Czech Airlines

Czech Airlines Welcome to the official page of Czech Airlines. Open youd mind for flying! Users posting on this page are fully responsible for their comments.

CZECH AIRLINES was founded as Czechoslovak State Airlines on 6 October 1923. The first passenger flight from Prague to Bratislava took place on 29 October the same year. On that trip, chief pilot Karel Brabenec flew the distance of 321 km with an Aero A-14 Brandenburg biplane. The official Czech Airlines page is dedicated to Czech Airlines fans who wish to share their flight experiences,

opinions related to our services or a common passion for the world of aviation. Therefore, Czech Airlines cannot hold any responsibility for contributions on this page. However, we’ll do our best to guarantee the quality and relevance of the content presented. We ask all our fans to remain polite and respectful when posting their comments. It is forbidden to publish the following content:
- comments and postings of a defamatory nature, abusive, obscene or offensive subjects,
- violence or incitement to violence of political, racist or xenophobic nature, pornography, pedophilia, revisionism and Holocaust denial,
- use of the page for professional, commercial, political or religious purposes,
- all forms of illegal activity,
- comments, postings and all other contributions that could threat the safety and security of Czech Airlines flights. We reserve the right to delete all the content infringing these rules, particularly that which we deem libelous towards Czech Airlines, its employees, denouncing its products, its partners and their services, and which might negatively affect Czech Airlines’ image or that of its services.


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