So, in the final hours of the festival I had a few admissions left on my pass. Decided to go see Woody Allen’s 51st movie, “Coup de Chance.” Now, I have basically given up on Woody for a variety of reasons. But, final hours, grab a film, why not? At least, I could see Vittorio Storaro’s beautiful camera work.
Surprise one: the whole film is in French! With Estonian and Russian subtitles, I was out of luck. But, I did want to see the maestro’s camera work. Alas, this was surprise two. In many shots he mixed color temperatures of light. Orange-ish for interior lighting, blue-ish for exterior. Not unusual. But the differences were so pronounced and in some cases so unmotivated that I had to wonder if Vittorio was phoning this in from Italy. As for the film, I stayed long enough to realize that even with (unknown to me) French actors, Woody had assembled a group not unlike the ensemble casts from all of his films: self-absorbed, narcissistic, neurotic, adulterous reflections of the director himself. This film cured me of any further curiosity about what Woody will do in 52 and beyond. Honestly, I felt a little like Charlie Brown trying kick Lucy’s football…snookered again.