Afrika Festival Tübingen - Germany

Afrika Festival Tübingen - Germany Kontaktinformationen, Karte und Wegbeschreibungen, Kontaktformulare, Öffnungszeiten, Dienstleistungen, Bewertungen, Fotos, Videos und Ankündigungen von Afrika Festival Tübingen - Germany, Touristeninformation, Tübingen.

Tübingen Internationales Afrika Festival ( TIAF ) seit 2007 ist eine Wichtige platform für Austauch und Kulturellen bildung des Afrikanischer Gemeindeschaft und ihre Angehorigen sowie Afrika interessierte in Deutschlandweite und seiner Nachbarn Afrika.


A traditional Dance from the central region of Cameroon.

RETTE Tübingen Internationales Afrika Festival, sei Dabei! Liebe TIAF mitstreiter und  Familie, Seit 2007 hat das Afrika...

RETTE Tübingen Internationales Afrika Festival, sei Dabei!

Liebe TIAF mitstreiter und Familie,

Seit 2007 hat das Afrika festival angefangen in Reutlingen und nach Tübingen in 2010 auf dem Festplatz gezogen bis 2023 als Tübingen Internationales Afrika Festival ( TIAF) erfolgereich veranstaltet.

Bis 2019, lief TIAF gut und erfolgereich trotz immer wieder das August schlechte wetter, das festival war gut besucht und ist eine wichtige Kulturellen Austauch und Bildungs Platform für die Afrikanischer Gemeindeschaft, ihre Angehorigen sowie Afrika interessierte in Baden-Württemberg und Deutschlandweite geworden.

Um eine lösung für das wetter situation zu finden, eine situation die TIAF jedes jahr eine stich in das festival kalkulation schwerig gemacht hat - keine Forderer oder tragerverein, Weniger Einnahmen, Weniger Besucher, unzufrieden Austellers, hohe fixkosten… wir konnte keine schwarz-null erziehlen. Deshalb Anstatt August, haben wir TIAF kalender auf Juni erste wochenende fest gelegt.

Die Ausbruch von Corona und die damit sehr strengen auflagen und Veranstaltungverbote in Unser region Baden-Württemberg haben zuhohen defizit des TIAF geführt.

durch die Corona-Pandemie 2022 und die kurzfristige verschiebung des TIAF von August auf September 2022 untern denen leiden wir bis heute und in 2023 aber auch den Krieg in der Ukraine haben sich, wie allseits bekannt, sämtliche Kosten erhöht - eine ungunstigen situation für kleine Gemeinutige Vereine wie unsere.

So wurden in diese zeiten zwei versuch mit finanzielle unterstutzung durch kredite von Angehorige, das festival 2022 / 2023 um TIAF wieder auf die beine zu bringen.

Wir haben TIAF 2024 auf Juni 2025 verschoben, um das finanzielles situation des TIAF zu geschichern. Wir sind dabei feste träger des TIAF zu finden aber auch eine “crowd funding” wie z.b Gofundme platform für freiwillige Spende fur TIAF Juni 2025, wir bitten um ihre Unterstutzung und mitmachen.

Wir lassen nichts unversucht, um die finanzielle Lage zu verbessern. Trotz allem bleiben wir auch auf Dein finanzielle Unterstützung im Rahmen einer Spende oder eines Sponsorings angewiesen. Als eingetragener Verein können wir Ihnen selbstverständlich eine Spendenquittung ausstellen.

Wir vertrauen uns auf das spirit des festival “Umoja wAfrika” Gemeinsam für Afrika. Mit allem unsere kraft werden wir gemeinsame miteinander durchziehen, um das TIAF 2025 zuermöglichen.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie uns und somit dem ganzen TIAF Team helfen könnten. Sie haben auch festgestelt das unsere website war durch fishen virus erwirscht, wir sind auch dabei eine neu website des Vereins zuerstellen, aller diesel kosten viel geld.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
In Namen des Verein - The Africa we want e.V Network ( TawwN)
Susan Tatah Erfinderin, Gründerin und 1. Vorsitzender
TIAF seit 2007 und das Gesamte TIAF-Team

The Africa we want e.V
IBAN: DE37 6425 1060 0013 6197 49

Vielen lieben Dank!


Ihre IDEEN & Vorschlägen
E-Mail:[email protected]

Viele Grüße von TawwN / TIAF Ambassador
Ousman Touray, Gambia

Kulturellen Bildung, Austauch, Spass und das gemeinsames lernen bleibt immer das ziel unser Afrika Festival Tübingen sei...

Kulturellen Bildung, Austauch, Spass und das gemeinsames lernen bleibt immer das ziel unser Afrika Festival Tübingen seit 2010

Cameroon 2015 impressions@ International Afrika festival Tübingen!!

Cameroon 2015 impressions@ International Afrika festival Tübingen!!

Hummmm Leckeres Essen - unsere köstlischen hausgemachte Gerichte, sorfältige enzigartiges Geschmackerlebnis nur auf das ...

Hummmm Leckeres Essen - unsere köstlischen hausgemachte Gerichte, sorfältige enzigartiges Geschmackerlebnis nur auf das Afrika Festival Tübingen ( Umoja W’afrika)

ENGAGEMENT: Unser Ehrenamtliche engagiert macht unser Afrika Festival Tübingen bunter!

ENGAGEMENT: Unser Ehrenamtliche engagiert macht unser Afrika Festival Tübingen bunter!

BUNT: Beim erste Afrika Festival Tübingen 2010!

BUNT: Beim erste Afrika Festival Tübingen 2010!

Das 1. Afrika festival Tübingen 15 - 17 Juli, 2010 auf dem Festplatz in Tübingen

Das 1. Afrika festival Tübingen 15 - 17 Juli, 2010 auf dem Festplatz in Tübingen

1. Afrika Festival Reutlingen 10 - 12 August 2007, auf das ehemalige Brüderhausgelände, heutige Burgerpark in Reutlingen...

1. Afrika Festival Reutlingen 10 - 12 August 2007, auf das ehemalige Brüderhausgelände, heutige Burgerpark in Reutlingen!

Kultur verbindet und macht stark!!

Kultur verbindet und macht stark!!

Once upon a time, 2006, family of 3, invited their friends at their Resident in Reutlingen, Ganghofer Str. 4. They prese...

Once upon a time, 2006, family of 3, invited their friends at their Resident in Reutlingen, Ganghofer Str. 4. They presented the idea to organize Afrika festival in the city of Reutlingen to which all them agreed. The initiator went ahead to inquire on requirement to organise such an event from the cultural office Reutlingen incharge of culturals activities and events. The Cameroon Cultural Association, Non-Profit Organization was created as recommended by the cultural office, an entity that represented the festival. 10 - 12 August 2007, the first Afrika Festival Reutlingen was organized at the ( Bruderhausgelande ) today it is called ( Burger Park ) meaning the people's park. The event was attended by appr, 5000 visitors from different backgrounds particularly Africans in Reutlingen and Environs. We were very proud of our engagement, so as the city of Reutlingen, with such motivation 2008 and 2009 editions were organized. Due to the Reutlingen city project to build the peoples park on the location, we were forced to relocate the Festival to nearest city Tübingen University Town in 2010 due to its fast growing interest of visitors. Subsequent editions were organized simultaneously in the cities of Metzingen 2010, Tuttlingen 2011. In 2012, the Cameroon Culture organization was renamed "AfrikAktiv" and festival name was changed from Afrika Festival Reutlingen to International Afrika Festival Tübingen - Germany, its slogan "Not Black, Not White but Colored". To give the Festival a new face, we rebranded by upgrading the logo, to enhance communication AfrikAktiv Magazine, the Festival Magazine with 20.000 copies free distribution in households. Since 2007, we have successfully organized 21 editions of Afrika festivals Reutlingen 2007 - 2008, Metzingen 2010, Tuttlingen 2011 and Tübingen 2010 - 2016, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023. ****( 2017 no festival, 2020 and 2021 No Festivals due to Covid Pandemic.)**** 2024 postponed to June 2025. Though we did a comeback in 2022 and 2023 with nickame UMOJA W'AFRIKA, the 2022 edition was a disaster - very strict Corona rules, coupled with the high cost involved in the events location ( Festplatz Tübingen) a situation that has forcefully shut down many events and businesses in Germany. For us as NON-PROFIT the corona come back editions was financially fustrating. Therefore we took 2024 as a year of reflection on way forward for our organization and its platforms. Our Festival has connected millions worldwide - families, businesses, organizations, institutions and private individuals. Since its creation in 2007, our festivals has promoted Africa as a continent, Africans as it Citizens, friends and Partners of Africa. we have promoted intercultural knowledge about the continent of Africa through its rich culture, traditions and spirituality, vice-versa Africans have learned German cultural values, leading in different cultures has been very challenging but very successful. the festival remains a LEGACY and a HISTORIC Event in.the AFRICA - GERMANY History. A history different from Berlin 1884 Conference of the Partition of Africa, history of colliding two big cultures together. We hope to see us in June 2025 by God's Grace. Wishing you all blessings and peace in your families!

The look you get, when people are Amazed by your Enthusiasm and Forward Thinking Mindset of bringing cultures and people...

The look you get, when people are Amazed by your Enthusiasm and Forward Thinking Mindset of bringing cultures and people together regardless of their background and origins!!

THE PEOPLES CHOICE: Best Afrika Festival powered by Africans in Germany- 2023 Impressions speak for themselves!!! Next D...

THE PEOPLES CHOICE: Best Afrika Festival powered by Africans in Germany- 2023 Impressions speak for themselves!!! Next Date - June 2025!!!

Unique, Authentic and Beautiful  Afrika festival Tübingen -Germany!!!

Unique, Authentic and Beautiful Afrika festival Tübingen -Germany!!!

2015 Impressions @ Germany International Africa Festival in Tübingen with Cameroon as Focus Country !!

2015 Impressions @ Germany International Africa Festival in Tübingen with Cameroon as Focus Country !!

Africa Business Forum with IHK Reutlingen / Tübingen 2015 !!

Africa Business Forum with IHK Reutlingen / Tübingen 2015 !!

Ruben Binam and the KEMIT 7 Band live on stage 2015 !!!

Ruben Binam and the KEMIT 7 Band live on stage 2015 !!!

We see us in 2025!!

We see us in 2025!!

BREAKING UPDATES 🔥 🔥 18.INT Afrika Festival Tübingen UMOJA W'AFRIKA Germany 2024 has been postponed to 2025!!"Leadership...


18.INT Afrika Festival Tübingen UMOJA W'AFRIKA Germany 2024 has been postponed to 2025!!

"Leadership is the ability to make right decisions at the right time" Dr Susan Tatah

*** The continent Africa and its Diaspora is rising very fast, therefore representing Africa and Africans and showcasing The continent's Culture and Values is essential to all promoters of the African culture.

*** The financial situation worldwide is getting more challenging as days go by, this situation is affecting businesses worldwide thereby forcing CEOs and Leaders to rethink decisions and re-strategize before diving into non-revisible crisis.

We, from The Africa we want e.V global, organizers of UMOJA W'AFRIKA FESTIVAL Tübingen Germany, in a adhoc meeting Last Sunday, thought it wise to postponed this year's festiva 2024 l to next year 2025.

Dr Susan Tatah, Founder and CEO reiterated " Leadership is the ability to make right decisions at the right time"

She went ahead to reinforce and energize, members of the vision of the organization and pressing projects such as establishment of " Pan-African Daily TV" with Youth in Focus. This to us at moment is very essential!

However we do apologize to our many associate members - Community Organizations, Artist, Traders, Exhibitors and Fans worldwide.

2025 is just around the corner, you will thank us for this decision!

We wish you a great year ahead, consider subscribing our platforms for more engaging and powerful lectures, up to date information about Africa, Africans it's Culture and Values.
Click and subscribe to all channels



Africans Worldwide mourns the passing away of PEETAH Lead Singer of the Reggae Movement called MORGAN HERITAGE! He passed away a tender age of 47, after fulfilling his task on earth.

Son of Africa, May your Ancestors welcome you well


Feedback: Call for Participation 2024!!


Send inquiries by filling out Registration on





COLORS AND ENERGY!!!There's something special in colors, reason we have a colored world. This year 2024, we have careful...


There's something special in colors, reason we have a colored world.

This year 2024, we have carefully selected the perfect color PURPLE to accommodate 💜 your energy.

* Checkout our website, feel the ENERGY of New Africa!

We look forward to another beautiful weekend JUNE 06 - 09, 2024

Email: [email protected]
For all inquiries!!


Umoja Wa'frika Festival @ Best Team 2024!!! -

Every day send some blessings to the world. Enjoy the journey and try to get better as it is an opportunity to be what h...

Every day send some blessings to the world. Enjoy the journey and try to get better as it is an opportunity to be what have always desired.

During my brief visit to South Africa, I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Khulani Sikhosana alias Vuka Da**ie and had an amazing copy of his informative book Ubuntu Economy.

The book highlights the importance of incorporating indigenous knowledge systems and African spirituality in our talents and efforts to achieve economic prosperity. I would recommend anyone to get a glimpse of this powerful book.

Are you ready for UMOJA W'Afrika Festival Worldwide, Tübingen - Germany 2024?If YES, then let's get started.FOLLOW this ...

Are you ready for UMOJA W'Afrika Festival Worldwide, Tübingen - Germany 2024?

If YES, then let's get started.

FOLLOW this channel for more updates and exciting festival videos from past and present.

Join the New Spirit of Afrika at UMOJA WA'FRIKA Festivals Germany JUNE 06 - 09, 2024 in the University Town Tuebingen in Baden-Wurttemberg near Stuttgart. 4 ...







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10. Jubilaüm TIAF (Tübingen Int. Afrika Festival) 2020

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