Tourguide Tasbih

Tourguide Tasbih Tour Guide�

نبذة عن بعض ملوك مصر القديمة العظماء😍♥️🔘 الملك ( سقنن رع تا عا الثاني ) ▪️أبو الملكين (كامس) و (أحمس الأول)▪️تم العثور ل...

نبذة عن بعض ملوك مصر القديمة العظماء😍♥️
🔘 الملك ( سقنن رع تا عا الثاني )
▪️أبو الملكين (كامس) و (أحمس الأول)
▪️تم العثور له على مقبره في البر الغربى من الأقصر
▪️عباره عن تابوت ولم يتبقى منها الا الجمجمة
▪️وباقى المومياء وجدت في حاله سيئه
▪️لان عمليه التحنيط لم تتم بالوجه الأمثل
▪️هو أيضا الملك العظيم من ضحى بحياته
▪️فى سبيل تحرير أرض الوطن من الهكسوس
▪️عثر علي مومياؤة بخبية مومياوات الدير البحري
▪️الأب : تاعو الأول
▪️الأم : تـتي شـري
▪️سبقه : تاعو الأول
▪️تبعه : كامس
▪️قرينة :
⬅️ سـت جيحوتي
⬅️ أح حتب الأولى
⬅️ أحمس إن هاپي
🔘 الملكة ( أحمس نفرتارى )
▪️زوجة الملك ( أحمس ) وأم ( أمنحتب الأول )
▪️وقفت بجانب زوجها حتى حرر مصر من الهكسوس
▪️الأب: سقنن رع
▪️الأم: إياح حتب الأولى
• الأسرة: الثامنة عشر
🔘 الملك أمنحتب الأول
▪️قد نعمت البلاد فى حكمة بهدوء وطمأنينة
▪️بعد أصعب قرن من الزمن يمر على مصر
▪️تم العثور علي مومياؤة بخبية الدير البحري
▪️الأب: أحمس الأول
▪️الأم: أحمس نفرتاري
▪️سبقه أحمس الأول
▪️تبعه: تحتمس الأول
▪️قرينة: أحمس مريت أمون
🔘 الملك أمنحتب الثانى
▪️هو سابع حكام الأسرة الثامنة عشر
▪️شغل الحكم لمدة ثمانية وعشرين عاما
▪️شارك أباه في الحكم ثلاث سنوات منها
▪️كان رجل رياضة عظيم قوى العضلات
▪️فكان قوى الساعد لا يكل من التجديف
▪️يتميز برمى السهام ويتميز كخيال والرماية
▪️وقد قلد والده ( تحتمس الثالث ) في كل أعماله
▪️تم العثور علي مومياؤة داخل مقبرته بوادي الملوك
▪️الأب : تحتمس الثالث
▪️الأم : مريت رع حتشپسوت
▪️سبقه : تحتمس الثالث
▪️تبعه : تحتمس الرابع
▪️قرينة : تي‌ عا
🔘 الملك ( أمنحتب الثالث )
▪️أحياناً يكتب ( أمنوفيس الثالث )
▪️هو تاسع حكام الأسرة الثامنة عشر
▪️ومن أعظم حكام مصر على مر التاريخ
▪️تزوج بالملكة ( تي ) وهيا من عامة الشعب
▪️فاضت خزائن الدولة فى عهده
▪️وكانت مصر بداخلها كل ثروات العالم
▪️بعد جنى ثمار كل الحروب السابقة
▪️تم العثور علي مومياؤة داخل المقبرة
▪️رقم ( kv 35 ) بوادي الملوك
▪️الأب : تحتمس الرابع
▪️الأم : موت إم مويا
▪️سبقه : تحتمس الرابع
▪️تبعه : أخناتون
▪️قرينة :
⬅️ تيي
⬅️ تدوخيبا
⬅️ جليوخيبا

🔘 الملك ( تحتمس الاول )
▪️الحاكم الثالث خلال الأسرة الثامنة عشر
▪️اعتلى العرش وهو قد جاوز الأربعين من عمره
▪️بعد وفاة الحاكم ( أمنحتب الأول )
▪️من أحد زوجاته الثانويات ( أحمس )
▪️تم العثور علي مومياؤة بخبية الدير البحري
▪️الأب : أمنحتب الأول ( غير مؤكد )
▪️الأم : سنسنب
▪️قرينة :
⬅️ الملكة أحمس
⬅️ موت نفرت
⬅️ حتشبسوت
⬅️ تحتمس الثاني
▪️الآثار :
⬅️ البوابة الرابعة والخامسة
⬅️ مسلتين وبهو الأعمدة بالكرنك
▪️مقبرة : ٣٨ / ثم مقبرة ٢٠
🔘 الملك ( تحتمس الثانى )
▪️والد الملك المحارب ( تحتمس الثالث )
▪️استطاع تأمين البلاد والقضاء على ثوار النوبة
▪️وأخضاع قبائل جنوب فلسطين
▪️تم العثور علي مومياؤة بخبية الدير البحري
▪️الأب : تحتمس الأول
▪️الأم : متنوفرت
▪️قرينة :
⬅️ إست
⬅️ حتشبسوت
▪️أبناء :
⬅️ نفرو رع
⬅️ تحتمس الثالث
▪️سبقه : تحتمس الأول
▪️تبعه : حتشبسوت
▪️الوفاة : ١٤٨١ ق.م
▪️الدفن : محتمل مقبرة ٤٢

اليوم هو يوم رأس السنة المصرية، التقويم الأقدم في تاريخ البشرية🫶عام مصري سعيد♥️♥️

اليوم هو يوم رأس السنة المصرية، التقويم الأقدم في تاريخ البشرية🫶

عام مصري سعيد♥️♥️

بعض من اسامي ملوك اسرات المصري القديم💛💛

بعض من اسامي ملوك اسرات المصري القديم💛💛


بمناسبه ذكرى ثورة ٣٠ يونيو 💛💛
كنت تعرف ان الجيش المصري قوي وعنده حملات وثورات كدا من زمان ايام المصريين القدماء؟💛💛🫶

اول مومياء وربما الاخيرة التي تحصل علي جواز سفر🤎🤎اول واخر ملك بعد 3000 عام من وفاته يتعمله باسبور وهو مومياء🤫🙉عارفييين ا...

اول مومياء وربما الاخيرة التي تحصل علي جواز سفر🤎🤎

اول واخر ملك بعد 3000 عام من وفاته يتعمله باسبور وهو مومياء🤫🙉

عارفييين ان الملك المصري القديم الوحيد اللي اتعملوا باسبور احمر بتاع الرؤساء والملوك هو الملك رمسيس الثاني؟؟

وتضمن جواز السفر صورة الملك رمسيس الثاني وسنه ميلاده وهي 1303 قبل الميلاد وقد حملت رقم 17758024 وكانت مدتها 7 سنوات مثل الوثائق الحديثه، قد صدرت في 9 مارس 1974 وكان تاريخ انتهائها 9 مارس 1981😌🙊

طب ليه بقا كل ده؟ عشان يسافر فرنسا! طبعا الكلام ده وهو مومياء مش وهو عايش، الكلام ده سنه 1976😂

ولحد انهرده الزيارة دي من اهم الزيارات لفرنسا.

وكان سبب الزيارة هو ان المومياء كانت تعاني من فطريات وكان لابد من علاجها ونجح ديستان *الرئيس الفرنسي الراحل* في إقناع الرئيس المصري الراحل أنور السادات بنقل المومياء إلى باريس ووعده بأن يحظى الملك بمعاملة الملوك وقد صدق وتم استقباله باهتمام بالغ من قبل مطار بورجين بباريس بحضور الرئيس الفرنسي الراحل فاليري جيسكار ديستان و قد تم نقل المومياء إلى متحف باريس للأنثروبولوجيا، حيث تم فحصها.
وايضا من الاسباب الرئيسيه لنقل المومياء أنها كانت تهدف لدراسة مومياء رمسيس الثاني واكتشاف الأسرار الكامنة بها، وإجراء أبحاث عليها ومعرفة أسباب وفاته، إذ مات الملك في سن كبير وكان يعاني من أمراض الشيخوخة.

وبعد العلاج أجريت فحوصات إضافية على المومياء، وقد وجد أن الملك رمسيس الثاني يبلغ طوله نحو 1.7 متر، وأن لديه بشرة ناعمة وشعرا أحمر، بالإضافة إلى ذلك تم تحديد بعض الأمراض التي عانى منها وهي التهاب المفاصل، خراج بالأسنان، وايضا كان مصابا بالتهاب في مفاصل العمود الفقري، ما جعله يمشي بمظهر منحنٍ خلال سنواته الأخيرة.

قد تم العثور في الاصل علي مومياء الملك في خبيئه الدير البحري 1881 ، وبعد 4 سنوات من هذا الاكتشاف تم نقله الي المتحف المصري عام 1885 حتي الوصول الي وقتنا الحالي ونقله الي متحف الحضارة بالفسطاط 3 ابريل 2021 مع 21 مومياوات اخريات❤️

وطبعا دا مش شو مع انه ملك يستحق الشو واكتر❤️ ولكن دي قوانين مصرية لضمان الحفاظ علي المومياء وضمان عودتها سليمه حيث كان هناك خوف ان فرنسا قد لا تسمح برجوعه❤️

في الاخر بجد الملك رمسيس الثاني هو ملك عظيم حكم اكتر من 60 عام لو اتكلمناا من هنا لكتير مش هنخلص كلام عليه حقيقي ولا علي جوزاته وحبيباته وبناته واولاده😂❤️❤️

The Legend of Isis and OsirisThe Legend of Isis and Osiris is a long and complex one centered around the themes of Death...

The Legend of Isis and Osiris

The Legend of Isis and Osiris is a long and complex one centered around the themes of Death, Rebirth, and Divinity.

As with much of the ancient Egyptian mythology, there are various versions of the story of Isis and Osiris, but basically it runs as follows…….

When Osiris was born many signs and wonders were seen and heard throughout the world. Most notable was the voice which came from the holiest shrine in the temple at Thebes on the Nile, which today is called Karnak, speaking to a man called Pamyles bidding him proclaim to all men that Osiris, the good and mighty king, was born to bring joy to all the earth. Pamyles did as he was bidden, and he also attended on the Divine Child and brought him up as a man among men. When Osiris was grown up he married his sister Isis, a custom which the Pharaohs of Egypt followed ever after. And Seth married Nephthys: for he too being a god could marry only a goddess.

Osiris was an earthly ruler, who was popular with his subjects. His brother, Set, was jealous of this popularity and plotted against Osiris. Set’s plans to be rid of his brother started when he secretly obtained his brothers measurements and had a magnificent casket made to fit. This casket was in the form of a human shaped box.

Set then organised a large feast to which Osiris and a number of others (usually given as 72) were invited. At the height of the festivities Set produced the casket and announced that it would be given to whoever it fitted. All the guests tried the casket for size, but none fitted until finally Osiris stepped into the casket. Set immediately slammed the lid closed and sealed the casket shut. The sealed coffin was then thrown into the Nile. Isis was devastated at the loss of her husband and searched for the casket throughout Egypt and then overseas. She eventually eventually found it where it had come to rest in the roots of a massive tree. Isis then returned the coffin to Egypt for a proper burial. For safe keeping she concealed it in the marshes beside the Nile.

Unfortunately for Isis Set found the casket while out hunting and was so enraged he chopped the body of Osiris into pieces, and scattered the parts throughout the land of Egypt. Poor Isis had to then set out again looking for the parts of her husband. Eventually she found all the parts except one and reassembled Osiris and wrapped him in bandages. In some accounts Isis breathed life back into Osiris’ body and it was then that Horus was conceived. This was a more magical event that it seems, considering the one part of Osiris Isis couldn’t find.
The young Horus then went out to battle his uncle Set and to avenge his fathers death. After a series of fights detailed in ‘The contendings of Horus and Set’ neither god was able to secure an overall victory.The gods who were judges decided to write a letter to Osiris and ask for his advice. Osiris responded with a definite answer: his son is the rightful king, and should be placed upon the throne. No one, said Osiris, should take the throne of Egypt through an act of murder, as Set had done. Set had killed Osiris, but Horus did not killed anyone, and was the better candidate. The sun and the stars, who were Osiris’ allies, descended into the underworld, leaving the world in darkness. Finally, the gods agreed that Horus should claim his birthright as king of Egypt.

From Left to Right: Horus with the falcon head and the crown worn by earthly Pharaohs, Osiris in the form of a mummy holding the crook and flail that represented kingship, Isis with her headdress of a solar disk and cows’ horns around it.

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo📌📍Commonly known as simply the Egyptian Museum (Arabic: المتحف المصري, romanized: al-Matḥaf ...

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo📌📍
Commonly known as simply the Egyptian Museum (Arabic: المتحف المصري, romanized: al-Matḥaf al-Miṣrī, Egyptian Arabic: el-Matḥaf el-Maṣri [elˈmætħæf elˈmɑsˤɾi]), located in Cairo, Egypt, houses the largest collection of Egyptian antiquities in the world. It houses over 120,000 items, with a representative amount on display. Located in a building built in 1901, it is the largest museum in Africa. Among its masterpieces are Pharaoh Tutankhamun's treasure, including its iconic gold burial mask, widely considered one of the best-known works of art in the world and a prominent symbol of ancient Egypt.

The Nile 📌📍-Is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa. It flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile is the ...

The Nile 📌📍
-Is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa. It flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile is the longest river in Africa and has historically been considered the longest river in the world,[3][4] though this has been contested by research suggesting that the Amazon River is slightly longer.[5][6] Of the world's major rivers, the Nile is one of the smallest, as measured by annual flow in cubic metres of water.[7] About 6,650 km (4,130 mi)[a] long, its drainage basin covers eleven countries: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Republic of the Sudan, and Egypt.[9] In particular, the Nile is the primary water source of Egypt, Sudan and South Sudan.
Additionally, the Nile is an important economic river, supporting agriculture and fishing.

Tahrir Square 📌📍 Is a major public town square in downtown Cairo, Egypt. The square has been the location and focus for ...

Tahrir Square 📌📍
Is a major public town square in downtown Cairo, Egypt. The square has been the location and focus for political demonstrations in Cairo since the early 20th century; the city's previous central square was Salah al-Din Square.

The Museum of Islamic Art (MIA)📌📍In Cairo, Egypt is considered one of the greatest museums in the world, with its except...

The Museum of Islamic Art (MIA)📌📍
In Cairo, Egypt is considered one of the greatest museums in the world, with its exceptional collection of rare woodwork and plaster artefacts, as well as metal, ceramic, glass, crystal, and textile objects of all periods, from all over the Islamic world.

The Cairo Tower 🗼📌📍(Egyptian Arabic: برج القاهرة, Borg El-Qāhira) is a free-standing concrete tower in Cairo, Egypt. At ...

The Cairo Tower 🗼📌📍
(Egyptian Arabic: برج القاهرة, Borg El-Qāhira) is a free-standing concrete tower in Cairo, Egypt. At 187 m (614 ft), it was the tallest structure in Egypt for 37 years until 1998, when it was surpassed by the Suez Canal overhead powerline crossing. It was the tallest structure in North Africa for 21 years until 1982, when it was surpassed by the Nador transmitter in Morocco. It was the tallest structure in Africa for one year until 1962, when it was surpassed by Sentech Tower in South Africa.

El Sawy Culture Wheel 📌📍(Arabic: ساقية الصاوى) (transliterated: Sakkiat Al-Sawy) is a cultural center on Gezira Island i...

El Sawy Culture Wheel 📌📍
(Arabic: ساقية الصاوى) (transliterated: Sakkiat Al-Sawy) is a cultural center on Gezira Island in the Zamalek district on central Cairo, Egypt. Named after its founder and owner, Abdelmoniem El-Sawy, it is considered one of the most important cultural venues in Egypt, and receives more than 20,000 visitors each month.

The Pheronic Village 📌📍-It is situated at Giza, only a few miles from downtown Cairo.It was established by Dr. Hassan Ra...

The Pheronic Village 📌📍
-It is situated at Giza, only a few miles from downtown Cairo.
It was established by Dr. Hassan Ragab and his son Dr. Abdelsalam Ragab.
-It was built to be a fantastic journey to the days of the pharaohs, a time brought to life by an incredible group of actors and actresses, faithful and exact reproductions of buildings, clothing, and lifestyles.
-The village covers 490,000 square feet at Ya'aqoub Island . It is surrounded by 5000 trees tall enough to screen adjacent vestiges of modern life, making a visitor feel as if gone back 5000 years in history .

-The idea of this village occurred to Dr. Hassan Ragab 20 years ago, when he first came to Ya'aqoob Island to grow papyrus necessary for paper fabrication, an art which he brought back to life after it had disappeared for l000 years.

-The pharaonic village represent industries, games, arts and moments from history and legend. There are also services such as cafeterias, boat rentals, a children's playground and a restaurant that serves both Egyptian and European dishes which help to make your stay even more enjoyable.

The Giza Zoo 📌📍The Giza Zoo (Egyptian Arabic: حَدِيْقَة حَيْوَان ٱلْجِيْزَة, romanized: Ḥadīqat Ḥaywān Al-Gīzah) is a zo...

The Giza Zoo 📌📍
The Giza Zoo (Egyptian Arabic: حَدِيْقَة حَيْوَان ٱلْجِيْزَة, romanized: Ḥadīqat Ḥaywān Al-Gīzah) is a zoological garden in Giza, Egypt. It is one of the few green areas in the city, and includes Giza's largest park. The zoo covers about 80 acres (32 ha),[2] and is home to many endangered species, as well as a selection of endemic fauna.
-The first to be built in the Middle East, rare species have been successfully bred in the zoo—including the first California sea lion to be born in the region.

Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara 📌📍The pyramid of Djoser (or Djeser and Zoser), sometimes called the Step Pyramid of Djoser,...

Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara 📌📍
The pyramid of Djoser (or Djeser and Zoser), sometimes called the Step Pyramid of Djoser, is an archaeological site in the Saqqara necropolis, Egypt, northwest of the ruins of Memphis. The 6-tier, 4-sided structure is the earliest colossal stone building in Egypt.[4] It was built in the 27th century BC during the Third Dynasty for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser. The pyramid is the central feature of a vast mortuary complex in an enormous courtyard surrounded by ceremonial structures and decoration. Its architect was Imhotep, chancellor of the pharaoh and high priest of the god Ra.

The Sphinx 📌📍The Great Sphinx of Giza is a limestone statue of a reclining sphinx, a mythical creature with the head of ...

The Sphinx 📌📍
The Great Sphinx of Giza is a limestone statue of a reclining sphinx, a mythical creature with the head of a human, and the body of a lion.[1] Facing directly from west to east, it stands on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile in Giza, Egypt. The face of the Sphinx appears to represent the pharaoh Khafre.

Menkaure's Pyramid 📌📍The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three main pyramids of the Giza pyramid complex, loc...

Menkaure's Pyramid 📌📍
The pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three main pyramids of the Giza pyramid complex, located on the Giza Plateau in the southwestern outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. It is thought to have been built to serve as the tomb of the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Menkaure.

Kephren's Pyramid 📌📍The pyramid of Khafre or of Chephren[2] (Arabic: هرم خفرع, romanized: haram ḵafraʿ, IPA: [haram xafr...

Kephren's Pyramid 📌📍
The pyramid of Khafre or of Chephren[2] (Arabic: هرم خفرع, romanized: haram ḵafraʿ, IPA: [haram xafraʕ]) is the middle of the three Ancient Egyptian Pyramids of Giza, the second tallest and second largest of the group. It is the tomb of the Fourth-Dynasty pharaoh Khafre (Chefren), who ruled c. 2558−2532 BC.

Cheop's Pyramid (Khufu)📌📍The Great Pyramid of Giza[a] is the largest Egyptian pyramid and the tomb of Fourth Dynasty pha...

Cheop's Pyramid (Khufu)📌📍
The Great Pyramid of Giza[a] is the largest Egyptian pyramid and the tomb of Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Khufu. Built in the early 26th century BC during a period of around 27 years, the pyramid is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact. It is the most famous monument of the Giza pyramid complex, in the Pyramid Fields of the Memphis and its Necropolis UNESCO World Heritage Site, in Giza, Egypt. It is at the most Northern end of the line of the 3 Pyramids of Giza.

The Pyramids of Giza & the Sphinx 📌📍Constructed in the 26th and 25th centuries B.C. (roughly 2600 B.C.–2400 B.C.), the E...

The Pyramids of Giza & the Sphinx 📌📍
Constructed in the 26th and 25th centuries B.C. (roughly 2600 B.C.–2400 B.C.), the Egyptian pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, built in that order, are a testament to ancient planning and engineering.
-The precise years that they were built is somewhat unclear, as those dates depend on when exactly the pharaohs who built them reigned, which is a subject of debate among scholars. For instance, the Metropolitan Museum of Art(opens in new tab) dates the reign of Khufu as being ca. 2551–2528 B.C., Khafre as being ca. 2520–2494 B.C. and Menkaure's as being ca. 2490–2472 B.C. However, different sources and scholars have different estimates for when each pharaoh reigned.

How these pyramids were built is also a source of speculation and debate. Many researchers believe that a ramp system of some form was used to move the blocks into place during construction. When the pyramids were completed, they were encased entirely or partly in white limestone, most of which is lost today.

The Giza Plateau📌📍 (Arabic: هضبة الجيزة) is a limestone plateau in Giza, Egypt, the site of the Fourth Dynasty Giza pyra...

The Giza Plateau📌📍
(Arabic: هضبة الجيزة) is a limestone plateau in Giza, Egypt, the site of the Fourth Dynasty Giza pyramid complex, which includes the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, the Great Sphinx, several cemeteries, a workers' village and an industrial complex. It forms the northernmost part of the 16,000 ha Pyramid Fields in the Western Desert edge of the Nile Valley that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Memphis and its Necropolis
-The plateau is elevated approximately 60 meters above sea-level.
-The rate of poverty is more than 60% in this governorate but recently some social safety networks have been provided in the form of financial assistance and job opportunities. The funding has been coordinated by the country's Ministry of Finance and with assistance from international organizations.


عيد تحرير سيناء صح 😂❤️🤍🖤
انهردة الذكري ال 41 لعيد تحرير سيناء من ايادي الاحتلال الإسرائيل❤️🤍🖤
مصر ام الدنيا وهتفضل قد الدنيا❤️🤍🖤

#عيد #تحرير #سيناء #طابا #مصر #مصرية #تامرحسني #عمروسلمي #شاديه #اغاني #بلدنا


6 October City
6 October City


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