Through back to one of our most amazing productions when we made the Mode Senegal magazine for @goetheinstitut_seneg.
Kate Mur who did the eminent make-up for four of the editorials did also film during the shoots and recently finished three beautiful clips which we will be presenting here.
This one is from the editorial PLAGE OUAKAM including designs of
Video @mur.creates
Editing & Colors
Composer Alina Petrova
Photography @danbeleiu
Styling @rndmmgc
Make-Up @muakatemur
Model @gazelle857 @amymgmt
Production @arneebere
#modesenegal #goetheinstitutsenegal #sarayaa #kokoconcept #bypathe #boledakar #zadada #sk60 #sk60couture #ankaranzuri #sistersofafrika #asscreation #katemur #superbasictv #alinapetrova #danbeleiu #rainermetz #ndyefatoumbaye #amymgmt #arneeberle #senegalesefashion
Put Yourself In My Place
#tbt Œditorial PUT YOURSELF IN MY PLACE by Javier de la Blanca 🐦
Creative Direction and Styling — Javier de la Blanca
Photographer — Mark Yareham
Models — Nicolas and Jacobo Solis
Make up and Hair — Jakob Luis Bach
Video — Josema Mateos
Assistance — Anna Pandozzi and Tania Perez
directed by Vinco Zierowan
Music by Capten Hero
Director of photography: Simon Moirot
Now online on Œ.
See the whole 16 minute masterpiece of stunning madness and beauty on our page
#pingpongsupernova #vincozierowan #louckafiagan#simonmoirrot #hiphopfilm #chpt01 #sadu #captenhero
Right here, right now
click on the link and enjoy our new Œditorial !
This time with a video!
Photography | Caren Detje
Styling | Julia May-Yen Wu
Concept | Caren Detje and Julia May-Yen Wu
Hair & Make-up | Evelyn Innerhofer using Davines / Bigoudi
Model | Sasha Sergeeva / PRM Agency