HIKO SPORT www.hiko.cz HIKO SPORT je český výrobce a dodavatel vodáckého vybavení. Naše firma sídlí na okraji Prahy. My se staráme o Vaše pohodlí, tak si to užijte!

Tato lokalita v samém srdci Evropy poskytuje jedinečnou výhodu při distribuci našich výrobku. Česká výroba, český vývoj a český design si úspěšně našli cestu k Vám, našim zákazníkům. Také díky tomu se naše firma stala jedním z nejúspěšnějších světových výrobců ve svém oboru. Při vývoji našich výrobku čerpáme ze zkušeností jak vlastních, tak i mnoha předních světových jezdců na divoké vodě. Z toho

pak vychází filozofie naší firmy, že pouze to nejlepší je dost dobré. Naším cílem je poskytnout Vám maximální pohodlí, protože věříme, že více pohodlí Vám umožní užít si více zábavy. Nabízíme vodácké potřeby, neopreny, plovací vesty, funkční a sportovní oblečení, lodě, kánoe, kajaky, rafty, pádla, helmy, plovací vesty, vodácké mapy pro vodní sporty. Dále nabízíme outdoorové vybavení, sportovní oblečení, batohy, stany a spacáky. Provozujeme vodácký bazar. Vyrábíme vodácké potřeby, neopreny pro sport, plovací vesty a sportovní oblečení pro rafting, yachting, seakayaking, sjezd, slalom a jiné vodní sporty. Půjčujeme kánoe, kajaky, rafty, neopreny a vodácké potřeby.

🗺️🧭A week of scouting, waiting, and debating water levels… and finally, the river gave them a green light! 🚦🔥👦🏽  and his...

🗺️🧭A week of scouting, waiting, and debating water levels… and finally, the river gave them a green light! 🚦🔥
👦🏽 and his crew knew every inch of the canyon on Enguri in Georgia—where to eddy out, where portaging was inevitable. Eda says “nothing truly prepared us for what lay ahead. With every bend, the canyon grew narrower, deeper. We scrambled over loose scree, ducked under massive fallen trees, and constantly stopped just in time before hitting the next unpassable obstacle.”💀

“Then came the biggest challenge—an enormous log jam blocking the entire river. Mike scouted ahead. We expected a portage, but instead… ‘Left center!’ 💡 And just like that, a tunnel appeared, as if it had been waiting for us. No ropes, no tree climbing—just a clean line through and a moment we’ll never forget.”

“The second section? Colder, faster, more intense. But the real highlight? The beauty. Sunlight slipping behind the cliffs, waterfalls turning gold, the river charging ahead—and us, right there in the middle of it all. This is why we kayak. “🌊✨

🎲Game on: the new Player is here🎲🕹️Lightweight🕹️Ergonomic 🕹️Beginner-Friendly🦺This PFD prioritizes freedom of movement a...

🎲Game on: the new Player is here🎲


🦺This PFD prioritizes freedom of movement and essential flotation, offering nothing more and nothing less. Whether you are starting to paddle or you are experienced and just want to have fun on an easy home run - Player is here for you😎

🚫 No more butts… and freezing while changing! 🛶✔️ Practical magnetic pockets: easy changing and no lost warmth.✔️ Smart ...

🚫 No more butts… and freezing while changing! 🛶
✔️ Practical magnetic pockets: easy changing and no lost warmth.
✔️ Smart fabric: absorbs water, dries quickly, yet makes you feel cozy and warm.
✔️ Perfect weight: not too heavy, not too light – just right for your adventures.

Escondido – your new amigo for life by the water! 🦙🌊

🤩Have you seen it yet?! 👯  &   headed out on this packrafting venture to Barlow river not exactly knowing what to expect...

🤩Have you seen it yet?!
👯 & headed out on this packrafting venture to Barlow river not exactly knowing what to expect. From what we have seen in the full video they released we can tell you one thing - it was worth it 🙌🏼
🏔️Beautiful sceneries, some extreme conditions and good lines. Go check it out. We have linked the video in our profile 🔗

📷 stunning shots by

✨ Add a bunch of your favourite people too 🫶🏼      📷

✨ Add a bunch of your favourite people too 🫶🏼


🌿Costa Rica vibes with  🇨🇷 Rio Pozo Azul & Rio Sarapiqui 🌊              📷  &

🌿Costa Rica vibes with 🇨🇷
Rio Pozo Azul & Rio Sarapiqui 🌊

📷 &

👉🏼Stay warm while staying in Contact👈🏼Feel your feet, feel your boat. Like barefoot, just warm🦶🏼♨️                📷

👉🏼Stay warm while staying in Contact👈🏼
Feel your feet, feel your boat. Like barefoot, just warm🦶🏼♨️


🦅Meet the new Eagle throwbag – compact, powerful, and designed for precision🎯 says that ‘It fits perfectly in any boat a...

🦅Meet the new Eagle throwbag – compact, powerful, and designed for precision🎯 says that ‘It fits perfectly in any boat and disappears on your waist belt. It’s not as bulky as the 20m usually are. The 10mm core rope is ideal for most rescue work, and I’ve never thrown anything more precise up to 20m! Plus, the taco opening makes reloading lightning fast.’⚡️🌮
🙋Ready to upgrade your rescue gear?


🌊Let  take you down a drop at Lower Verzasca in Switzerland🇨🇭 Just swipe to see how it went👀

🌊Let take you down a drop at Lower Verzasca in Switzerland🇨🇭
Just swipe to see how it went👀

👏🏼Well done team! So proud of you🫶🏼 What a season🥳🏆                📷  &

👏🏼Well done team! So proud of you🫶🏼 What a season🥳🏆

📷 &

🏆World Cup final tomorrow🔥🇪🇸 So excited to watch who is gonna claim those overall titles this season! 🍀Good luck team🍀  ...

🏆World Cup final tomorrow🔥🇪🇸 So excited to watch who is gonna claim those overall titles this season!
🍀Good luck team🍀


🍦Slalom action back after a long break! Its like they never left🚀🔥 Congrats team🫶🏼🌊You could hardly find more spectacula...

🍦Slalom action back after a long break! Its like they never left🚀🔥 Congrats team🫶🏼

🌊You could hardly find more spectacular course to start the second part of the World Cup series than Ivrea🇮🇹 Next weekend in La Seu to finish it off🤘🏼


😌Calm & Wild🐉 💧River can float in so many forms, no run can be the same. And thats why we love it🙌🏼            📷 Kristof...

😌Calm & Wild🐉
💧River can float in so many forms, no run can be the same. And thats why we love it🙌🏼

📷 Kristof Stursa


Kdo si věří na Indus?




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About Hiko


Since day one we dedicated ourselves to making the best paddling gear possible. Rooted in canoe slalom the primary focus has always been lightweight and comfort. Designed for mobility and reliability when it matters Hiko gear is the best in class.

Constantly searching for new technologies we never settle for the status quo. Make it lighter. More durable. More breathable. More safe. More comfortable. With these goals always on our mind we travel the world learning about new technologies and working with amazing people to develop the next best solution.

From Dry bags, PFDs, Dry Suits, to neoprene socks booties and gloves - we make what we need to do what we love.