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Dr Elizabeth Bloxam, Oxford university
Gneiss Stone

The small temple of abu simbelThis is generally considered to be a façade dedicated to the Royal family's cultic stat- u...

The small temple of abu simbel
This is generally considered to be a façade dedicated to the Royal family's cultic stat- ues outside, visible to people who would not be entitled to enter the interior of the temple.and dedicated the temple to his wife Queen Tiye, and the goddess Hathor.
The temple is 24m deep (79 ft) and because of the poor fissures in the natural bedrock, the temple axis had to be adjusted from the façade to the pillared hall and into the sanctuary area.
The Small Temple was not the first Ancient Egyptian temple in Nubia dedicated to a Queen. Pharoah Amenhotep III earlier, c. 1390 BC built the Temple of Sadenga (North Sudan today) and dedicated the temple to his wife Queen Tiye and the goddess Hathor.
The Small Temple is remarkable with the 6 standing colossal statues of Ramses II and Nefertari and standing beneath and around their legs are their children, both sons and daughters.
This is generally considered to be a façade dedicated to the Royal family's cultic statues outside, visible to people who would not be entitled to enter the interior of the temple.
At a height of 10m (33 ft) the statues of the king and queen are surprisingly equal, each was carved inside its own niche (unlike the Great Temple where all 4 statues are carved inside one big wide niche).
The small temple of Abu Simbel the great royal wife Nefertari, beloved of Mut, for whom the sun god Re shines, The King ordered a shrine with everlasting craftsmanship excavated in the Nubian mountains
The small temple of Abu Simbel the great royal wife Nefertari, beloved of Mut, for whom the sun god Re shines, The King ordered a shrine with everlasting craftsmanship excavated in the Nubian mountains
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1st Room at GEM
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Book of NumbersThis book covers a period of 28 years in the history of the Israelite Nation. It is composed of 36 books ...

Book of Numbers
This book covers a period of 28 years in the history of the Israelite Nation. It is composed of 36 books and chronicles a period of desert wandering in the wilderness of the Sinai.
The title "Numbers" relates to the general census of the Israelite population in the early chapters and the census taken later on the eve of the Israelites' entry into the Land of Canaan.
The Book of Numbers might well have been called the "Grumbling of a Nation," as it is one long sad story of complaining, murmuring and discontent over Moses' leadership in the desert. Of the entire generation that has seen the marvels of God's deliverance from Egypt, only three men, Moses, Joshua and Caleb, survive to the end of the book. Of these, only two, Joshua and Caleb, actually go on to enjoy God's Promised Land.
It is interesting to note that amongst the 36 chapters of the Book of Numbers, the editor twice gives us an accurate census of the Israelites: Included in the beginning of great Exodus and wandering in the Sinai are 603,558 people, and by the end, after wandering for 40 years, as the Israelites are prepared to arrive on the plains of Moab, there are 601,730. These numbers are repeated several times and it is very interesting to note that the census did not include the whole of the Levi tribe, nor did it include anyone under the age of twenty years, the age at which a boy was considered old enough to join the army. In other words, had everyone been counted, the head count would have been a little over one million people!
The book ends with Moses sending spies to reconnoiter the Land of Canaan in preparation for invading and subsequently laying claim to their "Land of Milk and Honey" promised to them by God.
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The Grand Egyptian Museum Design
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Luxor Temple Cache - DISCOVERY STORY"We found a hard stone in strange colors!"head of workers in Luxor Temple, Ali Fekry...

Luxor Temple Cache - DISCOVERY STORY
"We found a hard stone in strange colors!"head of workers in Luxor Temple, Ali Fekry, gathered his men and his assistant Farouk Sharid at the "big hole," as the workers called it. The big shaft, four meters deep, was very close to the western row of pillars in the inner open courtyard of the temple. It was another sunny Luxor winter day and the Luxor Temple was always crowded in the morning. Many tourist groups filled the temple courtyards and pillared halls.
Fadia Hanna, the Luxor Temple Inspector, was supervising the workers collecting dirt and debris from the big hole. It was tedious work to remove dirt and debris in small buckets made from old rubber materials from the big hole and transport it to another place inside the temple where all the dirt could be meticulously examined.
It was slow work and the weather was becoming unusually cold in Luxor. Toward the middle of the day, the workers shouted:
"We found hard stone in strange colors!"
wonder, what happened? All this and more will be explored in the book By Way of Accident: : The true stories behind the discovery of Egypt's greatest monuments
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The Special entrance of Sultan Hassan Mosque
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الأيوبيون والصليبيون وآخرون (قصة خيالية)الزمان : شتاء عام ١١٦٣ مالمكان : مدينة الموصل - العراق حاليامدينة الموصل لها طاب...

الأيوبيون والصليبيون وآخرون (قصة خيالية)
الزمان : شتاء عام ١١٦٣ م
المكان : مدينة الموصل - العراق حاليا
مدينة الموصل لها طابع خاص ، لا هي عراقية و لا هي سورية ، هي عالم خاص بذاته ، تضع قدما في عالم بلاد الرافدين والقدم الأخرى ناحية شمال الشام و حدود هضبة الأناضول ، لذا فقد كانت هذه المدينة الشمالية حكرا على الأمراء من قادة الجيوش العباسية من الترك و السلاجقة و من هذه السلالة جاءت دولة السلاجقة و المنبثقة من رحم الضعف العباسي .
لقد أصبحوا ملوكا محليين وأطلق عليهم آنذاك أتابك ( كلمة تركية الأصل تعني والد الأمير أو مربي الأمير و هي تعني القائد المسئول ) . جلس الأمير نور الدين محمود ، أتابك الموصل و حلب ، يرتشف الشاي الهندي المفضل لديه ، في وجود قائد جيوشه أسد الدين شيركوه الذي حضر إلى مجلس الأمير في القصر بناء على طلب الأخير . و بعد أن صب له الشاي من الإبريق الهندي الزاهية ألوانه .. أخذ يقلب الشاي جيدا في الكوب و هو ينظر بإمعان في ذوبان السكر في الشاي ، و زاد في التقليب حتى اختفت حبيبات السكر تماما .. حينئذ تكلم الأمير نور الدين محمود قائلا : هل أتاك جواسيسك و بصاصوك في مصر بآخر المستجدات والأخبار؟ رد القائد المخضرم أسد الدين شيركوه قائلا : جاءت أخبار متضاربة من الفسطاط المكتظة بالناس و المؤامرات عن احتدام صراع الوزراء بين شاور و غريمه ضرغام . أخذ نور الدين محمود رشفة طويلة من الشاي الهندي و قال : حقيقة أنا لا أعلم لماذا يعين الخليفة الفاطمي وزيران للدولة ويتركهم بدون حساب حتى أضعفوا مصر إلى هذا الحد و أصبحت مطمعا لكل من حولها حتى الخليفة العباسي في بغداد يفكر في أخذ مصر من الفاطميين مرة أخرى
قام أسد الدين شيركوه : سيدي الأمير تعلم جيدا مدى الضعف الذي أصبح عليه الحال في بغداد ولا يستطيع الخليفة تحريك جيش دون موافقتنا أو مباركتنا . قال الأمير نور الدين محمود : لقد خاطبني الخليفة العباسي وطلب مني التدخل السريع في مصر و استردادها من أيدي الفاطميين الشيعة ، و ردها إلى بيت الخلافة العباسية السنية مرة أخرى تكلم أسد : الآن وبعد قرنين من الزمان كانت مصر تحت الحكم الشيعي الفاسق ، الذي يتعاون مع الكفار من دولة الروم ( البيزنطيين ) ولم يحركوا جيشا لاستعادة المقدسات في فلسطين لأكثر من مائة عام ، إنهم عار على العروبة و عار على الإسلام . قال الأمير : كنت أرسلت إليك ، لمناقشة الأمر .. الوزير شاور أرسل إلينا في طلب المدد و الدعم لمواجهة ضرغام المراوغ و العميل الذي أرسل في طلب مساعدة عموري - الكافر الصليبي - ملك القدس ، هل رأيت يا أسد كفرا و فسقا أكثر من ذلك ؟ رد القائد العسكري المخضرم : أنا تحت أمر جلالتك .. يمكننا التدخل ، بناء على دعوة شاور الوزير ، ولكننا نريد معرفة رأي خليفتهم في قصره بالقاهرة .. ماذا يرى ؟. قال نور الدين : لا تقلق ، الوزير شاور أكد في رسائله أن الخليفة الفاطمي ( العاضد ( يؤيده و يدعمه ضد ضرغام الخائن ، الذي راح يفتح أبواب مصر للكفرة من الصليبيين . أسد رد متسائلا : و هل لنا النزول إلى مصر دون الاصطدام بهذا الموتور ( عموري ( الصليبي ؟ . قال نور الدين : لا تريد صداما مع الصليبين الآن ، فالجبهة الإسلامية في العالم الاسلامي كله ممزقة ، و الصراعات ضربت كل الممالك و الأمصار من بلاد الأندلس التي تفقد أراض كل يوم للملوك الكاثوليك الأقوياء ، و هنا الخلافة العباسية ضعيفة وآيلة للسقوط ، و هذا ما ساعد على تقوية الغزاة الصليبيين ليأتوا من أوروبا إلى بلادنا و يدنسوا مقدساتنا ويسرقوا خيراتنا
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Why the Mamluk ruled Egypt?
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رسائل العمارنة .... قصة الإكتشاففي صبيحة أحد الأيام من شتاء عام ۱۸۸۷ خرجت أحد الفلاحات القرويات من قرية الحاج قنديل إلى ...

رسائل العمارنة .... قصة الإكتشاف
في صبيحة أحد الأيام من شتاء عام ۱۸۸۷ خرجت أحد الفلاحات القرويات من قرية الحاج قنديل إلى خرائب وأطلال تل العمارنة القديمة وعاصمة الحكم في عهد أخناتون خلال الأسرة الثامنة عشر وذلك كي تجمع السباخ اللازم للزراعة من بين الرديم المتوافر في المكان, وبينما كانت هذه السيدة تقلب بيديها بين الرديم فإذا بها تعثر على بقايا صندوق خشبي قديم يحتوي على العديد من الألواح الطينية المتفاوتة في الحجم والتى تحتوي على مخربشات غريبة الشكل. (ملحوظة : جميع المصادر والوثائق وحتي شهادات المتخصصين الذين قد عدت إليهم قد أجمعوا على عدم معرفة إسم هذه السيدة حيث لم تسجله الوثائق)
وقد رصت هذه الألواح في عناية ونظام وكان عددها يزيد عن الأربعمائة لوحة ولقد اعتقدت السيدة ولأول وهلة أن هذه الألواح الطينية إنما هي بقايا بلاطات طينية عديمة الفائدة ولذلك فقد جمعتها جميعاً وقامت ببيعها إلى أحد التجار في القرية بمبلغ عشرة قروش فقط .... ويبدو أن الرجل الذي إشتري تلك اللوحات قد تشكك في أثريتها على الرغم من غرابة النقوش التي عليها ولذلك فقد عمل على إرسال هذه اللوحات إلى عدد من تجار الآثار للتأكد من أصلية هذه القطع وبيعها.
ترى ما الذى حدث بعد ذلك وكيف خرجت تلك الالواح من مصر ؟ كل هذا واكثر تتعرف عليه عند اقتنائك كتاب إكتشافات بالصدفة
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The four Pillars of Islamic civilization
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Ayyubid Dynasty (1171-1250)Under Saladin and his descendants, Egypt was reintegrated into the Sunni world of the Eastern...

Ayyubid Dynasty (1171-1250)
Under Saladin and his descendants, Egypt was reintegrated into the Sunni world of the Eastern Caliphate. Indeed, during the period of the Crusades, Egypt was to become the champion of that world against the Crusaders and, as such, was the chief target of the Crusader armies.
Saladin's military build-up was iterative; first, he built an army strong enough to establish his power in Egypt, and then he united the factions of Syria and Mesopotamia under his leadership against the Europeans. In 1187, his greatest victory came at Hattin, a small village near Jerusalem, and this prepared him for the subsequent capture of Jerusalem.
Saladin treated the Christians of Jerusalem with respect after the conquest of that city.
He respected the Jewish community who enjoyed his protection, and the noted Jewish scholar Moses Maimonides was the sultan's personal physician in Cairo. To ensure the defense of his state against both internal and external enemies, he strengthened the fortifications of Cairo by building the Citadel and extending the Fatimid city walls.
Saladin's descendants continued to rule Egypt and Syria until 1250.
The last Ayyubid sultan, al-Salih Ayyub (1240, 1245-1249), resorted to purchasing Turkish Mamluks (slaves) as a means of staffing his armies. Mamluk troops were crucial in thwarting the Crusade of Louis IX, but after the death of al-Salih Ayyub, a group of rebellious Mamluks assassinated al- Salih's son and successor, Turan-Shah. They elevated al-Salih's wife Shajar al-Durr, originally a Mamluk, to the throne in 1250.
Shajar al-Durr married a Mamluk general named Aybak but the queen and her consort were soon assassinated, in 1257. This treachery took place barely a year before Mongol armies stormed Baghdad put an end to the Abbasid Caliphate and left the Mamluk slaves to rule Egypt with no legitimizing authority
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The defensive design of the Citadel and fortification buildings
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Queen Tiy Tiye is also spelled Taia, Tiy. The queen lived. 1398 В.С.- 1338 B.C. She was the daughter of Yuya and Tjuyu (...

Queen Tiy
Tiye is also spelled Taia, Tiy. The queen lived. 1398 В.С.- 1338 B.C. She was the daughter of Yuya and Tjuyu (also spelled Thuyu).
She became the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III. She was the mother of Akhenaten and the grandmother of Tutankhamun. Her mummy was identified as "The Elder Lady" found in the tomb of Amenhotep II (KV35) in 2010.
Tiye's father, Yuya, was a non-royal, wealthy landowner from the Upper Egyptian town of Akhmin where he served as a priest and superintendent of oxen or commander of the chariotry.
Tiye's mother, Thuya, was involved in many religious cults, as her different titles attested Singer of Hathor, Chief of the Entertainers of both Amun and Min.
Tiye was married to Amenhotep III by the second year of his reign. Her husband devoted a number of shrines to her and constructed a temple dedicated to her in Sedeinga in Nubia where she was worshipped as a form of the goddess Hathor-Tefnut. He also had an artificial lake built for her in his Year 12.
Tiye may have continued to advise her son, Akhenaten, when he took the throne. Her son's correspondence with Tushratta, the king of Mitanni (in the Amarna Letters), speaks highly of the political influence she wielded at court.
You can purchase the book from
1:- Amazon :- https://www.amazon.com/Great-Pharaohs.../dp/B08DSVJVF1
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Birth in Ancient Egypt - Doctor Melissa Smith

Ramses IIThe master piece of the Nubian Museum, the statue saved from his temple at jerf Hussien, a lost site in Nubia (...

Ramses II
The master piece of the Nubian Museum, the statue saved from his temple at jerf Hussien, a lost site in Nubia (today under lake Nasser).
The statue representing the Egyptian art in Nubia, when Pharaohs used local Nubian artists or try to finish their work in a Nubian fashion.
Excerpt from the book "Treasures of the Nubian Museum Aswan"
by MR/ Ahmed Abu Al-Ela
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The story of Hanania and his wife Tamut on Elephantine Island
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Esna Temple The name Esna comes directly from the ancient name Ta-senet, and its temple sits in the heart of the modern ...

Esna Temple
The name Esna comes directly from the ancient name Ta-senet, and its temple sits in the heart of the modern town, about 30 feet beneat
current street level. Dedicated to the ram-headed God Khnum, it is one of the last temples built during Egypt's Greco-Roman period, 3rd century BC.
The only surviving part of the ancient temple is its great hall of pillars containing some of the most beautiful capitals among all the Greco-Roman temples. The oldest part of the temple, at the back of the present structure, boasts reliefs from the times of Ptolemy VI and VIII. The well-preserved reliefs covering the walls and ceiling are of special interest as they contain cryptographic offering hymns to Khnum and other gods worshipped with him (Goddess Neith and Heka).
The inner temple retains much of the original vivid colors, except for some dark smoke damage caused by a 19th-century fire that took place when a temple hall was being used as an underground warehouse for stockpiles of gunpowder.
You can purchase the book from
1:- Amazon :- https://www.amazon.com/Great-Temples-Egypt-Ahmed-Abul/dp/B089CLZN5Q
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