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Adam Sharm tours _napqbay
احجز_الان� افضل واجمل�الرحلات في خدمه VIP اعلي جوده وأفضل خدمه وعروض اضافيه للجروبات �
� ��
�بيتش_باجي سنجل ، دبل � � كار باجي ثنائي فردين � كار_باجي رباعي 4 أفراد ��رحله ركوب الجمل �،رحله ركوب الخيل �
�يمكن اضافه حفله العشاء البدوي مع الرحله
�شامل الانتقالات� - وقفة صدى الصوت� - تناول الشاي البدوي�- مرشد الرحله
�حفله ف

قط � شامل باربيكيو بوفيه مفتوح �- مشروبات و مياه معدنيه� - مرشد الرحله �- البند و الفقرات�� شامل الانتقالات
� صباحا من شرم الشيخ VIP ( من 8 صباحا إلي 5 مساء ) برنامج الرحله . #سنوركلنج � باجمل مكان بالعالم او #الكانيون � و ركوب الجمال� علي البحر �و غداء بمطعم� �علي البحر� و شوبنيج �بمدينه دهب و دخول الكانيون الجبال الملونه والطويلات �وشرب الشاى البدوى�.� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
�- من شرم الشيخ VIP (من 12 ظهرا الي 11 مساءا ) برنامج الرحله. ركوب #الجمال علي البحر �وسنوركلينج �في الثري_بول او الكانيون للتمتع بالشعب المرجانية والاسماك �و الغدا في المطاعم المطله علي البحر ���و زيارة الممشي السياحي� الاشهر في دهب �و زيارة الجبال_الملونة �و العشاء البدوي والسهرة البدوية بوادي الطويلات شامل باربيكيو بوفيه مفتوح �- مشروبات و مياه معدنيه � البند و الفقرات���
� � VIP ( من 8 صباحا إلي 5 مساء) برنامج الرحله .� رحله بحرية باليخت � غنية بالاسماك الملونة والشعب المرجانية الخلابة� وقفات اسنوركلينج � المركب الغرقانه �وجزيره تيران� والجوردن لمشاهده الشعب المرجانيه �الغذاء� والمشروبات� يمكن اضافه غطس مع الرحله .� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� � بالمركب VIP ( من 8 صباحا إلي 5 مساء) برنامج الرحله. � رحله بحرية باليخت � غنية بالاسماك الملونة والشعب المرجانية الخلابة� سباحة بجوار محمية راس محمد � وقفات اسنوركلينج� الغذاء�والمشروبات� يمكن اضافه #غطس مع الرحله . � الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� من الساعه 8.30 صباحا الى1.30 مساء عباره عن زياره بوابه الله �وهيه مشهوره للالتقاط افضل الصور زياره شجر المنجروف� شق الزلزال البحيره المسحوره محميه راس محمد لعمل سنوركلينج� لمده ٤٥دقيقه مرشد سياحى مرافق طول الرحله لشرح البرنامج ثم العوده الى الفندق .� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� � � من الساعه 8م إلى 1ظهرا ثانى يوم عباره عن صعود �جبل سيدنا موسى إلى كلم ربنا من عليه فى 3ساعات مشى على القدمين� لمشاهده الجبل ثم مشاهده شروق الشمس� من على قمه الجبل ثم النزول إلى دير سانت كاترين لمشاهده الشجره المعلقه� وشرح معالم سانت كاترين وجبل سيدنا موسي .� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� � � برنامج الرحله :الانتقالات من الفندق والعوده بعد الرحله من الساعه ٦ص إلى ٦م مشاهده بانوراما ميناء ومدينة نويبع . راس شيطان� والتقاط الصور .شاي بدوي في راس شيطان . جيب سفاري لكانيون نويبع الملون �. زيارة وادي الوشواش والسباحه� . اسنوركلنج وسباحه في مدينه دهب . الغداء علي البحر في دهب�� . زياره معمل الزيت والعطور المشهوره بيها سيناء� . جوله في دهب .� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� على يخت � في شرم الشيخ VIP ( من 5 مساء الي 9 مساء ) وتشمل . عشاء �فاخر �وحفله عباره عن رقص شرقى �وتنوره ومطرب دى جى فقرت #الساحر�.� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق
� #الغواصة #يونايتد �� استمتع لمدة ساعة ونصف ب واحدة من أجمل الرحلات ب شرم_الشيخ لمشاهدة �الاسماك� والشعاب المرجانية� عن طريق الشباك الزجاجي لل #غواصة .مواعيد الرحلة يومياً : ( 9 صباحاً & 11 صباحاً & 2 عصراً ) � الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� #الدولفين ���. ساعة من المرح لمشاهدة اذكي الدلافين � وعرض شيق للكبار والصغار. الرحلة يومياً الساعة 3 عصرا .� الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق �
� �� استمتع لمدة ساعةبمشاهدة �الاسماك� والشعاب المرجانية� عن طريق الشباك الزجاجي للمركب .�
� #الغطس مشاهده المرجان تحت الماء.... � مش مهم بتعرف تسبح او لاء احنا رح نخليك تغطس � معدات وادوات حديثه وأمنه على مستوى عالي . تعال واترك الباقي علينا � نعلمك كيف تغطس و بسهوله كبيره. احلى الصور مع الاسماك والمرجان �� والشعب المرجانيه�� � الرحله كامله شامله المعدات والتدريب ����غطس من اجمل شواطي شرم الشيخ الغطس من شاطئ فنادق 5 نجوم ملئ بالشعاب المرجانيه والاسماك .�
� ��� .
� #الباراشوت ��
� #التيوبة ���
� ���
� #الفراشه ���
� #الحلزونه ���
�جميع الرحلات تشمل مرشد مرافق الرحله ��
� جميع المعدات معقمه مع الالتزام بكافة التدابير بعدد محدود فى الانتقالات �
للحجز والاستعلام فون� واتس �+201069992894

Book now � the most beautiful trips in Sharm El Sheikh �� Sharm El Sheikh trips �
Beach Buggy �/ Safari �/ Ras Mohammed �/ Diving �/ Tiran Island �/ Dolphin �/ Aquapark �/ Glassboat �/ Dahab �/ Three Bowls �/ Blue Hole �/ Submarine �/ Parachute �/ Tube �/ Banana �/ Romantic dinner �/ Bedouin dinner �/ camel �/ horses �/ kar baji � / ras devil �/ Wadi al-Washwash � �/ Jabal Musa �........
� All trips include transfers to and from the hotel �
� All trips include a guide for the trip facilities ��
� All equipment is sterile while adhering to all measures with a limited number of transfers �
For reservations and inquiries,Iphone � Whatsapp �+201069992894
El-Sheikh El-Sheikh_Hotels El-Sheikh_Offers

Забронируйте сейчас � самые красивые экскурсии в Шарм-эль-Шейхе � экскурсии в Шарм-эль-Шейхе
Пляжный багги �/ Сафари �/ Рас Мохаммед �/ Дайвинг �/ Остров Тиран �/ Дельфинарий �/ Аквапарк �/ Стеклянная лодка �/ Дахаб �/ Три чаши �/ Голубая дыра �/ Подводная лодка �/ Парашют �/ Трубка �/ Банан �/ Романтический ужин �/ Бедуины � / верблюд �/ лошади �/ кар баджи � / рас дьявол �/ Вади аль-Уошваш � �/ Джабал Муса �........
� Во все поездки включен трансфер до отеля и обратно �
� Во всех поездках есть гид по объектам поездки ��
� Все оборудование стерильно при соблюдении всех мер с ограниченным количеством пересадок �
Для бронирования и запросов, Iphone � WhatsApp � +201069992894
#Шарм-Эль-Шейх #Туры #Шарм-Эль-Шейх_Отели #Шарм-Эль-Шейх_Предложения #Круизы /

Prenota ora � i viaggi più belli a Sharm El Sheikh �� i viaggi a Sharm El Sheikh �
Passeggino da spiaggia �/ Safari �/ Ras Mohammed �/ Immersioni �/ Isola di Tiran �/ Dolphin �/ Aquapark �/ Glassboat �/ Dahab �/ Three Bowls �/ Blue Hole �/ Sottomarino �/ Paracadute �/ Tubo �/ Banana �/ Cena romantica �/ Cena beduina � / ca****lo �/ cavalli �/ kar baji � / ras devil �/ Wadi al-Washwash �/ Jabal Musa �........
� Tutti i viaggi includono i trasferimenti da e per l'hotel �
� Tutti i viaggi includono una guida per le strutture di viaggio ��
� Tutta l'attrezzatura è sterile pur aderendo a tutte le misure con un numero limitato di trasferimenti �
Per prenotazioni e richieste, Iphone � Whatsapp � +201069992894
El-Sheikh El-Sheikh_Hotel El-Sheikh_Offerte

הזמן איתנו עכשיו � ספארי שארם א-שייח. � הטיולים הכי יפים בשארם א-שייח � למוזין להעברות בתוך סיני � שירות הזמנת בתי מלון � . כל הטיולים הפנימיים בשארם א-שייח / ביץ'_באג �/ ספארי �/ ראס מוחמד �/ צלילה �/ האי טיראן �/ דולפין �/ פארק מים �/ סירת זכוכית �/ דהב � הולמרין/ שלושה כדורים/ צוללת �/ שלושה כדורים ברשוט �/ טובה / בננה �/ ארוחת ערב רומנטית �/ ארוחת ערב בדואית �/ גמל �/ סוס �/ קאר בהאג'י � / ראס שיטן �/ ואדי וושוש � ��........ .
� כל הנסיעות כוללות העברות מהמלון וממנו �
� כל הטיולים כוללים מדריך למתקני הטיול ��
� כל הציוד סטרילי תוך הקפדה על כל האמצעים עם מספר מוגבל של העברות �
להזמנות ובירורים, אייפון � WhatsApp � +201069992894
#שארם א-שייח #טיולים א-שייח אל-שייח / (

Good night forme Sharm El sheikh!!And you will saying Good night forme where!!

Good night forme Sharm El sheikh!!
And you will saying Good night forme where!!

🛥☀️🇪🇬 Private VIP TRIP 🛥☀️🇪🇬 Grab the chance to have your own private boat for the day. Sailing to the famous Ras Mohame...

🛥☀️🇪🇬 Private VIP TRIP 🛥☀️🇪🇬

Grab the chance to have your own private boat for the day. Sailing to the famous Ras Mohamed national park and stopping at the White island 🏝️☀️This is a great trip for all of the family to enjoy, great for special moments or just a fun day out 🛥️🏝️🤿🐠

What’s included;
✔️Transfers to and from your hotel 🚖 🚌
✔️Fresh lunch is served on the boat 🥙🥗
✔️Soft drinks included on the boat🥤🧃
✔️Snorkelling equipment included too 🤿🐡🏝

To Book or for further information contact us on the page directly or on the following; 📲💻☎️✅
what's app adam +201069992894


The most beautiful trips at the best prices ❤️❤️🏊
Sharm El Sheikh internal trips 🏊❤️🏖️🏖️🐬⛵🪂 We offer you Adam Sharm Tours the most luxurious and best internal and external trip entered the city of Sharm El Sheikh
1- 🌞 trip in the morning from Sharm El-Sheikh
Dahab trip program 💪 25$
Daily departure from the hotel from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Snorkeling 🏊 ♂️ in the most beautiful place in the rich world Paul or the canyon for an hour + a camel ride 🐪 on the sea 15 minutes + lunch in a restaurant on the sea + shopping in Dahab + a visit to the oil and natural herbs factory + a visit to the mountains of the Canyon Tawilat and drinking Bedouin tea and then return to Sharm El Sheikh
For reservations and inquiries whats up +201069992894
Single $15
Double 20$
Double Car Bhaji $40
Quartet Walker Buggy $60
The program of the trip is an hour and a half driving and then stopping for 10 minutes to make the sound echo, take the best pictures and drink Bedouin tea with herbs
Then back for half an hour
Daily flight times sunrise and sunset
Morning 3.30 a.m. to 6.00 a.m. + 3.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Bedouin dinner trip and party together from 5.00 pm to 9.30 pm
To add the party and dinner with the beach buggy per person $20
VIP dinner per person can be added $30
For reservations and inquiries

🔰 🔰

3- 25$
Visit the drowning boat according to the weather + two snorkeling stops, each stop for 30 minutes in different places at the drowning boat, Tiran Island and Jordan to watch the coral reefs + food and drinks on the boat
It has the possibility of making an optional diving 150
Flight timings from 8 am to 5 pm
The trip does not include: snorkeling gear
🔰 🔰
For reservations and inquiries
4- # Ras_Shaitan_Wadi_Al-Washwash_and Nuweiba is the most powerful trip from the city of magic and beauty, Sharm El-Sheikh, to the city of Dahab and Nuweiba, meaning that in South Sinai, on a trip alone, $40

Ras Shaitan and Wadi Al-Washwash trip in Nuweiba
We will see the beauty of Sinai, the desert and the Nuweiba Canyon, and we will also go to the charming Dahab
The itinerary of the trip:
Transfers from the hotel and back after the flight
From 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Demon head and take pictures
Bedouin tea in the head of a demon
Jeep Safari for the colorful Nuweiba Canyon
Visit Wadi Alwashwash and swim
Snorkeling and swimming in Dahab
Lunch by the sea in Dahab
A visit to the famous oil and perfume factory in Sinai
A tour of the tourist walkway in Dahab
✅The price includes transfers, lunch, reserve fees, guide and Bedouin guide
The price does not include snorkeling kit and drinks
The journey is tiring for children and the elderly
For reservations and inquiries
5- -Jazeera_White_Journey. $30 per person
On the most luxurious boats in Sharm El Sheikh, one of the most beautiful cruises, rich in colorful fish and picturesque coral reefs, swimming next to the Ras Mohammed reserve + swimming next to the White Island and the Maldives and getting off on the island + two snorkeling stops + food, grills + drinks on the boat
There is the possibility of doing optional diving per person 10$
Daily from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
The trip does not include: Snocking tools
For reservations and inquiries
6- , the most luxurious and largest sailboat in Sharm El-Sheikh and the Red Sea

Trip💪 60$
Sinai Dream Trip in the morning
The boat is a five-star service, an interior hall with the latest capabilities. The complex contains two floors equipped with the latest tables, chairs and chaise longues. Seafood lunch, the most delicious seafood with the wonderful taste of Seafood, and the most famous and best chef in Sharm El-Sheikh, in addition to 3 snorkelling stops and recreational activities during the trip such as swing chair, flying chair, water slide and belly dance daily from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
The trip does not include: Snorkeling gear

Party💪 $35
Sinai Dream Evening Party Trip
Luxurious dinner, seafood and drinks + oriental dance + DJ + singer + and many other paragraphs.
From 5:30 pm to 10:30 pm
🔰 🔰

7- # Romantic Dinner Trip on the Fantastic Yacht from the most beautiful boat in Sharm El-Sheikh $30
A luxurious dinner, Seafood, and a party consisting of oriental dance, the magician's show, singer and DJ, the magician.
Do you want to celebrate any birthday, Passport Day, Dinner Cruise?
From 5 pm to 9.30 pm
For reservations and inquiries
8- Show 20$
Hours of fun watching the smartest dolphin 🦈🐬
Kids under 3 free from 3 to 8 half ticket
You can swim with dolphins for 15 minutes at an additional price
Daily from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Dolphin, including transfers to and from the hotel
🔰🔰🔰 +201069992894 🏊‍♂️🏊 ♂️🏊 ♂️🏊 ♂️🏊 ♂️🏊 ♂️🏊 ♂️🏊 ♂️🏊 ♂️🏊 ♂️🏊 ♂️🏊 ♂️ Cairo Bus 50$ Cairo Air ✈ 185$ Jerusalem 130$ Luxor Flight ✈ 105$ Petra 200$

False romance After the death of King Tutankhamun, who was sick before he completed twenty years of age and was not kill...

False romance
After the death of King Tutankhamun, who was sick before he completed twenty years of age and was not killed, as some have advised,
Ai, a member of the royal family, became regent and may have wanted to marry Queen Ankhsn Amun, the widow of Tutankhamun. Horemheb was at that time the commander of the Egyptian army.
What did the little widow queen do, and there is no way for a successor to the throne to succeed her husband, and this was a unique fact. The Queen secretly sent a message to the King of the Kingdom of Kheta (the Hittites State) on the island of Anatolia, in which she says:
"I knew that you have many sons, one of them sent me to marry me and become king of Egypt" and this had a severe impact on the king of the Hittites, who did not believe the request and said, "I never heard of this before." A person was sent to Egypt to investigate the matter and confirm the validity of the request or not. The widowed queen knew about this and was upset that he did not believe it. She sent him another letter saying, "Why don't you believe my request. Do you know how disgraceful I am about my request? Is it easy for me to humiliate myself in this way and ask for this request and you don't believe me?"
Here, the King of the Hittites was reassured and sent one of his sons, the princes, with a large retinue and gifts.
The Egyptian army was waiting for him, who killed them all and saved Egypt from this great betrayal. Horemheb took over the rule and became the strong king who defended borders and honor and started the war on corruption at home and issued his laws.


Information about Egypt (our country) 👌💯💯

Egypt is the first country on the planet 10 thousand years ago
Egypt was called Egypt by revelation, and after its name, the prophet of God named Noah, his granddaughter, Egypt
Egypt, where the Prophet of God Idris lived and was born in Babylon, Iraq.. The first to write letters with his hand, the first to separate clothes for people to wear, and the first to build the Sacred House of God with the hands of the Egyptians

Egypt was the first to mint money thousands of years ago and until today some peoples call them Masari in relation to Egypt
Egypt, which gave birth to Princess Hagar, the wife of the Prophet of God Abraham and the mother of the Prophet of God Ismael, whose rituals various Muslims follow with her and her son on Hajj
Egypt, which bought one of its sons, the Prophet of God, Joseph, to live, die and be buried in Egypt
Egypt is the only country in which there are treasures of the earth
Egypt came to all the children of Israel, and at their head was the prophet of God Jacob, his wife and his children
Egypt, which saved all the peoples of the earth from starvation during the years of drought

Egypt, in which God’s prophet Moses was born and raised, and God spoke to him in the holy valley, folded to be the first and last time that God’s voice reached the earth and was heard by human beings
Egypt gave birth to Mrs. Asia, the wife of Pharaoh, and she is the first woman for whom God builds a palace in heaven
Egypt, in which the Torah was revealed on tablets from heaven, and it is in which God sent down manna and quail to the Children of Israel
Egypt, which was chosen by divine inspiration, Mary, the daughter of Imran, and her infant child, the Prophet of God, Jesus, the son of Mary, to escape the oppression of God’s enemies, so she remained there for seven years.

Egypt, which is mentioned explicitly in the Holy Qur’an five times and many times by reference without mentioning the rest of the countries of the earth, and it is the only one also mentioned in all the heavenly books
Egypt, in which the Messenger of God said, “Be kind to its people.”

The Egypt in which Omar Ibn Al-Aas said that the Emirate of Egypt amends all the rest of the Caliphate state
Egypt, which during the famine in the Arabian Peninsula and the death of people from starvation, sent Omar Ibn Al-Khattab to ask for help from its people and write only three words and help him.. and relieve him.. and relieve him.. So the Egyptians gather and decide to save their brothers in the Arabian Peninsula and send a convoy, the first of which is in Medina and the last of it In Cairo, Omar prays for Egypt and its people for good, growth and prosperity

Egypt is the only country that God has singled out for security and safety in its length and width.. And the Almighty said: (Enter Egypt, God willing, safe).


⭕ plant
The first woman in history to serve as a judge

Nabet is a judge and vizier of the Sixth Dynasty. She was one of the female civil servants who occupied high positions in the ancient Egyptian state.

“Nebt” is the mother-in-law of King “Titi” who is famous and the mediator in the history of ancient Egypt, and she is also the grandmother of King “Bibi II”, one of the kings of this family. And the hereditary princess)...

Nabet's work as a judge came to investigate the legend of "Maat", which means "the symbol of legendary justice", which is depicted in the form of a woman whose head is topped by a feather (the Ma'at), the symbol of justice...

* The image (a plaque representing Maat, the symbol of justice)


The new ten Egyptian pounds is now available in all banks in Egypt


never ends
Creativity has no limits 🌟
The ancient Egyptian excelled in carving the smallest details terribly
Look at the walls and ceiling in the tomb of King Ramses VI (KV9) Valley of the Kings_ Luxor 🇪🇬🇪🇬
does not end


Golden King Tutankhamun Throne Chair 👑

The throne of Tutankhamun was made of wood covered with gold and silver, decorated with semi-precious stones and colored glass.

The queen is represented here on the pedestal, leaning on the king in tenderness, while the sun's Aten sends its rays towards the royal couple.
Here the king wears a complex crown and a wide necklace, while the queen wears a beautiful wreath on her head.
The bodies of the king and queen were inlaid with colored glass, while the bodies were overlaid with silver, simulating white linen.

The front of the two arms of the throne is protected by two lions that protect the name of the king. The throne is provided with a footstool of wood, on which are engraved symbolic images of Egypt's northern and southern enemies, known as the nine bows, tied and lying on the ground in humiliation.

The depicted birds, known as rakhit, denoting the common people, are represented here under the king's control.

Adam Sharm tours _napqbay احجز_الان✍ افضل واجمل🌹الرحلات في    خدمه VIP اعلي جوده وأفضل خدمه وعروض اضافيه للجروبات 👌⭐  🥰🌊...

Adam Sharm tours _napqbay
احجز_الان✍ افضل واجمل🌹الرحلات في خدمه VIP اعلي جوده وأفضل خدمه وعروض اضافيه للجروبات 👌
⭐ 🥰🌊
🔥بيتش_باجي سنجل ، دبل 🏍 🔥 كار باجي ثنائي فردين 🏎 كار_باجي رباعي 4 أفراد 🏎🔥رحله ركوب الجمل 🐪،رحله ركوب الخيل 🐎
🔥يمكن اضافه حفله العشاء البدوي مع الرحله
🔥شامل الانتقالات🚍 - وقفة صدى الصوت🗣 - تناول الشاي البدوي☕- مرشد الرحله
🔥حفله فقط 🍗 شامل باربيكيو بوفيه مفتوح 🍗- مشروبات و مياه معدنيه🍷 - مرشد الرحله 👍- البند و الفقرات💃💃 شامل الانتقالات
⭐ صباحا من شرم الشيخ VIP ( من 8 صباحا إلي 5 مساء ) برنامج الرحله . #سنوركلنج 🤿 باجمل مكان بالعالم او #الكانيون 🏊‍♂️ و ركوب الجمال🐪 علي البحر 🌊و غداء بمطعم🍽 🍗علي البحر🌊 و شوبنيج 🏺بمدينه دهب و دخول الكانيون الجبال الملونه والطويلات ☄وشرب الشاى البدوى☕.⚓ الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق 🚍
⭐- من شرم الشيخ VIP (من 12 ظهرا الي 11 مساءا ) برنامج الرحله. ركوب #الجمال علي البحر 🐪وسنوركلينج 🤿في الثري_بول او الكانيون للتمتع بالشعب المرجانية والاسماك 🧜‍♀️و الغدا في المطاعم المطله علي البحر 🍽🌊🍗و زيارة الممشي السياحي🏃‍♀️ الاشهر في دهب 🏺و زيارة الجبال_الملونة 🏔و العشاء البدوي والسهرة البدوية بوادي الطويلات شامل باربيكيو بوفيه مفتوح 🍗- مشروبات و مياه معدنيه 🥂 البند و الفقرات💃💃🍗
⭐ ⛵️ VIP ( من 8 صباحا إلي 5 مساء) برنامج الرحله .🔥 رحله بحرية باليخت 🛳 غنية بالاسماك الملونة والشعب المرجانية الخلابة🧚‍♂️ وقفات اسنوركلينج 🤿 المركب الغرقانه 🗽وجزيره تيران🏔 والجوردن لمشاهده الشعب المرجانيه 🏊‍♂️الغذاء🍽 والمشروبات🍹 يمكن اضافه غطس مع الرحله .⚓ الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق 🚍
⭐ ⛵️ بالمركب VIP ( من 8 صباحا إلي 5 مساء) برنامج الرحله. 🔥 رحله بحرية باليخت 🛳 غنية بالاسماك الملونة والشعب المرجانية الخلابة🧚‍♂️ سباحة بجوار محمية راس محمد 🏊‍♂️ وقفات اسنوركلينج🤿 الغذاء🍽والمشروبات🍹 يمكن اضافه #غطس مع الرحله . ⚓ الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق 🚍
🚍 من الساعه 8.30 صباحا الى1.30 مساء عباره عن زياره بوابه الله 🌟وهيه مشهوره للالتقاط افضل الصور زياره شجر المنجروف🌳 شق الزلزال البحيره المسحوره محميه راس محمد لعمل سنوركلينج🏊‍♀️ لمده ٤٥دقيقه مرشد سياحى مرافق طول الرحله لشرح البرنامج ثم العوده الى الفندق .⚓ الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق 🚍
🔥 🗻 ⛰ من الساعه 8م إلى 1ظهرا ثانى يوم عباره عن صعود 👣جبل سيدنا موسى إلى كلم ربنا من عليه فى 3ساعات مشى على القدمين👣 لمشاهده الجبل ثم مشاهده شروق الشمس🌞 من على قمه الجبل ثم النزول إلى دير سانت كاترين لمشاهده الشجره المعلقه🪵 وشرح معالم سانت كاترين وجبل سيدنا موسي .⚓ الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق 🚍
🔥 🌐 ⬅️ برنامج الرحله :الانتقالات من الفندق والعوده بعد الرحله من الساعه ٦ص إلى ٦م مشاهده بانوراما ميناء ومدينة نويبع . راس شيطان🪨 والتقاط الصور .شاي بدوي في راس شيطان . جيب سفاري لكانيون نويبع الملون 🚜. زيارة وادي الوشواش والسباحه🏊‍♀️ . اسنوركلنج وسباحه في مدينه دهب . الغداء علي البحر في دهب🍴🍽 . زياره معمل الزيت والعطور المشهوره بيها سيناء🍥 . جوله في دهب .⚓ الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق 🚍
🌟 على يخت 🛳 في شرم الشيخ VIP ( من 5 مساء الي 9 مساء ) وتشمل . عشاء 🍽فاخر 🦐وحفله عباره عن رقص شرقى 💃وتنوره ومطرب دى جى فقرت #الساحر🧚‍♂️.⚓ الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق
🌟 #الغواصة #يونايتد 🛥🛥 استمتع لمدة ساعة ونصف ب واحدة من أجمل الرحلات ب شرم_الشيخ لمشاهدة 👀الاسماك🐟 والشعاب المرجانية⚓ عن طريق الشباك الزجاجي لل #غواصة .مواعيد الرحلة يومياً : ( 9 صباحاً & 11 صباحاً & 2 عصراً ) ⚓ الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق 🚍
🌟 #الدولفين 🐬🐬🐬. ساعة من المرح لمشاهدة اذكي الدلافين 🐬 وعرض شيق للكبار والصغار. الرحلة يومياً الساعة 3 عصرا .⚓ الرحله تشمل خدمه الانتقالات من و الى الفندق 🚍
🔥 🚢🚢 استمتع لمدة ساعةبمشاهدة 👀الاسماك🐟 والشعاب المرجانية⚓ عن طريق الشباك الزجاجي للمركب .⚓
🌟 #الغطس مشاهده المرجان تحت الماء.... 🏊‍♂️ مش مهم بتعرف تسبح او لاء احنا رح نخليك تغطس 😉 معدات وادوات حديثه وأمنه على مستوى عالي . تعال واترك الباقي علينا 😎 نعلمك كيف تغطس و بسهوله كبيره. احلى الصور مع الاسماك والمرجان 🌊🐬 والشعب المرجانيه🐬🤿 😍 الرحله كامله شامله المعدات والتدريب 🐬🤿🍃🌱غطس من اجمل شواطي شرم الشيخ الغطس من شاطئ فنادق 5 نجوم ملئ بالشعاب المرجانيه والاسماك .⚓
🌟 💧🌊❄ .
🔥 #الباراشوت 🪂🪂
🔥 #التيوبة 🌊🌊🌊
🔥 🌊🌊🌊
🔥 #الفراشه 🌊🌊🌊
🔥 #الحلزونه 🌊🌊🌊
⚓جميع الرحلات تشمل مرشد مرافق الرحله 👍👍
⚓ جميع المعدات معقمه مع الالتزام بكافة التدابير بعدد محدود فى الانتقالات 😷
للحجز والاستعلام فون📞 واتس ✅+201069992894

Book now ✍ the most beautiful trips in Sharm El Sheikh 🏖👌 Sharm El Sheikh trips 🏖
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Для бронирования и запросов, Iphone 📞 WhatsApp ✅ +201069992894
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⚓ Tutti i viaggi includono i trasferimenti da e per l'hotel 🚍
⚓ Tutti i viaggi includono una guida per le strutture di viaggio 🧑💻
⚓ Tutta l'attrezzatura è sterile pur aderendo a tutte le misure con un numero limitato di trasferimenti 😷
Per prenotazioni e richieste, Iphone 📞 Whatsapp ✅ +201069992894
El-Sheikh El-Sheikh_Hotel El-Sheikh_Offerte

הזמן איתנו עכשיו ✍ ספארי שארם א-שייח. 👍 הטיולים הכי יפים בשארם א-שייח 🏖 למוזין להעברות בתוך סיני 🚎 שירות הזמנת בתי מלון 📌 . כל הטיולים הפנימיים בשארם א-שייח / ביץ'_באג 🏍/ ספארי 🏜/ ראס מוחמד 🛳/ צלילה ⚓/ האי טיראן 🛳/ דולפין 🐬/ פארק מים 🧊/ סירת זכוכית 🛥/ דהב 🏟 הולמרין/ שלושה כדורים/ צוללת 🏟/ שלושה כדורים ברשוט 🪂/ טובה / בננה 🌊/ ארוחת ערב רומנטית 🥂/ ארוחת ערב בדואית 🍽/ גמל 🐪/ סוס 🐎/ קאר בהאג'י 🏎 / ראס שיטן 🛶/ ואדי וושוש 🏊 ♂️🛖........ .
⚓ כל הנסיעות כוללות העברות מהמלון וממנו 🚍
⚓ כל הטיולים כוללים מדריך למתקני הטיול 🧑💻
⚓ כל הציוד סטרילי תוך הקפדה על כל האמצעים עם מספר מוגבל של העברות 😷
להזמנות ובירורים, אייפון 📞 WhatsApp ✅ +201069992894
#שארם א-שייח #טיולים א-שייח אל-שייח / (


The story of Tutankhamun's burial in 3 coffins
British Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered the sarcophagus of King Tutankhamun, about two years after the discovery of his tomb, on January 3, 1924.
With the knowledge of British archaeologist Howard Carter, Tutankhamun's tomb was found with the original rectangular sarcophagus made of quartzite. When the sarcophagus was opened, the famous golden mask of the young king appeared around the mummy's head, and this mask was intended to protect the face and head of the mummy, through a magical formula engraved on his back.
And Carter noticed the presence of a wooden box with inscriptions inlaid with gold in the middle of the room, and when he lifted the box, he noticed that the box was covering a second box decorated with inscriptions inlaid with gold, and when he lifted the second box, he noticed that the second box was covering a third box inlaid with gold. Which was covered with a thick layer of stone carved in the form of a statue of Tutankhamun and when he lifted this stone cover, Carter arrived at the main golden sarcophagus, which was in the form of a statue of Tutankhamun.
The mummy of King Tutankhamun was placed in three large wooden coffins, a large stone sarcophagus, and four golden booths covered with gold foil. The second.
He placed a wreath on the crown of the third coffin, then two pieces of linen were placed over the coffin, then the lid of the large stone coffin was lowered down to be placed in its place, then the priests disposed of their footprints inside the burial chamber, and at the end they closed and sealed the doors of the four chapels containing The coffins of the little golden king

وصلت شرم ..... حمد لله ع السلامة رحلتك معانا كلها تميز وباقل الاسعار🔥👈 يلا الحق احجز معانا مجموعه من أفضل العروض مع ادم ...

وصلت شرم ..... حمد لله ع السلامة

رحلتك معانا كلها تميز وباقل الاسعار🔥

👈 يلا الحق احجز معانا مجموعه من أفضل العروض مع ادم شرم تورز _نبق بيه 🔥

🚹 "شروق3:30 فجرا 🌅 او غروب. 3:30 عصرا 🌄
🔥 بيتش باجى فردى. 200ج
🔥 بيتش باجى زوجى 220ج
🔥 كارباجى زوجى . 550ج
🔥 كارباجى رباعى. 750ج

🔥120ج للفرد للعشاء العادي
🔥200 ج للفرد العشاء vip
🔥 لاضافة ركوب الجمال بالخيمة 75ج.🐫
🔥 لاضافة ركوب الخيل لمدة ساعة 200ج.
🔥300ج للفرد – لإضافة الغطس +130ج شامله معدات الغطس.
📌 الرحلة تشمل الانتقالات والمشروبات طول اليوم والغداء اوبن بوفية - من الساعة 8:00صباحاً حتى 5:00مساءً.
والرحلة لا تشمل عدة الاسنوركلينج
🔥 300 ج للفرد
👈 وللغطس +130شامله معدات الغطس.
📌 الرحلة تشمل الانتقالات والمشروبات طول اليوم والغداء اوبن بوفية - من الساعة 8:00صباحاً حتى 5:00مساءً.
والرحلة لا تشمل عدة الاسنوركلينج
🚹 سى سكوب"
220 ج للفرد – 110 ج
📌 مدة الرحلة ساعة ونصف وتشمل الانتقالات بأتوبيسات سياحية مكيفه من والى الفندق.
"سنوركلينج فى الكانيون _ غذاءفى مطعم على البحر
_ ركوب جِمال _
جبل الطويلات وتسلق الجبال والتصويرمع الطبيعه و شوبنج فى دهب "
🔥 200 ج للفرد
من 8:00صباحاً حتى 5:30مساءً.
📌 الرحلة تشمل الانتقالات_ التصاريح_ المرشد السياحى_ الغذاء_ ركوب الجمال_ جبل الطويلات.
والرحلة لا تشمل عدة الاسنوركلينج
🚹 vib
"سنوركلينج _ غداء في مطعم على البحر _جوله في الممشي السياحي بدهب_ عشاء بدوي _ سهرة بدوية_ جبل الطويلات الكانيون والواحة"
🔥280 ج للفرد
💥 من 11:00ظهراً حتى 10:00مساءً.
📌 الرحلة تشمل الانتقالات_ التصاريح_ المرشد السياحى_ العشاء_ مشاية دهب_ سهرة بدوية_ جبل الطويلات.
والرحلة لا تشمل عدة الاسنوركلينج
🚹 🪂
#بنانا 250 ل 5أفراد
#تيوب. 200 ل ٣ افرد 🏖
(المركب الزجاجى) 100جنية للفرد
#الغطس 250
📌 الرحلة لا تشمل الانتقالات
👈 لاضافه الانتقالات تكلفه اضافيه
🔥 200ج للفرد
💥الرحلة تشمل الانتقالات_ التصاريح_ سنوركلينج_ تذاكر دخول المحمية_ المرشد السياحى.
🏝🏝🏝الرحله لا تشمل عدة الاسنوركلينج
🚹 🐬
📌العرض كل يوم من الساعة 3:00_ 4:00🕰
🔥 200 ج للفرد،
📌 الانتقالات بأتوبيسات سياحية مكيفه من والى الفندق. 🚌 وتذاكر دخول العرض.🎫

‼️تختلف الأسعار للاطفال والمجموعات والاجانب والاخوة العرب.
📲📲 📲 📲 01069992894
واتس اب & +201069992894


The area of ​​the pyramids at the time of the flood of the Nile in 1878 AD The area of ​​the pyramids was a rural area for more than a hundred years due to the arrival of the Nile water to the pyramids to embrace the water of the pyramids in a wonderful view. This was the situation in the area surrounding the pyramids of Giza in the past centuries
And that area was full of all kinds of life when the Nile River was passing by the pyramids, which is reflected in the pictures taken in the late nineteenth century, but with the change of the course of the Nile, it is now a dry and hot desert area.
The flood of the Nile River was flooding large areas of Egypt's lands and causing extensive damage to crops
Historically and geographically, the floods of the Nile River reach Egypt at Aswan at the end of July and then gradually increase until they reach the height of the flood in early September of each year and then take on a contradiction. However, these dates may change according to the change of the rainy season in the upper Nile. The floods come to Egypt through the White Nile, and it is fed by the Sobat River, Bahr al-Jabal, Bahr al-Ghazal, and the other area from the Ethiopian Abyssinian plateau. Its waters come through the Blue Nile, which is the highest percentage that may reach about 70%, and these percentages may change


Publication (887).
What triggered us abroad?
A question I frequently use on this page
How did these huge pieces of Egyptian antiquities come out?
🙀_First, we must know that the museums of the world contain thousands and thousands of Egyptian artifacts, which all nationalities around the world are fascinated by, and there are museums built specifically for rare Egyptian antiquities!!
_Egyptian Antiquities until 1983 AD
🙀 It did not have a law protecting it or criminalizing its sale or its exit outside the country, imagining I mean thousands of years ago and antiquities emerged from the ground and there is no law that protects it except in the eighties!!
🔑 Of course, foreign missions were coming to excavate antiquities, and it was agreed to divide any antiquities discovered between the government and the foreign mission. this is a part
_🥰 The gifts part, and this was a lot and did not count gifts for kings and countries from our monuments, for example, Muhammad Ali Pasha gave France an obelisk, uh, an obelisk. He wanted to see the statue of Ramses II, who was dead, as a hostage, a gift to England, but England refused at that time because the statue weighed heavily, and it was very difficult to move it.
✂️ Of course, this is other than statues, antiques and small pieces, and we should not forget the antiquities dealers who had a very large monopoly on antiquities, and they opened shops and sold them publicly.
_This is even some small temples that came out as gifts at the time of the construction of the High Dam for the countries participating in saving the monuments of Nubia
Can you imagine how many pieces came out over 100 years or more?
✍️✍️ Until the issuance of the Antiquities Protection Law that criminalizes trafficking in antiquities and prevents division with foreign missions and stops the exit of any pieces as gifts or grants.
I know you will be shocked when you find out that the number of artifacts in museums outside Egypt has reached one million artifacts.
🙀 Look where many people did not know the value of Egypt's antiquities, and there were other people who knew their value, so they were very upset.
🤔🙀 Bass, Belzoni who excavated in Egypt from the year [1815-1819 AD) mentioned in his memoirs that the people of Qurna in Luxor lived inside Pharaonic tombs, and that was just not, and they burned the coffins of the dead to bury and also used them as pipes and beds because their wood was excellent.
Likewise, people used to think that foreigners were in the time of stones, because there was gold in them. It was really the strangest thing you hear.
🙀 People were keeping your tracks at the time you were in. If you found a cemetery, you searched the body to steal it and were upset to take it, nor were our distant brothers breaking it because these idols..
Alhamdulillah for something

_✍️🙀 There are attempts by officials of the Antiquities Authority to recover the smuggled artifacts 🇪🇬🇪🇬

is your gateway to archaeological..and historical knowledge..Thank you for your support and expect more from us..

Don't pass by my complaint without hearing everything he has to say  And do not let him leave before he knows the reason...

Don't pass by my complaint without hearing everything he has to say
And do not let him leave before he knows the reasons for issuing the judgment from you, even if the judgment is not in his favor, because the wisdom of the ancestors says: “The complainant’s desire that his voice be heard in the court of justice is more important to him than the issuance of the judgment.”
From the advice of King Thutmose III to his minister ❤️🇪🇬
never ends


Sharm El-Sheikh


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