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The four Pillars of Islamic civilization
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Ayyubid Dynasty (1171-1250)Under Saladin and his descendants, Egypt was reintegrated into the Sunni world of the Eastern...

Ayyubid Dynasty (1171-1250)
Under Saladin and his descendants, Egypt was reintegrated into the Sunni world of the Eastern Caliphate. Indeed, during the period of the Crusades, Egypt was to become the champion of that world against the Crusaders and, as such, was the chief target of the Crusader armies.
Saladin's military build-up was iterative; first, he built an army strong enough to establish his power in Egypt, and then he united the factions of Syria and Mesopotamia under his leadership against the Europeans. In 1187, his greatest victory came at Hattin, a small village near Jerusalem, and this prepared him for the subsequent capture of Jerusalem.
Saladin treated the Christians of Jerusalem with respect after the conquest of that city.
He respected the Jewish community who enjoyed his protection, and the noted Jewish scholar Moses Maimonides was the sultan's personal physician in Cairo. To ensure the defense of his state against both internal and external enemies, he strengthened the fortifications of Cairo by building the Citadel and extending the Fatimid city walls.
Saladin's descendants continued to rule Egypt and Syria until 1250.
The last Ayyubid sultan, al-Salih Ayyub (1240, 1245-1249), resorted to purchasing Turkish Mamluks (slaves) as a means of staffing his armies. Mamluk troops were crucial in thwarting the Crusade of Louis IX, but after the death of al-Salih Ayyub, a group of rebellious Mamluks assassinated al- Salih's son and successor, Turan-Shah. They elevated al-Salih's wife Shajar al-Durr, originally a Mamluk, to the throne in 1250.
Shajar al-Durr married a Mamluk general named Aybak but the queen and her consort were soon assassinated, in 1257. This treachery took place barely a year before Mongol armies stormed Baghdad put an end to the Abbasid Caliphate and left the Mamluk slaves to rule Egypt with no legitimizing authority
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The defensive design of the Citadel and fortification buildings
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Queen Tiy Tiye is also spelled Taia, Tiy. The queen lived. 1398 В.С.- 1338 B.C. She was the daughter of Yuya and Tjuyu (...

Queen Tiy
Tiye is also spelled Taia, Tiy. The queen lived. 1398 В.С.- 1338 B.C. She was the daughter of Yuya and Tjuyu (also spelled Thuyu).
She became the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III. She was the mother of Akhenaten and the grandmother of Tutankhamun. Her mummy was identified as "The Elder Lady" found in the tomb of Amenhotep II (KV35) in 2010.
Tiye's father, Yuya, was a non-royal, wealthy landowner from the Upper Egyptian town of Akhmin where he served as a priest and superintendent of oxen or commander of the chariotry.
Tiye's mother, Thuya, was involved in many religious cults, as her different titles attested Singer of Hathor, Chief of the Entertainers of both Amun and Min.
Tiye was married to Amenhotep III by the second year of his reign. Her husband devoted a number of shrines to her and constructed a temple dedicated to her in Sedeinga in Nubia where she was worshipped as a form of the goddess Hathor-Tefnut. He also had an artificial lake built for her in his Year 12.
Tiye may have continued to advise her son, Akhenaten, when he took the throne. Her son's correspondence with Tushratta, the king of Mitanni (in the Amarna Letters), speaks highly of the political influence she wielded at court.
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Birth in Ancient Egypt - Doctor Melissa Smith

Ramses IIThe master piece of the Nubian Museum, the statue saved from his temple at jerf Hussien, a lost site in Nubia (...

Ramses II
The master piece of the Nubian Museum, the statue saved from his temple at jerf Hussien, a lost site in Nubia (today under lake Nasser).
The statue representing the Egyptian art in Nubia, when Pharaohs used local Nubian artists or try to finish their work in a Nubian fashion.
Excerpt from the book "Treasures of the Nubian Museum Aswan"
by MR/ Ahmed Abu Al-Ela
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The story of Hanania and his wife Tamut on Elephantine Island
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Esna Temple The name Esna comes directly from the ancient name Ta-senet, and its temple sits in the heart of the modern ...

Esna Temple
The name Esna comes directly from the ancient name Ta-senet, and its temple sits in the heart of the modern town, about 30 feet beneat
current street level. Dedicated to the ram-headed God Khnum, it is one of the last temples built during Egypt's Greco-Roman period, 3rd century BC.
The only surviving part of the ancient temple is its great hall of pillars containing some of the most beautiful capitals among all the Greco-Roman temples. The oldest part of the temple, at the back of the present structure, boasts reliefs from the times of Ptolemy VI and VIII. The well-preserved reliefs covering the walls and ceiling are of special interest as they contain cryptographic offering hymns to Khnum and other gods worshipped with him (Goddess Neith and Heka).
The inner temple retains much of the original vivid colors, except for some dark smoke damage caused by a 19th-century fire that took place when a temple hall was being used as an underground warehouse for stockpiles of gunpowder.
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1:- Amazon :- https://www.amazon.com/Great-Temples-Egypt-Ahmed-Abul/dp/B089CLZN5Q
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The Rocky inscriptions on Suhail Island
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HAPYRepresenting the inundation of the Nile, Hapy delivered enriching, fertile silt to all Egyptian lands. The Ancient E...

Representing the inundation of the Nile, Hapy delivered enriching, fertile silt to all Egyptian lands. The Ancient Egyptians called the annual flooding of the Nile the "Arrival of Hapy" which was such a powerful sign that some Egyptian texts rate Hapy as the "Father of All Gods". On the Later Period Famine Stele in Aswan, he was also called "Lord of Fishes and Birds." Additionally, he has been depicted as both an underworld god and a god of s*x and fertility.
Hapy was often depicted in the shape of a man with long hair and the breasts of a female. He holds the two famous stems of the Lotus and the Papyrus and binds them together as political symbolism for the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt. Sometimes he is carrying a tray full of offerings, a scene normally carved on the lower part of temple walls, commonly appearing as early as the 5th Dynasty.
Hapy was believed to have lived in a cave near Aswan near the Nile's First Cataract, the supposed source of the waters. He exists throughout all Egypt and has been found on walls of nearly all temples but has no specific shrines or services dedicated solely to him.
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Aswan Botanical Garden
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The Valley of the KingsThe great cemetery of western Thebes(Nowadays Luxor ) Is one of the largest burial grounds in the...

The Valley of the Kings
The great cemetery of western Thebes
(Nowadays Luxor ) Is one of the largest burial grounds in the whole country, with so much tombs and burial shafts and caves all cut into the Theban hills which mainly limestone formations and with thick layers of shale underneath the rocks this layers of shale will affect many of the tombs throughout history when rain waters showers the mountains and poor into the tombs and force its way to the bottom, damaging the wall scenes and destroying the interior.
The cemetery contains tombs from various periods of Ancient Egypt and was used for a long span of time, nearly 2500 years, from the first intermediate period until the early Christian times.
The ancient Egyptians remain loyal to their faith and belief in Sun God Ra when they gave up building pyramids and move the capital to the south (Thebes, ancient Waset) And make their tombs on the opposite side of the river Nile...the Great west where the sun go down and Ra begin the journey of the night through the nether world and towards the rising sun in the east.
They simply lived on the east near the great temples of Luxor and Karnak and prepare the tombs (homes for eternity) on the western mountains where it's safe and dry. The cemetery served many people in the ancient city, obviously the Pharaohs, the Queens and all kinds of Nobles, governors and high government employees along with so many powerful Karnak priests after dynasty 20, circa 1000 B.C.
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1:- Amazon :- https://www.amazon.com/Great-Tombs-Egypt-Ahmed-Abul/dp/B08C8WLLWC
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The High Dam, the modern pyramid of Egypt
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Hatshepsut was the daughter and only-child of Thutmosis I and his primary wife Ahmose, thereby giving her a pure royal b...

Hatshepsut was the daughter and only-child of Thutmosis I and his primary wife Ahmose, thereby giving her a pure royal bloodline. She was well educated and understood Ancient Egyptian religion profoundly.
Ruling as the fifth pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty after the Hyksos had been vanquished and run out of Egypt, she is known for re-establishing former trade routes which allowed her to greatly increase Egypt's wealth during her reign.
One of the most well-known missions she undertook was to the Land of Punt where her expedition returned with deeply desired products such as frankincense and myrrh.
The Queen was also famous as a prolific builder who commissioned more grandiose building projects than any of her predecessors. She was true to the pharaohs tradition of making significant addi- tions to monuments at Karnak Temple.
One of her two obelisks still stands at the entrance to the temple and is the tallest obelisk in the world. Its mate sadly has broken and toppled into two pieces. Her reign is celebrated as a long, prosperous and peaceful period in Ancient Egyptian history.
Most people don't know that Queen Hatshepsut had two tombs dedicated to her, one served her as Queen when she was wife of Thutmosis II, and the other, built later, served her as King and Pharaoh of Egypt. In preparation for her own burial as Queen, Hatshepsut showed her talent for innovation by creating a new type of tomb in an area that had never been used in the western necropolis. At some point between her husband Thotmosis II's accession to the throne and her own adoption of kingly titles, a cliff tomb was built for her in the Wadi Gabbanat El Qurud, a huge valley that cut into the cliffs of western Thebes, not far from the Valley of the Kings. This was the location her own father, Thutmo- sis I, had chosen for a great burial place for himself and his offspring. Only four tombs have been discovered so far in this remote valley, and Hatshepsut's is the most beautiful and elaborate. Her beautiful yellow quartzite sarcophagus was found inside the inner burial chamber and is now in the Egyptian Museum. Scholars think the tomb was abandoned sometime before the Queen declared herself King.
You can purchase the book from
1:- Amazon :- https://www.amazon.com/Great-Mummies-Egypt-Ahmed-Abul/dp/B08JDTP5YX
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Mamisi of Philae
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وادى المومياوات - الواحات البحرية قصة الإكتشافحدث في فجر أحد الأيام من شتاء عام ١٩٩٥ في المنطقة المعروفة بإسم الكيلو ستة...

وادى المومياوات - الواحات البحرية
قصة الإكتشاف

حدث في فجر أحد الأيام من شتاء عام ١٩٩٥ في المنطقة المعروفة بإسم الكيلو ستة نظراً لأنها تبعد ستة كيلومترات عن نقطة حرس الحدود جنوب الواحة البحرية على الطريق المؤدي إلى الفرافرة كان هناك مجموعة من الأفراد يقومون بالحفر في الرمال الواقعة غرب الطريق الأسفلتي المتجه إلى منطقة الحيز بحثا عن كنز مدفون ( معظم أهل الواحة يمارسون الحفر العشوائي تحت البيوت وعلى حواف الصحراء وهي عادة قديمة أملاً في العثور على كنز قديم ) ربما يظهر لهم حيث إن معالمه تظهر واضحة على الأرض بسبب انتشار الهياكل العظمية عليها والتي لوحتها الشمس وأحالت لونها إلى اللون الأبيض بما يوحي بأن هذه الهياكل مدفونة مند عصور بعيدة وربما تحتوي بين لفائفها على بريق الذهب
وكان إلى الغرب من منطقة الكيلو ستة على مسافة قصيرة لا تزيد عن كيلومترين يوجد معبد الإسكندر الأكبر بمنطقة قصر المقيصبة ولا يفصله عنها سوى أرض سهلية منبسطة تكسوها الكثبان الرملية والحشائش.
وعندما ظهرت الخيوط الأولى لأشعة الشمس خلف التلال الشرقية لاحظ الخفير المكلف بحراسة معبد الإسكندر ويدعى "عبد الموجود" أن هناك من يقوم بالحفر في الأرض عند مرمى البصر في منطقة تنتشر فيها بقايا المومياوات وهي منطقة كان الدكتور أحمد فخري قد فحصها فحصاً سريعاً وسجلها لكنه لم يحفرها، وعندئذ فقد ساور عبد الموجود الشك في أن من يقومون بالحفر في هذا الوقت المبكر هم مجموعة من اللصوص الباحثين عن الكنوز ولذلك فقد أسرع عبد الموجود إليهم في محاولة منه لتأمين المنطقة، ولكن نظرا لطول المسافة التي كان عليه أن يقطعها سيراً على الأقدام فقد شعر اللصوص به وما كان منهم إلا أن لاذوا بالفرار.
وعند إشراقة الصباح فقد أسرع عبد الموجود لمقابلة الأستاذ / عشري شاكر - كبير مفتشي الواحات البحرية بهيئة الآثار المصرية وأبلغه بالخبر، وللتو فقد أسرع الأستاذ عشري شاكر ومعه عدد من المفتشين الشبان إلى الموقع المذكور ولاحظوا من خلال المعاينة أن اللصوص قد نقبوا الأرض هناك فظهرت فتحه صغيرة ظهر من خلالها قناع المومياء يعلوه بريق الذهب .........
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The Nubian Museum at Aswan
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Amenemhat III, 12th Dynasty, ruled from ca. A 1860 to 1814 BC, the highest known date being found in a papyrus dated to ...

Amenemhat III, 12th Dynasty, ruled from ca. A 1860 to 1814 BC, the highest known date being found in a papyrus dated to Regnal Year 46. His reign is regarded as the Golden Age of the Middle Kingdom. He may have had a long co-regency of 20 years with his father, Senusret III.
Toward the end of his reign, he instituted co-regency with his successor Amenemhat IV as recorded in a now-damaged rock inscription at Konosso in Nubia, which equates Year 1 of Amenemhat IV to either Year 46, 47, or 48 of his reign. Amenemhat III's throne name, Nimaatre, means "Belonging to the Justice of Re".
He built his first pyramid at Dahshur, the so-called Black Pyramid, but there were construction problems and it was abandoned. Around Year 15 of his reign, the king decided to build a new pyramid at Hawara near the Faiyum, and the pyramid at Dahshur was relegated to being a burial ground for several royal women.
Many expeditions to mining areas are recorded under this king. There are two known expeditions to the Wadi el-Hudi at the southern border of Egypt where amethyst was collected.
On the coast of the Red Sea, at Mersa, a stele mentioning an expedition to Punt under Amenemhat III was discovered. The highest official involved in the expedition was the High Steward Senebef.
During his long rule, Amenemhat continued the work probably started by his father to link the Faiyum Depression, a swampy area, with the Nile. A canal known as Mer-Wer, the Great Canal, 16 km (9.9 mi) long and 1.5 km wide was dug. It is now known as Bahr Yussef. A dam named Ha-Uar runs east to west and the canal was inclined towards the Faiyum Depression at the slope of 0.01 degrees. The resultant Lake Moeris was able to store 13 billion cubic meters of floodwater each year.
The monuments of Amenemhat III are numerous and of excellent quality. They include a small but well-decorated temple at Medinet Madi in the Faiyum dedicated to the Harvest Goddess Renenutet.
You can purchase the book from
1:- Amazon :- https://www.amazon.com/Great-Pharaohs.../dp/B08DSVJVF1
2:- Horus Academy - by calling 01060315520






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