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MorinasWorld Travel & Tours MorinasWorld Travel Agency & Tours is the first company in Kosovo, providing organized full-service Escape the ordinary.

Read below what we offer and let MorinasWorld be your passport to the world. What does MorinasWorld Travel Agency & Tours provide you with:
- Organized travel and tours to unreachable destinations for the group and private requests.
- Organized family trips with kids and the elderly.
- Organized couple trips for their romantic and honeymoon vacations.
- Organized friends' adventures for their bir

thday, bachelorette, Christmas, new years, safari, winter trips like northern lights. (Female or Male only)
- Organized company trips for annual retreats to get everyone excited around a united mission, set goals for the upcoming year, and build bonds between team members.
- Organized student trips for education, cultural and traditional purposes, like museum, local food, villages, language skills, and cultural exchange.
- Special work and travel opportunities and destinations.
- Language learning travel and tours to specific destinations depending on the language you want to learn.
- Special requests for travel and tours to war-torn countries like Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen.
- Special requests for travel and tours to remote countries with special permissions like invitation from the country itself, government, advice about visas or passports.
- Online travel consultancy for individual or group private traveling.
- Other travel & tours: diving, train, world trip around the world, stopover, city, ski, safari, motorbike, car rental, hotelship, camping, humanitarian.
- All the above is done in close cooperation with clients to determine their needs and advising them destinations, modes of transportations, travel dates, costs, and accommodations. Let MorinasWorld be your passport to the world.

Me udhëtimin tonë të fundit në Kenia🇰🇪 me MorinasWorld Expedition Family nga Kosova🇽🇰, patëm mundësinë e pabesueshme të ...

Me udhëtimin tonë të fundit në Kenia🇰🇪 me MorinasWorld Expedition Family nga Kosova🇽🇰, patëm mundësinë e pabesueshme të qëndrojmë brenda Parkut Kombëtar Masai Mara. Ja pse besojmë se kjo është zgjedhja më e mirë për një përvojë të vërtetë safari:

1.⁠ ⁠Qasja në Jetën e Egër 24/7:
Kafshë si gjirafat, zebrat dhe të tjera lëvizin lirshëm në zonën e akomodimit tonë (lodges), 24h/7, duke i dhënë grupit tonë qasje të pandërprerë dhe të afërt me jetën e egër. Kjo lidhje me kafshët thjesht nuk mund të krahasohet duke qëndruar jashtë parkut.

2.⁠ ⁠Liria nga Kufizimet e Kohës:
Struktura e re e tarifave për jo-rezidentët është $200 për person për periudhë 12-orëshe gjatë sezonit të lartë, që për dy ditë arrin në $800. Shumë kompani të tjera shmangin qëndrimin brenda për të kursyer, por ky opsion ofron qasje ekskluzive dhe fleksibilitet që ia vlen çdo cent. Duke qëndruar brenda, nuk na duhet të presim që të hapen portat çdo mëngjes apo të nxitojmë të dalim para perëndimit të diellit. Kemi mundësi të shijojmë çdo moment, përfshirë lindjen dhe perëndimin e diellit—kohët më të mira për të parë kafshët në aksion.

3.⁠ ⁠Pamje të Papara të Perëndimit të Diellit:
Ndryshe nga ata që qëndrojnë jashtë parkut dhe duhet të dalin para perëndimit, qëndrimi brenda na lejon të shijojmë qetësisht magjinë e mbrëmjes brenda parkut. Kjo na jep një shans të rrallë për të dëshmuar sjelljet e natyrshme të kafshëve dhe për të shijuar bukurinë e natyrës së egër pa asnjë kufizim.

4.⁠ ⁠Luks në Mes të Natyrës:
Lodges janë me 5-yje dhe ofrojn më shumë se një vend për të fjetur. Me ushqime gourmet, një pishinë të madhe dhe ambiente premium, është një strehim i përkryer pas një dite me aventura në safari. Këtu, mund të relaksohemi dhe të mbushim energjitë në stil dhe rehati, në zemër të natyrës.

5.⁠ ⁠Koha e Duhur për Aktivitetin e Kafshëve:
Kafshët janë më aktive gjatë mëngjesit të hershëm dhe mbrëmjes së vonë, kështu që qëndrimi brenda na jep mundësinë të dëshmojmë këto momente nga afër. Ata që qëndrojnë jashtë mund të mbërrijnë shumë vonë ose të humbasin të gjithë aksionin.

Bashkohuni me ne në aventurën tonë të ardhshme për një përvojë që kap tërësisht zemrën e Afrikës!

Discover the Enchantment of Bukhara, Uzbekistan🇺🇿 with Morinasworld Travel & Tours! Join us as we explore the historic c...

Discover the Enchantment of Bukhara, Uzbekistan🇺🇿 with Morinasworld Travel & Tours!

Join us as we explore the historic city of Bukhara, a true gem of Uzbekistan🇺🇿 and a UNESCO World Heritage site! Our recent journey with our Chinese clients was filled with awe-inspiring moments, and now it’s your turn to experience this cultural treasure.

Trip Highlights:
Architectural Marvels: Visit iconic sites like the Kalyan Minaret, the magnificent Ark Fortress, and the ancient Samanid Mausoleum—each telling a unique story of Bukhara’s rich past.

Cultural Immersion: Enjoy a mesmerizing performance by traditional Uzbek musicians, showcasing the region’s rich musical heritage.

Savor Traditional Cuisine: Indulge in the flavors of Uzbekistan with local dishes such as plov (a fragrant rice dish), samsa (savory pastries), and lagman (noodle soup) at charming local eateries.

Lively Bazaars: Stroll through vibrant bazaars, where you can shop for local handicrafts and experience the bustling atmosphere that has thrived for centuries.

Our Chinese clients were enchanted by the blend of history, culture, and hospitality that Bukhara has to offer. Are you ready to uncover the magic of this ancient city?

Limited Spots Available for Our Next Bukhara Adventure! Don’t miss your chance to create unforgettable memories in one of the Silk Road’s most captivating cities. Book your journey with Morinasworld Travel & Tours!

This summer, MorinasWorld Travel&Tours had the pleasure of hosting two wonderful guests. A couple from France🇫🇷 and Iran...

This summer, MorinasWorld Travel&Tours had the pleasure of hosting two wonderful guests. A couple from France🇫🇷 and Iran🇮🇷 on their very first trip to Kosova! 🇽🇰❤️

We explored the vibrant city streets of Prishtina, visiting local stops and soaking in the culture. We also indulged in some amazing local food, from bustling street markets to high-end dining experiences! One of the highlights of their journey was a visit to Prizren, where we delved into the rich history and breathtaking cultural sights that make our country so special. The lively summer atmosphere, filled with music and crowds, added to the magic of the trip.

To top it off, they had the chance to experience the iconic Sunny Hill Festival in Prishtina, joining thousands of festival-goers for a weekend filled with unforgettable music and energy! 🎤🎸✨

At MorinasWorld, we don’t just offer global tours; we’re passionate about showcasing the beauty of Kosova🇽🇰. Our mission is to break down stereotypes, clear up misunderstandings, and bring people and nations closer together through travel. 🌏

Come explore Kosova🇽🇰 with us—there’s so much more to discover than you can imagine! 💫

Back at the Gates of Hell for the second time with our MorinasWorld Expedition Family! The Darvaza Gas Crater, located i...

Back at the Gates of Hell for the second time with our MorinasWorld Expedition Family!

The Darvaza Gas Crater, located in the vast Karakum Desert of Turkmenistan🇹🇲, has been burning since 1971 after scientists set it on fire to contain methane gas. It’s 70 meters wide and 30 meters deep, and the fiery glow can be seen from kilometers away! Despite the harsh conditions, this natural wonder continues to attract adventurers and researchers alike. Such an unforgettable and surreal experience!

𝑵𝒆 i pamë 5 kafshët kryesore të egra (The big 5) 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒂𝒓𝒊 në 𝑲𝒆𝒏i𝒂! ✔️🇰🇪Kishim privilegjin t’i shoqëronim klientët tanë të...

𝑵𝒆 i pamë 5 kafshët kryesore të egra (The big 5) 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒂𝒓𝒊 në 𝑲𝒆𝒏i𝒂! ✔️🇰🇪

Kishim privilegjin t’i shoqëronim klientët tanë të MorinasWorld Travel & Tours në një eksperiencë safari të paharrueshme në Kenia, dhe së bashku, patëm fatin t’i shohim nga afër 5 kafshët kryesore të egra (The Big 5)! 🦁🐘🦏🐆🐃 Ishte një aventurë dhe përjetim jetësor t’i shihnim këto kafshë të mrekullueshme në habitatin e tyre natyror dhe një përvojë që të gjithë do ta ruajmë në zemër.

𝐂𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐭 𝐣𝐚𝐧ë “The big 5”? - Këto janë pesë kafshët ikonike afrikane që dikur ishin më të vështirat për t’u gjuajtur dhe tani janë të preferuarat e entuziastëve të kafshëve të egra dhe dashamirësve të safarit:

1.⁠ ⁠🐘 Elefantët: Gjigantët mbresëlënës të savanës, prania e tyre na la të mahnitur.

2.⁠ ⁠🦏 Rinocerontët: Të rrallë dhe të rrezikuar, të shohësh një rinoceront ishte një rikujtim i fuqishëm për nevojën e mbrojtjes së këtyre krijesave të jashtëzakonshme.

3.⁠ ⁠🦁 Luanët: Mbretërit dhe mbretëreshat e egërsisë, të dëshmoje luanët në elementin e tyre ishte vërtet madhështore.

4.⁠ ⁠🐆 Leopardët: Leopardët e fshehtë ishin një moment kulminant, të kamufluar me peizazhin, por që rrezatonin bukuri të egër.

5.⁠ ⁠🐃 Bualli i Afrikës: Të mëdhenj, të ashpër dhe imponues—këta përbindësha përmbyllën pamjet tona të “The Big 5”, duke shfaqur fuqinë e pastër të natyrës.

Përvoja të tilla safari janë pikërisht ajo për të cilën MorinasWorld Travel & Tours është—t’i bëjë ëndrrat realitet dhe të krijojë kujtime të qëndrueshme.

𝐀 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐢 𝐛ë𝐫ë 𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐧ë 𝐀𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐤ë? 𝐀 ë𝐬𝐡𝐭ë 𝐧𝐣ë eksperiencë 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐧ë 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ë𝐧 𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐣 𝐭ë 𝐝ë𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞? 🌍✨

Në vitin 2014, udhëtimi ynë në botën e safarit filloi me një aventurë të paharrueshme në Kenia🇰🇪. Ajo përvojë e parë nde...

Në vitin 2014, udhëtimi ynë në botën e safarit filloi me një aventurë të paharrueshme në Kenia🇰🇪. Ajo përvojë e parë ndezi një pasion të thellë për eksplorimin e faunës dhe peizazheve të mrekullueshme të Afrikës.

Tani, një dekadë më vonë në vitin 2024, ne po kthehemi në Kenia për herën e shtatë me familjen tonë të ekspeditave në MorinasWorld. Këtë herë, aventura jonë do të jetë për të dëshmuar Migrimin e Famshëm të Faunës, një spektakël që nuk ndalon kurrë së mahnituri.

Ndërsa fillojmë këtë udhëtim, ai shënon vizitën tonë të 26-të në kontinentin afrikan. Gjatë viteve, udhëtimet tona na kanë ofru në një gamë të jashtëzakonshme destinacionesh, secila duke dhënë përvoja unike. Ja një pasqyrë e 18 vendeve ku kemi bërë safari:

1. Kenia
2. Tanzania
3. Afrika e Jugut
4. Botswana
5. Namibia
6. Zambia
7. Zimbabve
8. Uganda: Trekking me gorilla
9. Ruanda: Trekking me gorilla
10. Etiopia
11. Republika Qendrore Afrikane (CAR)
12. Gabon
13. Republika Demokratike e Kongos (DRC): Trekking me gorilla
14. Mauritania
15. Sierra Leone
16. Liberia
17. Bregu i Fildishtë
18. Guinea

Nga pyjet me lagështi dhe savanat e qeta deri te shkretëtirat dramatike dhe ekosistemet bregdetare, çdo vizitë ka pasuruar kuptimin tonë për faunën e ndryshme të Afrikës. Çdo destinacion ofronte mrekulli të veçanta, nga Migrimi në Kenia deri te trekkingjet e mahnitshme me gorillat në Ruandë, Uganda dhe DRC.

Ndërsa vazhdojmë udhëtimet tona me MorinasWorld Travel & Tours, presim me padurim të zbulojmë më shumë bukuri të mahnitshme të Afrikës dhe të ndajmë këto përvoja me aventurierët e tjerë. Ju ftojm të na bashkëngjiteni në ekspeditat e radhës.

Për më shumë info DM, ose na shkruani email në [email protected]

🇰🇵 Njoftim Zyrtar | Koreja e Veriut do të rihapet për turizmin në fund të vitit 2024! Koreja e Veriut është e mbyllur pë...

🇰🇵 Njoftim Zyrtar | Koreja e Veriut do të rihapet për turizmin në fund të vitit 2024!

Koreja e Veriut është e mbyllur për turizmin që nga viti 2020. Megjithatë, ka lajme se Koreja e Veriut do të rihapet për turizmin në fund të vitit 2024. Informacioni vjen nga partneri ynë lokal dhe presim të marrim lajme zyrtare brenda dy javëve të ardhshme, së bashku me informacionin se cilat pjesë të vendit po rihapen për turizmin dhe detaje të tjera.

Sapo të publikohet ky lajm, ne do të shtojmë informacione dhe itinerare në kanalet tona. MorinasWorld Travel&Tours do të organizojë turne atje për të gjithë të interesuarit, madje edhe për klientët me pasaportë kosovare🇽🇰.

Në mënyrë qe të ju inspirojm për këtë destinacion, tash do t’i ndajmë disa fotografi nga vizita jonë në Korenë e Veriut.

🇰🇵 Official Announcement | North Korea will be reopening for tourism end of 2024!

North Korea has been closed to tourism since 2020. However, there is news that North Korea will be reopening for tourism at the end of 2024. The information from our local partner informed us about this announcement, and we are expecting to receive official news within the next couple of weeks, along with information on which parts of the country are reopening for tourism and other details.

As soon as this news is released, we’ll be adding information and itineraries to our channels. MorinasWorld Travel&Tours will be organizing tours there for everyone who is interested, even for clients with Kosovan Passports🇽🇰.

We will be sharing our visit there for inspiration, from our last time in North Korea.

Asmara🇪🇷An unexpectedly delightful capital city, Asmara is dotted with marvellous art deco and modernist architecture, a...

An unexpectedly delightful capital city, Asmara is dotted with marvellous art deco and modernist architecture, authentic street-front coffee shops that make for prime people-watching, and sobering testaments to the many difficult years of fighting in the lead up to, and ensuing years since, independence. Also, as long as travel restrictions remain in place for the rest of the country, Asmara offers the most freedom to travellers, with anywhere within 25km of the city fair game for exploration without needing to apply for travel permits.

The capital acquired an Italian architectural look. Europeans used Asmara "to experiment with radical new designs". By the late 1930s, Asmara was called Piccola Roma (Little Rome). Journalist John Gunther noted in 1955 that "the Italians built Asmara well, like Tripoli, with handsome wide streets, ornate public buildings, and even such refinements of civilization as a modern sewage system ... Asmara gives the impression of being a pleasant enough small city in Calabria, or even Umbria. Nowadays more than 400 buildings are of Italian origin, and many shops still have Italian names (e.g., Bar Vittoria, Pasticceria moderna, Casa del formaggio, and Ferramenta).
The city is still untouched by the progress of time and globalisation.

Asmara has wide streets, restaurants, piazzas (town squares), bars and cafes while many of the boulevards are lined with palms trees. The Italian inspired food and culture is very present and was introduced during Italian Eritrea. Countless restaurants and cafes, serve high quality espresso, cappuccinos and lattes, as well as gelato parlours and restaurants with Italian Eritrean cuisine. Common dishes served from the Italian Eritrean cuisine are 'Pasta al Sugo e Berbere', which means "pasta with tomato sauce and berbere" (spice), "lasagna" and "cotoletta alla milanese" (milano cutlet).

The city shows off most early 20th-century architectural styles. Some buildings are neo-Romanesque, such as the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, some villas are built in a late Victorian style. Art Deco influences are found throughout the city. Essences of Cubism can be found on the Africa Pension Building, and on a small collection of buildings. The Fiat Tagliero Building shows almost the height of futurism, just as it was coming into big fashion in Italy.

Asmara is known to be an exceptionally modern city, not only because of its architecture, but Asmara also had more traffic lights than Rome did when the city was being built. The city incorporates many features of a planned city.

For the best part of 80 years however, this country and its capital city has been left largely untouched as the government closed its borders to the outside word.
One positive to be taken from Eritrea’s recent history, it is that Asmara has kept its unique image. In 2017 UNESCO even enshrined it into a world heritage site.
The city is 2,350 meters above sea level making it the 6th highest capital city in the world. Situated in one of the world’s hottest regions, this elevation guarantees a temperate and liveable climate all year round.

The city is also impeccably laid out. Everything branches out from the main boulevard of Harnet street and it’s dominating central cathedral. From here everywhere is within walking distance. Pound the pavement and wander past an infinite number of street cafes spilling with well dressed patrons sipping cafe macchiatos.
Modernist public buildings, art deco cinema houses and still functioning theatres unchanged for 80 years delight the visitor around every street corner. Pop inside each of them and take a gander at the inner workings behind the scenes. Or just sit at a cafe and watch the city peacefully pass you by. There’s no disturbances here, people watching is an activity that could be enjoyed for hours.

Visit Asmara now before it changes forever and opens up to mass tourism.
MorinasWorld Travel & Tours

Eritrea’s🇪🇷 old capital Massawa is quite different  climatically and geographically speaking from Asmara.While geographi...

Eritrea’s🇪🇷 old capital Massawa is quite different climatically and geographically speaking from Asmara.

While geographically relatively close, the cities are separated by a 2,500 metre high escarpment and connected by a dizzy road of hairpin bends. It’s quite a trip. The views are spectacular. The land after the rains are lush green. The journey’s marked by a series of historical sites chief among these is Debre Bizen monastery, set high on a mountain, and which, legend has it, was moved here in order to save its monks from the distraction of women’s faces. The birdlife is spectacular.

Despite its use as ideal stopover for travellers visiting the islands beyond, Massawa is a beautiful city in its own right. It has played a role as an important port in the history of many empires, kingdoms and sultanates over the last few thousand years. The town’s appearance, particularly its architecture, are in parts reminiscent of Zanzibar’s Stone Town and in others much like a southern Italian provincial town testament to a past that occupied by the Ottomans, Arabs, Portuguese, British and Italians.

Unfortunately, hostilities between Ethiopia and Eritrea saw the old town blanket-bombed, leaving only 10% intact. Joint efforts by Eritrea and UNESCO to restore some of its buildings have taken place. Architecture of note includes the 15th century Sheikh Hanafi mosque, the shrine of Sahaba, and several houses made from coral-block. Built later on, the Imperial Palace, St. Mary’s Cathedral, and the 1920s Bank of Italy are also worth a visit. Massawa, like the capital city, is very safe day or night and impromptu walks can be a good way to see the city, slow down, talk to the locals, and go for a drink, whether for coffee or something a tad stronger.

Do note that the quality of accommodation at Massawa is very basic and not at all the same standard as that found in Asmara. Equally, Massawa is very hot, with temperatures averaging 30°C, with highs of 47°C. However, don’t let any of this put you off. The adventurous will revel in the various trials and tribulations resting here necessarily entails, particularly given the charm of the place.
MorinasWorld Travel & Tours

Keren, Eritrea 🇪🇷 with his busy markets, which take place every Monday, are well worth a visit. As well as a bustling ge...

Keren, Eritrea 🇪🇷 with his busy markets, which take place every Monday, are well worth a visit.

As well as a bustling general market, there is a very traditional livestock and camel market. Here, Eritrean men inspect the animals on offer, haggling to get a good price.

MorinasWorld Travel & Tours

THE TANK GRAVEYARD OF ASMARA🇪🇷 is filled with rusted tanks, trucks, and other wrecked vehicles piled in twisty rows thro...

THE TANK GRAVEYARD OF ASMARA🇪🇷 is filled with rusted tanks, trucks, and other wrecked vehicles piled in twisty rows through which you can wander. Paths are littered with bits of ammunition and Russian metal plates with C.C.C.P. (the Russian acronym for the U.S.S.R.) stamped on them.

But the tank graveyard is more than just an assemblage of destroyed military hardware. It’s a bleak reminder of one of Africa’s longest wars in recent memory—the Eritrean War of Independence, fought between 1961 and 1991, that secured Eritrea’s independence from Ethiopia.

Ethiopia, then backed by the Soviet Union, had a large army including tanks, trucks, cars, and machinery currently visible at the tank graveyard. Eritrean soldiers, on the other hand, fought with what they could find. Sandals were composed of tires and captured weapons were the only means of defense.

Despite the stark difference in armies, Eritrea’s determination to gain sovereignty allowed them to destroy a significant amount of Ethiopia’s war machinery.

Ethiopia hid the evidence of their losses in a site just outside Asmara, knowing that leaving it on the streets would only bolster Eritrea’s morale. In 1991, when Eritrea finally won the war, Eritrean soldiers collected all the military hardware they could find and amassed it into what is now the tank graveyard.

The site has turned into a public space that the few tourists who are able to enter Eritrea can visit. To local Eritreans, the site serves as a proud symbol of national liberation, and a reminder of the countless lives lost fighting during the war.

The Dahlak Archipelago in Eritrea🇪🇷The Red Sea, Dahlak Archipelago is one of the richest, cleanest, and most beautiful o...

The Dahlak Archipelago in Eritrea🇪🇷

The Red Sea, Dahlak Archipelago is one of the richest, cleanest, and most beautiful oceans and the real wealth of Eritrea. The waters of the Red Sea are very narrow and cover a wide range, and it has almost no contact with other oceans, so it is very characteristic and salty. The water is the natural habitat of many endemic fish and corals, making them attractive to divers and anglers. However, research is still ongoing on the most popular species: barracudas, manta rays, and sharks.

The incomplete Red Sea is considered home to 1000 species of fish and many corals, clams or shellfish, sea turtles, and the famous dugong.
The Dahlak Islands, or the Dahlak Archipelago, is a series of approximately miles long islands situated 12-18 degrees North within the Red Sea.
The nearest islands are not distant from Massawa, from where they can be accessed easily. The temperature of the islands differs from as low as 25 degrees Celsius between Nov and April to as high as 45 degrees Celsius between Jun and Sep.

The Dahlak Islands, once famous for their pearl divers, are scattered over 15,000 square kilometers of the Red Sea. Many are within easy reach of Massawa, which has excellent waters for snorkeling. There are more than 350 islands in Eritrean waters, but many are small, and a complete study is still awaited on many islands.
Only 15 islands have land areas greater than square kilometers, and these are the easiest to visit. In addition to a roaming resting place, feeding swarms of sardines and anchovies in the Red Sea is a great attraction for ornithologists. More than 109 species have been recorded, including pelicans, herons, storks, flamingos, orioles, dragons, and vultures, although the research is still ongoing.

According to the Great Barrier Reef, it is assumed that the water temperature in the Red Sea is always more than the algae living in the corals. While the reefs are not immune to bleaching completely, they have gone a little of that of the other main beaches, leaving them unharmed.
The Red Sea has included a time of geographic isolation from the enormous bodies of the ocean; there is an increased rate of endemism, with approximately 17% of fish and 6% of corals being prevalent.

A few islands have shores that are lined with saltbush or mangrove trees. The submerged coral reefs or shoals, incredible marine life (sharks, dolphins, turtle species, dugongs, fish, hermit crabs, shellfish, or mollusks), pumice stones, and shipwrecks made from the volcanoes make the Red Sea a memorable experience for diving Dahlak Archipelago.

MorinasWorld Travel & Tours

Issyk-Kul Lake, Kyrgyzstan🇰🇬The pearl of the Tien Shan - Issyk-Kul is the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan. Issyk-Kul translat...

Issyk-Kul Lake, Kyrgyzstan🇰🇬

The pearl of the Tien Shan - Issyk-Kul is the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan. Issyk-Kul translates as "hot lake". The water temperature here does not drop to minus even in winter, so the lake never freezes. It is located at an altitude of 1,608 meters above sea level and ranks seventh in the list of the deepest lakes in the world.

Issyk-Kul is a favorite holiday destination for Kyrgyzstanis. Also, the coast is visited annually by thousands of tourists from the CIS and other countries of the world. The hottest tourist season in Issyk-Kul lasts from mid-June to the end of August. In summer, the northern shore of the lake is the most attractive for tourists.

The most popular tourist places of Issyk-Kul are the city of Cholpon-Ata, the village of Bosteri, Bulan-Sogottu, Chok-Tal, Sary-Oi and Chon-Sary-Oi. Also in summer you can go to Karakol (Przhevalsk). In winter, thousands of skiers and snowboarders go to the ski resort in Karakol.

The main feature of Issyk-Kul is its mountainous and maritime climate. There are many sanatoriums and wellness centers where you can take treatment courses.
It should also be borne in mind that even in summer the weather on Issyk-Kul is quite capricious. During the day, it can change several times: sun, rain, sun again and rain again. Therefore, it is necessary to take warmer clothes with you.

The ruins of an ancient Armenian monastery were also found in the waters of Issyk-Kul. According to legend, it is there that the relics of the apostle Matthew, a disciple of Christ, are located.

Issyk-Kul stretches from west to east for 182 km, and from north to south for 58 km. The average depth is 278 meters, the largest reaches almost 700 meters. The water in the lake is blue and brackish.
Issyk-Kul is a transparent lake. In winter you can see fish swimming at a depth of 47 meters, and in summer this figure is about 20 meters. The length of the coastline is 688 kilometers.
MorinasWorld Travel & Tours

Beautiful Tbilisi,Georgia🇬🇪

Beautiful Tbilisi,Georgia🇬🇪

Armenia's Forgotten Space Giant🇦🇲 Part 2.Follow us inside to re-live the "007" movie and experience a surreal scenery wi...

Armenia's Forgotten Space Giant🇦🇲 Part 2.

Follow us inside to re-live the "007" movie and experience a surreal scenery with us. 📡🎬
We were lucky enough to get a full experience also from the inside of the radio telescope ROT54 building 📡. Walking around in the buildings we were impressed by the technology behind this gigantic forgotten Armenian Space giant. 🚀🌍📡🛰🇦🇲

👨‍💻👩‍💻Some technical details for the techies out there:
The model is scaled 1:1. 3600 shields made of high-strength alloys based on aluminum with additions of copper, magnesium, and manganese, in turn, attached to iron pipes, were “walled up” in the pit. Of particular technical difficulty was the polishing of the shields that covered the telescope mirror, because the reception of radio waves in the millimeter and sub-millimeter ranges depends on the quality of the surface of the shields. Therefore, each panel of the mirror was hand-molded and precision-finished to within 70 microns.

Armenia's Forgotten Space Giant🇦🇲 Part 1.During our stay in Armenia we used the opportunity to visit some special locati...

Armenia's Forgotten Space Giant🇦🇲 Part 1.

During our stay in Armenia we used the opportunity to visit some special locations around the country. ROT54: Armenia’s Forgotten Space Giant, was one of them.

⌛Some info and history about the location:
Orgov Radio-Optical Telescope, also known as ROT54 or the Herouni Mirror Radio Telescope, is a radio telescope in Orgov, Armenia. It was built between 1975-1985 and was active between 1986-1990 before its use was halted.
Soviet genius radio technician Paris Misakovich Heruni went down in history, creating a unique device, which was later named after him.

The mirror radio telescope by Heruni became one of the most powerful radio telescopes of its time. In addition, Heruni was noted in scientific activities, proposing a number of theories and calculations. Today, only the metal frame with 1/10 panels can be called complete and rebuilt, and everything else is safely buried in the bushes. The remains of the panels lie at random inside the building.

Would you dare to get a drink at this glass bar dangling over a canyon in Georgia?At a height of 280 metres above the Ts...

Would you dare to get a drink at this glass bar dangling over a canyon in Georgia?

At a height of 280 metres above the Tsalka Canyon, a new bar sits in the middle of the Diamond Bridge

It’s the latest tourist attraction in the country and is located along a 240-meter-long footbridge that spans the Tsalka (or Dashbashi) Canyon. The canyon is created by the erosion caused by the Ktsia River, as it passes through the volcanic region of the Caucasus Mountains.

Built by the Kass Group, this footbridge has been nicknamed the Diamond Bridge given that at its centre—its highest point—there is a diamond-shaped glass structure with several levels. It houses a bar, one that hopes to be recognised as the ‘highest suspended bar in the world’, as determined by the Guinness World Records.

Located two hours from Tbilisi, the country’s capital, the bridge also has two other unique attractions. There is a zipline that allows visitors to travel the entire length of the structure by bicycle and a swing that hangs from the side of a cliff towering above the canyon. Future plans include a visitors’ centre and a light show that will be projected onto a mountainside.

Hello Tiblisi,🇬🇪 it’s good to be back here✅

Hello Tiblisi,🇬🇪 it’s good to be back here✅








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