Sarah Fischer Photography

Sarah Fischer Photography Sarah Fischer, born 1972 has specialised in Mongolia as a travel journalist, visual storyteller and author. She has travelled more than 190 countries.

Sarah Fischer has specialised in Mongolia issues as a travel journalist, photographer and author for the past 20 yrs and has lost her heart to these warmhearted mongolian nomads and their beautiful country. The first time she travelled Mongolia, she had the feeling of „coming home“ - as an adopted child, she didn‘ t know her origin. As she has travelled about 190 countries in the world so far, she

creates content for customers of the tourism industry for social media, catalogues or brochures and she is booked as a testimonial for campaigns and travel agencies/tour operators. Besides workshops for pupils, in which she gives them an insight into mongolian nomadic life, she compiled trips to Mongolia for the DAV Summit Club and the photo tour operator World Geographic Excursions. In 2021 she will lead phototours for them. For the car rental company Sixt in Mongolia, she is contributing photos and her know how for the german campaign: Escape to Mongolia. Her guidebook Mongolia was awarded with the ITB bookaward in 2015. In addition she supports german TV channels and production companies by organising shoots in mainly Mongolia but other countries like Southafrica, Madagaskar, Ethiopia, Norway and a lot more. She supports companies, that are planning to set up a branch or are working on projects in Mongolia concerning the introduction of employees to the mongolian culture. Fischer is beeing represented by the agency Kochan & Partner. Travelling in general especially to nomadic tribes, documenting their life and getting to know them that`s her passion. In addition she is a real mountainlover and loves to spend time outdoors. For fours years she worked for the record company Virgin Records in Munich and Warner Music in Hamburg before working for MTV Networks in Munich and Berlin. As she has always had the travel virus in herself she started her career as a presenter and photographer in 2004. Ten years she toured Germany and Austria with her show about Mongolia. Her free speach and her authenticity are two pillars of her success. Sarah wants to inspire other people and state, that adventures are far more important than material things. Her motto: Do not regret what you have done, but what you have not done! Partner:
Victorinox, DAV Summit Club, mobjects, Stumpf AV,

Nomadic people, nature, photograhy, snowboarding, travelling, climbing, kite surfing, diving, delivering sailing yachts

1991: Sydney, Australia, International Grammar School, Surrey Hills
1994: translator education, Munich
1997: London
1998-2002: Virgin Records
2004-2005: MTV Networks
2005-2021: freelancer as a travel journalist, photographer, presenter and author.

Gestrige Reifenpanne mitten in den Bergen  gegen 18 Uhr am 31.12.Die Offroadpiste mit Caro`s Auto, einem ehemaligen Eins...

Gestrige Reifenpanne mitten in den Bergen gegen 18 Uhr am 31.12.
Die Offroadpiste mit Caro`s Auto, einem ehemaligen Einsatzkommandowagen der Feuerwehr Schluchsee war wohl doch nicht so ideal.

Raphael hat uns „abgeschleppt“, wenn das kein Omen ist.

Jetzt sitzen wir in einem spanischen Dorf, wo gestern die Gehwege hochgeklappt waren und warten darauf, dass wir hoffentlich morgen
einen Ersatzreifen bekommen, um weiterfahren zu können.

Wir haben viel spanischen Rotwein und Bier im einzig offenen Supermarkt heute gekauft und machen es uns schön.

Und wir haben drei Mikrowellen auf dem Gang unseres Hotels. Eine davon haben wir schon abgefackelt, in dem wir eine Stahldose mit Wasser reingestellt haben.

It is how it is.

Feliz Año Nuevo.


Dronefootage South Tyrol, last weekend

Dronefootage South Tyrol, last weekend

Ocean Filmtour yesterday: very good plots. Thanks so much for the invitation .hub  Very touching was the story about the...

Ocean Filmtour yesterday: very good plots. Thanks so much for the invitation .hub

Very touching was the story about the cuban surf community. Not beeing able to travel everywhere we want, is out of our imagination. 🙏 The plot about Speedsurfing in Namibia with Björn Dunkerbeck is real action. 🔥 ✌️Actually every plot was amazing.




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Sarah Fischer is a german travel photographer, presenter and author. She researches and realises shootings for TV, productions companies and filmteams such as ZDF terra x, Kika, Constantin Film Entertainment, deutsche Welle, 3 sat, arte, VOX etc. She supports companies, that are planning to set up a branch in Ulanbaatar or that will be working on a project in Mongolia concerning a short introduction to the country, its citizens/nomads and habits. Her latest work as an author is the travel guide Mongolia (Reise Know How publishing company), which was awarded with the ITB Book Award. She is recognized by her audience in Germany by her authenticity and free speech. Sarah Fischers picture archiv is represented by Kochan & Partner. She develops trips to Mongolia for german travel agencies and works as a tourguide in Munich. She is multilingual, has lived studied, worked and travelled in more than 190 countries but her focus is Mongolia, the nomads and nature. She has worked in Mongolia for 16 yrs. now and lives with the nomad families on a regular basis. Partner: Victorinox, DAV Summit Club, mobjects, Stumpf AV, Interessen: Nomadic people, nature, photograhy, snowboarding, travelling, climbing, kite surfing, diving, delivering sailing yachts Biography: 1991: Sydney, Australia, International Grammar School, Surrey Hills 1994: translator education, Munich 1997: London 1998-2002: Virgin Records 2004-2005: MTV Networks 2005-2016: freelancer as a photographer, presenter and author.