
Budweis-shuttle Unique travel comfort with Budweis-shuttle. Budweis - shuttle
Ceske Budejovice (Budweis) is a wonderful city in the south of the Czech Republic.

Book now and experience reliable transportation to unforgettable destinations in Czech republic # TravelWithEasy You find here a lovely square-shaped square with old town, many parks and other opportunities for your relaxation. Near Budweis you can find famous Hluboká Castle (10 km), the town Ceský Krumlov (20 km), best known for the fine architecture and art of the historic old tow

n and Ceský Krumlov Castle. Old Ceský Krumlov is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. And there is much more! http://budweis-shuttle.cz/

Visit with us the beautiful historical town of Kutna Hora

Visit with us the beautiful historical town of Kutna Hora

We have renewed our fleet for you.  We have economy cars, business cars and for smaller groups. -shuttle #

We have renewed our fleet for you. We have economy cars, business cars and for smaller groups. -shuttle #

Do you need luxury and comfortable transportation to Cesky Krumlov or Ceske Budejovice?  Contact us

Do you need luxury and comfortable transportation to Cesky Krumlov or Ceske Budejovice? Contact us

Our satisfied customers on the way from Ceske Krumlov to Hallstatt. Come with us too😉

Our satisfied customers on the way from Ceske Krumlov to Hallstatt. Come with us too😉

Do you need reliable passenger transport? We will provide you with a fast and safe ride to your destination in any weath...

Do you need reliable passenger transport? We will provide you with a fast and safe ride to your destination in any weather.

Karlovy Vary, The most important lazy town in the Czech Republic

Karlovy Vary, The most important lazy town in the Czech Republic

Beautiful town in Moravia

Beautiful town in Moravia


Merry christmas, happy and healthy new year. And in the new year I hope we can normal travel🎄

Podzim v Hallstattu

Podzim v Hallstattu

Rádi Vás i Vaše kola odvezeme kamkoliv po ČR nebo Evropě. Rodiny, menší skupiny, firemní akce apod. Odvezeme až 9 kol. M...

Rádi Vás i Vaše kola odvezeme kamkoliv po ČR nebo Evropě. Rodiny, menší skupiny, firemní akce apod. Odvezeme až 9 kol. Možnost pronajmu přívesného vozíku.


Dear clients
Because of the internationl coronavirus outbreak that has also reached Czech Republic.
We have taken measures to protect our clients and cleaned interiors of all our cars with ozone. Ozone kills all bacteria and virus. All our drivers have a protective equipment.
Your team Budweis-shuttle

Malta, beautiful island

Malta, beautiful island

Advent time in the Ceske Budejovice

Advent time in the Ceske Budejovice


Ceske Budejovice



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