Eva Jelinkova / Przewodnik po Pradze / Prague Guide

Eva Jelinkova / Przewodnik po Pradze / Prague Guide Licencjonowany przewodnik po Pradze w języku polskim. Official Prague Guide.

Spring at Prague Castle

Spring at Prague Castle

Výstava PETR BRAND - Příběh bohéma / The Story of a Bohemian

Výstava PETR BRAND - Příběh bohéma / The Story of a Bohemian


Grupa młodych, dorosłych osób z niepełnosprawnościami "Ekstraklasa Projekt", działająca w Fundacji Pomocna Ręka w Markach prosi o pomoc! Kochani nasi Przyjaciele! Pomóżcie nam zgromadzić pieniądze na podróż życia! Marzymy, aby w czerwcu 2024 wyjechać na 5-cio dniową wycieczkę do Wi...


Winter tale of Prague ❄️



I Praha ví, jak důležité je nezapomínat. Hlavně na události naší historie, které se už nikdy nesmí opakovat. Udělejte si dnes v Mezinárodní den památky obětí holocaustu nebo kdykoliv jindy procházku pražským Židovským Městem a vzpomeňte na nevinné oběti druhé světové války.


📷 Federace židovských obcí v ČR Lukáš Bíba


👑Charles IV (*1316-†1378): King of Bohemia, and Holy Roman emperor. A learned man, gifted politician, one of the most diplomatically skilful sovereigns of his time. Under his rule Prague not only became the political, economic & cultural centre but also the capital of the Holy Roman Empire.

How Prague looks today we greatly owe to him, his creativity & vision. The uninhabitable old Prague castle🏰 got rebuilt, St. Vitus Cathedral⛪ commenced (1344), new university🎓 founded (1348), New Town of Prague📜planned, new bridge 🌉constructed (1357), to name but few. Are there any visitors at all who did not visit the Prague Castle, St. Vitus & Charles Bridge?

For his coronation in 1347, Charles IV had a royal crown👑 made. He dedicated it to St. Wenceslas, the first patron saint of Czechs, and bequeathed it as a state crown for the coronation of his successors to the Czech throne. The oldest item of Bohemian Crown Jewels was made from extremely pure gold, and decorated with precious stones and pearls.

As we mark the 30th anniversary of the Czech Statehood, Crown Jewels will exceptionally be on display on January 17-21 in the St. Vitus Cathedral.


👑On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Czech Statehood, Crown Jewels are on display on January 17-21 in the St Vitus Cathedral. ➡️ https://bit.ly/crown_jewels

Czech/Bohemian Crown Jewels get exhibited very rarely. Stored behind seven locks in the Crown Jewels chamber, seven key holders must summon to get access to the Royal Crown, Royal Orb & Royal Sceptre: the Czech Republic’s President, the Prime Minister, Prague Archbishop, both Parliamentary Speakers, Dean of the Cathedral, and the Lord Mayor of Prague.

The beloved Czech King and Holy Roman Emperor, Charles IV had the crown made for his coronation in 1347 & as a state crown for his successors to the Czech throne.

Praga w dniu wyborów prezydenckich z sympatyczną grupką z Tomaszowa Mazowieckiego- Vivat Petr Pavel ✌️

Praga w dniu wyborów prezydenckich z sympatyczną grupką z Tomaszowa Mazowieckiego
- Vivat Petr Pavel ✌️

Adwent w PradzeChristmas in Prague

Adwent w Pradze
Christmas in Prague

Wystawa MUCHA, Zbiory Rodzinne - Ujeżdżalnia Wallensteina, Praga Exhibition MUCHA, Family Collection - Waldstein Riding ...

Wystawa MUCHA, Zbiory Rodzinne - Ujeżdżalnia Wallensteina, Praga
Exhibition MUCHA, Family Collection - Waldstein Riding School, Prague

Signal Festival 2022

Signal Festival 2022

Z moją wesołą wycieczką z PoznaniaWith my happy group from Poznań - Poland

Z moją wesołą wycieczką z Poznania
With my happy group from Poznań - Poland

Katedra Świętych Wita, Wacława i Wojciecha w PradzeThe Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert

Katedra Świętych Wita, Wacława i Wojciecha w Pradze
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert

Jesienny Ogród Wallensteina

Jesienny Ogród Wallensteina


🇺🇦 "Krymska" tram stop: "The Crimean bridge is closed forever. We ask the Russian occupiers to return home on rafts."


10th Signal Festival 🔦💡is here! International festival interconnecting 💫contemporary visual art & digital technologies🖥️ with the historical heritage & backdrop of Prague⛪.

Bohemian Prague's celebration of light💡, AI, light design, digital & conceptual art, October 13-16!

More 👉https://bit.ly/signal_fest_en

Malutkie młode pawie w Ogrodzie WallenstejnaBaby Peacocks in Wallenstein Garden

Malutkie młode pawie w Ogrodzie Wallenstejna
Baby Peacocks in Wallenstein Garden

Domek PrezydenckiPresidential residence

Domek Prezydencki
Presidential residence



Internetová stránka


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