Here you can see what took place at Polli Talu in 1997
Existing buildings are being restored
Main House
Construction of a new 20 meter deep well
Ecological sewer system
First shower and bathroom
Replacing the old clay floors with wooden floors in the kitchen and bedrooms
The former store house gets a new thatched roof
Each chamber gets new stairs
Tiny Storehouse
Gets new thatched roof
We are gathering funds for Polli Talu Art Center, a non-profit organization, to replace the old thatched roof of the main house with a new thatched roof.
So far there are 88 backers who have raised 72 % of the second segment of our fundraising goal.
Together with the grant from the Department of Heritage protection in Estonia we already have gathered 63% and missing is only 37%.
Please use the following link to pledge your support:
Many thanks in advance
#hooandja #pollitalukatus #reedroof #pollitaluroof #pollitalu
Tänu teile, head hooandjad, oleme Polli Talu Loomingulise Keskuse uuele rookatusele suure sammu võrra lähemal!
Kuna teie aktiivsus ja toetus on olnud suuremeelsed, siis on kogu Hooandja projekt saanud pikendamise võimaluse ja selle lõpptähtpäevaks on nüüd 9. oktoober.
Sul on võimalus selles projektis osaldeda klikkides järgneval lingil:
#hooandja #pollitalukatus #reedroof #pollitaluroof #pollitalu
Thanks to you, dear backers, we are able to move forward in big strides and getting closer to our goal of building a new reed roof for Polli Talu’s main house.
Since your engagement and support have been generous, our Kickstarter project has been awarded the possibility to extend the end date, which is now October 9.
Please use the following link to show your support:
#hooandja #pollitalukatus #reedroof #pollitaluroof #pollitalu
Käimas on Polli Talu peamaja rookatuse ehitamiseks algatatud projekt, mille eesmärk on säilitada traditsioonilist taluarhitektuuri tulevastele põlvkondadele. See on kaunis kunst, mis väärib austust ja elus hoidmist.
Tänasega oleme Hooandja teises etapis! See tähendab, et nüüd on eemärgiks 15917,94 EUR - 2/3 katuse ehitamiseks Hooanjas kogutavast summast.
Kogu uue Polli Talu peamaja rookatuse hind on 31966,80 eurot. Projektile on Muinsuskaitse ameti poolt toetus eraldatud summas 10000 eurot.
Hooandjate abiga soovime koguda ülejäänud 21966,80 eurot, et katus saaks vahetatud.
Siia lisandub tasu Hooandja platvormi kaustamise eest – so 8% kogusummast (1910,10 eurot). Seega on koguda vaja veel 23876,90 eurot.
Tänaseks on 73 hooandjat, koos on 62% teise etapi Hooandjas kogutavast summast,
7 päeva pärast pikeneb projekt veel 56 päeva võrra.
Hooandja protsendiga on terve katuse jaoks vaja minev summa 33877 eurot. Koos teiega oleme kogunud juba 19930 eurot!!! See tähendab, et on vaja veel 13947 EUR.
Koos Muinsuskaitseameti toetusega on katuse jaoks olemas juba 59% ja puudub vaid veel 41%.
See, mis alguses võib tunduda ületamatu number, saab täidetud, kui paljud heasüdamlikud inimesed tulevad kokku ja toetavad.
Oled kutsutud osalema.
Palun kasuta selleks järgmist linki.
Marika Blossfeldt ja Marilii Eliisabet Toots
#hooandja #pollitalukatus #reedroof #pollitaluroof #pollitalu
We are in the middle of a fundraising campaign for Polli Talu Arts Center, which serves the goal of preserving the beautiful tradition and art of building reed roofs and assures that the center can continue its activities to serve the community and delight future generations.
Today we are in the second phase of our Kickstarter project. That means, that our goal now is to raise 15917,94 EUR – 2/3 of our roof project.
The total sum needed for our roof project is 31966,80 EUR. We received a grant from the Department of Heritage protection in Estonia for 10000 EUR.
With the help of backers like you our goal is to gather 21966,80 EUR for the new thatched roof.
In order to use Hooandja's platform we need to pay an additional 8% as their fee (1910,10 EUR). Which means, we need to raise all together 23876,90 EUR.
So far there are 73 backers who have raised 62 % of the second segment of our fundraising goal. After 7 days the project gets extended for another 56 days.
Including the 8% that goes to the fundraising platform, the entire sum needed for our roof project is 33877 EUR. So far we have gathered 19930 EUR! That means that we still need to raise 13947 EUR.
Togehter with the grant from the Department of Heritage protection in Estonia we already have gathered 59% and missing is only 41%.
What seems to be a daunting task at first, can be accomplished when many goodhearted individuals come together and give their support.
We invite you to participate!
Please use the following link to pledge your support:
#hooandja #pollitalukatus #reedroof #pollitaluroof #pollitalu
Me kogume raha Polli Talu Loomingulise Keskuse peamaja rookatuse vahetamise toetamiseks.
Tänaseks on 62 hooandjat, koos on 99% esimese etapi kogusummast (1/3 lõppsummast). Aega on jäänud 15 päeva, et koguda ülejäänud 1%.
Seejärel liigume teise etappi, mille käigus loodame koguda järgmised 7959 EUR, mille abil saame soetada kogu vajamineva roomaterjali konkreetse katuse tarbeks.
Kolmas võrdne osa (7959 EUR) aitab tasuda katusemeistritele ehitustööde eest.
Sul on võimalus selles projektis osaldeda klikkides järgneval lingil:
Allpool videos näed fotosid aastast 1996, kui ehitati peamajale teine, tänaseks kahjuks lekkiv, rookatus.
#hooandja #pollitalukatus #reedroof #pollitaluroof #pollitalu
Dear Facebook Friend,
In 1996 the following tasks were completed at Polli Talu:
Demolition of existing pantry
Extension for bathroom
New thatched roof for the main house
Insolating the Roof
Insulating outer walls
New electrical cables
Bathroom interiors
Replacing the mud floor with a wooden floor
Restoration of existing heating system
New kitchen windows
In 2024 we are gathering funds for Polli Talu Arts Center to replace the old thatched roof of the main house with a new thatched roof.
So far there are 62 backers who have raised 99 % of the first segment (1/3 of the entire budget) of our fundraising goal. There are 13 days left to raise the missing 1 %.
After that we will move into the second phase of our fundraiser and hope to raise another 7959 EUR which will allow us to buy the all the reed needed for this particular roof.
And the third equal part (7959 EUR) will take care of the fee for the roof masters.
Please use the following link to pledge your support:
Below are photos from 1996 when the first re-thatching of the main building at Polli Talu Arts Center took place.
Surprise your Mom with a copy of "COOKING WITH MARIKA: Clean Cuisine from an Estonian Farm" - a gift of Beauty, Deliciousness and Love ❤ She will adore the sensuous photography, the easy to make magical recipes and the delectable ingredients courtesy of Mother Earth.
Offer is good until May 4 ❤
NB! Books ship to US addresses only
Mother's Day Special early announcement <3
Surprise your Mom with a copy of COOKING WITH MARIKA: Clean Cuisine from an Estonian Farm - a gift of Beauty, Deliciousness and Love <3 She will adore the sensuous photography, the easy to make magical recipes and the delectable ingredients courtesy of Mother Earth.
Offer is good until May 4 <3
Video of the day - the quality might not be up to par, but for the first time ever, I saw swans in flight, practicing their V-shape line up, getting ready for take off to warmer shores soon. My I-phone video does not them justice, but I was blown away and thrilled to witness this on my evening walk. Thank you, universe! ❤
Hunting for that last minute Mother's Day gift? Looking for something that incorporates beauty, inspiration and healthy living? I might just have the perfect gift for her <3
This Mother's Day Special ends tomorrow, May 6 at midnight <3
More than a gorgeous cookbook, COOKING WITH MARIKA is a nutrition guide, healthy living companion and engaging source of inspiration.
A welcome antidote to all the conflicting messages out there, it steers away from extremes and brings us back to the natural goodness and simplicity of homemade foods, ingredients courtesy of Mother Earth.
COOKING WITH MARIKA encourages us to practice more awareness when we shop for, prepare and eat our meals. With heightened awareness comes more pleasure, more appreciation and more satisfaction with the food we eat and lives we lead.
Each recipe is based on just a few lovable ingredients.
No complicated cooking techniques are required to allow their natural deliciousness to shine. Gorgeous, sensuous full-paged photographs inspire us to start cooking right away :)