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Monastery of Saint Catherine or Saint Catherine Monastery (in Greek: Monastery of Saint Catherine), Monastery of Saint C...

Monastery of Saint Catherine or Saint Catherine Monastery (in Greek: Monastery of Saint Catherine), Monastery of Saint Catherine of Holy Jerusalem or (in Greek: Ιερά Αυτόνομος Βασική Μονή Αγίας Αικατερίνης τ ου). Αγίου και Θεοβαδίστου Όρους Σινά) is an Eastern Orthodox monastery located in the Sinai Peninsula, at the mouth of a strait at the foot of Sinai, Gebala below Catherine, the highest mountain in Egypt, near the city of Saint Catherine, Egypt. The monastery was named after Catherine of Alexandria.

It was said about it that it is the oldest monastery in the world. It is considered a major tourist attraction, as it is visited by tourist groups from all parts of the world. It is a retreat, and is managed by the head of the monastery, who is the Bishop of Sinai, and who does not leave the authority of any patriarch or holy council, but his characteristics are close relations with the Patriarch of Jerusalem for that reason. Therefore, the name of the Patriarch of Jerusalem is mentioned in the liturgies, although the custodianship of the monastery was owned for a long time by the Russian Orthodox Church, and the monks and priests of the monastery are Greek and not Arabs or Egyptians. Their contribution to the bishoprics of the Orthodox Church in Jerusalem was established by the Greeks from long eras. In addition to the monastery, the Bishop of Sinai manages the researchers and holy shrines in South Sinai in the area of El-Tur, the oasis of Firan, and Taraf.The Prophetic Covenant in St. Catherine's Monastery
The era of the Prophet Muhammad, the monks of Mount Sinai

دير سانت كاترين أو دير سانت كاترين (باليونانية: دير سانت كاترين)، دير سانت كاترين بالقدس المقدسة أو (باليونانية: Ιερά Αυτόνομος Βασική Μονή Αγίας Αικατερίνης του). Αγίου και Θεοβαδίστου Όρους Σινά) هو دير أرثوذكسي شرقي يقع في شبه جزيرة سيناء، عند مصب مضيق عند سفح سيناء، جبلة أسفل كاترين، أعلى جبل في مصر، بالقرب من مدينة سانت كاترين، مصر. سمي الدير على اسم كاترين الإسكندرية.

وقيل عنه أنه أقدم دير في العالم. وتعتبر منطقة جذب سياحي كبيرة، حيث تقصدها الأفواج السياحية من جميع أنحاء العالم. وهي خلوة، ويديرها رئيس الدير، وهو أسقف سيناء، والذي لا يترك سلطة أي بطريرك أو مجمع مقدس، لكن من مميزاته العلاقات الوثيقة مع بطريرك القدس لهذا السبب. . ولذلك يذكر اسم بطريرك القدس في القداسات، مع أن الوصاية على الدير كانت مملوكة لفترة طويلة للكنيسة الأرثوذكسية الروسية، ورهبان وكهنة الدير يونانيون وليسوا عرباً أو مصريين. إن مساهمتهم في أساقفة الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية في القدس أسسها اليونانيون منذ عصور طويلة. وإلى جانب الدير، يدير أسقف سيناء الباحثين والمزارات المقدسة بجنوب سيناء في منطقة الطور وواحة فيران والطرف.

العهد النبوي بدير سانت كاترين
عهد النبي محمد رهبان جبل سيناء

The Prophetic Era at St. Catherine MonasteryThe era of the Prophet Muhammad, the monks of Mount Sinai

The Prophetic Era at St. Catherine Monastery
The era of the Prophet Muhammad, the monks of Mount Sinai

Part of the text of the covenant"In the name of God, the most gracious, the most mercifulThis is a book written by Muham...

Part of the text of the covenant
"In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
This is a book written by Muhammad bin Abdullah to all people as a bringer of good tidings and a warner and entrusted with God’s deposit in his creation, so that people will not have any argument against God after the messengers. And God is Mighty and Wise. He wrote it for the people of his religion and for all who impersonate the religion of Christianity from the east and west of the earth, near and far, the eloquent and the foreign. The known and the unknown... a book that He made for them as a covenant. So whoever breaks the covenant that is in it and disobeys it to another and transgresses what He has commanded, he has broken God's covenant, broken His covenant, mocked His religion, and made a curse subject to a ruler, whether he or another Muslim believer.

No bishop will change his bishopric, no monk will change his monastic order, no prisoner will change his hermitage, no tourist will change his place of travel, no house of their churches and churches will be demolished, and nothing of the construction of their synagogues will be included in the building of a mosque, nor in the homes of Muslims. Whoever does any of this has violated God’s covenant and disobeyed His Messenger, and the monks, bishops, and anyone who worships will not be subject to a tax or a fine, and I will protect them wherever they are, whether on land or sea, in the East, West, North, and South, and they are under my protection, my covenant, and my protection from all harm.”

At the end of the manuscript it is written: “Ali bin Abi Talib wrote this covenant in his own handwriting in the mosque of the Prophet, may God Almighty’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, and the Companions of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, bore witness to this covenant, including: Abu Bakr bin Abi Quhafa, Omar bin Al-Khattab, Othman bin Affan, Ali.” Bin Abi Talib, Abdullah bin Masoud, Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, and Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awwam.”

Some may think that they are palaces or art galleries - they are the miracle of the tombs of the Valley of the Kings and...

Some may think that they are palaces or art galleries - they are the miracle of the tombs of the Valley of the Kings and Queens in Luxor
How did the ancient Egyptian artist sculpt it thousands of years ago, underground and in the heart of mountain rocks, some of which reach a length of 200 meters underground? How did they draw and color this creativity? How did this technical engineering miracle appear to us with such precision and beauty? This is Egypt, dear gentlemen and ladies.
With my wishes for an enjoyable trip in Egypt... Ibrahim Abu Rawash Abu Shanif... Lover of your soil, Egypt.
قد يظن البعض أنها قصور أو معارض فنية – فهي معجزة مقابر وادي الملوك والملكات بالأقصر
وكيف نحتها الفنان المصري القديم منذ آلاف السنين تحت الأرض وفي قلب صخور جبلية يصل طول بعضها إلى 200 متر تحت الأرض؟ كيف رسموا ولونوا هذا الإبداع؟ فكيف ظهرت لنا هذه المعجزة التقنية الهندسية بهذه الدقة والجمال؟ هذه هي مصر أيها السادة والسيدات الأعزاء.
مع تمنياتي برحلة ممتعة في مصر... إبراهيم أبو رواش أبو شنيف... عاشق ترابك يا مصر.

.....   ......هذا هو عنوان البوست الليله لماذا لم يعثر علماء الآثار على مومياء الملك خوفو حتى الآن؟وهو كلام جديد عليكم و...

..... ......
هذا هو عنوان البوست الليله
لماذا لم يعثر علماء الآثار على مومياء الملك خوفو حتى الآن؟
وهو كلام جديد عليكم ولكن علينا كمصريين اصليين معروف
الاهرامات هي عظمة البناء وما تحتويه من طاقة غير معروفة، حيث غرض المصريون من بنائها لم يكن لتكون مقابر حيث انها لم يعثر بها على أية مومياوات، وإنما هي كانت مرصداً فلكياً ومصدراً لطاقة هائلة استطاع المصريون من خلالها شطف حجر الجرانيت بدقة واغراض كثيره جدا في كل العلوم أطلق عليه العلماء بأنها "دقة عصر الفضاء"
غير التقويم المصري ودقته الفائقة، كان هو الأصح فلكيًا.
فبعد هذا وهذا جزء بسيط من حضارتنا حقا هل تصدقون يا من عشتم علي الاشجار انكم اصحاب حضارتنا

A confusing puzzle..
This is the title of tonight's post
Why have archaeologists not found the mummy of King Khufu yet?
This is new talk to you, but it is known to us as native Egyptians
The pyramids are the grandeur of construction and the unknown energy they contain. The purpose of the Egyptians in building them was not to be tombs, as no mummies were found in them. Rather, they were an astronomical observatory and a source of enormous energy through which the Egyptians were able to rinse the granite stone with precision and very many purposes in each. Science Scientists have called it "space-age precision."
Unlike the Egyptian calendar and its superior accuracy, it was the most correct astronomically.
After all this, this is a small part of our civilization. Do you really believe, you who lived on trees, that you are the owners of our civilization?

Giza Pyramids... ...... ......Facts about the Great Pyramid, 2560 BC, the Pyramid of KhufuThe most mysterious human mira...

Giza Pyramids... ...... ......
Facts about the Great Pyramid, 2560 BC, the Pyramid of Khufu
The most mysterious human miracle since the dawn of history
King Khufu was succeeded by his father, Sneferu, and his mother was Queen Hetepheres I. Khufu, 2650 BC, is the abbreviated name for Khnum-Kho-Avi, meaning (Khnum is the one who protects me). History mentions that Khufu built the greatest building on the face of the earth, which is the Great Pyramid of Giza, the only remaining miracle of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. I will mention to you 24 facts about this great building that was created by the ancient Egyptian worker under the supervision of the genius (Ham Iono).

1- Scientists estimated that the Great Pyramid contains about 2,300,000 stone blocks weighing from (2-30) tons each, and there are even some stone blocks in the Great Pyramid that weigh more than 50 tons.
2- The Pyramid of Menkare, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Great Pyramid of King Khufu are precisely lined up with the constellation Orion.
3- The area of the base of the Great Pyramid is about 55 thousand square meters, and each side of the Great Pyramid has an area of more than 20 thousand square meters.
4- The internal temperature in the Great Pyramid is constant and equal to the average temperature of the Earth, which is about 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit).
5- The Great Pyramid has an outer cover of stones, which consists of 144 thousand stones, each of which is polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100 of an inch. The thickness of each of these stones is about 100 inches, and they weigh approximately 15 tons each.
6- The foundation base of the cornerstone of the Great Pyramid has a spherical and cavity geometric structure capable of dealing with thermal expansion and earthquakes.
7- The mortar used to build the Great Pyramid is of unknown origin (yes, no explanation was given for it). It has been analyzed, and the chemical components of this mortar are known, but it cannot be produced. It is stronger than stone and is still holding together today.
8- The Great Pyramid is basically covered with a stone cover made of highly polished limestone. These stones reflect the sunlight falling on them and make the Great Pyramid sparkle like a jewel. These stones no longer exist and are used by the Arabs to build mosques after an earthquake occurred in the fourteenth century. Many of them have been lost, and the limestone cover that covers the Great Pyramid works like giant mirrors that reflect a strong light so that the Great Pyramid will be visible from the moon like a bright star on Earth. The ancient Egyptians called the Great Pyramid Akht, meaning light.

أهرامات_الجيزة... ...... ......
حقائق عن الهرم الاكبر 2560 ق م هرم خوفو
المعجزة البشرية الأكثر غموضا منذ فجر التاريخ
خلف الملك "خوفو" أباه سنفرو ، وأمه هي الملكة "حتب حرس الأولى"، وخوفو 2650 ق.م هو الاسم المختصر لـ "خنوم خو أف أوي" أي (خنوم هو الذي يحميني). ويذكر التاريخ لخوفو أنه مشيّد أعظم بناء على وجه الأرض، وهو هرم جيزة الأكبر، المعجزة الوحيدة الباقية من عجائب الدنيا السبع القديمة وسوف أذكر لكم 24 حقيقة عن هذا البناء العظيم إللى ابدعة العامل المصرى القديم باشراف العبقرى(حم ايونو)

1- قدر العلماء أن الهرم الاكبر يحتوي على حوالي 2300000 كتلة حجرية تزن من (2-30) طنا لكل منها، بل وهناك بعض من الكتل الحجرية في الهرم الاكبر التي تزن أكثر من 50 طنا .
2- هرم منكرع، وهرم خفرع، والهرم الأكبر للملك خوفو تصطف بدقة مع كوكبة أوريون .
3- تبلغ مساحة قاعدة الهرم الاكبر حوالي 55 الف متر مربع، وكل جانب من جوانب الهرم الاكبر تبلغ مساحتها أكثر من 20 الف متر مربع .
4- درجة الحرارة الداخلية في الهرم الاكبر ثابتة وتساوي متوسط درجة حرارة الأرض اي حوالي 20 درجة مئوية (68 درجة فهرنهايت) .
5- الهرم الاكبر له غطاء خارجي من الاحجار والذي يتكون من 144 الف حجر، وكل منها مصقولة ومسطحة لدقة 1/100 من البوصة، وتبلغ سمك كل من هذه الاحجار حوالي 100 بوصة، وتزن ما يقرب من 15 طن لكل منها .
6- قاعدة اساس حجر الزاوية في الهرم الاكبر لديها بناء هندسي كروي وتجويف قادر على التعامل مع التمدد الحراري والزلازل .
7- المونة المستخدمة لبناء الهرم الاكبر هي من أصل غير معروف (نعم لم يتم إعطاء اي تفسير لها)، وقد تم تحليلها، والمكونات الكيميائية لهذه المونة معروفة، ولكن لا يمكن انتاجها، وهي أقوى من الحجر ولا تزال متماسكة حتى اليوم .
8- الهرم الاكبر مغطى في الاساس بغلاف حجري مصنوع من الحجر الجيري المصقول للغاية، وهذه الاحجار تعكس ضوء الشمس الساقط عليها وتجعل الهرم الاكبر يتألق مثل الجوهرة، وهذه الاحجار لم تعد موجودة ليتم استخدامها من قبل العرب لبناء المساجد بعد حدوث زلزال في القرن الرابع عشر حيث فقد الكثير منهم، والغلاف الحجري الجيري الذي يغطي الهرم الاكبر يعمل مثل المرايا العملاقة الذي يعكس ضوءا قويا بحيث ان الهرم الاكبر سوف يكون مرئي من على القمر كنجم ساطع على الارض، والقدماء المصريين اطلقو على الهرم الاكبر اسم إخت بمعنى الضوء

The Milky Way Galaxy from the white desert sky, which is forty million years old ♥️🌙 and a visit to Al-Jara Cave.       ...

The Milky Way Galaxy from the white desert sky, which is forty million years old ♥️🌙 and a visit to Al-Jara Cave.
positive energy desert It is preferred by those interested in positive energy sciences, spirituality, astronomy, cosmic energy, meditation... yoga... and watching the planets and celestial stars, the Milky Way Galaxy and the Sirius Galaxy..

ما الذي يخفية هذا الباب ؟عام 1993 ..اعلن المهندس الالماني رودولف غانتبرنك أهم حدث أثري في هذا العقد وهو أكتشاف باب داخلي...

ما الذي يخفية هذا الباب ؟

عام 1993 ..اعلن المهندس الالماني رودولف غانتبرنك أهم حدث أثري في هذا العقد وهو أكتشاف باب داخلي سري في الهرم الكبير ..كان غانتبرنك أختصاصي في الروبوتات حيث صمم روبوت صغير اطلق عليه يوبوأوت 2 أي فاتح الطرق في الهيروغليفية لسير غور الممر الصغير الكائن داخل حجرة الملكة والذي كان يعتقد انه كان قصير المدي لا يمتد ألا لبضعه امتار وكانت المفاجأه ان الروبوت استمر في تقدمة وهو يبث صور بواسطه الفيديو الي مركز المراقبة الي ان تقدم مسافه 65 متر قبل ان يقف امام لوحه صغيره لا تتعدي عشرين سنتي متر بعشرين ثبت عليها مقبضان من النحاس في أسفل الجهه اليمني من اللوحه ولعلها باب ..كسر صغير يسمح بضوء الروبوت الكاشف ان يمر فيه مما اوحي بوجود فراغ وراءه وبالتالي غرفة ..وقد ادي تسارع اعلان غانتبرنك في اعلان عن الاكتشاف قبل التنسيق مع سلطات الأثار المصريه كما تقضي الاعراف والتقاليد الي وقف المهندس عن العمل ...وتوقف مشروع ..والي انه لا يعرف ما الذي يخفيه هذا الباب ولا تسمح السلطات المصريه بالكشف عن وراءه او تسمح ببعثات استكشاقيه مجددا
ويقول عالم المصريات الشهير أيفن أدواردز يقول انه من المحتمل ان تكون وراء الباب غرفه توجد فيها مومياء خوفو ..ويتوقع اخرون ان تحتوي الغرفه علي كتاب المعرفه الذي كتبه الاله تحوت والذي يحوي علي اسرار الحضاره واسرار تصميم الهرم واسرار البشريه ..أستنادا الي نص ورد في كتاب هرمس عن اسرار المعرفه ..فيقول اسم الهرم قديما معناه pmenousi
اي بيت اسرار الوجود وقيل ايضا انه بداخل الغرفه حجر بن بن المقدس وهو هريم صغير ..

What does this door hide? In 1993, the German engineer Rudolf Gantbrink announced the most important archaeological event of this decade, which was the discovery of a secret inner door in the Great Pyramid. Gantbrink was a specialist in robotics, and he designed a small robot he called Uboot 2, meaning path opener in hieroglyphs, to walk down the small passageway located inside a room. The queen, which was thought to have a short range, only extended for a few metres. The surprise was that the robot continued its advance, broadcasting images via video to the surveillance center, until it advanced a distance of 65 meters before it stopped in front of a small board that did not exceed twenty centimeters by twenty, on which two handles of... The copper is at the bottom right side of the painting, and it may be a door. A small break allows the light of the detector robot to pass through it, which suggested the presence of a void behind it and thus a room. The hasty announcement of Gantbrink led to an announcement of the discovery before coordinating with the Egyptian antiquities authorities, as customs and traditions require, to stop it. The engineer stopped working...and the project was stopped...and he does not know what this door hides. The Egyptian authorities do not allow the discovery behind it or permit exploratory missions again. The famous Egyptologist Evan Edwards says that it is possible that behind the door there is a room in which the mummy of Khufu is located. Others expect that the room will contain the Book of Knowledge written by the god Thoth, which contains the secrets of civilization, the secrets of designing the pyramid, and the secrets of humanity. Based on a text contained in the Book of Hermes about the secrets of knowledge, it says that the name of the pyramid in ancient times meant pmenousi, meaning the house of the secrets of existence. It was also said that Inside the room is the Holy Bin Bin Stone, which is a small pyramid ..

Schist stone... the hardest, hardest, and hardest type of stone... and even impossible to carve and shape... .... .....T...

Schist stone... the hardest, hardest, and hardest type of stone... and even impossible to carve and shape... .... .....
The Egyptians subdued him, subjugated him, and made masterpieces of him
The most powerful and powerful technologies of the era cannot make it

Consider the accuracy and splendor of the details that brought out the features clearly without 0.001% errors

What kind of people is this that God gave them talent, intelligence, ingenuity, and strength like the Egyptians?

It is the statue of King Menkau Ra, owner of the third pyramid in Giza, Fourth Dynasty - 2500 BC
That is, 4500 years ago from now


The pyramid consists of 2.3 million stones, each weighing about 3 tons, meaning that the total mass weighs 6.5 million tons. One theory about its construction posits that the pyramid was built with a long outer slope, which required a roll around a distance of over 1.5 km to help enough to pull the stones to the top, and was twice the size of the pyramid. The pyramid itself.

جبل الكريستال ⁦⛰️⁩💎يعتبر جبل الكريستال واحد من أندر الجبال وأكثرها جمالًا في العالم فهو عبارة عن جبل يتكون من صخور الكري...

جبل الكريستال ⁦⛰️⁩💎
يعتبر جبل الكريستال واحد من أندر الجبال وأكثرها جمالًا في العالم فهو عبارة عن جبل يتكون من صخور الكريستال اللامعة ويعد من الصخور النادرة التي لا مثيل لها في العالم ، والجبل يتكون من أكثر من ١٢ نوعًا من الكريستال متجمعة بداخل هذه الكتلة الجبلية الضخمة .
يقع الجبل بقلب الصحراء البيضاء بواحة الفرافرة في صحراء مصر الغربية وهو من أهم المزارات السياحية في الوادي الجديد لمناظره الساحرة وطبيعته الخلابة .

¶ الجبل من الناحية الچيولوچية وكيف تشكل :
يعتقد الچيولوچيين أن الجبل قديمًا كان عبارة عن كهف ومع مرور الوقت غمرته المياه وتحولت إلى صخور جيرية وتصدع سقفه وأصبح بهيئته الحالية ، ويرى رأي آخر أن نيزك ارتطم بهذه المنطقة منذ ملايين السنين وأن اصطدامه بالأرض ولد حرارة عالية أدت إلى إنصهار الصخور، حتى تحولت إلى قطع من الكريستال النفيسة ، ولكن الرأي الأول أكثر ترجيحًا
¶ الإهمال أدى إلى سرقة أغلب الكريستال ! 😅
تخيل أنه حتى عام ٢٠٠٨م كان الجبل بدون رقابة فكان السياح ينتهزون هذه الفرصة ويأخذوا ما يشائون من هذا الحجر النفيس ولم يدرك مرشدي الصحراء ذلك إلا بعد فوات الأوان ( كانوا يظنون أنها مجرد أحجار ملونة يجمعها السائحون للذكرى فقط ) حتى أنه لم يتبقى إلا هيكل الجبل الصلب الذي يصعب تكسيره ! حتى انتبهت وزارة البيئة عام ٢٠٠٨م وأعلنت الجبل كمحمية طبيعية.

Crystal Mountain ⛰️💎
The Crystal Mountain is one of the rarest and most beautiful mountains in the world, as it is a mountain consisting of shiny crystal rocks and one of the rare rocks that are unmatched in the world, and the mountain consists of more than 12 types of crystal clustered within this huge mountain block.
The mountain is located in the heart of the white desert in the Farafra oasis in the western desert of Egypt, and it is one of the most important tourist attractions in the New Valley for its charming scenery and picturesque nature.
¶ The mountain biologically and how it was formed:
Biologists believe that an ancient mountain was a cave and by the time it was flooded with water and turned into limestone and cracked its roof and became its current form, and another opinion believes that a meteorite hit this area millions of years ago and that its collision with the earth generated high heat that led to the melting of the rocks, until it turned into pieces Of precious crystal, but the first opinion is more likely
¶ Negligence led to most of the crystal being stolen! 😅
Imagine that until 2008 AD the mountain was without supervision, so the tourists took advantage of this opportunity and took whatever they wanted from this precious stone, and the desert guides did not realize that until it was too late (they thought they were just colored stones that tourists collect for remembrance only) so that only the solid structure of the mountain was left Which is hard to crack! Until 2008, the Ministry of Environment took notice and declared the mountain a nature reserve.


A dream trip to Siwa Oasis and a visit to the Temple of Amun, the Temple of Transfiguration in which revelation was revealed to Amun.

Sekhmet, goddess of discontent, anger, and war, from the Temple of Kom Ombo in Aswan ♥️Sekhmet was always represented in...

Sekhmet, goddess of discontent, anger, and war, from the Temple of Kom Ombo in Aswan ♥️
Sekhmet was always represented in the form of a woman with the head of a lioness, sitting on a throne, with a sun disk above her head. The center of her worship was in Memphis, and Sekhmet, meaning the powerful, was one of the members of the sacred triad of the gods of Memphis (Ptah - Sekhmet - Nefertum). Among her many titles are: “Sekhmet-at” meaning the Great Lady, “Meretptah” meaning beloved of Ptah, “Nebt-tawi” meaning Lady of the Two Lands (i.e. Upper and Lower Egypt), “Ain Ra” and “Mistress of War”. The lioness (female lion) is considered the sacred animal of Sekhmet.

Nearly a century and a half ago, specifically on December 24, 1873, the German explorer Gerhard Rohlfs arrived in an iso...

Nearly a century and a half ago, specifically on December 24, 1873, the German explorer Gerhard Rohlfs arrived in an isolated area located between the New Valley in the Western Desert and Assiut. He moved a lot with his animal until he finally reached the Eocene Plateau region, only to be surprised by a strange gate in The interior of that plateau began from the first glance as the entrance to one of the horror movie houses in the ground, where rocky deposits dangle like fangs, rising and falling.

Home Nature Al-Jara Cave.. A mystery at a depth of 50 meters that baffled scientists
It was settled by nomadic Egyptians 10 thousand years ago
Al-Jara Cave...a mystery at a depth of 50 meters that baffled scientists
Written by: Al-Zahraa Sami, July 31, Photographed by: Aya Abdel Rahman

Nearly a century and a half ago, specifically on December 24, 1873, the German explorer Gerhard Rohlfs arrived in an isolated area located between the New Valley in the Western Desert and Assiut. He moved a lot with his animal until he finally reached the Eocene Plateau region, only to be surprised by a strange gate in The interior of that plateau began from the first glance as the entrance to one of the horror movie houses in the ground, where rocky deposits dangle like fangs, rising and falling.

The German explorer, Gerhard Rolfs, dared to enter Al-Jara Cave. He then wrote in his books about the Western Desert that he saw dozens of human inscriptions. It appears that this cave was home to some of the first humans who inhabited that region, or they may have passed through it as he did. So he decided to settle for a while next to the neighbor’s cave to learn about its magical nature, which is unknown to this day, and is still a puzzling mystery to geologists. Then any mention of that cave disappeared for more than another 115 years, until the scientist “Carlo Bergman” found it in 1989. .

Home Nature Al-Jara Cave.. A mystery at a depth of 50 meters that baffled scientists
It was settled by nomadic Egyptians 10 thousand years ago
Al-Jara Cave...a mystery at a depth of 50 meters that baffled scientists
Written by: Al-Zahraa Sami, July 31, Photographed by: Aya Abdel Rahman

Nearly a century and a half ago, specifically on December 24, 1873, the German explorer Gerhard Rohlfs arrived in an isolated area located between the New Valley in the Western Desert and Assiut. He moved a lot with his animal until he finally reached the Eocene Plateau region, only to be surprised by a strange gate in The interior of that plateau began from the first glance as the entrance to one of the horror movie houses in the ground, where rocky deposits dangle like fangs, rising and falling.

The German explorer, Gerhard Rolfs, dared to enter Al-Jara Cave. He then wrote in his books about the Western Desert that he saw dozens of human inscriptions. It appears that this cave was home to some of the first humans who inhabited that region, or they may have passed through it as he did. So he decided to settle for a while next to the neighbor’s cave to learn about its magical nature, which is unknown to this day, and is still a puzzling mystery to geologists. Then any mention of that cave disappeared for more than another 115 years, until the scientist “Carlo Bergman” found it in 1989. .

Al-Jara Cave is a group of caves, located at a depth of more than 50 meters down into the ground in the heart of the Western Desert between the Bahariya Oasis and Assiut Governorate, specifically in the middle of the Farafra Desert, and near Wadi Muharraq after the White Desert Reserve, about 7 kilometers east towards Assiut, for three days. The last decades have witnessed many scientific visits to Egyptian and Western universities, starting with the Egyptian University of Ain Shams, the Finnish University of Helsinki, and the American University of Georgia, certainly due to the geological and archaeological importance of this rare plateau.

Al-Jara Cave has two main entrances, overlooking a steep edge. The first entrance overlooks the rubble and fragments of an old wall of the cave being demolished, and piles of sand appearing in a pyramidal shape on the left side of the left entrance, and the right side of the right entrance. Those entrances were opened from the roof. The cave occurs naturally as a result of weakness or fracture, before it collapses. The cave extends for about 70 meters, its width reaches 35 meters, and its height reaches six meters, although this size is not specified and clear, especially since the floor of the cave is covered with sand of unknown origin or thickness. The ceiling of the cave itself approaches the floor as we head towards the west and south, reaching less than two meters only.

Once the visitor sets foot inside the cave, which he will have to enter with his head bowed because he is in the ground, he will find a large room of about 1300 square meters, connected to a smaller room through a narrow corridor, decorated with some inscriptions of the Neolithic man, in addition to the inscriptions of some animals such as ostriches and deer And ibex with its large, medium, and small horns, and chickens, and 133 drawings of animals and creatures that lived in that lifeless region have been identified at the present time.

Scientists have explained this phenomenon by the climatic cycles that Egypt was exposed to and the increase in rainfall that led to the growth of grasses, which led to the presence and influx of herbivorous animals. Accordingly, meat-eating animals and humans appeared who lived in caves, or travelers who passed through them and settled in them for periods of time. This happened in the Neolithic era, approximately 7700 years BC, that is, about 10 thousand years ago. Al-Jara Cave existed and sheltered fleeing humans and predatory animals.
But when did the carving of the Jarrah Cave itself begin? This is a question that geologists tried to answer. More than 250 million years ago, this cave began to appear, then it continued for a few more million years until it reached this shape, and what indicates the existence of a large and huge water system. , whether it was on the surface or under the surface of the earth, resulting in these sands and other phenomena such as stalagmites and stalactites inside the cave, and the columns that occurred as a result of their coalescence with calcium carbonate that was dissolved in the water before the water confined and left its sediments in this way

Ain Al-Serw... The strange magic in the heart of the white desert does not stem from it except with the arrival of any l...

Ain Al-Serw... The strange magic in the heart of the white desert does not stem from it except with the arrival of any living being...

It is considered the eye of the cypress. A natural wonder in the heart of the desert. This magical spring or well is not just an underground water well with fresh water. It is located about 45 kilometers north of the city of Farafra, in the forty-million-year-old White Desert Reserve. New Valley Governorate.

Ain El-Serw is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Egypt. Visitors to the Western Desert cannot return without going through these unparalleled wonders in the world, especially since the region contains many ancient ruins dating back to the Pharaonic era, even if they are still covered. Under the sands including houses and pottery, as well as limestone rocks and crystal mountains with their wonderful colors and textured nature.

It is considered the water of the eye of the cypress. It is dry all the time, as its fresh water does not rise except when any living creature approaches it, even if it is a small bird, as if it knows that the thing it is approaching wants a drink. . And the water begins to rise gradually until the eye of the cypress is filled. in full. If its visitor leaves it, the water returns to the earth until it dries up completely, as if it were a dry spring.

The magic of the eye of the cypress. The wonder is not found in any other eye, as all the underground springs in the whole world continue to pump water continuously until it dries up. Or an animal, or a bird, or even a small insect.
Do not be surprised that you are now in Egypt, a country of wonders and a civilization for more than eleven thousand years .. You are welcome in Egypt .. I will wait for you .. and we will go together ..

As with the ancient Egyptian civilization, excitement and mystery, welcome, dear reader, to the City of the Dead or the ...

As with the ancient Egyptian civilization, excitement and mystery, welcome, dear reader, to the City of the Dead or the Cemetery of the Sublime Spirits in Upper Egypt.

Our tour will be "The Catacombs of Tuna El-Gebel"

In Middle Egypt, specifically in Upper Egypt, "Minya Governorate", the ancient city "Tuna El-Gebel" is located, and its official idol in ancient Egypt was "Thoth".

We are ready for adventure, let's go 🤸❤️

In Tuna al-Jabal, the place remained as a complete underground city, and it was revealed in 1935. It was called the "Cemetery of Sublime Spirits" or "The Catacombs of Mystery and Excitement" and it is a cemetery for sacred birds and animals.

Entrance from a small gate, then a vestibule of about 15 meters, and then what you can't imagine ❤️ 🫣 It is a huge set of passages carved into the rock, and it was intended for the burial of all the sacred ibises, otherwise known as ibis, as well as the sacred baboon - each of which is A symbol of the idol of Thoth. Wisdom and knowledge in ancient Egypt - and buried as offerings.

It is said that all the archaeological expeditions failed to harvest the number of its streets so far and did not reach its end due to the difficulty of breathing underground.

The place contains four cellars. The first basement floor was reserved for the burial of ibis and other birds. It consists of a main north-south street that intersects another east-west street in the centre. On both sides there are spacious halls dedicated to receiving the owners of the birds that will be buried.

The second floor, which is the widest, has long intersecting corridors in all its directions, forming curves that were not expected, but were necessitated by them for the purpose of resisting the rocky masses that are difficult to excavate. There is a temple in front of the entrance, preceded by a small stone altar. The temple is used for the funeral rites of ibis and baboons.

The third vault contains a large amount of mummies of baboon and baboon. In this cellar there is a limestone hut at its entrance a view of King Ptolemy III and a cartouche recording his name. Inside the vault is a view of the fairy doors that help the spirit out and back again to the ibex and baboons. There is a view of a mummified monkey and at the end of the cabin inside is a statue of a baboon made of limestone, to which a fourth crypt is connected by a long street located at the end of the west side.

Monkeys and birds are placed in niches on both sides of the corridors, and each niche is covered with a stone piece on which is written the name of the bird or monkey, the type of each, the name of the owner, and the reason for its occurrence. death.

Most of its streets were closed off with iron fences, fearing that visitors would lose their way and not be able to return

Also in the catacombs is the sarcophagus of the priest "Ankh-Hor", the priest of the idol Thoth, dating back to the twenty-sixth dynasty. The coffin lid weighs only about 8 tons. The mummy was transferred to the Egyptian Museum, while the sarcophagus remained.

The catacombs were once full of treasures, but they have been destroyed and stolen, and the area is sure to hold many of its secrets.


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Monday 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday 08:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday 08:00 - 16:00





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