Eye Of Mystery Egypt

Eye Of Mystery Egypt Every week, there will be a new video about Egypt. From the ancient Egyptian time until present today. With an expert tour guide and Egyptologist Hossam Khairy

Stay Tuned, The inauguration of the Sphinxes Avenue in Luxor, November 25th

Stay Tuned, The inauguration of the Sphinxes Avenue in Luxor, November 25th

The British Crown Prince Charles Windsor and his wife Camilla Parker — the Duchess of Cornwall are currently visiting Eg...

The British Crown Prince Charles Windsor and his wife Camilla Parker — the Duchess of Cornwall are currently visiting Egypt

Face reconstruction of Queen Tiye according to her mummy.

Face reconstruction of Queen Tiye according to her mummy.

Anubis was Nephthys’ son, supposedly by her husband Seth, but in fact the child of her liaison with Osiris. The mother d...

Anubis was Nephthys’ son, supposedly by her husband Seth, but in fact the child of her liaison with Osiris.
The mother deserted her son in fear of Seth, but Isis found the child and raised him because he was the son of her now-dead husband.
Anubis become Isis’ faithful watchdog and protector and was rewarded with the ability to understand human speech and to study medicine and the art of embalming.

Anubis Lord of the Mummy Wrapping Anubis was one of the very old gods. He was depicted in the form of a jackal, either a...

Anubis Lord of the Mummy Wrapping
Anubis was one of the very old gods. He was depicted in the form of a jackal, either as a man with a jackal head or as the full animal.
Most likely jackals were associated with death because t gtt eg had been observed eating corpses.
Anubis was given an important role in myths, especially in underworld where he become responsible for caring for the bodies of the recently dead.

There were two minor characteristics of the goddess Sekhmet that seem at odds with her predominantly violent nature. Fir...

There were two minor characteristics of the goddess Sekhmet that seem at odds with her predominantly violent nature.
First, she was often depicted holding or carrying the Ankh, the sign of life.
And second, she was renowned for her role as healer because of her knowledge of magic and sorcery.
These indications of care and concern for other are not easily reconciled with what else is known about her activities.

SEKHMETSekhmet was called the great lady, beloved of Ptah, holy one, powerful one. She was both wife and sister to Ptah,...

Sekhmet was called the great lady, beloved of Ptah, holy one, powerful one. She was both wife and sister to Ptah, a common situation in Egyptian mythology.
Usually she was depicted with the body of a woman and the head of a lioness. Her headpiece consisted of a solar disk, which associated her with the sun god and cobra.
Her physical description and her name, which meant to be strong, mighty, violent, reflected her character: she was renowned for her violence and power.
The Book of the Dead attributed her power to her use of the destructive forces of the sun’s heat and also associated her with the hot winds of heaven.
Other sources associated the hot winds of the desert with her breath.
She was a goddess of war and accompanied the king into battle, her weapons were arrows, swift darts, and the fiery heat of her own body. Which supposedly derived from the heat of the sun.
She said of herself:
" I am the fierce heat of the fire for distance of millions of cubits between Osiris and his enemy, and I keep away from him the evil ones and remove his foes from his habilitation.”

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Sekhmet ❤️

Sekhmet ❤️

The god Osiris is the most easily recognized of the gods. He was always dressed in white mummy’s clothes, he wore a bear...

The god Osiris is the most easily recognized of the gods. He was always dressed in white mummy’s clothes, he wore a beard and held in his crossed arms the crook, the flailed whip, and sometimes the scepter-all signs of authority and power.
Most often he was depicted as the judge of the dead person’s soul.
The color of his skin helps to identify his qualities;
Sometimes it was painted black to suggest death, and at times green to symbolize vegetation and resurrection.

The pyramid texts contain a long poem spoken by Geb to his wife ❤️❤️ :I Nut! You become a spirit You waxed mighty in the...

The pyramid texts contain a long poem spoken by Geb to his wife ❤️❤️ :

I Nut! You become a spirit
You waxed mighty in the belly of you mother, Tefnut, before you were born.
How mighty is your heart!
You stirred in the belly of your mother in the name of Nut, you are in deed a daughter more powerful than her mother .....
O Great one who has become the sky!
You have the mastery, you have filled every place with your beauty,
The whole earth lies beneath you, you have taken possession thereof, you have enclosed the whole earth and everything therein within your arms...
As Geb I shall impregnate you in your name of sky,
I shall join above the earth!
You are supported upon your father Shu,
But you have power over him,
He so loved you that he placed himself-and all things beside-beneath you.
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The goddess Nut was the sky who shared a very special relationship with the earth beneath her. She become pregnant by he...

The goddess Nut was the sky who shared a very special relationship with the earth beneath her. She become pregnant by her husband the god Geb and was supported by her father god Shu. Each day the sun god passed through her on his voyage in the solar boat, and the stars were part of her being, as children are part of their mother.
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Among many early societies it was thought that the real name of a person or god was essential to their existence. This n...

Among many early societies it was thought that the real name of a person or god was essential to their existence. This name was the key to their being, for without a name nothing exists. To know the name was to have power over the creature. Isis observing the power and might of Ra , envied his control over all creatures. She knew that this power like the breezes, reached to the far corners of the earth and the outermost expanses of the heavens. In her heart she covet this power and plotted to discover its secret so that she would be greater than the other gods and would rule over humans.
She was well practiced in magic and sought a way of using this art to usurp her great-grandfather’s supreme authority. His power lay in the fact that he alone knew his secret name. Every person and god had many names , but each kept the most powerful of them secret in order that others not gain dominion over them through its use.
Many times Ra had risen in the morning and made his daily trip through the sky only to see his radiance sink into the darkness, the repetition of this act had tired him and he had grown so old and feeble that the saliva dripped from his mouth and fell upon the earth.
Seeing this, Isis quickly took up some of the ground mixed with the spite and began to mold this clay into the shape of a cobra, the snake associated with the gods and kings of Egypt. That model snake contained Ra’s own substance, therefore he had no defense against its poison.
Isis hid the serpent on the path Ra took each day on his heavenly journey, and next morning when Ra and his followers began their trip, the chief god passed close by the stealthy creature. The snake struck with all its divine force and snake its dart like fangs into the flesh of the father of all the gods.
The poioison surged through Ra’s body and caused great pain, since it had been created from divine substance.
The cry of rage and pain that escaped from Ra shook heaven and earth , his followers in the boat gathered around to ask what had caused it. The pain was so great , that he could barely answer them, the poison spread through his body , his limbs trebled and his tenth chattered.
Finally he calmed down enough to tell the gods in the boat that he had bee seriously wounded. And he ordered that his children, the rest of the gods with knowledge of magic , be brought to consult with him.
With weeping and lamentations the gods assembled, but none could relieve the pain since it was caused by Ra’s own substance.
None had enough power to find a magical antidote.
At the same time, naturally Isis was among those in the crowd, but she said nothing until the others had tried and failed to find a remedy.
Calmly she practiced her deceit on the elderly god, what is this, O divine father? What is this? Has a snake brought pain to you? Has a creation of your hand lifted up its hand against you?
She told him that she would use her magic on his behalf and find a cure. Still confused by the sever pain, Ra described the symptoms to her;
I am colder than water , I am hotter than fire. I tremble in all my limbs, and the sweat runs down my face even as in the heat of summer.
This time Isis spoke quietly and softly and offered to help if would reveal his secret name so that she could use it in her magic.
Even in pain Ra recognized a trick, his answer was devious attempt to give her names without revealing the ultimate secret ;
I am the maker of heaven and earth,
I am the established of the mountains,
I am the creator of the water,
I am the maker of the secrets of the two horizons,
I am light and I am darkness, I am the maker of the hours, the creator of days.
I am Khepri in the morning, Ra at noontime, and Atum in the evening.
Isis heard all the words, but knew that he had not given her what she wanted. She remained quite and let the poison work a little more on his old body. When the pain become more intense, she finally spoke ;
Your name, your true name, your secret name, was not among those. Tell me your name in order that the poison may be driven out your body, for only he whose name I know can be healed by my magic.
At this moment the pain worse and Ra realized that the time had come to give up something of himself in order to find peace.
He took Isis aside where the others would not hear and the two began to bargain , but Ra was in too much pain to bargain well.
Isis demanded that he rake an oath to give Horus , her son, his eyes, the sun and the moon. He a greed and whispered the secret name.
She was faithful to her bargain and issued the proper cure to relieve the pain, and she of course never revealed the secret name since she had no desire to share her new-found power with anyone else, and so this special name remains hidden from all mortals and gods to this day.

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The ancient Egyptians notes that the baboons chatter so much at the rising of the sun, that make the ancient Egyptians b...

The ancient Egyptians notes that the baboons chatter so much at the rising of the sun, that make the ancient Egyptians began to associate them with the sun god , an association that can clearly be seen on the face of the great temple at Abusimbel.

During the Middle Kingdom, when Amun and his theban priests dominated Egyptian religion, Ra was assimilated with this go...

During the Middle Kingdom, when Amun and his theban priests dominated Egyptian religion, Ra was assimilated with this god from the south to form Amun-Ra, whose worship in Thebes ( now called Luxor) led to the building of the temple of Karnak, one of the most imposing religious structures made by human beings.

The god Ra took his own shape at midday, but in the evening he assumed the form of Atum. Atum is one of the oldest forms...

The god Ra took his own shape at midday, but in the evening he assumed the form of Atum.
Atum is one of the oldest forms of the sun god to have been revered by ancient Egyptians, and it was in this form that Ra was supposed to have created the universe out of chaos. Atum was always represented as fully human, without an animal head. He was especially revered because of his association with the souls of the dead. He rode in the solar boat during the final hours of daylight, preparing to fight his opponents in the night.

Ra appeared as Khpri, which was the god of the scarab beetle, and in Egypt the worship of the scarab was much older than...

Ra appeared as Khpri, which was the god of the scarab beetle, and in Egypt the worship of the scarab was much older than the worship of Ra. Ancient Egyptian had observed that the scarab beetle its egg in dung and then pushed it around on the ground until it become a ball. The Egyptians imagined that the ball symbolized the sun because it was round, gave of heat and was the source of life, and because it seemed to represent the self creative powers of the sun god. They then pictured the sun being pushed a cross the sky by a giant beetle. Khepri was also associated with the resurrection of the body, since that was what seemed to be happening when the scarab was born. This fact explains why Egyptians placed the scarab in tombs and on bodies of the dead. This, then was the form of Ra in the morning.

Ra was a version of the sun god , and Egyptian art most often represented him with the solar disk a circle drawn over th...

Ra was a version of the sun god , and Egyptian art most often represented him with the solar disk a circle drawn over the head of deities associated with the sun.
Ra was depicted with the body of a man and head of a falcon. Ra’s human body and falcon head were often similar to depiction of the god Horus, the difference being that Horus wore a crown on his head while Ra wore the disk of the sun encircled by a cobra.

Egyptian mythology was unusually long lasting. In heliopolis the great Ennead ( which is a group of nine ) focused on Ra...

Egyptian mythology was unusually long lasting. In heliopolis the great Ennead ( which is a group of nine ) focused on Ra as first principle from whom the other gods evolved. its family tree provides a visual overview of the complex interrelationships of the featured players.
The great Ennead and the story of the creation in this video


Egyptian mythology was unusually long lasting. In heliopolis the great Ennead ( which is a group of nine ) focused on Ra as first principle from whom the oth...

Ra equipped himself with an eye, which he sent out to find Shu and Tefnut. When the eye returned and discovered that it ...

Ra equipped himself with an eye, which he sent out to find Shu and Tefnut. When the eye returned and discovered that it had been replaced in Ra’s face by another eye, it become very angry. Ra had to placate it by giving it more power than the second one, but then he was stuck with two eyes. He therefore made one the eye of the sun and the other the eye of the moon.
Soon, more about the story of the creation and the great Ennead.

The female king. The queen Hatshepsut. All about her in this video. Wish you like it please don’t forget to subscribe. T...

The female king. The queen Hatshepsut. All about her in this video. Wish you like it please don’t forget to subscribe. Thank you 😊

18th dynasty Hatshepsut ruled on behalf of her stepson Thutmose 2nd, for several years Hatshepsut acted as a typical regent, by year 7 Hatshepsut had been cr...

The decoding of the hieroglyphs. Now you can watch it on this link https://youtu.be/A0ipx03xQxY

The decoding of the hieroglyphs. Now you can watch it on this link

the ancient Egyptian language belongs to a wide family of languages , when the land convert it to the new faith of christianity in the third century AD , Egy...

In July 1799 an officer in the French expedition, Pierre Bouchard , received orders to restor the medieval fortress at R...

In July 1799 an officer in the French expedition, Pierre Bouchard , received orders to restor the medieval fortress at Rashid which known as Rosetta, Bouchard or his men come across a grey granodiorite slab inscribed in three scripts , hieroglyphic, demotic , and Greek.

The beautiful couple. Rahotep and Nofret https://youtu.be/r7JF2HQWGdg

The beautiful couple. Rahotep and Nofret

These two statues are among the masterpieces of the statuary of the old kingdom’s fourth dynasty. They are made of very fine quality limestone, the block car...

The great king Khafre. He has one of the most important masterpieces in the world. The artist used a very hard stone har...

The great king Khafre. He has one of the most important masterpieces in the world. The artist used a very hard stone harder than granite and marble. Wish you enjoy watching this episode. And please don’t forget to subscribe and like and share 😊

This statue depicts King Khafre (Khefren to the Greeks), the builder of the second largest pyramid at Giza. It was found in the valley temple of his pyramid ...

King Khufu is the one who built the great pyramid. Can you imagine how big his statue is ?!!This is the only existing st...

King Khufu is the one who built the great pyramid. Can you imagine how big his statue is ?!!
This is the only existing statue of king Khufu.
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Can you imagine that the king Cheops who built the great pyramid at Giza. He has only one statue which is in cairo.You can find this information in this book...

Lord of the mummy wrapping, Anubis was one of the very old gods. He was depicted in the form of a jackal, either as a ma...

Lord of the mummy wrapping, Anubis was one of the very old gods. He was depicted in the form of a jackal, either as a man with a jackal head or as the full animal. Anubis was given an important role in myths, especially in the underworld where he became responsible for caring for the bodies of the recently dead.

The first life - Size statue so far found from ancient egypt. Please don’t forget to subscribe and share 😊https://youtu....

The first life - Size statue so far found from ancient egypt. Please don’t forget to subscribe and share 😊

The first limestone construction in the worlds in Saqqara. Rather than the first life-size statue so far found from ancient egypt. The name of king Djoser is...

دلوقتي تقدر تتفرج علي الفيديو بالترجمه. و متنسوش تعملوا اشتراك في القناه 😊Now you can watch the video with subtitles for...

دلوقتي تقدر تتفرج علي الفيديو بالترجمه. و متنسوش تعملوا اشتراك في القناه 😊
Now you can watch the video with subtitles for different languages. Please don’t forget to subscribe 😊


For the first time the ancient Egyptian use to write about them history. It was the palette of Narmer about 3000 b.c. In this video will talk about all the d...

The oldest historical palette. Palette of Narmer. All the details and information about it in this video https://youtu.b...

The oldest historical palette.
Palette of Narmer. All the details and information about it in this video

For the first time the ancient Egyptian use to write about them history. It was the palette of Narmer about 3000 b.c. In this video will talk about all the d...

Today video

Today video





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