beetle

Algunas fotos de un tour nocturno que hice recientemente.

Led a night for a cool couple on their honeymoon. Snakes and leaf mantises and whip scorpions, oh my! - White-headed Sna...

Led a night for a cool couple on their honeymoon. Snakes and leaf mantises and whip scorpions, oh my!

- White-headed Snake
- Central American Tree Boa
- Tailless Whip Scorpion
- Leaf Mantis

Hice un tour nocturno para una pareja en su luna miel. Vimos culebras, mantis, y escorpiones látigo entre otros.


50 Metros Oeste Del Hotel Nido Del Halcon



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