What if you get tanned in winter while your neighbour freezing at home!!!
Stay at 5 amazing cities (Hurghada,Luxor ,Marsa Allam,El Ain El Sokhna,Somabay) all inclusive deluxe stay , with customize health coach program.
Possible visit to 5 more cities (ElGouna,Aswan,cairo,Giza,ElGalala,Alexandria)
Sunner happy days waiting for you in Egypt .
We offer you the best program ever in Egypt ,mixed between beach activities ,amazing night life at Red Sea of (Hurghada )
Archeological vites to the Historical sights of (Luxor ) city which enclose more than 2/3 monument exist all over the world .
Visiting ElGalal city with its amazing nature &beaches (AlSokhna) with
What if you get tanned in winter while your neighbour freezing at home!!!
Visit 4 cities all inclusive deluxe stay with customize health coach program.
Sunner happy days waiting for you in Egypt .
We offer you the best program ever in Egypt ,mixed between beach activities ,amazing night life at Red Sea of(Hurghada).
Archeological vites to the Historical sights of (Luxor ) city which enclose more than 2/3 monument exist all over the world .
Visiting ElGalal city with its amazing nature and beaches (AlSokhna).
Visit Cairo city with its amazing attraction like the pyramids ,the museums and khan Elkhalili Street.
not only this much more awaiting for you!!
To have your full experience of Egypt ,we arrange unforgettable evening at the houses of the local Egyptian (Liston to their stories ,tasting their food and dance to their music ) all of this and by less than 39$/day .
Yes Yes only . This price never mean cheap service but ..we are a whole saler tour operators for more than 20 yrs
This offer for limited number of Guest join before December 1st 2022 and visit cairo amazing attraction like the pyramids and the museums ,not only this!!!
To have your full experience of Egypt ,we arrange unforgettable evening at the houses of the local Egyptian (Liston to their stories ,tasting their food and dance to their music ) all of this and much more by less than 39$/day .
This offer for limited number of Guest join before December 1st 2022
Book Now 👇