Information about Egypt (our country) 👌💯💯
Egypt is the first country on the planet 10 thousand years ago
Egypt was called Egypt by revelation, and after its name, the prophet of God named Noah, his granddaughter, Egypt
Egypt, where the Prophet of God Idris lived and was born in Babylon, Iraq.. The first to write letters with his hand, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Sacred House of God with the hands of the Egyptians
Egypt was the first to mint money thousands of years ago and until today some peoples call them Masari in relation to Egypt
Egypt, which gave birth to Princess Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Abraham and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals various Muslims follow with her and her son on Hajj
Egypt, which bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt
Egypt is the only country in which there are treasures of the earth
Egypt came to all the children of Israel, and at their head was the prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children
Egypt, which saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation during the years of drought
Egypt, in which God’s prophet Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley, folded to be the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings
Egypt gave birth to Mrs. Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she is the first woman for whom God builds a palace in heaven
Egypt, in which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel
Egypt, which was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she remained there for seven years.
Egypt, which is mentioned explicitly in the Holy Qur’an five times and many times by reference without mentioning the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one also mentioned in all the heavenly books
Egypt, in which the Messenger of God said, “Be kind to its people.”
The Egypt in which Omar Ibn Al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt amends all the rest of the Caliphate state
Egypt, which during the famine in the Arabian Peninsula and the death of people from starvation, sent Omar Ibn Al-Khattab to ask for help from its people and write only three words and help him.. and relieve him.. and relieve him.. So the Egyptians gather and decide to save their brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and send a convoy, the first of which is in Medina and the last of it In Cairo, Omar prays for Egypt and its people for good, growth and prosperity
Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width.. And the Almighty said: (Enter Egypt, God willing, safe).