JK The V4 Citizen in Prague

JK The V4 Citizen in Prague A Slovak man in Prague with a different view and polish past ;) A Slovak man in Prague is something like an Englishman in NY.

Plus, my 5 years in Poland – Gdansk brought me a feeling of V4 citizen. I offer my special view on Prague collecting links related to V4 history, but not only 😉

The Old town square in Prague. So much history on so small area! Are you in doubt about V4 impact here? Picture captured...

The Old town square in Prague. So much history on so small area! Are you in doubt about V4 impact here? Picture captured from The Old Town Hall Tower – built by John of Luxemburg – father of most important Czech king in history. 🇨🇿

Nice view on so called Týn cathedral built by his grandson Wenceslaus IV. Behind Black so called Powder Tower build by Vladislaus Jagello, king of Bohemia with polish roots. 🇵🇱

Gallery of Mucha, Dali and Andy Warhol – whose parents were born in Slovakia. 🇸🇰

Statue of Jan Hus, he was burnt by king of Hungary 🇭🇺 and Holy Roman emperor Sigmund, son of Czech king 🇨🇿 and granddaughter of last king of Poland 🇵🇱 from Piast dynasty. And much more!

If you are still in doubt about V4 slides in Prague, follow V4 Citizen.

To explain what does it mean to be a Slovak man in Prague, I will share following article ;)

To explain what does it mean to be a Slovak man in Prague, I will share following article ;)

"A Slovak woman would like to talk to you." I have heard this kind of sentence many times - when I've tried to set up an interview on the phone, and have spoken in my…



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