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Sapphire Travel It serves students from Egypt, the Middle East, Africa and different European countries.

Sapphire Travel Egypt Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt
Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories. Sapphire travel and the critical success factors
Sapphire Travel one of the biggest travel agencies at Egypt and we are part of tourism industry at Egypt, w

e own the key success factors on the customer relationship management system in travel agencies
Sapphire Travel Established at 2009
Tourism License (A) 2049 with IATA No 90 2 63375

We own four University One of them Misr University for Science & Technology (MUST) Founded in 1996 It comprises 14 faculties one of them Faculty of Archaeology and Tourism Guidance and we own the high Institute for Tourism & Hotels (HTH)
is a private institution of higher education designated within the non-profit organizations in Egypt, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt the (HITH) was founded in 1990 the concept idea was first introduced in 1980 by Dr. Soad Kafafi
The board of directors consists of a group of highly qualified professors, The HITH is teaching tourism studies, tour guidance, and hotel studies both academically and practically. It gives priority to on-site visits and professional training in five star hotels, catering factories, museums, travel and tour agencies, and transportation companies in Egypt and abroad. It also provides training on specialized computer software in tourism and hotel sectors. The (HITH) grants a high diploma to students holding bachelor degrees in science or arts and wish to do complementary studies the following are available programs for the diploma:
Egyptology &Tourism studies &Hotel studies & Tour guidance
Multilingual well trained personal full spectrum of travel services own excursion program and daily sightseeing own transportation service presence throughout Egypt wide trust earned brand
Our guides who are well informed and licensed English speaking Egyptologists, We also have a multilingual Egyptologist guides as well. Worldwide trust earned brand
Quality assurance via comprehensive approach
Pure Egyptian quality hospitality
Professionalism and efficiency effective and mutually beneficial
Partnership provide high quality services at all stages
We co operate only with the best hotels and Nile cruise at differ category
We partner at many hotel and Nile cruise

Sapphire travel Mission
Our mission to serve travel agencies and tour operators around the world client's vacation needs
Our qualified professional staff will help you to explore Egypt
Booking hotels, resort, Nile cruise for individuals, honey moon families and group
Meet and assist at airport
All flight ticket, train ticket, car rentals all our vehicles are air conditioned and licensed by the tourism authority
We able to provide you Varity of attractive discount competitive preferential rates and special offers for satisfy your client
We are glad to guide and serve your client need and make them vacation one they will always remember

Sapphire travel staff
We have a highly trained team of Egypt travel consultants who have many years of travel experience in Egypt
We arrange Varity of leisure group programs containing culture ancient and sun and fun programs through our extensive Egypt knowledge constantly up dated itineraries and careful selection of hotels and Nile cruise with professional multi lingual tour leaders and guides
We know what you need and we support you by all with serves and good quality by lowest prices
Your client will experience and add value by having stress less stay with us
We modify any program according to client needs upon request
We focus exclusively on providing the best
Our aim meets your admiration & satisfaction

The Temple of Edfu is an Egyptian temple located on the west bank of the Nile in Edfu, Upper Egypt. The city was known i...

The Temple of Edfu is an Egyptian
temple located on the west bank of the Nile in Edfu, Upper Egypt. The city was known in the Hellenistic period as Koinē Greek: Ἀπόλλωνος πόλις and Latin Apollonopolis Magna, after the chief god Horus, who was identified as Apollo under the interpretatio graeca.It is one of the best preserved shrines in Egypt. The temple was built in the Ptolemaic Kingdom between 237 and 57 BC

Alexandria The second largest city in Egypt, Alexandria, known as "The Pearl of the Mediterranean", has an atmosphere th...


The second largest city in Egypt, Alexandria, known as "The Pearl of the Mediterranean", has an atmosphere that is more Mediterranean than Middle Eastern its ambience and cultural heritage distance it from the rest of the country although it is actually only 225 km. from cairo
Alexandria Arabic: الإسكندرية‎ is the second-largest city in Egypt and a major economic center. With a population of 5,200,000, Alexandria is the largest city on the Mediterranean, the sixth-largest city in the Arab world and the ninth-largest in Africa.

ثاني أكبر مدينة في مصر ، الإسكندرية ، والمعروفة باسم "لؤلؤة البحر الأبيض المتوسط" ، لها مناخ البحر الأبيض المتوسط أكثر من الشرق الأوسط. أجواءها وتراثها الثقافي يبعدها عن بقية البلاد على الرغم من أنها في الواقع 225 كم فقط. من القاهرة
بدأ العمل على إنشاء الإسكندرية على يد الإسكندر الأكبر سنة 332 ق.م عن طريق ردم جزء من المياه يفصل بين جزيرة ممتدة أمام الساحل الرئيسي تدعى "فاروس" بها ميناء عتيق، وقرية صغيرة تدعى "راكتوس" أو "راقودة" يحيط بها قرى صغيرة أخرى تنتشر كذلك ما بين البحر وبحيرة مريوط، واتخذها الإسكندر الأكبر وخلفاؤه عاصمة لمصر لما يقارب ألف سنة، حتى الفتح الإسلامي لمصر على يد عمرو بن العاص سنة 641

Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.
Sapphire Travel Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.


New Grand Egyptian Museum
Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) in Giza المتحف المصري الكبير
The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM), whose construction continues in the Giza area, keeps all lovers of ancient Egypt excited and looking forward. After many delays, it is now expected that the long-awaited opening will take place at the end of 2020, although a specific date has not yet been set. But most likely the opening will be during the last quarter of 2020
It is not unusual for the works in this museum to generate so much interest. With its almost 100,000 m2 of exhibition space and spectacular views of the pyramids of Giza, the Grand Egyptian Museum will be the largest archaeological museum in the world.
المتحف المصري الكبير
‏ يقع على بعد أميال قليلة من غرب القاهرة بالقرب من أهرام الجيزة. ويتم بناؤه ليكون أكبر متحف في العالم للآثار، ليستوعب 5 ملايين زائر سنويا . بالإضافة لمباني الخدمات التجارية والترفيهية ومركز الترميم والحديقة المتحفية التي سيزرع بها الأشجار التي كانت معروفة عند المصري القديم. ومن المقرر أن يضم المتحف أكثر من 100,000 قطعة أثرية من العصور الفرعونية، واليونانية والرومانية، مما سيعطي دفعة كبيرة لقطاع السياحة في مصر.
Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.
Sapphire Travel Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.

Ancient Egypt, famed and remembered through ages for its pyramids, had a far more important achievement - Papyrus.Cyperu...

Ancient Egypt, famed and remembered through ages for its pyramids, had a far more important achievement - Papyrus.Cyperus Papyrus, scientifically what they call it, is a long stemmed plant which grows ONLY in specific regions of the Egyptian Nile Delta. As early as 3000 B.C, rolls and sheets of papyrus provided an ideal surface for writing with reed pen and red ochre pigment and cakes of carbon black. Egyptian scribes used to record on papyrus day-to-day details such as letters of business and personal life, legal documents and administrative records. Egyptian papyrus was also used for painting and drawing, creating the amazing class of extraordinary artwork called Egyptian Papyrus Paintings
مصر القديمة ، التي اشتهرت وتذكرت على مر العصور لأهراماتها ، كان لها أهمية علمية أكثر بكثير مما يسمونه ، هو نبات طويل الساق ينمو فقط في مناطق محددة من دلتا النيل المصرية. في وقت مبكر من 3000 قبل الميلاد ، وفرت لفائف وأوراق البردي سطحًا مثاليًا للكتابة بقلم القصب وأصبغة المغرة الحمراء وكعك أسود الكربون. كان الكتبة المصريون يستخدمون للتسجيل على ورق البردي التفاصيل اليومية مثل خطابات العمل والحياة الشخصية والوثائق القانونية والسجلات الإدارية. كما تم استخدام ورق البردي المصري للرسم والرسم ، وخلق فئة مذهلة من الأعمال الفنية غير العادية تسمى لوحات البردي المصرية

Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.
Sapphire travel Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.


مصر "أرض الفراعنة" مهد الحضارة القديمة
With a fascinating history that reaches back to the dawn of civilization, Egypt is considered the oldest travel destination on earth. The African nation’s awe-inspiring temples and pyramids have captured the imagination of travelers for thousands of years.
Although most people come to Egypt to view its ancient monuments, natural attractions beckon travelers too. The Red Sea coast is known for its coral reefs and beach resorts. A trek through the Sahara can lead visitors to refreshing freshwater spring oasis
Sapphire Travel Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.

Glass boat sharm el sheikh رحلة المركب ذو القاع الزجاجىExploring under the red sea with an amazing glass boatEnjoy an ex...

Glass boat sharm el sheikh
رحلة المركب ذو القاع الزجاجى
Exploring under the red sea with an amazing glass boat
Enjoy an excursion water sports. Boat in Na’ama Bay, over Coral Reef to the Near Garden and Far Garden where you can see the great brain, one of the biggest corals in the world. Paddl Boat ,enjoy paddling along the natural relaxing views of Sharm el shiekh. Banana Boat ride, the ultimate water activity to cool off and enjoying some fun in the sea and sun, what could be more fun on a crazy Banana boat ride in the red sea

ستمتع برحلة المركب ذو القاع الزجاجى
حيث يمكنكم ركوب المركب ومشاهدة العديد من انواع الاسماك الملونه والشعاب المرجانيه الخلابه كما يمكنكم مشاهدة شواطئ وفنادق شرم الشيخ من جهة البحر كما يمكنكم الصعود للاعلى وتناول المشروبات

Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.
Sapphire Travel Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.


Egypt beautiful destinations
With a fascinating history that reaches back to the dawn of civilization, Egypt is considered the oldest travel destination on earth. The African nation’s awe-inspiring temples and pyramids have captured the imagination of travelers for thousands of years.
Although most people come to Egypt to view its ancient monuments, natural attractions beckon travelers too. The Red Sea coast is known for its coral reefs and beach resorts. A trek through the Sahara can lead visitors to refreshing freshwater spring oasis
Sapphire Travel Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.


Sound & Light Performance at Giza

After the sun sets on the bustling city of Cairo, the famous pyramids on the Giza plateau come to life in a magical sound and light setting. A not to be missed experience: the show narrates Ancient Egypt in an enchanting atmosphere and the history of these mysteriously built gigantic structures.
Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.
Sapphire Travel Glad to guide you in a journey in Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.


مصر "أرض الفراعنة" مهد الحضارة القديمة

Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.
There are four aspects that leaded Egypt to have a great civilization which are the Geography, Culture and Architecture & River Nile. In modern times these four aspects made Egypt one of the most attractive countries in the world.

We invite you to visit our truly remarkable country and see by yourself what makes Egypt one of the greatest countries in both ancient and modern times.

مصر "أرض الفراعنة" مهد الحضارة القديمة ، انضم إلينا في رحلاتنا إلى مصر واختبر بلدًا يمزج بسهولة بين عجائب الماضي وأمجاد الحاضر.
هناك أربعة جوانب دفعت مصر إلى امتلاك حضارة عظيمة وهي الجغرافيا والثقافة والعمارة ونهر النيل. في العصر الحديث ، جعلت هذه الجوانب الأربعة مصر من أكثر الدول جاذبية في العالم.
ندعوك لزيارة بلادنا الرائعة حقًا ومعرفة بنفسك ما يجعل مصر واحدة من أعظم البلدان في العصور القديمة والحديثة.

Discover Egypt مصر "أرض الفراعنة" مهد الحضارة القديمةEgypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, jo...

Discover Egypt مصر "أرض الفراعنة" مهد الحضارة القديمة
Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.
There are four aspects that leaded Egypt to have a great civilization which are the Geography, Culture and Architecture & River Nile. In modern times these four aspects made Egypt one of the most attractive countries in the world.
We invite you to visit our truly remarkable country and see by yourself what makes Egypt one of the greatest countries in both ancient and modern times.
مصر "أرض الفراعنة" مهد الحضارة القديمة ، انضم إلينا في رحلاتنا إلى مصر واختبر بلدًا يمزج بسهولة بين عجائب الماضي وأمجاد الحاضر.
هناك أربعة جوانب دفعت مصر إلى امتلاك حضارة عظيمة وهي الجغرافيا والثقافة والعمارة ونهر النيل. في العصر الحديث ، جعلت هذه الجوانب الأربعة مصر من أكثر الدول جاذبية في العالم.
ندعوك لزيارة بلادنا الرائعة حقًا ومعرفة بنفسك ما يجعل مصر واحدة من أعظم البلدان في العصور القديمة والحديثة.

Tuthmosis III  تحتمس الثالثThutmose III (variously also spelt Tuthmosis or Thothmes) was the sixth pharaoh of the Eighte...

Tuthmosis III تحتمس الثالث

Thutmose III (variously also spelt Tuthmosis or Thothmes) was the sixth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Officially, Thutmose III ruled Egypt for almost 54 years and his reign is usually dated from 28 April 1479 BC to 11 March 1425 BC, from the age of two and until his death at age fifty-six; however, during the first 22 years of his reign, he was coregent with his stepmother and aunt, Hatshepsut, who was named the pharaoh. While he was shown first on surviving monuments, both were assigned the usual royal names and insignia and neither is given any obvious seniority over the other.[3] Thutmose served as the head of Hatshepsut's armies. During the final two years of his reign, he appointed his son and successor, Amenhotep II, as his junior co-regent. His firstborn son and heir to the throne, Amenemhat, predeceased Thutmose III.

Becoming the sole ruling pharaoh of the kingdom after the deaths of Thutmose II and Hatshepsut, he created the largest empire Egypt had ever seen; no fewer than 17 campaigns were conducted and he conquered lands from the Niya Kingdom in northern Syria to the Fourth Cataract of the Nile in Nubia.

When Thutmose III died, he was buried in the Valley of the Kings, as were the rest of the kings from this period in Egypt.
من خبر رع، تحتمس الثالث (1425 ق.م.) سادس فراعنة الأسرة الثامنة عشر، ويعتبر أعظم حكام مصر وأحد أقوى الأباطرة في التاريخ، حيث أسس أول إمبراطورية مصرية في ذلك الوقت. ظلت تلك الأمبراطورية حتى نحو عام 1070 قبل الميلاد حتى عهد رمسيس الحادي عشر.
كان تحتمس الثالث يتمتع بسمات شخصية خارقة وعبقرية عسكرية ليس لها مثيل تدرب تحتمس في ساحات المعارك في الأقصر. وقد اكسبته هذه التدريبات صلابة في شخصيته وخبرات عسكرية عظيمة في الوقت الذي كانت تحكم فيه حتشبسوت. واهتم بالجيش وجعله نظاميا وزوده بالفرسان والعربات الحربية، كما في عهده أتقن المصريون القدماء بفضله صناعة النبال والأسهم التي أصبحت ذات نفاذية خارقة يعترف بها مؤرخو العصر الحديث. وتظهر لنا تماثيل تحتمس الثالث هذا الشاب المفتول العضلات وقد امتلك مقومات المناضل والقائد، إذ في الوقت الذي كانت تحكم فيه حتشبسوت فكانت تتبع سياسة سلمية مع مناطق النفوذ المصري في فلسطين والنوبة ومع جيرانها، وكانت تهتم بالبحرية وترسل الحملات البحرية إلى بلاد بونت وإلى سواحل لبنان للتبادل التجاري، انتهزت بعض المحميات في سوريا والميتاني للتمرد على حكم المصريين ومعاداتهم. وبمجرد أن اعتلى تحتمس الثالث العرش بعد وفاة حتسبسوت كان لا بد وان يعيد السيطرة المصرية على تلك الحركات المعادية تأمينا لحدود البلاد. تلك التبعات جعلته ملكا محاربا أسطوريا قام بستة عشرة حملة عسكرية على آسيا (منطقة سورية وفلسطين) استطاع ان يثبّت نفوذه هناك كما ثبت نفوذ مصر حتى بلاد النوبة جنوباً.

King Tut Tutankhamunor better known as King Tut, is an 18th dynasty pharaoh who inherited the throne at a young age. His...

King Tut Tutankhamun
or better known as King Tut, is an 18th dynasty pharaoh who inherited the throne at a young age. His reign was short-lived and upon his death he quickly faded into the sands of Egypt. Once forgotten, King Tut now remains one of Egypt’s grandest icons. He continues to hold the world’s fascination and yet he still continues to puzzle the world's leading experts. So many stories surround this pharaoh that at times it can be daunting. Come take an in-depth look at King Tut and explore his life, treasure, curse, and discovery. Then venture deep into King Tut’s tomb as Howard Carter did on November 22, 1922
توت عنخ آمون هو أحد فراعنة الأسرة المصرية الثامنة عشر في تاريخ مصر القديم، وكان فرعون مصر من 1334 ق.م إلى 1325 ق.م. يعدّ توت عنخ آمون من أشهر الفراعنة لأسباب لا تتعلق بإنجازات حققّها أو حروب انتصر فيها كما هو الحال مع الكثير من الفراعنة؛ وإنما لأسباب أخرى تعدّ مهمة من الناحية التاريخية ومن أبرزها هو اكتشاف مقبرته وكنوزه بالكامل دون أي تلف
Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.


Discover Egypt مصر "أرض الفراعنة" مهد الحضارة القديمة

Egypt "land of the Pharaohs" The Cradle of ancient civilization, join us on our journeys to Egypt and experience a country that effortlessly blends past wonders and present glories.
There are four aspects that leaded Egypt to have a great civilization which are the Geography, Culture and Architecture & River Nile. In modern times these four aspects made Egypt one of the most attractive countries in the world.

We invite you to visit our truly remarkable country and see by yourself what makes Egypt one of the greatest countries in both ancient and modern times.

مصر "أرض الفراعنة" مهد الحضارة القديمة ، انضم إلينا في رحلاتنا إلى مصر واختبر بلدًا يمزج بسهولة بين عجائب الماضي وأمجاد الحاضر.
هناك أربعة جوانب دفعت مصر إلى امتلاك حضارة عظيمة وهي الجغرافيا والثقافة والعمارة ونهر النيل. في العصر الحديث ، جعلت هذه الجوانب الأربعة مصر من أكثر الدول جاذبية في العالم.
ندعوك لزيارة بلادنا الرائعة حقًا ومعرفة بنفسك ما يجعل مصر واحدة من أعظم البلدان في العصور القديمة والحديثة.

HatshepsutQueen Hatshepsut is the first queen in human history who ascended the throne in the middle of the 15th century...

Queen Hatshepsut
is the first queen in human history who ascended the throne in the middle of the 15th century BC. Queen Hatshepsut ruled in the eighteenth dynasty. There are about 4 most famous queens and rulers of Egypt that we know about. Most of which were said to be beautiful , clever and powerful. One of those famous queens was queen Hatshepsut
Discover EGYPT: “We are glad to guide you in a journey in EGYPT, (the land of pharos) .We have most wonderful programs pre- pared and produced for you to never forget that you have came to EGYPT.


Dahab Egypt دهب

is one of the oldest and most famous dive areas in the Red Sea offering some of the most exciting and spectacular diving in Sinai. Dahab, which means ‘gold’ in Arabic, was named after its golden beaches, lying on the east coast of the Sinai Peninsula on
the Gulf of Aqaba
There are a lot of interesting activities to do in Dahab like camel riding and beach buggy safari where you can ride into the desert and look at the amazing landscape. Dahab is also famous for its therapeutic centers where people from all over the world come to be cured of different diseases, especially arthritis.

Dahab has two especially exciting activity that it specializes in more than any other city in Sinai: windsurfing and sailing. This is because of the high speed of wind in Dahab due to the fact that the city is surrounded by mountains from all directions. Another famous activity in Dahab is skydiving. Tourists come from all over the world to try skydiving and there are many skydiving schools and services around Dahab.
أماكن لا تفوت زيارتها في دهب المصريه أهم ما يميز مدينة دهب هو التنوع في كم المزارات الطبيعية. البلو هول بلو لاجون ثري بولز محمية رأس أبو جالوم الفنار لايت هاوس وادي جنى الكيفز الكهوف جبل موسى ودير سانت كاترين الموري جاردن جبل الطويلات منطقة أبو هلال منطقة قبر البنت . مما لا شك فيه أن دهب هي إحدى أشهر المدن السياحية الموجودة داخل مصر، وهى ثانى أشهر مدينة من حيث أعداد الزائرين بعد شرم الشيخ. ومن مميزات مدينة دهب أنها تناسب جميع الطوائف الأجناس والأعمار والميزانيات






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