Mastering the skills of teaching in diverse school environments. Having monthly meetings with fellow team mates, studying subjects in the curriculum.
DNS College is located in Denmark, and trains future educational activists, conscious citizens of the world, another kind of teachers, and has been walking this path since it opened its doors in 1972. The outline of the programme
1st Year The Global Reality:
2 months Preparation for a bus travel: preparing for a 4-month bus travel, through Northern and Western Africa including the Sahara Desert.
You will spend this time researching and studying about the travel countries, preparing yourselves for the travel and your home on wheels - the bus.
4 months Bus Travel: journey from Denmark to North-West Africa in a purpose of investigations on various subjects, facing reality of Africa, collecting experiences and learning about the living conditions of people across two continents. 3 months Bringing It To The Public: Giving lectures and presentations in different cities in Europe about African Travel experience, mastering media and communication techniques, having first teaching experiences in schools. 3 months Saving Up Period: Saving up money with employment or other productive means to collectively accumulate the money which covers your education expenses.
2nd Year The European Reality:
6 months Experiencing European Reality Living in a European city together with your team, finding an employment place, getting in touch with workmates and society, establishing culture centre and organising events and actions for the purpose of enriching cultural life in the community, studying subjects in the curriculum.
3 months Study Period: Period of intense studies and exams in DNS campus in Denmark
3 months Do what you find most appropriate to do: Designing your own short term self-education project, and making it reality.
3rd Year The School Reality:
8 months Teaching practice: working as a substitute or assistant teacher in a school in Denmark or elsewhere. Studying pedagogy, didactics, and epistemology.
3 months study period: complete the last examinations and study two chosen specialisations
4th-year Specialised Teaching Practice:
Study Period 3 months of studying, both pedagogical and didactical studies and preparing for the upcoming period. Specialised Teaching Practice 6 months working in local schools or projects in selected countries, in non-formal education projects in Europe or elsewhere or in Teacher Training colleges in Malawi/ Guinea Bissau/Mozambique. Final Study Period 3 months studies, exams, writing Bachelor thesis and earning your pedagogical specialisations
My name is David and I am 4th DNS Student. Right now I find myself immersed in India in the world of education in the DNS school of Meerut. In the first weeks, we had teacher council where I got introduced to the place and my colleges. I am living in a guest house in the city of Meerut with 6 other colleges. This project is huge and fascinating. The DNS school, called NeTT, has more than 200 students. The food was so spicy that it made me cry and tasted amazing.
One of the main principles that we follow in the DNS programme is the integration of Theory and Practice. What do you think about it? Is it something you have experienced in your education?
Heyy there,
My name is Caro, I am from Germany and a member of DNS team 25🥳🥳 at the moment in my saving up.
Before DNS I was a volunteer in a kindergarten in Finland. This is also where I decided that I want to study something related to alternative education because I experienced the beauty and responsibility in working with kids.
Soooo I joined DNS 25 and the first months were full of new learnings and happenings:
I got to spend time with the community and did some small jobs.
Until I started working for UFF Humana second hand clothing. I am working in the warehouse close to Copenhagen, doing all kind of things, from pre sorting textile waste over hanging Christmas decorations to packing deliveries.
Here I learned about second hand clothes, working in a team, the development work of Humana people to people and so much more.
Here I learned about secondhand clothes, working in a team, the development work of Humana people to people and so much more. of things, from pre-sorting textile waste over hanging Christmas decorations to packing deliveries.
Critical Pedagogy is a philosophy of education that encourages the students to be critical towards their reality – its power structures, contradictions and flaws. Most often associated with the pedagogical thinkers Paulo Freire and Henry Giroux, Critical Pedagogy is a fascinating school of thought that deserves to be considered in depth: its underlying concepts are far from obvious – in fact, they alone might be able to change how you view education, society and power.
Hi, my name is Michalina, and I’m from Poland. I’m part of Team 25! Before joining DNS, I spent a few years working with toddlers, and prior to that, I was involved in scouting. I loved having an impact on children’s development and helping them understand the world around them.
In my free time, I enjoy sailing, exploring art, and learning about different cultures.
Currently, I’m caring for a woman named Nina, who has a mental disability. It’s a challenging role, but I’m learning a lot from the experience.
I’m really enjoying getting to know my team and the DNS community, and I’m excited for what’s to come!
The story of DNS begins in the late 1960s with a small collective of people, lumped together by their ideas of innovative pedagogy and influenced by their worldwide travels. At that time, the hippie movement was spreading in Northern Europe, and it was not uncommon for small communities and organisations to receive funds from the Danish government. DNS was born as one of them: a small, state-supported community with educational intents, led by the progressive ideas of a small bunch of people. They founded the Necessary Teacher Training College on a farming property called Tvind. September 1st, 1972, was the day the first DNS team — made of a hundred people in total — committed to a four-year programme to become teachers in Danish schools.
DNS’ first teams’ teachers had truly innovative ideas of how a school should be run. They wanted their students to meet people from all around the world and learn about different cultures. They wanted them to understand the big issues of their time and to be able to take a stand. They themselves craved to act and change the present reality — and to do so through education. Lastly, they believed that the young should be granted the tools to actively work towards the shaping of a better world, too. These ideas and values are up to the present moment at the core of DNS. Today, over 2500 teachers are trained yearly in over 50 DNS colleges worldwide — in countries such as Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Congo, India…
👋 Hi, Ronald here!
🎓 I started my savings journey with DNS class 25 in August last year. For about 4 months, I've been working at a school in Bogense.
🇩🇰 My main goals have been building good connections with the students at my workplace and learning Danish. I'm making steady progress toward both!
🥸 My tasks include driving the kids around, helping in the kitchen, cleaning the school, and giving individual music lessons.
📝Thus far my time here has taught me a lot about the importance of keeping connected and putting myself out there.
💪 I feel like I have found a lovely and supportive community at work and within DNS.
Our campus isn't just the DNS campus, it is more of a melting pot of different groups that aim to make the world a better place and bring quality educational experiences. The most notable one would be the historic wind turbine (known as Tvindkraft), but we also work closely with the Course Center, which works towards having volunteers on campus and courses and camps every year. We also share the space with a care home and a dayschool, which give our students opportunities to learn from and interact with people who come from different backgrounds.
And of course, we also have a garden to which we often contribute in the form of weekly garden actions, in which all of us who are here work on whichever task is at hand to make sure we get fresh vegetables every year.
Lastly, and often overlooked, are our three donkeys, our horse, our many sheep and chicken, and runner ducks as well as our predictably aggressive geese.
Hi my name is Fynn Meijer, I am 21 years old and I am currently doing my saving upp year at the DNS college.
I grew up in Sweden close to the capital and I spent most of my childhood around the Youth initiative program (YIP) a one years course on global reality and social entrepreneurship which my parents run. So the concept of the community life here was not entirely new to me.
Throughout my schooling and the various travels I have done I have become more and more aware of the many struggles in the world and It was the realisation that without proper education they will never be solved that made me want to work with teaching. I have always loved working with young, like-minded people and I love travel and experience, so when I looked for a place to start in pedagogy it did not take me long to chose DNS.
I am now halfway through the saving upp year and so far I have been working with troubled youth and people with criminal backgrounds but this is only the beginning. I believe that the key to a sustainable world is in people having the space to learn and grow the way they naturally would and I am here to get started, with the added benefit of 4 years full of things I would do in my free time as an education😁.
It's a full lifestyle, but a good one and I have been enjoying my time here very much so far.
This weekend we're participating in the New Year's Concert! This is a yearly event that happens towards the end of January in which classical musicians and artists from all over Europe come together to make a spectacle for people who otherwise wouldn't have seen it. On our side of things we help out however we can and often host the artists and musicians in our campus.
This year's New Year's Concert camp has just begun!
Dozens of volunteers are now getting to know each other and working together to make this event happen. In the middle of a season where our campus is often more empty than usual, this is a most welcome rush of energy! The camp itself is organized by the group of Tvind Volunteers that will be staying here for 12 months.
I am loving teaching practice!! As a third year student, we spend around 9 months in a teaching position in Denmark. It’s has brought so many challenges and difficult moments but I really feel that I’m growing as a person while working with these students. They are mostly girls aged 14-18 who have experiences highly traumatic lives so I have been using a lot of psychology and learning how to apply theory to reality. Overall it’s been great!
In these photos, I’ve built my first ever snowman! We had a workshop about windmills and we also had a Christmas market which we spent some time making arts and crafts for
During the third year, the students experience and understand the reality of children and teachers in schools. They get to practice their profession and craft as a teachers, and consider the role and function of schools in today’s world in full-time teaching positions for nine to ten months (a full school year). Their workplaces range from schools, to care-homes or even DNS teachers for the younger students!
What's the best thing you can learn from becoming a teacher?
With a new year come new events and camps on our campus, have you checked them out yet?
This year we will be having the second edition of the Travel to Learn Camp. Last year the camp took 13 young adults all the way from Denmark to Morocco on an unforgettable journey complete with some studies, investigations with the locals, and some friendships that will last for years. This year, the camp will go to Tunisia! Be sure to check our website if you wish to know more about it!
This year so much has happened in DNS. Our new teams are growing bigger and bigger every year, our events, camps and courses are have multiplied and expanded. We're overjoyed to see such an overwhelming enthusiasm for alternative education and ideas to change the world.
Everyone at DNS wishes you a happy new year!
One of the ways we govern our school is through something called a common meeting.
A common meeting is a weekly gathering where teachers and students come together to discuss and decide on school matters. Through open discussion and consensus, they determine priorities, assign tasks, and solve issues collaboratively.
Consensus is a way of making decisions where everyone in the group works together to find an agreement that everyone can support, or at least accept. Instead of voting and going with the majority, consensus makes sure everyone’s ideas are heard and considered. It’s a team-oriented approach that brings out different viewpoints and helps people find common ground. This can be a great way to decide things because it builds trust, gives everyone a stake in the outcome, and often leads to decisions that last because they’re supported by the whole group.
In DNS, just like for traditional education, teachers remain an important figure of the learning process and bring a lot of value to the learner. Instead of being those who retain the knowledge, who set the rules and carry the responsibility of the learning, though, teachers are more of a support figure in alternative education. Teachers can inspire, guide and assist the learner in their personal journey. It is the learner, though, who is ultimately in the lead of their own education, and no teacher can do the job in their place.
Alternative education often emphasizes the power of collectivity. Learning together creates a sense of community, collaboration, and mutual support. By working as a team, students develop essential social skills, empathy, and a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives. Collectivity transforms education into a shared journey, where everyone contributes and grows together.
In our programme, collectivity is necessary. The studies and programme are designed in such a way that it is not possible to complete them as an individual. You need to learn to rely on your team, work with them, and empower them as well as yourself in the process.
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The integration of theory and practice is one of the main pedagogical principles we use in DNS, and is also a common concept in alternative education.
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Meet our youngest team! They are currently in their saving up period, which means that until they start the programme more people will join them!
#alternativeeducation #teachertraining #pedagogystudent #alternativepedagogy
Our graduate Gabrielè stopped by recently and gave us a quick rundown of what she's been doing since she graduated (in under 30 seconds).
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The New Year’s Concert (previously named Winter Concert) is one of our annual events! It involves professional musicians, dancers and singers from all over the world performing unique compositions on our international stage.
The artists will involve many students and teachers from our school’s network in their performances and bring them closer to the world of classical music, traditional dance and contemporary art.
Take a look at what students in different periods of DNS are doing in the program! ☀️
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The roots of DNS
Once upon a time, there was a group of eight friends who decided to travel the world. Most of them were teachers in public schools in Denmark, and they shared the idea of improving the educational system. For two years, these friends travelled, worked to earn money to keep travelling, travelled again, worked more, and travelled more.
During their travels, they always avoided to be tourists, so they tried to live as the local people would live, eat what they would eat, work with them, and get involved as much as possible in that reality that they had very little knowledge about. As a result, they understood that education would be much richer if the students would have the possibility to travel and see the world with their own eyes, getting involved in other realities - so different from theirs.
When people know about other cultures and know about other realities, they become more tolerant with what is different, and they become passionate about the world. “Tolerance and passion should be, thus, taught in schools” – they thought.
That was when the dream of creating Another Kind of School was born. A school where practical knowledge and experiences would have the same value as theoretical knowledge, and where people – teachers and students - would live, travel and run their own school – together!
When they went back to Denmark, they made sure that their dream would become true and they created the Travelling Folk High School – which offered a short programme, where the students travelled to South America, Asia or Africa. During its existence, The Travelling Folk High School, graduated more than 17.000 students.
The dream of giving to the students the opportunity to see the world and bring back to Europe a little bit of other countries, had become reality. However, there was a question in the air: “What would happen if more teachers would do the same, and looked upon education in the same way?”
In 1972, DNS was born as THE answer to that question. The Necessary Teacher Training College was officially created with the dream of teaching teachers. Teachers who would be able to let their students know the world that they live in, teachers that would embrace knowledge, teachers who would dare to be more, to do more, and to demand more, and who would strive for improving our world – together with their students.
Since those days, DNS still exists, and we still have the same dream. We still want to see students fully engaged with their own learning, with each other and with the world. We still want the world to be our classroom.