Happy Thanksgiving Thursday!
I had a great teacher in India who said to me, “if you think you’re spiritual, and evolved, and enlightened …. go home for Christmas and see how it goes.
This is how the author of the book EAT PRAY LOVE, Elizabeth Gilbert starts the short, fun and powerful message that has transformed many of my relationships and made me truly enjoy being in Costa Rica for Christmas with my family, having my (ex-in laws) for dinner, and the relationship to my kids and their father. If you are willing to practice this, it will transform your life too. (see link to the video at the end)
Basically she talks about how our family pushes our buttons and how instead of getting upset, frustrated, angry (insert others here), we can turn it all around and transform it into a powerful teaching moment for us. Because in the moment you feel the stress and anxiety building up, or you catch yourself rolling your eyes like I do, and you begin to hear those voices in your head judging, wanting to control a situation or changing the behavior of any of your relatives, that’s when the opportunity comes in.
As you begin to feel the desire to explode, observe it and turn the judgement into wonder. Turn it all into curiosity and ask yourself: What am I called to learn here? In her video Elizabeth mentions: Patience, dignity, boundaries, generosity, leaving? I want to add LOVE AND GRATITUDE.
Love and gratitude are two of the most magnetic feelings there is. Love is the magnetic and attracting force between you and anything that you want to create in your life. Gratitude is the emotion that says I have it all right now, I am grateful for this moment, I am grateful for my kids, my partner, my mom, because they are giving me the opportunity to become a better mother, a better partner, a better daughter.
It’s not Christmas yet, but it’s Thanksgiving today and even if you don’t celebrate any of these two, the holiday season is just around the corner.
No matter where you are or where you come from, the holiday season that most of us associate with joy love and connection with our loved ones. With the joy and our desire to be more happy come also a lot of stress, anxiety, reflection about the year that is about to end and new desires about the new one just around the corner.
Today I want to invite you to get out there and embody love and gratitude, look for opportunities to give and receive. Gather around the Thanksgiving table and go home for the holidays with this new way of looking at your challenges and see what happens.
With love, joy, gratitude and magnetic kisses
via The Huffington Post They may get under our skin, but best-selling author Elizabeth Gilbert says there are some things that only family can teach us.